André Jolivet
French composer born 8 August 1905 in Paris; died 20 December 1974 in Paris.
The son of amateur artists (his mother was a pianist; his father, a painter), André Jolivet was born in Paris in 1905 and began studying piano and music theory in 1909 with Henriette Fleurmann. He then briefly tried the clarinet and then, more seriously, the cello (around 1918); around the same time he joined the musical circle of the Church of Notre-Dame-de-Clignancourt, directed by Father Théodas. Jolivet was a school teacher in the city of Paris from 1924 to 1942, and at the same time followed his musical calling from a young age. He studied music theory and orchestration with Paul Le Flem (1927-1932), and composition with Edgard Varèse (1929-1933).
In 1931, Jolivet composed a String Quartet (his “school tribute” - testament scolaire, revised 1934), and one of his compositions was performed in public for the first time: his Trois Temps n°1 for piano premiered in a performance at the Société Nationale de Musique (SNM). After that, he was a regular guest of the SNM (notably, his Cinq incantations for flute were performed there), and participated in the creation of two concert societies, La Spirale (1935-1937), at whose first concert his Mana was premiered, and Jeune-France (founded in 1936 with Yves Baudrier, Daniel-Lesur, and Olivier Messiaen). At this time he began formalizing and disseminating his aesthetic approach, which was built on his left-wing political involvement, in lectures and articles.
After a first marriage to the violinist Martine Barbillon (1929), with whom he had a daughter, Françoise-Martine (born in 1930), in 1933 Jolivet married Sarah Hilda Ghuighui, with whom he had three children — Pierre-Alain (1935), Christine (1940), and Merri (1943). Hilda, who was Jewish, had survived the Second World War under the anti-semitic laws of France’s Vichy government. André, returning from his military service (an experience that inspired Les Trois Complaintes du Soldat), nevertheless continued to forge a place for himself in French musical circles. A member of the Association de Musique Contemporaine (1940) and the Groupement des Compositeurs de Paris (1943), he composed the ballet Guignol et Pandore for the Opéra de Paris (1944), sat on juries at the Conservatoire de Paris (for the flute section, for which he composed Le Chant de Linos in 1944), wrote a book on Beethoven (published in 1955) and worked from time to time for the Comédie-Française, for which he composed and had his first experiences as an orchestra conductor (Le Soulier de satin, 1943). He was elected musical director of the Comédie-Française, a position he held from 1945-1959. After 1945, he conducted performances around the world.
It was after World War II that Jolivet gained a wide national and international reputation. He was a prolific composer for all formations, ranging from solo pieces (two Sonatas for piano, 1945 and 1957; Cinq Eglogues for viola, 1967; Ascèses for clarinet, 1967) to orchestral compositions (12 concertos for various instruments, 1948-1972; three Symphonies, 1953, 1959, and 1964), as well as chamber pieces (Rhapsodie à sept, 1957; Cérémonial for percussions, 1966), and vocal works (Epithalame, 1953; La Vérité de Jeanne, 1956; Le Cœur de la matière, 1965). Jolivet also composed stage pieces, for dance and theater performances. Among other places, he traveled to Austria and Hungary (1949), to the United States (1960, 1964), to Japan (1959, 1970), and to the U.S.S.R. (8 concert tours between 1966 and 1974), a testament to his renown outside of France. His success, highlighted by seven Grands Prix du Disque was punctuated by a few scandals, for example, the turbulent premieres of the symphony pieces Cinq danses rituelles in 1944 and Concerto for piano in 1951.
Jolivet was also involved in certain distribution and promotional organizations – he was president of the Association des Concerts Lamoureux (1962-1968) – and advocated for musicians’ working conditions. In 1965, he was made honorary president of the Syndicat National des Artistes Musiciens and elected president of the Fédération Nationale du Spectacle-C.G.T., two performers’ unions, and with them participated in the May 1968 protests.
Jolivet was a Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (1955) and Commandeur dans l’Ordre National du Mérite et des Lettres (1973), served as a technical advisor to the French Ministry of Cultural Affairs (1959-1962), and in 1962 was a member of the Commission for the IVth and Vth Plans (French governmental planning commissions). In 1959, he founded the Centre Français d’Humanisme Musical, a composition and performance workshop located in Aix-en-Provence, which folded in 1963. He also taught at the Conservatoire de Paris, succeeding Jean Rivier and Darius Milhaud as professor of composition (1966-1970).
He died on 20 December 1974, leaving behind an uncompleted opera, Bogomilé.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2014
- Suzanne Demarquez, André Jolivet, Paris, Ventadour, 1958.
- Pierre Gaucher, De La Spirale au groupe Jeune France (1935-1945). Les tourments d’une avant-garde musicale, Thèse de doctorat de Musicologie, Université de Tours, 2001.
- Hilda Jolivet, Avec… André Jolivet, Paris, Flammarion, 1978.
- Lucie Kayas, André Jolivet, Paris, Fayard, 2005.
- Jean-Claire Vançon, André Jolivet, Paris, Bleu Nuit, 2007.
By Jean-Claire Vançon
For those who like music that is well-organized, André Jolivet may be disconcerting — and that is his virtue. His Piano Concerto provoked an uprising at its premiere in 1951, after which a number of those present finished the evening at the police station. One bold but anonymous listener wrote to Jolivet in 1969 to call him “Maestro Dodec-Cacophonist” and “Chief Cretin and Ear Shatterer” and accuse him of caring only for being “modern.” And yet Jolivet’s output was lengthy, and he received numerous state commissions and official distinctions. Couldn’t these be interpreted as signs of sage academicism? Appearances are insufficient; the question cannot be answered without listening to his music. But even then, opinions may change depending on what one listens to. For example, when the symphonic Les trois complaintes du soldat premiered in 1943, the composer Robert Bernard was shocked by the “essentially direct tone” of the work, as Jolivet had theretofore been known for his “incorrigible quest for aggressive novelty.”1 Jolivet’s trajectory was redirected several times over — from his avant-gardism of the 1930s, to his adoption of established models after 1940, which became sites for renewed experiments after 1958.
In 1936, Jolivet appeared to critics as the most “red”2 of the members of Jeune France, a group of composers united by their desire to produce “works [which are] youthful, free, as far removed from revolutionary formulas as from academic formulas.”3 Jolivet’s earliest compositions eschew rules and constraints on his creativity. In 1923, on a sketch page now preserved in his private archives, the young autodidact wrote: “Can we perfectly apply principles drawn from the work of a genius? Their application is beautiful when done by the geniuses themselves, but it loses its greatness when it becomes a grammatical rule imposed on the ideal.”4 The training he received from Paul Le Flem and Edgard Varèse, outside of any institutional context, did not suppress his iconoclastic instincts. Only sporadically and in polarized contexts did Jolivet use traditional chords, sometimes blurred by polytonality — as in Deux poésies de Francis Jammes (1928) and Three Times No. 1 for piano (1930). Elsewhere he avoids traditional chords altogether in the name of the disciplined atonality advanced by Varèse. Upon discovering Arnold Schoenberg at a 1927 concert, Jolivet became interested in dodecaphony. In 1937, he asked Max Deutsch, in vain, to initiate him in the method, having already tried to appropriate it intuitively in his Quatuor à cordes (1931, revised in 1934).
In the 1930s, Jolivet directed his voice toward Mana, the first work in which he claimed to have tried to “realize [his] conceptions of music.” A reader of Antonin Artaud, Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, and Matila Ghyka, Jolivet also exchanged views with the astrologically inclined Georges Migot and the esoterically inclined Hélène de Callias and Serge Moreux. These exchanges left him with the conviction that music was a “magic process” and that the musician was “an intermediary between Heaven and Earth.” To Jolivet, two civilizations seem to have already conceived of music in this way: the ancients and so-called “primitive” peoples. From Émile Durkheim or Henri Bergson, he encountered the Melanesian notion of “mana,” that “mysterious and active force possessed by certain individuals, the souls of the dead, and the spirits.” The six movements of Mana were each inspired by one of six objects left for Jolivet by Varèse prior to his return to the United States, which thus carried the impulse of his absent teacher. Jolivet’s works in this aesthetic could be described as “primitivist.” They include not only Mana, but also Prélude apocalyptique for organ, Danse incantatoire for orchestra, Cinq incantations for flute, Incantation … Pour que l’image devienne symbole for violin, Cosmogonie for piano or orchestra, and Cinq danses rituelles for piano or orchestra. Jolivet was convinced that universal harmony was revealed and transformed by the physical structure of sound itself, and that only music that took into account acoustical properties could bring about collective listening within a large group. Accordingly, and influenced by the teachings of Varèse, he used the laws of the corps sonore (the “sonorous body”) to demonstrate the “insufficiency of the tonal system” and to allow spectral concerns to govern his harmonic choices. The “primitive” model, meanwhile, imparted developmental procedures based on alternation and repetition (including varied iteration and developing proliferation) for constructing both line and form.
These works were novel and pioneering: post-war aesthetics were present in his use of autonomous musical parameters, irrational rhythmic construction, and experiments with instrumental timbre. For that reason, the pre-war Jolivet contributed significantly to the reputation he enjoyed after 1944. Many viewed him as Varèse’s student, and he was a faithful promoter of his teacher’s music. Having been assimilated by modernists, Varèse was the mediating figure who justified Jolivet’s being performed by the Ensemble Instrumental de Musique Contemporaine de Paris in 1964 and 1970, and invited in 1973 by Itinéraire to join their patronage committee — even as Jolivet’s compositions post-1958 rekindled the primitivist style he had more or less abandoned since 1940. His Cinq églogues for viola and his Ascèses for clarinet (1967) recall his Cinq incantations for flute, with their disjointed intervals over irregular rhythms and an unstable meter. From 1959 to 1974, Jolivet, who was also a former cellist, wrote a significant number of works for string instruments. With the warmth and abstraction of the string timbre, sometimes used as noise, Jolivet produces strange, sinuous, and expressive incantatory lines. These works again share a link to Varèse through a percussive throbbing — as in Cérémonial, a posthumous homage to Varèse, as well as Heptade, the Cello Concerto No. 1 (“Hiératique”), the Symphony No. 3 (“Véhément”), the Concert Suite for Flute and Percussion, and Controversia with its timbal-like harp.
Jolivet’s two primitivist phases were separated by a period during which his inspiration, while ample, was rather less disconcerting, insofar as his creativity drew upon established models. At the Comédie-Française, he demonstrated his conviction that a composer should be able to write “in every style.” He treated music as an element of décor: just as the set of the 1951 production of Le Bourgeois gentilhomme included a reconstruction of a room in the Château de Chambord where the work had premiered, so Jolivet took Jean-Baptiste Lully’s score under his baton. Especially after 1946, he expressed his desire to work toward a “synthesis of all the experimentation, of all the audacities of the past twenty years, enriched by the study of all the theories of the past and of all exotic techniques.” The clash of two traditions embodied in his Piano Concerto — exotic musics and the romantic concerto — ultimately created a memorable scandal.
Committed to “French music,” Jolivet held up Jean-Philippe Rameau as a national musical “prototype” — even while his own writing hardly resembles that of Rameau. And although he cited Igor Stravinsky, Manuel de Falla, Schoenberg, and Béla Bartók (to whom he dedicated his Piano Sonata No. 1) as the “spiritual inheritors of the great liberator, Claude Debussy,” Jolivet used none of these composers as a model either. Meanwhile, he wrote in “obstinate rhythms” under the dual influence of Johann Sebastian Bach (in the “Fugato” of the Concerto for Bassoon, String Orchestra, and Piano) and of bebop (the two trumpet concertos). Frenetic sixteenth-note passages are a stylistic trademark of his post-war style. Though his rhythmic writing rarely ever again approaches the complexity of Mana or Cinq incantations, it is sometimes shaped by extra-European influences (Asia in Concerto for ondes Martenot, Africa in the Allegro deciso of the Piano Concerto, Turkey and the Arab world in “Fluide” from his Symphony No. 2). Jolivet credits Beethoven for “the projection of sound” in his Concerto for ondes Martenot and for the development by “variation of orchestral mass” in his writing for large forces. Jolivet had previously attributed these qualities to Varèse, a fact that demonstrates the extent to which these names invoked to describe his work follow rather than precede the crystallization of his aesthetic convictions — and that the tutelage of one could easily be swapped for that of another.
Jolivet thus made the emblematic genres of the classical and romantic eras — the sonata, symphony, and concerto — his own. His attachment to the concerto genre may be understood in light of his friendship with great French soloists, to whose “transcendent technique and musical subtlety” each concerto pays “homage.” This romantic conception of instrumental supremacy, moreover, helps to explain why Jolivet never composed for the studio — and why his interest in electronic instruments was limited to the ondes Martenot, for which he wrote very early on (Trois poèmes pour ondes et piano from 1935). His heightened sense for timbre is apparent throughout these pieces and is a primary feature of the “twelve-part vocal orchestra” of his Epithalame.
As early as the 1920s and 1930s, the sonata and rondo made their imprint on Jolivet’s approach to form. In the aftermath of the war, he used these models — sometimes again in conjunction with extra-European references (as in the Piano Concerto, which was initially titled Equatoriales) — to structure multiple levels of the work: oppositions between movements and between sections, which he described in his sketches as “punctuations,” “enclaves,” or “sonic corners.” Elsewhere he crossbreeds forms. Whether in his Sonata No. 1 for Piano or in Mandala, many of his movements may be read as embedding several thematic networks. These are elaborated as a series of variations dispersed across the form and interwoven with variations from another thematic network, in a fusion of the sonata and rondo.
Meanwhile, Jolivet’s pitch systems are conceived in a highly syncretic modal framework. He generates his own scales, and borrows as often from liturgical modes (Messe pour le jour de la paix) as from modes of limited transposition, Greek modes (Suite delphique, Le Chant de Linos), and Hindu modes (Étude sur les modes antiques, Piano Concerto). He variously assimilates or contrasts these modes with tonality, whether by orienting the music around one pitch (not always the tonic) or by using the full chromatic range to play up the opposition between the notes belonging and not belonging to the mode (the Allegro molto in Piano Sonata No. 2, “Fluide” from Sonata for Flute and Piano).
In addition to his pursuit of modal continuities, Jolivet identified lyricism as a constant throughout the history of French music. He preferred lyricism to the well-worn qualities of elegance and concision. Lyricism, as it was for Jolivet, is exemplified in the variation lyrique,5 or fourth movement, of his Concertino for trumpet, piano, and string orchestra, and in the chant lyrique that arises in the soloist’s part following the introduction in the Largo cantabile in the Concerto for ondes. His lyricism represents an equilibrium between the demands of measure, rhythm, and expression: emphasis on the downbeat, flexible alternation between binary and ternary rhythms, and alternation between conjunct and disjunct intervals. This approach, used in the voice in Jardins d’hiver and in the slow movements of the concertos (sometimes marked cantabile), reveals how much lyricism is a quest for song. But is this lyricism, with its highly diversified melodic material that cannot easily be defined, really French? If it is not used to evoke France in La Vérité de Jeanne (which Jolivet composed for the fifth centenary of the posthumous pardon of Joan of Arc), it might be because it more logically comes from Austro-German lineage – that of Richard Wagner or Alban Berg.
Jolivet described his stylistic shift of 1940 as a desire to quell his pre-war detractors. Already in August 1937, he had admitted to Migot that he felt a sort of “musical stagnation.” He needed renewal — one that would be more a reformulation of, rather than a rupture with, the aesthetic project of the 1930s.
Thus in place of the fundamental Religion (capital R) of the “primitives,” Jolivet substituted a sense of religion (lowercase r) more in line with Catholic tradition, as in the Prélude apocalyptique for organ, an incantation performed on the instrument of the church. In 1938, the composition of two Kyries and the planned composition of a Mass reveal Christian influences that were encroaching, albeit fleetingly, on his primitivism. The work of the Jesuit philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (whose writings formed the libretto of Cœur de la matière) would later offer the means to reconcile these two tendencies: Jolivet adopted a form of spirituality closely related to primitivist devotion, reflected in a revamped style incantatoire. In place of relatively vague notions of ancient musical tradition, he pursued the more precise tradition of French music, resuming a trajectory he had embarked upon before the war. In the political climate, the threat of fascism from within and without led leftist parties to unite in 1934 in a national project to reverse internationalist discourses. Similarly, Jolivet took up from 1939 a call for a “reestablishment of a true French musical tradition,” with “lyric outpouring” as its touchstone. Finally, in place of “Man” (capital M) understood in its anthropological generality, Jolivet substituted the social role of man (lowercase m) in the contemporary listening public. For Jolivet, a committed activist for leftist causes, music should occupy a place in everyone’s daily life, and only has meaning insofar as it is heard by the greatest number. If his time spent with Varèse had initially inspired in him an idealist notion of soundwaves heard by the body, several public failures led Jolivet to desire communication with his listeners by means of a shared musical language.
Thus many of Jolivet’s shifts in reference are underpinned by a similar structure: the suppression of capital letters, representing disenchantment with utopian thought. He underwent coherent self-development, that of a man who, as he composed, more readily analyzed his own works than those of others, and found in his past the paths toward his own renewal, putting the resources of the avant-garde to his own ends. He was impressed by what Teilhard writes in Hymn à l’Univers, “Nothing is more precious than what is you in others, and others in you,” words that Jolivet used as the epigraph to his own Hymn à l’Universe. He sometimes took it upon himself to update prior works (for instance, Psyché, the second part of a cycle begun with Cosmogonie of 1938, was none other than a profound rewriting of the Danse incantatoire of 1936). In doing so, he was consistent with his self-described approach. “A musician only writes one work that unfolds in time, and that takes the name of several opuses,” he affirmed in 1957. “Yes, one sole work, continually unfolding.”6
- Laetitia CHASSAIN, “André Jolivet: la force de l’intuition,” thesis, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, 1999.
- Laetitia CHASSAIN and Lucie KAYAS (dir.), André Jolivet: Portraits, Arles, Actes Sud, 1994.
- Bridget CONRAD, “The Sources of Jolivet’s Musical Language and His Relationships with Varèse and Messiaen,” PhD diss., City University of New York, 1994.
- Luisa CURINGA, André Jolivet e l’umanismo musicale nella cultura francese del Novecento, Rome, Edicampus Edizioni, 2013.
- André JOLIVET and Edgard VARESE, Correspondance. 1931-1935, ed. Christine JOLIVET-ERLIH, Genève, Editions Contrechamps, 2002.
- Lucie KAYAS (dir.), Portrait(s) d’André Jolivet, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2005.
1. Robert BERNARD, “La Musique,” Nouveaux Temps, 7 March 1943. ↩
2. André CŒUROY, “Jeune France,” Gringoire, 19 May 1936. ↩
3. Translated in Nigel SIMEONE, “La Spirale and La Jeune France: Group Identities,” The Musical Times 143, no. 1880 (2002), p. 15. ↩
4. Unless otherwise indicated, quotations from Jolivet can be found in André JOLIVET, Écrits, ed. Christine JOLIVET-ERLIH, Paris, Delatour, 2007, 2 vol. ↩
5. André JOLIVET, draft of letter to Polydor (June 1973), Archives André Jolivet. ↩
6. Henri GAUBERT, “Comment ils travaillent: André Jolivet,” Musica 5 (1957), p. 7. ↩
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2014
- Solo (excluding voice)
- Romance barbare for piano (1918), 4 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Le soleil se couche, disposition à la mort de Pétrarque for piano (1922), Inédit
- Trois danses n°1 for piano (1923), Inédit
- Trois danses n°2 for piano (1923), Inédit
- Trois Romances sans paroles for piano (1924), Inédit
- Valse en voulant rire for piano (1924), Inédit
- Crépuscule en appartement for piano (1925), Inédit
- Deux Préludes - tangos for piano (1925), Inédit
- Nocturnes d'Ajaccio two pieces for solo piano (1925), Inédit
- Petite Suite for piano (1925), Inédit
- Pièce pour piano (untitled) (1925), Inédit
- Quatre Préludes for piano (1925), Inédit
- Prélude pour piano : Tamise (1926), Inédit
- Tango for piano (1927), Inédit
- Pic-Nic piano movement (1928), 2 mn about , Choudens
- Deux Mouvements for piano (1930), 8 mn, Billaudot
- Sarabande sur le nom d'Erik Satie for piano (1925-1930), 5 mn 50 s about , Billaudot
- Trois Temps n°1 for piano (1930), 7 mn, M. Senart
- Six études for piano (1931), 12 mn about , Inédit
- Trois Temps n°2 for piano (1931), 6 mn about , Inédit
- Trois Croquis for piano (1932), 10 mn, Le Chant du Monde
- Algeria-Tango for piano (1934), 2 mn, Billaudot
- One Step for piano (1934), 60 s, Billaudot
- Sidi-Yahia for piano (1934), 6 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Don't care, Baby Slow fox for piano (1935), Inédit
- El viejo camello ou (Slow-Fox) The Old Camel for piano (1935), 2 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- From Bom Bo for piano (1935), 1 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Karamouchka tango for piano (1935), 60 s about
- Madia Rumba for piano (1935), 1 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Mana six pieces for piano (1935), 12 mn, Lemoine
- Prélude apocalyptique for organ (1935), 10 mn, Billaudot
- Tchitchouka Fox Trot Rumba for piano (1935), Inédit
- Cinq incantations for flute (1936), 17 mn, Boosey & Hawkes [program note]
- "Incantation" ... Pour que l'image devienne symbole for solo violin or ondes Martenot (1937), 3 mn, Billaudot
- "Incantation" ... Pour que l'image devienne symbole for flute (G or C) (1937), 3 mn
- Cosmogonie prelude for piano (1938), 8 mn, Eschig
- Cinq danses rituelles for piano (1938-1939), 25 mn, Durand
- Cinq interludes for organ (1943), 12 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- Étude sur les modes antiques for piano (1944), 12 mn, Durand
- Sonate n°1 for piano (1945), 22 mn, Universal Edition
- stage La Surprise de l'amour stage music for Molière's play (1947)
- Trois Monodies for ondes Martenot or violin (1947), Inédit
- La Flûte du Bœuf musical interventions for Les Femmes du Bœuf by Jacques Audiberti (1948), 1 mn 45 s, Inédit
- Danse roumaine for piano (1949), 3 mn, Lemoine
- Berceuse dans un hamac for piano (1949-1950), 1 mn 20 s, Billaudot
- Chansons naïves for piano (1951), 7 mn 55 s, Billaudot
- Sonate n°2 for piano (1957), 17 mn, Heugel
- Hymne à l'Univers for organ (1961), 14 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Deux études de concert for guitar (1963), 7 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Suite en concert for solo cello (1965), 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Suite rhapsodique for solo violin (1965), 16 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Ascèses for clarinet or flute (1967), 14 mn 37 s, Billaudot
- Cinq Eglogues for solo viola (1967), 12 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Mandala for organ (1969), 15 mn, Billaudot
- Tombeau de Robert de Visée guitar suite (1972), 13 mn 15 s, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Une minute trente for recorder (soprano or tenor) or transverse flute (1974), 1 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Chamber music
- Graines de drame radio music for Dialogues d'amore (), 12 mn about , Inédit
- Pièces à deux for violin and piano (), Inédit
- Les Amours de la girafe et de l'éléphant suite in 8 movements for 2 violins, cello and piano (1923), Inédit
- Trois Sarabandes for piano (to be played by two) (1924), Inédit
- Valses ignobles et - las - sentimentales for cello and piano (1924), Inédit
- Canzone for four cellos (1925), Inédit
- Sérénade for flute, cello and piano (1925), Inédit
- Romance for clarinet and double bass (1927), Inédit
- Sonatine for violin and piano (1928), Inédit
- Air pour bercer for violin and piano (1930), 4 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- Fugue for string quartet on a subject by Gédalge (1930), Inédit
- Grave et Gigue two easy pieces for violin and piano (1930), 4 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- Prélude et Grave for violin and piano (1930), Inédit
- Trio à cordes (1930), Inédit
- Aubade for piano and violin, or piano, two violins, cello and double bass (1932), 4 mn, Billaudot
- Choral et fugato for piano four hands (1932), 10 mn, Billaudot
- Sonate for violin and piano (1932), 18 mn, Salabert
- Quatuor à cordes (1931-1934), 22 mn, Heugel
- Suite for string trio (1934), 21 mn, Billaudot
- Trio for harp, flute and cello (1934), Inédit
- Trois Poèmes for ondes Martenot and piano (1935), 16 mn, Salabert
- Trois Poèmes melodies for string quartet, piano and voice (1935), 25 mn, Billaudot
- stage L'Infante et le Monstre choreographic entertainment for four ondes Martenot, piano and percussions (1938), 15 mn about , Inédit
- Ouverture Rondeau for four ondes Martenot, two pianos and percussions (1938), 3 mn, Billaudot
- stage Aimer sans savoir qui stage music for the play by Lope de Vega directed by Jean Vilar (1941), 18 mn, Inédit
- Petite Suite for flute, viola and harp (1941), 11 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Nocturne for cello and piano (1943), 10 mn, Durand
- Pastorales de Noël for flute, bassoon and harp (1943), between 10 mn and 13 mn, Heugel
- Le Chant de Linos for flute, violin, viola, cello and harp (1944), 10 mn 30 s
- Le Chant de Linos for flute and piano (1944), 10 mn 30 s, Alphonse Leduc
- Sérénade for wind quintet with main oboe (1945), Billaudot
- Sérénade for oboe and piano (1945), Billaudot
- Divertissement à la roumaine for small flute, English horn, violin and harp (1946), 2 mn 45 s, Inédit
- Six fanfares music for a poetic morning at the Comédie-Française (1946), Inédit
- Antergan film music for the documentary by Léo Joannon (1946-1947), 12 mn about , Inédit
- Interventions musicales pour « Littérature » for piano, celesta, vibraphone and xylophone (1947), Inédit
- Petite suite for two violins, viola, cello, double bass, piano and drums (ad lib) (1947), 7 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Hopi Snake Dance for two pianos (1948), 8 mn, Pierre Noël
- stage Les Précieuses ridicules stage music for Molière's play (1949), 5 mn, Inédit
- Baschibah radio music for trumpet, cello and harp (1950), Inédit
- Chasse à l'ours film music for brass instruments and ondes Martenot (1950), Inédit
- stage L'Otage musical elements for act III of the play by Paul Claudel (1950), Inédit
- Dentol NH4 three-part commercial music (1951), 60 s about , Inédit
- stage La Petite Catherine de Heilbronn fanfares for the play by Heinrich von Kleist (1950-1951), 7 mn, Inédit
- Air de bravoure for trumpet with piano accompaniment (ad lib) (1952), 1 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Concerto for harp and piano (1952), 17 mn, Billaudot
- stage Mithridate fanfares for Racine's play (1952), 1 mn 6 s, Inédit
- Cabrioles for flute and piano (1953), 1 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Chant pour les piroguiers de l'Orénoque for oboe and piano (1953), 1 mn 45 s, Billaudot
- stage Dardanelle Fanfare-fantasy for the end of act II of Emile Mazaud's play (1953), 3 mn about , Inédit
- Fantaisie-Caprice for flute with piano accompaniment (1953), 2 mn 30 s, Alphonse Leduc
- Fantaisie-Impromptu for alto saxophone with piano accompaniment (1953), 3 mn 15 s, Alphonse Leduc
- stage Les Caprices de Marianne Musical illustrations for Musset's play directed by Julien Bertheau (1953), Inédit
- Méditation for clarinet and piano (1954), 2 mn, Billaudot
- Laden music for a commercial (1955), 58 s, Inédit
- Coriolan fanfares in 17 numbers for Shakespeare's play translated by René-Louis Pinchaud (1956), 8 mn about , Inédit
- Sérénade for two guitars (1956), 12 mn, Heugel
- Croix verte commercial music (1957), 1 mn 2 s, Inédit
- Sunil IV production music (1957), 45 s, Inédit
- Sunil V production music (1957), 45 s, Inédit
- Concerto for two pianos (1958), 23 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Sonate for flute and piano (1958), 16 mn, Heugel
- Indicatifs pour la R.T.F. for three trumpets, three trombones and two percussionists (1960), Inédit
- Life German commercial music (1960), Inédit
- Pall Mall commercial music (1960), Inédit
- Marines for trumpet and piano (1961), 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Sonatine for oboe and clarinet (1961), Boosey & Hawkes
- Sonatine for flute and clarinet (1961), 8 mn 30 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- L'Atrabilaire radio music for Ménandre's play adapted by Jean de Beer (1962), 5 mn about , Inédit
- Alla rustica divertimento for flute and harp (1963), Boosey & Hawkes
- Sonatine for oboe and bassoon (1963), 7 mn, Boosey & Hawkes [program note]
- Arioso barocco for trumpet and organ (1968), 7 mn, Billaudot
- Cérémonial tribute to Varese for six percussionists (1968), 12 mn, Billaudot
- Controversia for oboe and harp (1968), 10 mn, Billaudot
- Patchinko for two pianos (1970), 2 mn 15 s, Billaudot
- Heptade for trumpet and percussion (1971), 16 mn 5 s, Billaudot
- Pipeaubec two pieces for recorder (soprano or tenor) and percussion (1972), 3 mn, Heugel
- Instrumental ensemble music
- Dessins animés publicitaires Sanders for ensemble (), Inédit
- Le Guerrier de Rabinal radio music for a Mayan drama by Nadine Lefébure (), 12 mn, Inédit
- Deux Tangos for orchestra (1923), Inédit
- Le soleil se couche for fifteen instruments (1922-1923), Inédit
- Chevaux de bois for small instrumental ensemble (1927), Inédit
- Ouverture for orchestra (1930), 8 mn about , Inédit
- Choral et fugato for orchestra (1930-1932), 10 mn, Billaudot
- Andante for string orchestra (1934)
- Danse incantatoire for orchestra (1935), 8 mn, Billaudot
- Soir for small orchestra (1935)
- Défilé for wind ensemble (1936), Editions Sociales Internationales
- Soir for wind ensemble (1936), Editions Sociales Internationales
- Cosmogonie prelude for orchestra (1938), 8 mn
- Grave et Gigue for string orchestra (1938), 4 mn
- L'Infante et le Monstre choreographic divertissement for orchestra (1938), 15 mn about
- Ouverture Rondeau for string orchestra (1938), 3 mn
- Ouverture Rondeau for small orchestra (1938), 3 mn, Billaudot
- Cinq danses rituelles for orchestra (1940), 25 mn
- stage Les Quatre Vérités one-act ballet for orchestra (1940)
- stage Ballet des étoiles for ensemble (1941), 7 mn, Billaudot
- Symphonie de danses for orchestra (1941), Pierre Noël
- Boxe en France film music for ensemble (1942), 4 mn 44 s, Choudens
- Maisons mortes / Chéret film music for a documentary on Jules Chéret (1942), 4 mn 41 s, Inédit
- stage Guignol et Pandore Ballet in one act (1943), 35 mn, Eschig
- Guignol et Pandore. Suite symphonique for orchestra (1943), 35 mn
- stage Iphigénie à Delphes stage music for the play by Gerhart Hauptmann (1943), Inédit
- La Parole est d'argent movie soundtrack (1943), 8 mn about , Inédit
- Suite delphique for orchestra (1943), Billaudot
- Acheté en gare radio call sign (1944), 1 mn 40 s, Inédit
- stage Le Malade imaginaire stage music for Molière's play (1944), Inédit
- Les Ultra-sons film music for a documentary (1944), 6 mn about , Inédit
- Indicatifs pour « L'Épopée française en Afrique » for ensemble (1945), Inédit
- Le Haricot vert et Les Voisins radio music for two plays by Henri Duvernois (1945), Inédit
- stage Britannicus stage music for Racine's play (1946), 15 mn, Inédit
- La lueur qui s'éteint film music in 7 sequences for the film by Pierre Thévenard (1946), 7 mn 5 s, Compte d'auteur
- Le Lavoir en folie film score for Saponite advertisement (1946), Inédit
- Le Livre de Christophe Colomb music for the radio legend of Paul Claudel (1946), Inédit
- Psyché symphonic movement (1946), 19 mn, Inédit
- stage Horace Fanfares for Corneille's play (1947)
- Indicatifs pour « Frères de sang » children's novel (1947), 1 mn 37 s, Inédit
- Indicatifs pour « Littérature » (1947), Inédit
- Le Champignon qui tue music in 9 sequences for the film by Doctor Pierre Thévenard (1948), 56 mn 50 s, Inédit
- Le Spitzberg film music for a documentary (1948), 15 mn 17 s, Inédit
- Sim music in 6 sequences for a cartoon by Breuil (1948), 4 mn 34 s, Inédit
- Éléments musicaux pour les dessins animés Saponite [Le Cygne, Le Raton-laveur, Le Caméléon] for ensemble (1949), Inédit
- stage Hélène et Faust radio stage music for the tragedy by Alexandre Arnoux (1949), 30 mn about , Inédit
- stage Iphigénie en Aulide stage music in 16 numbers for Racine's play (1949), 15 mn about , Inédit
- Indicatifs pour les émissions de la Comédie-Française for ensemble (1950), 3 mn 5 s, Inédit
- La Route du fer film music for a documentary by Edouard Logereau (1950), Inédit
- Laboratoires Roussel film music for a documentary (1950), Inédit
- stage Antigone stage music for Sophocles' play (1951), 27 mn, Inédit
- La Fille d'honneur radio stage music in 18 numbers for the play by Philip Massinger (1951), 10 mn about , Inédit
- stage Le Bourgeois gentilhomme Lully's stage music orchestrated by André Jolivet (1951), Inédit
- Le Vrai Coupable music for the film by doctor Pierre Thévenard (1951), between 20 mn and 30 mn, Inédit
- Empereur Jones Radio music for the play by Eugène O'Neill (1953), 4 mn, Inédit
- Symphonie n°1 for orchestra (1953), 25 mn, Heugel
- stage Fantasio stage music in 17 numbers for Musset's play (1954), Inédit
- L'Omoscope Music for cartoon advertisement (1954), 60 s, Inédit
- stage Les Amants magnifiques music by Lully adapted, completed and orchestrated by André Jolivet for Molière's comedy-ballet, interludes taken from La Fontaine (1954), Inédit
- Les Aventures d'une mouche bleue music in 21 sequences for the film by Doctor Pierre Thévenard (1954), 29 mn, Inédit
- stage Prométhée enchaîné stage music for Aeschylus' play adapted by Jean de Beer (1954), 30 mn 32 s, Inédit
- Vingt minutes sous les mers music in one credits and 13 sequences for Doctor Pierre Thévenard's film (1954), 25 mn, Inédit
- La Mort de Pompée music by Lully, M.R. de Lalande, M.A. Charpentier and J.J. Mouret collected by Janine Weill and orchestrated by André Jolivet, for the play by Corneille (1955), 10 mn about , Inédit
- Le Soleil se lève à l'Est music in 17 sequences for the film by Doctor Pierre Thévenard (1955), Inédit
- stage Le Veuf Stage music for the proverb by Carmontelle (1955), 12 mn about , Inédit
- Suite transocéane for orchestra (1955), 25 mn, Heugel
- stage L'Amour médecin music by Lully collected, orchestrated and completed by André Jolivet for Molière's comedy (1956), Inédit
- La France romane film music in 11 sequences for Edouard Logereau's documentary (1956), 20 mn, Inédit
- stage Amphytrion music for Molière's play, based on themes from Grétry's Amphytrion (1957), Inédit
- stage Il ne faut jurer de rien stage music for Musset's play based on period motifs (1957), 12 mn about , Inédit
- stage La Réunion des amours Stage music for the play by Marivaux (1957), 3 mn about , Inédit
- Pye film music in nine sequences (1957), 7 mn about , Inédit
- Rhapsodie à sept for clarinet in B flat, bassoon, cornet in B flat, trombone, drums, violin and double bass (1957), 19 mn, Billaudot
- Suite française for orchestra (1957), 18 mn, Pathé-Marconi
- Cinéma et publicité (1958), 30 mn, Inédit
- Total commercial music (1958), 33 s, Inédit
- Charbonnages de France commercial music for ensemble (1959), Inédit
- Formula 21 music for commercial (1959), 32 s, Inédit
- Monsavon commercial music (1959), 2 mn 7 s, Inédit
- Symphonie n°2 for orchestra (1959)
- Adagio for strings (1960), 7 mn 30 s, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- National Beer film score in 5 sequences for an English documentary about beer (1960), 6 mn 10 s, Inédit
- stage Ombres lunaires one-act ballet and four scenes for orchestra (1960), Pierre Noël
- Consulate I-IV commercial music (1961), Inédit
- Ildewild commercial music (1961), Inédit
- Les Amants magnifiques variations on themes by Lully, for orchestra (1961), 12 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Polycolor commercial music (1961), Inédit
- Symphonie for strings (1961), 23 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Fanfares pour Britannicus for brass instruments and timpani (1962), 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- stage Ariadne one-act ballet music for ensemble (1964), 28 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Symphonie n°3 for orchestra (1962-1964), 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Ariadne. Suite symphonique for orchestra (1965), 28 mn
- Douze inventions for twelve instruments (1966), 12 mn, Billaudot
- La Flèche du Temps for twelve strings soloists (1973), 15 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Yin-Yang for eleven solo strings (1973), 16 mn 30 s, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Concertant music
- Concerto with principal viola (1931), 20 mn about , Inédit
- Concerto for Ondes Martenot and orchestra (1947), 23 mn, Heugel
- Concertino for trumpet, string orchestra and piano (1948), 9 mn 30 s, Durand
- Concerto for flute and string orchestra (1949), 12 mn 30 s, Heugel
- stage Concerto for piano and orchestra (1949-1950), 23 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Concerto for harp and chamber orchestra (1952), 17 mn, Billaudot
- Concerto for bassoon, string orchestra, harp and piano (1953-1954), 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- stage Concerto n°2 [Marines] ballet by Georges Skibine for trumpet (1954-1955), 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Concerto for percussion and orchestra (1958), 17 mn, Salabert
- Concerto n°1 for cello (1962), 23 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- stage Édyades ballet (1965), 16 mn
- Suite en concert pour flûte et percussion [Flute Concerto No. 2] (1965), 16 mn, Billaudot
- Concerto n°2 for cello (1966), 22 mn, Billaudot
- Concerto for violin (1972), 30 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Les Trois Complaintes du Soldat for voice and piano (), 16 mn, Durand
- Trois Poèmes chantés for voice and piano (), Inédit
- Parfum de lettres brûlées for voice and piano (1922), Inédit
- La Lampe se balance for voice and piano (1923), Inédit
- Deuxième Lied for voice and piano (1924), Inédit
- Sainte Perpétue for one voice and thirteen instruments (1924), Inédit
- Deux Poèmes d'Alfred Jarry for voice and piano (1924-1925), Inédit
- Trois Poèmes de Cocteau for voice and piano (1925)
- Cinq Airs militaires for voice and piano (1927), Inédit
- Deux paroles de Paul-Jean Toulet for voice and piano (1927)
- Deux Poèmes de Pierre Reverdy for voice and piano (1927), 3 mn, Billaudot
- Chewing Gum for voice and piano (1928), 2 mn, Billaudot
- Deux Poésies de Francis Jammes melodies for two voices and small orchestra (1928), 4 mn, Billaudot
- Deux Poésies de Francis Jammes for voice and piano (1928), 4 mn, Billaudot
- Je me suis séparé de vous for voice and piano (1928), Inédit
- Quatre mélodies sur des poésies anciennes for soprano (or mezzo) and orchestra (1928), 5 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Paroles de Marie à son fils for soprano and piano (1929), 2 mn, Billaudot
- La Mule de Lord Bolingbroke for voice and piano (1930), 2 mn, Billaudot
- Trois Prières de l'homme for voice and piano (1927-1930), Inédit
- Trois Rondels de François Villon for voice and piano (1930), 4 mn, Billaudot
- Prière de treize hommes dans la mine for baritone or mezzo and piano (1931), 2 mn 45 s, Billaudot
- Quatre mélodies sur des poésies anciennes for soprano (or mezzo) and piano (1929-1931), 5 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Romantiques three poems for voice and piano (1930-1934), 11 mn, Billaudot
- Le Chant des regrets for voice and piano (1935), 3 mn, Billaudot
- Chants d'hier et de demain for solo baritone, male choir and orchestra (1931-1937)
- Chants d'hier et de demain melodies for baritone and piano (1931-1937), Billaudot
- Le Jeu du camp fou for voice and piano (1937), 3 mn, Editions Sociales Internationales
- Trois Chants des Hommes for baritone and large orchestra (1937), 28 mn, Inédit
- Trois Chants des Hommes for baritone and piano (1937), 28 mn, Billaudot
- Poèmes pour l'enfant for voice and eleven instruments (1938), 25 mn, Billaudot
- Messe pour le jour de la paix (1940), 17 mn, Heugel
- stage La Pêche miraculeuse ballet for 3 soloists and orchestra (1941), 3 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- La Tentation dernière radio scene for reciters, 3 female voices, spoken choir, mixed sung choir and orchestra (1941), 20 mn, Inédit
- stage Le Mystère de la Visitation stage music for the play by Henri Ghéon (1942), Inédit
- Les Trois Complaintes du Soldat for voice and orchestra (1942), 16 mn
- Missa brevis for voice and organ (1942), 20 mn about , Inédit
- Suite liturgique for voice, English horn (taking the oboe), cello and harp (1942), 19 mn, Durand
- La Queste de Lancelot radio legend in two parts for solo voices, choir and orchestra (1943), Inédit
- Poèmes intimes five melodies for voice and orchestra (1943)
- Poèmes intimes for voice and piano (1943), Heugel
- Trois Chansons de ménestrels for voice and piano (1943), 7 mn, Heugel
- stage Dolorès, ou le Miracle de la femme laide Opera buffa in one act (1941-1944), 55 mn, Salabert
- Chevaliers de la table ronde music for orchestra, voices and choir (1947), 7 mn, Inédit
- Hymne à Saint-André for organ and voice on a text of the ritual of the Latin Mass (1947), 5 mn, Billaudot
- Le Chant de l'avenir for voice and piano (1947), 60 s about , Le Chant du Monde
- stage L'Epreuve stage music: arrangement of the final verse for the play by Marivaux (1949), Inédit
- stage L'Inconnue ballet in one act based on an argument by Léandre Vaillat (1950), 26 mn, Inédit
- Jardins d'hiver melodies for voice and piano on poems by Georges Lefilleul (1951), 9 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Trois Poèmes galants melodies for voice and piano (1951), 8 mn, Heugel
- La Vérité de Jeanne oratorio for soli, choir and orchestra, based on a text taken from the minutes of Joan of Arc's rehabilitation process (1956), 1 h 20 mn, Salabert
- Trois Interludes de la Vérité de Jeanne for orchestra (1956), Salabert
- Messe « Uxor Tua » (1962), 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Madrigal melodies for four voices and four instruments on poems by Max Jacob (1963), 11 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Le Cœur de la matière cantata for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra (1965), 30 mn, Billaudot
- Songe à nouveau rêvé melodies for soprano and orchestra on poems by Antoine Goléa (1970), 30 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- stage Bogomilé ou le Lieutenant perdu [inachevé] opera in four acts for voice and orchestra (1972), Inédit
- A cappella vocal music
- Sonnet de Ronsard for three female voices (1929), 2 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Ho ! Flibustiers ! privateers song for men's choir in three voices, rhythms and basses (1949), 3 mn, Billaudot
- Epithalame for 12-part vocal orchestra on a text by André Jolivet (1953), 12 mn, Billaudot
- Unspecified instrumentation
- Andromaque fanfares for Racine's play (1947), Inédit
- L'Ecole des maris Carillon for Molière's play (1954), Inédit
Catalog sources and details
- Lucie KAYAS, André Jolivet (1905-1974). Catalogue raisonné, tapuscrit inédit, 2006.
- 1974
- Une minute trente for recorder (soprano or tenor) or transverse flute, 1 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- 1973
- La Flèche du Temps for twelve strings soloists, 15 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Yin-Yang for eleven solo strings, 16 mn 30 s, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- 1972
- stage Bogomilé ou le Lieutenant perdu [inachevé] opera in four acts for voice and orchestra, Inédit
- Concerto for violin, 30 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Pipeaubec two pieces for recorder (soprano or tenor) and percussion, 3 mn, Heugel
- Tombeau de Robert de Visée guitar suite, 13 mn 15 s, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- 1971
- Heptade for trumpet and percussion, 16 mn 5 s, Billaudot
- 1970
- Patchinko for two pianos, 2 mn 15 s, Billaudot
- Songe à nouveau rêvé melodies for soprano and orchestra on poems by Antoine Goléa, 30 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- 1969
- Mandala for organ, 15 mn, Billaudot
- 1968
- Arioso barocco for trumpet and organ, 7 mn, Billaudot
- Controversia for oboe and harp, 10 mn, Billaudot
- Cérémonial tribute to Varese for six percussionists, 12 mn, Billaudot
- 1967
- Ascèses for clarinet or flute, 14 mn 37 s, Billaudot
- Cinq Eglogues for solo viola, 12 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- 1966
- Concerto n°2 for cello, 22 mn, Billaudot
- Douze inventions for twelve instruments, 12 mn, Billaudot
- 1965
- Ariadne. Suite symphonique for orchestra, 28 mn
- Le Cœur de la matière cantata for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra, 30 mn, Billaudot
- Suite en concert for solo cello, 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Suite en concert pour flûte et percussion [Flute Concerto No. 2], 16 mn, Billaudot
- Suite rhapsodique for solo violin, 16 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- stage Édyades ballet, 16 mn
- 1964
- stage Ariadne one-act ballet music for ensemble, 28 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Symphonie n°3 for orchestra, 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- 1963
- Alla rustica divertimento for flute and harp, Boosey & Hawkes
- Deux études de concert for guitar, 7 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Madrigal melodies for four voices and four instruments on poems by Max Jacob, 11 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sonatine for oboe and bassoon, 7 mn, Boosey & Hawkes [program note]
- 1962
- Concerto n°1 for cello, 23 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Fanfares pour Britannicus for brass instruments and timpani, 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- L'Atrabilaire radio music for Ménandre's play adapted by Jean de Beer, 5 mn about , Inédit
- Messe « Uxor Tua », 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- 1961
- Consulate I-IV commercial music, Inédit
- Hymne à l'Univers for organ, 14 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Ildewild commercial music, Inédit
- Les Amants magnifiques variations on themes by Lully, for orchestra, 12 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Marines for trumpet and piano, 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Polycolor commercial music, Inédit
- Sonatine for oboe and clarinet, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sonatine for flute and clarinet, 8 mn 30 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- Symphonie for strings, 23 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- 1960
- Adagio for strings, 7 mn 30 s, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Indicatifs pour la R.T.F. for three trumpets, three trombones and two percussionists, Inédit
- Life German commercial music, Inédit
- National Beer film score in 5 sequences for an English documentary about beer, 6 mn 10 s, Inédit
- stage Ombres lunaires one-act ballet and four scenes for orchestra, Pierre Noël
- Pall Mall commercial music, Inédit
- 1959
- Charbonnages de France commercial music for ensemble, Inédit
- Formula 21 music for commercial, 32 s, Inédit
- Monsavon commercial music, 2 mn 7 s, Inédit
- Symphonie n°2 for orchestra
- 1958
- Cinéma et publicité, 30 mn, Inédit
- Concerto for two pianos, 23 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Concerto for percussion and orchestra, 17 mn, Salabert
- Sonate for flute and piano, 16 mn, Heugel
- Total commercial music, 33 s, Inédit
- 1957
- stage Amphytrion music for Molière's play, based on themes from Grétry's Amphytrion , Inédit
- Croix verte commercial music, 1 mn 2 s, Inédit
- stage Il ne faut jurer de rien stage music for Musset's play based on period motifs, 12 mn about , Inédit
- stage La Réunion des amours Stage music for the play by Marivaux, 3 mn about , Inédit
- Pye film music in nine sequences, 7 mn about , Inédit
- Rhapsodie à sept for clarinet in B flat, bassoon, cornet in B flat, trombone, drums, violin and double bass, 19 mn, Billaudot
- Sonate n°2 for piano, 17 mn, Heugel
- Suite française for orchestra, 18 mn, Pathé-Marconi
- Sunil IV production music, 45 s, Inédit
- Sunil V production music, 45 s, Inédit
- 1956
- Coriolan fanfares in 17 numbers for Shakespeare's play translated by René-Louis Pinchaud, 8 mn about , Inédit
- stage L'Amour médecin music by Lully collected, orchestrated and completed by André Jolivet for Molière's comedy, Inédit
- La France romane film music in 11 sequences for Edouard Logereau's documentary, 20 mn, Inédit
- La Vérité de Jeanne oratorio for soli, choir and orchestra, based on a text taken from the minutes of Joan of Arc's rehabilitation process, 1 h 20 mn, Salabert
- Sérénade for two guitars, 12 mn, Heugel
- Trois Interludes de la Vérité de Jeanne for orchestra, Salabert
- 1955
- stage Concerto n°2 [Marines] ballet by Georges Skibine for trumpet, 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- La Mort de Pompée music by Lully, M.R. de Lalande, M.A. Charpentier and J.J. Mouret collected by Janine Weill and orchestrated by André Jolivet, for the play by Corneille, 10 mn about , Inédit
- Laden music for a commercial, 58 s, Inédit
- Le Soleil se lève à l'Est music in 17 sequences for the film by Doctor Pierre Thévenard, Inédit
- stage Le Veuf Stage music for the proverb by Carmontelle, 12 mn about , Inédit
- Suite transocéane for orchestra, 25 mn, Heugel
- 1954
- Concerto for bassoon, string orchestra, harp and piano, 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- stage Fantasio stage music in 17 numbers for Musset's play, Inédit
- L'Ecole des maris Carillon for Molière's play, Inédit
- L'Omoscope Music for cartoon advertisement, 60 s, Inédit
- stage Les Amants magnifiques music by Lully adapted, completed and orchestrated by André Jolivet for Molière's comedy-ballet, interludes taken from La Fontaine, Inédit
- Les Aventures d'une mouche bleue music in 21 sequences for the film by Doctor Pierre Thévenard, 29 mn, Inédit
- Méditation for clarinet and piano, 2 mn, Billaudot
- stage Prométhée enchaîné stage music for Aeschylus' play adapted by Jean de Beer, 30 mn 32 s, Inédit
- Vingt minutes sous les mers music in one credits and 13 sequences for Doctor Pierre Thévenard's film, 25 mn, Inédit
- 1953
- Cabrioles for flute and piano, 1 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Chant pour les piroguiers de l'Orénoque for oboe and piano, 1 mn 45 s, Billaudot
- stage Dardanelle Fanfare-fantasy for the end of act II of Emile Mazaud's play, 3 mn about , Inédit
- Empereur Jones Radio music for the play by Eugène O'Neill, 4 mn, Inédit
- Epithalame for 12-part vocal orchestra on a text by André Jolivet, 12 mn, Billaudot
- Fantaisie-Caprice for flute with piano accompaniment, 2 mn 30 s, Alphonse Leduc
- Fantaisie-Impromptu for alto saxophone with piano accompaniment, 3 mn 15 s, Alphonse Leduc
- stage Les Caprices de Marianne Musical illustrations for Musset's play directed by Julien Bertheau, Inédit
- Symphonie n°1 for orchestra, 25 mn, Heugel
- 1952
- Air de bravoure for trumpet with piano accompaniment (ad lib) , 1 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Concerto for harp and piano, 17 mn, Billaudot
- Concerto for harp and chamber orchestra, 17 mn, Billaudot
- stage Mithridate fanfares for Racine's play, 1 mn 6 s, Inédit
- 1951
- stage Antigone stage music for Sophocles' play, 27 mn, Inédit
- Chansons naïves for piano, 7 mn 55 s, Billaudot
- Dentol NH4 three-part commercial music, 60 s about , Inédit
- Jardins d'hiver melodies for voice and piano on poems by Georges Lefilleul, 9 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- La Fille d'honneur radio stage music in 18 numbers for the play by Philip Massinger, 10 mn about , Inédit
- stage La Petite Catherine de Heilbronn fanfares for the play by Heinrich von Kleist, 7 mn, Inédit
- stage Le Bourgeois gentilhomme Lully's stage music orchestrated by André Jolivet, Inédit
- Le Vrai Coupable music for the film by doctor Pierre Thévenard, between 20 mn and 30 mn, Inédit
- Trois Poèmes galants melodies for voice and piano, 8 mn, Heugel
- 1950
- Baschibah radio music for trumpet, cello and harp, Inédit
- Berceuse dans un hamac for piano, 1 mn 20 s, Billaudot
- Chasse à l'ours film music for brass instruments and ondes Martenot, Inédit
- stage Concerto for piano and orchestra, 23 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Indicatifs pour les émissions de la Comédie-Française for ensemble, 3 mn 5 s, Inédit
- stage L'Inconnue ballet in one act based on an argument by Léandre Vaillat, 26 mn, Inédit
- stage L'Otage musical elements for act III of the play by Paul Claudel, Inédit
- La Route du fer film music for a documentary by Edouard Logereau, Inédit
- Laboratoires Roussel film music for a documentary, Inédit
- 1949
- Concerto for flute and string orchestra, 12 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Danse roumaine for piano, 3 mn, Lemoine
- Ho ! Flibustiers ! privateers song for men's choir in three voices, rhythms and basses, 3 mn, Billaudot
- stage Hélène et Faust radio stage music for the tragedy by Alexandre Arnoux, 30 mn about , Inédit
- stage Iphigénie en Aulide stage music in 16 numbers for Racine's play, 15 mn about , Inédit
- stage L'Epreuve stage music: arrangement of the final verse for the play by Marivaux, Inédit
- stage Les Précieuses ridicules stage music for Molière's play, 5 mn, Inédit
- Éléments musicaux pour les dessins animés Saponite [Le Cygne, Le Raton-laveur, Le Caméléon] for ensemble, Inédit
- 1948
- Concertino for trumpet, string orchestra and piano, 9 mn 30 s, Durand
- Hopi Snake Dance for two pianos, 8 mn, Pierre Noël
- La Flûte du Bœuf musical interventions for Les Femmes du Bœuf by Jacques Audiberti, 1 mn 45 s, Inédit
- Le Champignon qui tue music in 9 sequences for the film by Doctor Pierre Thévenard, 56 mn 50 s, Inédit
- Le Spitzberg film music for a documentary, 15 mn 17 s, Inédit
- Sim music in 6 sequences for a cartoon by Breuil, 4 mn 34 s, Inédit
- 1947
- Andromaque fanfares for Racine's play, Inédit
- Antergan film music for the documentary by Léo Joannon, 12 mn about , Inédit
- Chevaliers de la table ronde music for orchestra, voices and choir, 7 mn, Inédit
- Concerto for Ondes Martenot and orchestra, 23 mn, Heugel
- stage Horace Fanfares for Corneille's play
- Hymne à Saint-André for organ and voice on a text of the ritual of the Latin Mass, 5 mn, Billaudot
- Indicatifs pour « Frères de sang » children's novel, 1 mn 37 s, Inédit
- Indicatifs pour « Littérature », Inédit
- Interventions musicales pour « Littérature » for piano, celesta, vibraphone and xylophone, Inédit
- stage La Surprise de l'amour stage music for Molière's play
- Le Chant de l'avenir for voice and piano, 60 s about , Le Chant du Monde
- Petite suite for two violins, viola, cello, double bass, piano and drums (ad lib), 7 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Trois Monodies for ondes Martenot or violin, Inédit
- 1946
- stage Britannicus stage music for Racine's play, 15 mn, Inédit
- Divertissement à la roumaine for small flute, English horn, violin and harp, 2 mn 45 s, Inédit
- La lueur qui s'éteint film music in 7 sequences for the film by Pierre Thévenard, 7 mn 5 s, Compte d'auteur
- Le Lavoir en folie film score for Saponite advertisement, Inédit
- Le Livre de Christophe Colomb music for the radio legend of Paul Claudel, Inédit
- Psyché symphonic movement, 19 mn, Inédit
- Six fanfares music for a poetic morning at the Comédie-Française, Inédit
- 1945
- Indicatifs pour « L'Épopée française en Afrique » for ensemble, Inédit
- Le Haricot vert et Les Voisins radio music for two plays by Henri Duvernois, Inédit
- Sonate n°1 for piano, 22 mn, Universal Edition
- Sérénade for wind quintet with main oboe, Billaudot
- Sérénade for oboe and piano, Billaudot
- 1944
- Acheté en gare radio call sign, 1 mn 40 s, Inédit
- stage Dolorès, ou le Miracle de la femme laide Opera buffa in one act, 55 mn, Salabert
- Le Chant de Linos for flute, violin, viola, cello and harp, 10 mn 30 s
- Le Chant de Linos for flute and piano, 10 mn 30 s, Alphonse Leduc
- stage Le Malade imaginaire stage music for Molière's play, Inédit
- Les Ultra-sons film music for a documentary, 6 mn about , Inédit
- Étude sur les modes antiques for piano, 12 mn, Durand
- 1943
- Cinq interludes for organ, 12 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- stage Guignol et Pandore Ballet in one act, 35 mn, Eschig
- Guignol et Pandore. Suite symphonique for orchestra, 35 mn
- stage Iphigénie à Delphes stage music for the play by Gerhart Hauptmann, Inédit
- La Parole est d'argent movie soundtrack, 8 mn about , Inédit
- La Queste de Lancelot radio legend in two parts for solo voices, choir and orchestra, Inédit
- Nocturne for cello and piano, 10 mn, Durand
- Pastorales de Noël for flute, bassoon and harp, between 10 mn and 13 mn, Heugel
- Poèmes intimes five melodies for voice and orchestra
- Poèmes intimes for voice and piano, Heugel
- Suite delphique for orchestra, Billaudot
- Trois Chansons de ménestrels for voice and piano, 7 mn, Heugel
- 1942
- Boxe en France film music for ensemble, 4 mn 44 s, Choudens
- stage Le Mystère de la Visitation stage music for the play by Henri Ghéon, Inédit
- Les Trois Complaintes du Soldat for voice and orchestra, 16 mn
- Maisons mortes / Chéret film music for a documentary on Jules Chéret, 4 mn 41 s, Inédit
- Missa brevis for voice and organ, 20 mn about , Inédit
- Suite liturgique for voice, English horn (taking the oboe), cello and harp, 19 mn, Durand
- 1941
- stage Aimer sans savoir qui stage music for the play by Lope de Vega directed by Jean Vilar, 18 mn, Inédit
- stage Ballet des étoiles for ensemble, 7 mn, Billaudot
- stage La Pêche miraculeuse ballet for 3 soloists and orchestra, 3 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- La Tentation dernière radio scene for reciters, 3 female voices, spoken choir, mixed sung choir and orchestra, 20 mn, Inédit
- Petite Suite for flute, viola and harp, 11 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Symphonie de danses for orchestra, Pierre Noël
- 1940
- Cinq danses rituelles for orchestra, 25 mn
- stage Les Quatre Vérités one-act ballet for orchestra
- Messe pour le jour de la paix, 17 mn, Heugel
- 1939
- Cinq danses rituelles for piano, 25 mn, Durand
- 1938
- Cosmogonie prelude for piano, 8 mn, Eschig
- Cosmogonie prelude for orchestra, 8 mn
- Grave et Gigue for string orchestra, 4 mn
- stage L'Infante et le Monstre choreographic entertainment for four ondes Martenot, piano and percussions, 15 mn about , Inédit
- L'Infante et le Monstre choreographic divertissement for orchestra, 15 mn about
- Ouverture Rondeau for four ondes Martenot, two pianos and percussions, 3 mn, Billaudot
- Ouverture Rondeau for string orchestra, 3 mn
- Ouverture Rondeau for small orchestra, 3 mn, Billaudot
- Poèmes pour l'enfant for voice and eleven instruments, 25 mn, Billaudot
- 1937
- "Incantation" ... Pour que l'image devienne symbole for solo violin or ondes Martenot, 3 mn, Billaudot
- "Incantation" ... Pour que l'image devienne symbole for flute (G or C), 3 mn
- Chants d'hier et de demain for solo baritone, male choir and orchestra
- Chants d'hier et de demain melodies for baritone and piano, Billaudot
- Le Jeu du camp fou for voice and piano, 3 mn, Editions Sociales Internationales
- Trois Chants des Hommes for baritone and large orchestra, 28 mn, Inédit
- Trois Chants des Hommes for baritone and piano, 28 mn, Billaudot
- 1936
- Cinq incantations for flute, 17 mn, Boosey & Hawkes [program note]
- Défilé for wind ensemble, Editions Sociales Internationales
- Soir for wind ensemble, Editions Sociales Internationales
- 1935
- Danse incantatoire for orchestra, 8 mn, Billaudot
- Don't care, Baby Slow fox for piano, Inédit
- El viejo camello ou (Slow-Fox) The Old Camel for piano, 2 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- From Bom Bo for piano, 1 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Karamouchka tango for piano, 60 s about
- Le Chant des regrets for voice and piano, 3 mn, Billaudot
- Madia Rumba for piano, 1 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- Mana six pieces for piano, 12 mn, Lemoine
- Prélude apocalyptique for organ, 10 mn, Billaudot
- Soir for small orchestra
- Tchitchouka Fox Trot Rumba for piano, Inédit
- Trois Poèmes for ondes Martenot and piano, 16 mn, Salabert
- Trois Poèmes melodies for string quartet, piano and voice, 25 mn, Billaudot
- 1934
- Algeria-Tango for piano, 2 mn, Billaudot
- Andante for string orchestra
- One Step for piano, 60 s, Billaudot
- Quatuor à cordes, 22 mn, Heugel
- Romantiques three poems for voice and piano, 11 mn, Billaudot
- Sidi-Yahia for piano, 6 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Suite for string trio, 21 mn, Billaudot
- Trio for harp, flute and cello, Inédit
- 1932
- Aubade for piano and violin, or piano, two violins, cello and double bass, 4 mn, Billaudot
- Choral et fugato for piano four hands, 10 mn, Billaudot
- Choral et fugato for orchestra, 10 mn, Billaudot
- Sonate for violin and piano, 18 mn, Salabert
- Trois Croquis for piano, 10 mn, Le Chant du Monde
- 1931
- Concerto with principal viola, 20 mn about , Inédit
- Prière de treize hommes dans la mine for baritone or mezzo and piano, 2 mn 45 s, Billaudot
- Quatre mélodies sur des poésies anciennes for soprano (or mezzo) and piano, 5 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Six études for piano, 12 mn about , Inédit
- Trois Temps n°2 for piano, 6 mn about , Inédit
- 1930
- Air pour bercer for violin and piano, 4 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- Deux Mouvements for piano, 8 mn, Billaudot
- Fugue for string quartet on a subject by Gédalge, Inédit
- Grave et Gigue two easy pieces for violin and piano, 4 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- La Mule de Lord Bolingbroke for voice and piano, 2 mn, Billaudot
- Ouverture for orchestra, 8 mn about , Inédit
- Prélude et Grave for violin and piano, Inédit
- Sarabande sur le nom d'Erik Satie for piano, 5 mn 50 s about , Billaudot
- Trio à cordes, Inédit
- Trois Prières de l'homme for voice and piano, Inédit
- Trois Rondels de François Villon for voice and piano, 4 mn, Billaudot
- Trois Temps n°1 for piano, 7 mn, M. Senart
- 1929
- Paroles de Marie à son fils for soprano and piano, 2 mn, Billaudot
- Sonnet de Ronsard for three female voices, 2 mn 10 s, Billaudot
- 1928
- Chewing Gum for voice and piano, 2 mn, Billaudot
- Deux Poésies de Francis Jammes melodies for two voices and small orchestra, 4 mn, Billaudot
- Deux Poésies de Francis Jammes for voice and piano, 4 mn, Billaudot
- Je me suis séparé de vous for voice and piano, Inédit
- Pic-Nic piano movement, 2 mn about , Choudens
- Quatre mélodies sur des poésies anciennes for soprano (or mezzo) and orchestra, 5 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Sonatine for violin and piano, Inédit
- 1927
- Chevaux de bois for small instrumental ensemble, Inédit
- Cinq Airs militaires for voice and piano, Inédit
- Deux Poèmes de Pierre Reverdy for voice and piano, 3 mn, Billaudot
- Deux paroles de Paul-Jean Toulet for voice and piano
- Romance for clarinet and double bass, Inédit
- Tango for piano, Inédit
- 1926
- Prélude pour piano : Tamise, Inédit
- 1925
- Canzone for four cellos, Inédit
- Crépuscule en appartement for piano, Inédit
- Deux Poèmes d'Alfred Jarry for voice and piano, Inédit
- Deux Préludes - tangos for piano, Inédit
- Nocturnes d'Ajaccio two pieces for solo piano, Inédit
- Petite Suite for piano, Inédit
- Pièce pour piano (untitled), Inédit
- Quatre Préludes for piano, Inédit
- Sérénade for flute, cello and piano, Inédit
- Trois Poèmes de Cocteau for voice and piano
- 1924
- Deuxième Lied for voice and piano, Inédit
- Sainte Perpétue for one voice and thirteen instruments, Inédit
- Trois Romances sans paroles for piano, Inédit
- Trois Sarabandes for piano (to be played by two), Inédit
- Valse en voulant rire for piano, Inédit
- Valses ignobles et - las - sentimentales for cello and piano, Inédit
- 1923
- Deux Tangos for orchestra, Inédit
- La Lampe se balance for voice and piano, Inédit
- Le soleil se couche for fifteen instruments, Inédit
- Les Amours de la girafe et de l'éléphant suite in 8 movements for 2 violins, cello and piano, Inédit
- Trois danses n°1 for piano, Inédit
- Trois danses n°2 for piano, Inédit
- 1922
- Le soleil se couche, disposition à la mort de Pétrarque for piano, Inédit
- Parfum de lettres brûlées for voice and piano, Inédit
- 1918
- Romance barbare for piano, 4 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Date de composition inconnue
- Dessins animés publicitaires Sanders for ensemble, Inédit
- Graines de drame radio music for Dialogues d'amore, 12 mn about , Inédit
- Le Guerrier de Rabinal radio music for a Mayan drama by Nadine Lefébure, 12 mn, Inédit
- Les Trois Complaintes du Soldat for voice and piano, 16 mn, Durand
- Pièces à deux for violin and piano, Inédit
- Trois Poèmes chantés for voice and piano, Inédit
Catalog source(s)
- Lucie KAYAS, André Jolivet (1905-1974). Catalogue raisonné, tapuscrit inédit, 2006.
- Leslie A. SPROUT, « Messiaen, Jolivet and the Soldier-Composers of Wartime France », The Musical Quarterly, LXXXVII/2 (2004), p. 259-304.
- Julian ANDERSON, « Messiaen and the Notion of Influence », Tempo, LXIII/247 (janvier 2009), p. 2-17.
- Laetitia CHASSAIN, André Jolivet : la force de l’intuition, Thèse de musicologie, CNSNMDP, 1999.
- Laetitia CHASSAIN et Lucie Kayas (dir.), André Jolivet. Portraits, Arles, Actes Sud, 1994.
- Bridget CONRAD, The Sources of Jolivet’s Musical Language and his Relationships with Varèse and Messiaen, Ph.D., City University of New York, 1994.
- Luisa CURINGA, André Jolivet e l’umanismo musicale nella cultura francese del Novecento, Rome, Edicampus Edizioni, 2013.
- Suzanne DEMARQUEZ, André Jolivet, Paris, Ventadour, 1958.
- Jane F. FULCHER, The Composer as Intellectual : Music and Ideology in France, 1914-1940, Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 2005.
- Henri GAUBERT, « Comment ils travaillent…André Jolivet », Musica , n°5 (février 1957), p. 7 ; repr. in EAJ, I, p. 260.
- Pierre GAUCHER, De La Spirale au groupe Jeune France (1935-1945). Les tourments d’une avant-garde musicale, Thèse de doctorat de Musicologie, Université de Tours, 2001.
- André JOLIVET, Écrits, textes transcrits, présentés et annotés par Christine Jolivet-Erlih, Paris, Delatour, 2007, 2 vol.
- André JOLIVET et Edgard VARESE, Correspondance. 1931-1935, établie, annotée et présentée par Christine Jolivet-Erlih, Genève, Editions Contrechamps, 2002.
- Hilda JOLIVET, Avec… André Jolivet, Paris, Flammarion, 1978.
- Lucie KAYAS, André Jolivet, Paris, Fayard, 2005.
- Lucie KAYAS (dir.), Portrait(s) d’André Jolivet, Paris, B.N.F., 2005.
- Lucie KAYAS, André Jolivet (1905-1974). Catalogue raisonné, tapuscrit inédit, 2006.
- Gérard MOINDROT, Approches symboliques de la musique d’André Jolivet, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1999.
- Caroline RAE (dir.), André Jolivet : Music, Art and Literature, Farnham, Ashgate, à paraître.
- Nigel SIMEONE, « Group Identities : La Spirale and La Jeune France », Musical Times, CXLIII/1880 (automne 2002), p. 10-36.
- Jean-Claire VANÇON, « Jolivet modal : une analyse du Chant de Linos », Traversières, 84 (juillet 2005), p. 39-49.
- Jean-Claire VANÇON, André Jolivet, Paris, Bleu Nuit, 2007.
- Jean-Claire VANÇON, « André Jolivet et le “carrefour” de l’après-guerre : choix esthétiques et carrière musicale », in Laurent FENEYROU et Alain POIRIER (dir.), De la Libération au domaine musical : dix ans de musique en France, 1944-1954, Paris, Vrin, 2018.
- Jean-Claire VANÇON, La Spirale (1935-1937) : « Un nouveau groupement fondé sous l’égide de la Schola », Mémoire d’Histoire de la musique préparé sous la direction de Rémy Campos, Paris, C.N.S.M. de Paris, 2002.
- André Jolivet, les objets de Mana, Les Cahiers du Musée de la Musique, n°3, Paris, Cité de la Musique, 2003.
- Guide des œuvres d’André Jolivet , Paris, Association des Amis d’André Jolivet, 2006.
- André JOLIVET, Chamber Music for oboe and cor anglais, comprenant :Sérénadepour hautbois et piano ;Sonatinepour hautbois et basson ;Controversiapour hautbois et harpe ;Chant pour les piroguiers de l’Orénoquepour hautbois et piano ;Suite liturgique pour voix, cor anglais prenant le hautbois, violoncelle et harpe ; Stefan Schilli (hautbois et cor anglais), Christiane Karge (soprano), Cristina Bianchi (harpe), Marco Postinghel (basson), Sebastian Klinger (violoncelle), Oliver Triendl (piano) ; 1 CD Oehms Classics, 2013.
- André JOLIVET, Complete Songs, comprenant : Deux Poésies de Francis Jammes ; Chewing-gum ; Faux Rayon ; Rondel « Au retour de dure prison » ; Chanson « La Mule de Lord Bolingbroke » ; Prière des treize hommes dans la mine ; Quatre Mélodies sur des poésies anciennes ; Le Chant des regrets ; Romantiques ; Le Jeu du camp fou ; Les Trois Complaintes du soldat;Trois Chansons de Ménestrel;Poèmes intimes;Trois Poèmes galants;Jardins d’hiver ; Sophie Marillet (mezzo-soprano), Christian Immler (baryton), René Perler (baryton), Filippo Farinelli (piano) ; 1 CD Brilliant Classics, 2011.
- André JOLIVET, Epithalame pour orchestre vocal à 12 parties ; Madrigal pour quatre voix et quatre instruments ; Missa Uxor Tua ; SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart (direction : Marcus Creed) ; 1 CD Carus, 2010.
- André JOLIVET, Tu surgis de l’absence…, comprenant : Sonate pour flûte et piano ; Incantation « Pour que l’image devienne symbole », pour flûte en Sol ; Cinq Incantations pour flûte ; Ascèses pour flûte en Sol ; Chant de Linos pour flûte et piano ; Mario Caroli (flûte), Silva Costanzo (piano) ; 1 CD Stradivarius, 2008.
- André JOLIVET, Cérémonial pour six percussionnistes, in Cérémonial ; SchlagEnsemble H-F-M (direction ; Christian Roderburg) ; 1 CD Cavalli, 2008.
- André JOLIVET, Hommage à André Jolivet, comprenant : Nocturne pour violoncelle et piano ; Cinq Eglogues pour alto ; Ascèses pour clarinette ; Rhapsodie à sept ; Geneviève Teulières (violoncelle), Léa Roussel (piano), Alain Jeanneau (alto), Alain Marion (flûte), Michel Lethiec (clarinette), Les Solistes de Marseille (direction : Devy Erlih), 1 CD Lyrinx, 2007.
- André JOLIVET, Mana pour piano ; Danses rituelles pour piano ; Marie-Josèphe Jude (piano) ; 1 CD Lyrinx, 2007.
- André JOLIVET, Quatuor à cordes, Suite Rhapsodique pour violon, Nocturne pour violoncelle et piano, Cinq églogues pour alto ; Svetlin Roussev (violon), Eric Lacouts (violon), Hyo-Kyung (violon), Cédric Catrisse (alto), Delphine Biron (violoncelle), Odile Aubouin (alto), Kobiki Massanori (piano) ; 1 CD Saphir Productions, 2007.
- André JOLIVET, Tombeau de Robert de Visée pour guitare, in : Guitare baroque et moderne ; Christian Rivet (guitare) ; 1 CD Zig-Zag Territoires, 2007.
- André JOLIVET, Concerto pour violon in Jolivet : Concerto pour violon / Chausson : Poème, Isabelle Faust (violon), Deutsches Symphonie Orcchester (direction : Marko Letonja) ; 1 CD Harmonia Mundi Classique, 2006.
- André JOLIVET, Music for flute, comprenant : Chant de Linos pour flûte, harpe et trio à cordes ; Sonate pour flûte et piano ; Cinq Incantations pour flûte ; Suite en concert pour flûte et percussions ; Cabrioles pour flûte et piano ; Eline van Esch (flûte), Eline van Esch Ensemble, 1 CD Etecetera, 2006.
- André JOLIVET, L’œuvre pour trompette, comprenant : Concertino pour trompette, piano et orchestre à cordes ; Arioso barocco pour trompette et orgue ; Air de bravoure pour trompette et piano ; Heptade pour trompette et percussions ; Concerto pour trompette et orchestre n°2 ; Eric Aubier (trompette), Thierry Escaich (orgue), Didier Vérité (percussions), Orchestre du Théâtre National de l’Opéra de Paris, (direction : Marius Constant), Orchestre Lyrique de région Avigon Provence (direction : Xavier-François Bilger) ; 1 CD Arion, 2005.
- André JOLIVET, L’œuvre intégrale pour violon, comprenant : Sonate pour violon et piano ; Incantation « Pour que l’image devienne symbole » pour violon ; Suite rhapsodique pour violon ; Concerto pour violon et orchestre ; Devy Erlih (violon), Manabu Sekiya (piano), Orchestre National de France (direction : Marius Constant), 1 CD Lyrinx, 2005.
- André JOLIVET, Morceaux choisis, comprenant : Concerto pour harpe et orchestre de chambre ; Mana pour piano ; Pastorales de Noël pour flûte, basson et harpe ; Concerto pour ondes Martenot et orchestre ; Concerto pour basson, orchestre à cordes, harpe et piano ; Suite liturgique pour voix, cor anglais prenant le hautbois, violoncelle et harpe ; Cinq Incantations pour flûte : Eglogues pour alto ; Suite rhapsodique pour violon ; Lily Laskine (harpe), Francoise Gobet (piano), Maurice Allard (basson), Jean-Pierre Rampal (flûte), Jean Giraudeau (ténor), Serge Collot (alto), Devy Erlih (violon), Orchestre du Théâtre National de l’Opera de Paris (direction : André Jolivet), Orchestre des Cento Soli (direction : Rudolf Albert) ; 2 CDs Accord, 2005.
- André JOLIVET, Hymne à Saint-André pour voix et orgue ; Hymne à l’univers pour orgue ; Arioso Barocco pour trompette et orgue ; Mandala pour orgue ; Noctune pour violoncelle et piano ; Daniel Roth (orgue), Dany Barraud (voix), René Périnelli (trompette), Jacqueline Robin (piano), Pierre Pénassou (violoncelle) ; 1 CD Arion, 2005.
- André JOLIVET, Concerto pour percussions et orchestre ; Tom O’Kelly (percussions), Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa (direction : Jean-Louis Forestier), 1 CD Warner, 2005.
- André JOLIVET, Les enregistrements Erato, comprenant : Concertos pour violoncelle et orchestre n°1 et 2 ; Suite en concert pour violoncelle ; Concerto pour harpe et orchestre de chambre ; Concertino pour trompette, piano et orchestre à cordes ; Concerto pour trompette et orchestre n°2 ; Concerto pour ondes Martenot et orchestre ; Heptade pour trompette et percussions ; Arioso barocco pour trompette et orgue ; Concerto pour flûte et orchestre à cordes ; Suite en concert pour flûte et percussions ; Chant de Linos pour flûte, harpe et trio à cordes ; Cinq Incantations pour flûte ; Incantation « Pour que l’image devienne symbole », pour flûte en Sol ; Sérénade pour hautbois, piano et quintette à vent ; Cinq Danses rituelles pour orchestre ; Concerto pour basson et orchestre ; Suite liturgique pour voix, cor anglais prenant le hautbois, violoncelle et harpe ; Poèmes intimes pour voix et piano ; Maurice André (trompette), Jean-Pierre Rampal (flûte, flûte en Sol), Maurice Allard (basson), Lily Laskine (harpe), Jeanne Loriod (ondes Martenot), André Navarra (violoncelle), Mstislav Rostropovitch (violoncelle), Colette Herzog (soprano), Hedwig Bilgram (orgue), Annie d’Arco (piano), Sylvio Gualda (percussions), Quintette Marie-Claire Jamet, Quintette à vent français, Orchestre National de l’ORTF (direction : André Jolivet), Orchestre de l’Association des Concerts Lamoureux (direction : André Jolivet), Orchestre Jean-François Paillard (direction : André Jolivet), Orchestre de l’Opéra de Paris (direction : André Jolivet), Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg (direction : Alain Lombard), Maîtrise de l’ORTF (direction : Jacques Jouineau) ; 4 CDs Warner Classics, 2004.
- André JOLIVET, Epithalame pour orchestre vocal à 12 parties, in : La Jeune France ; The Sixteen (direction : Harry Christophers) ; 1 CD Coro, 2004.
- André JOLIVET, Les rarissimes d’André Jolivet, comprenant : Concerto pour flûte et orchestre à cordes ; Concerto pour trompette et orchestre n°2 ; Concerto pour piano et orchestre ; Andante pour cordes ; Suite française pour orchestre ; Rapsodie à sept ; Suite delphique ; Epithalame pour orchestre vocal à 12 parties ; Roger Delmotte (trompette), Fernand Dufrêne (flûte), Lucette Descaves (piano), Ginette Martenot (ondes Martenot), Orchestre du Théâtre des Champs Elysées (direction : Ernest Bour), Orchestre National de l’ORTF (direction : André Jolivet), Chorale « Madrigal » de l’ORTF, Orchestre Colonne (direction : André Jolivet), orchestre de chambre (direction : André Jolivet), 2 CDs EMI Classics France, 2004.
- André JOLIVET, Trois Complaintes du soldat pour voix et orchestre, in : La France Résistante ; Pierre Bernac (baryton), Orchestre de la Société du Conservatoire de Paris (direction : Charles Münch), 1 CD Cascavelle, 2003.
- André JOLIVET, L’œuvre pour flûte, comprenant : Cinq Incantations pour flûte ; Petite suite pour flûte pour flûte, alto et harpe ; Pastorales de Noël pour flûte, basson et harpe ; Chant de Linos pour flûte, harpe et trio à cordes ; Concerto pour flûte et orchestre à cordes ; Cabrioles pour flûte et piano ; Fantaisie-caprice pour flûte et piano ; Sonate pour flûte et piano ; Sonatine pour flûte et clarinette ; Alla rustica pour flûte et harpe ; Suite en concert pour flûte et percussions ; Ascèses pour flûte en Sol ; Pipeaubec pour flûte et percussion ; Une minute trente pour flûte et percussion ; Pierre André Valade (flûte), Miguel Dasilva (alto), Henri Lescouret (basson), Roger Muraro (piano), Philippe Cambreling ; 2 CDs Musidisc, 2001 (rééd. en 2002).
- André JOLIVET, Les Amants magnifiques, in Debussy-Roussel-Jolibet-Ibert-Milhaud ; Orchestre de Cannes Région Provences Alpes Côte-d’Azur (direction : Philippe Bender) ; 1 CD L’Empreinte Digitale, 2001.
- André JOLIVET, Symphonie n°3, Concerto pour piano et orchestre, Concerto pour violoncelle et orchestre n°1 ; Lucette Descaves (piano), André Navarra (violoncelle), Orchestre National de France (direction : André Jolivet), Orchestre Radio-Symphonique de Strabourg (direction : Ernest Bour), 1 CD Mis, 1999.
- André JOLIVET, Poèmes pour l’enfant pour voix et onze instruments ; Suite liturgique pour voix, cor anglais prenant le hautbois, violoncelle et harpe ; Pastorales de Noël pour flûte, basson et harpe ; Chant de Linos pour flûte, harpe et trio à cordes ; The Britten-Pears Ensemble ; 1 CD ASV, 1998.
- André JOLIVET, Klavierwerke-Piano Works, comprenant : Cinq Danses rituelles ; Mana ; Cosmogonie ; Etude sur des modes antiques ; Sonate pour piano n°1 ; Christiane Mathé (piano) ; 1 CD Next Music, 1994.
André JOLIVET, Collection André Jolivet :
- Tome 1 : Piano, vol. 1, comprenant : Algeria-Tango ; Cosmogonie ; Danses pour Zizou ; Deux mouvements ; El viejo camello;Etude sur des modes antiques;From**Bo Bo;Madia;Mana;Romance barbare;Sarabande**sur le nom d’Erik Satie;Sidi-Ya-Ya ; Pascal Gallet (piano) ; 1 CD Maguelone, 2003.
- Tome 2 : Mélodies, vol. 1, comprenant : Chanson « La Mule de Lord Bolingbroke » pour voix et piano, Jardins d’hiver pour voix et piano, Le Chant des regrets pour voix et piano, Trois Complaintes du Soldat, pour voix et piano ; Poèmes intimes pour voix et piano ; Prière des treize hommes dans la mine pour voix et piano ; Suite liturgique pour voix, cor anglais prenant le hautbois, violoncelle et harpe ; Trois Poèmes galants pour voix et piano ; Lionel Peintre (baryton ), Christophe Crapez (ténor), Francis Pierre (harpe), Laurent decker (hautbois), Oana Unc (violoncelle), Catherine Cournot (piano) ; 1 CD Maguelone, 2004.
- Tome 3 : Piano, vol. 2, comprenant : Danses rituelles ; Trois Temps ; Sonate n°2 ; Pascal Gallet (piano), 1 CD Magelone, 2005.
- Tome 4 : Fanfares pour Britannicus;Concertopour trompette et orchestre n° 2 ;Soir et Défilé;Suite transocéane ; Clément Saunier (trompette), Musique des Gardiens de la Paix de Paris (direction : Philippe Ferro) ; 1 CD Maguelone, 2005.
- Tome 5 : Piano, vol. 3, comprenant : Concerto pour piano et orchestre ; Sonate pour piano n°1 ; Pascal Gallet (piano), Duisburger Philharmoniker (direction : Jonathan Darlington), 1 CD Maguelone, 2008.
André Jolivet, The Complete flute music :
- Vol. 1 : Cinq Incantations pour flûte ; Incantation « Pour que l’image devienne symbole », pour flûte en Sol ; Chant de Linos pour flûte et piano ; Sonate pour flûte et piano ; Ascèses pour flûte en Sol ; Manuela Wiesler (flûte), Roland Pontinen (piano) ; 1 CD Bis, 1992.
- Vol. 2 : Alla rustica pour flûte et harpe ; Chant de Linos pour flûte, harpe et trio à cordes ; Pastorales de Noël pour flûte, basson et harpe ; Concerto pour flûte et orchestre à cordes ; Suite en concert pour flûte et percussion ; Fantaisie-caprice pour flûte et piano ; Cabrioles pour flûte et piano ; Manuela Wiesler (flûte), Erica Goodman (harpe), Patrik Swedrup (violon), Hakan Olsson (alto), Helena Nilsson (violoncelle), Christian Davidsson (basson), Roland Pontinen (piano) ; 1 CD Bis, 1996.
Liens Internet
- Site de l’association « Les amis d’André Jolivet », http://www.jolivet.asso.fr/
(lien vérifié en avril 2014).