Charlemagne Palestine
Compositeur américain né le 15 août 1947 à Brooklyn, New York.
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Né en 1947, Chaïm Moshe Tzadik Palestine, dit Charlemagne Palestine, est originaire d’une famille russe de religion juive partie d’Odessa à l’aube du vingtième siècle pour s’installer à Brooklyn (New York). Il débute sa pratique musicale par le chant. Dès l’âge de 8 ans et jusqu’en 1961, il intègre la chorale traditionnelle Stanley Sapir à la synagogue de Brooklyn, puis, inscrit à la High School of Music And Arts, il étudie l’accordéon, le piano, la peinture, et s’intéresse aux sons générés par des machines.
En 1963, il devient carillonneur à l’église épiscopale Saint Thomas (New York), située à proximité du Musée d’Art Moderne (MOMA). Chaque jour et pendant six ans, il joue des hymnes traditionnels protestants ainsi que des formes plus expérimentales. Ses prestations résonnent dans les environs de l’église et attirent immanquablement l’attention des passants, dont les compositeurs Tony Conrad ou Ingram Marshall.
Il profite de la proximité géographique avec le MOMA pour arpenter les collections du musée où il découvre les peintres impressionnistes et abstraits qui sont pour lui une révélation. Les recherches formelles de Monet, Seurat, Rothko, Albers ou Still deviennent ainsi l’un des ferments de sa propre quête esthétique.
Durant cette période, Il côtoie de nombreuses figures de l’avant-garde artistique et de la contre-culture : Allen Ginsberg, Kenneth Anger, Richard Serra, Rhys Chatham, Tony Conrad, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, La Monte Young, ou encore Terry Riley.
Suite à sa rencontre avec Morton Subotnick en 1967, il compose de nombreuses pièces à partir de sons continus de synthèse. En 1968-69, il approfondit sa connaissance des oscillateurs électroniques à l’Intermedia Center de New York. En 1969, sur l’invitation de Subotnick, il s’installe à San Francisco (Californie), et enseigne à l’université CalArts, où il découvre l’orgue et le Bösendorfer Imperial Grand Piano, qui deviennent des instruments indissociables de sa pratique musicale et de sa recherche. Il crée en 1972 sa première œuvre pour piano, « Spectrum Continuum », d’une durée de 5h. En parallèle, il travaille sur des prototypes de synthétiseurs pour Don Buchla et Serge Tcherepnin et développe un synthétiseur nommé The Spectral Continuum Drone Machine.
À cette époque, il rencontre la danseuse Simone Forti, avec laquelle il collabore à plusieurs reprises.
Charlemagne Palestine s’intéresse également au gamelan javanais et balinais. Il part en Indonésie en 1971 avec Ingram Marshall pour étudier cette musique. Il est par ailleurs initié aux musiques hindoustanies par Pandit Pran Nath.
Chantre du continuum sonore, du drone et de la transe, Charlemagne Palestine est notamment reconnu pour sa technique du strumming, terme qui peut se traduire par « musique frappée ». Dérivée du flamenco et de la technique du carillon, le strumming est basé sur la répétition et la physicalité du jeu, mais aussi sur l’idée selon laquelle l’instrument a sa propre voix et peut, selon la manière dont il est joué, produire une série d’harmoniques semblant émerger d’elles-mêmes. Ainsi, dans ses œuvres (principalement improvisées), Palestine joue sur la résonance et l’empilement des sonorités pour sculpter les masses sonores dans une perpétuelle recherche du golden sound, la « sonorité d’or ». Par extension, lors de ses concerts il cherche à dialoguer avec le lieu de la performance en saturant l’espace sonore disponible de manière à le faire vibrer.
Empreintes de spiritualité, de tradition et de chamanisme, ses performances sont ritualisées : il boit du cognac, fume des cigarettes indonésiennes au clou de girofle, et installe une multitude d’ours en peluches (ses « divinités »), de foulards et autres tissus sur le lieu de concert et sur l’instrument.
Assimilé au courant de la musique minimaliste, il récuse cette étiquette au profit de « maximaliste », ce terme permettant selon lui de ne se fixer aucune limite.
Charlemagne Palestine est également vidéaste (série des Body Music, 1973-74, Island Song, 1976, ou Ritual in the Emptiness, 2004) et plasticien. Il déploie in situ son univers foisonnant de peluches et de chiffons dans des installations parfois monumentales. Il expose dans le monde entier, notamment à documenta (Cassel, Allemagne), au Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme (Paris, France) ou encore Tonspur (Vienne, Autriche).
Il vit à Bruxelles depuis 1999.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2024
Marie Canet, Jacques Donguy (voir ressources).
- Solo (excluding voice)
- Surrealistic Studies I for piano and voice (same performer) (1960), 3 mn 3 s
- Surrealistic Studies II for piano and voice (same performer) (1960), 1 mn 31 s
- Surrealistic Studies III for piano and voice (same performer) (1960), 46 s
- Bells for carillon (1965), 5 mn 50 s
- Bells Studies for carillon (1965), 22 mn 33 s
- Confiscated Bell Tape, Pt. 1 for carillon (1965), 5 mn 5 s
- Confiscated Bell Tape, Pt. 2 for carillon (1965), 5 mn 13 s
- Drum Bell Tape for carillon (1965), 4 mn 35 s
- elec Sine Tone Study electronic music (1967), 3 mn 44 s
- Bells Carillon for carillon (1966-1968), 32 mn 59 s
- elec Open + Closing electronic music (1968), 3 mn 37 s
- elec Seven Organism Study electronic music (1968), 7 mn 50 s
- St Thomas Bells for carillon (1966-1968), 30 mn 50 s
- elec Negative Sound Study electronic music (1969), 23 mn 47 s
- elec Timbral for Pran Nath electronic music (1970), 15 mn 18 s
- Beauty Chord + Voice for piano and voice (same performer) (1971), 6 mn 9 s
- Voice + Piano Study I for piano and voice (same performer) (1971), 5 mn 48 s
- Voice + Piano Study II for piano and voice (same performer) (1971), 5 mn 8 s
- Piano Piece For Simone for piano and voice (same performer) (1971), 11 mn 57 s
- elec Sliding Fifths for Piano for piano and electronics (1972)
- Spectrum Continuum for piano (1972), 5 h
- elec Continuous Sound Environment electronic music (1973), 1 h 30 mn
- elec Malocrative Moon Pistolonets electronic music (1973), 1 h 30 mn
- elec Perfect Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - One for piano and electronics (1973)
- elec Perfect Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - Three for piano and electronics (1973)
- elec Perfect Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - Two for piano and electronics (1973)
- elec Three Perfect Fifths, A Major Second Apart, Reinforced Twice for piano and electronics (1973)
- elec Two Perfect Fifths, A Major Third Apart, Reinforced Twice for piano and electronics (1973)
- Aa Sschmmeettrrrrroossppeeccccctivve for piano (1974)
- Bösendorfer + Voice Take One for piano and voice (1974), 5 mn 17 s
- Bösendorfer + Voice Take Two for piano and voice (1974), 10 mn 22 s
- Strumming Music for piano (1974), 50 mn
- October 24, 1975 for piano (1975), 55 mn 17 s
- SchlingenCassettenBlängen for organ (1977)
- The Lower Depths for piano (1977)
- Piano Drone for piano (1978), 22 mn 10 s
- Strumming Music for piano (1987), 11 mn 6 s
- The Lower Depths for piano (1987), 20 mn 55 s
- Timbral Assault for piano (1987), 9 mn
- Schlingen-Blängen for organ (1988-1998), 1 h 11 mn 38 s
- Music for Big Ears for carillon (2000), 1 h 5 mn 55 s
- Schlongo!!!daLUVdrone for pipe organ (2000), 1 h 13 mn 46 s
- Old Souls Wearing New Cloths for solo piano (2001), 45 mn
- Sunday for piano (2001), 48 mn 44 s
- Tues/Wednesday for piano (2001), 1 h 3 mn 28 s
- Schlingen Blângen For Organo Rinascimentale Non Temperato for organ (2004), 56 mn 36 s
- Cataclisma 2 for piano (2005), 9 mn 13 s
- Cataclisma 3 for piano (2005), 11 mn 42 s
- Cataclisma 4 for piano (2005), 20 mn 58 s
- Cataclisma 5 for piano (2005), 10 mn 47 s
- Super High Tones for piano (2005), 7 mn 47 s
- Tritone Octave 1 • Part I for piano (2005), 9 mn 13 s
- Tritone Octave 1 • Part II for piano (2005), 3 mn 41 s
- Tritone Octave 1 • Part III for piano (2005), 3 mn 42 s
- Tritone Octave 1/1 for piano (2005), 9 mn 49 s
- Tritone Octave 1/2 for piano (2005), 3 mn 31 s
- Tritone Octave 2 for piano (2005), 12 mn 15 s
- Tritone Octave 3 for piano (2005), 7 mn 45 s
- Tritone Octave 4 for piano (2005), 6 mn 54 s
- Tritone Octave 5 for piano (2005), 7 mn 38 s
- elec Saiten In Flammen for piano, tape and electronics, in collaboration with Christoph Heemann (2000-2007), 27 mn 30 s
- The Apocalypse Will Blossom for piano (2007), 43 mn 39 s
- Solo C #1 for carillon (2010), 7 mn 37 s
- Cathédrale de Strasbourg for organ (2012), 1 h 8 mn 33 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 1 for harpsichord (2015), 2 mn 41 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 10 for harpsichord (2015), 1 mn 21 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 3 for harpsichord (2015), 10 mn 7 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 4 for harpsichord (2015), 6 mn 8 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 5 for harpsichord (2015), 2 mn 20 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 6 for harpsichord (2015), 3 mn 8 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 7 for harpsichord (2015), 1 mn 17 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 8 for harpsichord (2015), 28 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 9 for harpsichord (2015), 1 mn 50 s
- Invocationnn for piano (2015), 7 mn 13 s
- Massssssssss for piano (2015), 53 mn 17 s
- Vvibbrratttio Forr Ppyytthaggorreann Ffroggssichorddd for harpsichord (2015), 25 mn 18 s
- Vvibbrratttio Forr Ppyytthaggorreann Ffroggssichorddd for harpsichord (2015), 26 mn 25 s
- Fhittterringgg + Fflyyinggg Zzoptauesszzz for carillon and voice (2017), 9 mn 29 s
- Kkllangging Ffalssettto Ssllangging Ssonggg for carillon and voice (2017), 5 mn 48 s
- Qqquasimodoooorodeoo for carillon and voice (2017), 5 mn 30 s
- STTT THOMASSS ‘’’’’’‘’’DINGGGDONGGGDINGGGzzzzzzz ferrrr TONYYY’’’’’’’’ for carillon (2017), 26 mn 20 s
- Trrerriibble Twoozzz Threezzz Fourrzzz for carillon and voice (2017), 10 mn 1 s
- Yahhyahh Mmann Yohhyohh In Zinntervallszlandd for carillon and voice (2017), 8 mn 24 s
- theeOorgannnissstheeGgreattestttSsynthesizerrrEverrrrrrrr for organ (2019), 38 mn 44 s
- Vvibbrratttio Forr Ppyytthaggorreann Ffroggssichorddd for harpsichord (2019), 13 mn 21 s
- Chamber music
- elec Electronic And Flute (1967), 5 mn 56 s
- elec Db for trio (1974), 32 mn 5 s
- Short And Sweet for piano and saxophone (1974), 11 mn 13 s
- Duo Strumming For Two Harpsichords for two harpsichords (1978)
- The Golden Mean for two Bösendorfer Imperial Grand Pianos played live simultaneously by one performer (1979), 40 mn 37 s
- Hommage à Faquir Pandit Pran Nath for voice and tambura (1997), 39 mn 26 s
- elec Gantse Mishpuchah in collaboration with David Coulter, Michael Gira, Jean-Marie Mathoul (2003-2004), 53 mn 37 s
- elec An Aural Symbiotic Mystery in collaboration with Tony Conrad (2005), 51 mn 32 s
- A Sweet Quasimodo Between Black Vampire Butterflies For Maybeck for two Yamaha pianos played live simultaneously by one performer (2006), 40 mn 52 s
- elec Untitled for piano and small ensemble, in collaboration with Perlonex (2006), 43 mn 3 s
- elec Pandamoniahbleeummm!!!! improvised music in collaboration with GOL (2008), 32 mn 6 s
- Duo C / Z #1 for carillon and percussion, in collaboration with Z'ev (2010), 18 mn 26 s
- Duo C / Z #2 for carillon and percussion, in collaboration with Z'ev (2010), 13 mn 44 s
- Duo C / Z #3 for carillon and percussion, in collaboration with Z'ev (2010), 8 mn 32 s
- First for two performers, in collaboration with Rhys Chatham (2011), 41 mn 27 s
- Second for two performers, in collaboration with Rhys Chatham (2011), 60 mn
- Third for two performers, in collaboration with Rhys Chatham (2011), 52 mn 35 s
- elec Fables From A Far Away Future for location recordings, desk bells, prayer bear, sine waves, melodica, chimes, in collaboration with Janek Schaefer (2012), 19 mn 23 s
- Raga De L'Apres Midi Pour Aude for shruti box, voice, harmonica, and carillon bells, in collaboration with Janek Schafer (2012), 19 mn 43 s
- The Goldennn Meeenn + Sheeenn for piano duet, in collaboration with Rrose (2018), 37 mn 31 s
- elec Ssssssssseegggggggmmmmmeent 1 in collaboration with Trrmà (2019)
- elec Ssssssssseegggggggmmmmmeent 2 in collaboration with Trrmà (2019)
- ਚੈਨਲKAANALचैनलRÁÐעָרוּץ in collaboration with Oren Ambarchi et Eric Thielemans (2020)
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Alloy for voices, chimes, conch, percussion, alumonium and long string drone (1969), 22 mn 30 s
- Illumination for two voices, percussion and molimo, in collaboration with Simone Forti (1971), 23 mn 12 s
- Karenina for voice and Indian harmonium (1997), 2 h 15 mn 47 s
- elec It Ain't Necessarily So for voice, ensemble and electronics, in collaboration with Perlonex (2006), 1 h 30 mn 45 s
- elec Voxorgachitectronumputer for two voices, organ and electronics, in collaboration with Joachim Montesuis (2007), 1 h 36 s
- elec P V T for voice, piano, organ, drums, percussion and live electronics, in collaboration with Mika Vaino and Eric Thielemans (2013), 41 mn 17 s
- Strummmmminggg for Stringggggsss N Thingggggsss (1973/1974, version 2015) for strings, tubular bells, voice and crystal glasses (2015), 28 mn 49 s
- A cappella vocal music
- Voice Study for voice (1960), 11 mn 9 s
- elec Vocal Study for voice and electronics (1960-1970), 11 mn 7 s
- Wed Oct 13th 1971 for two voices, in collaboration with Simone Forti (1971), 12 mn 54 s
- Voice Piece for voice (1974), 15 mn 24 s
- Melange from Lago d'Orta Piedmonte spoken word, in collaboration with Mama Bär (2015), 26 mn 56 s
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- elec Chassidic Etudes #4 (), 2 mn 51 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 1 (), 15 mn 38 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 2 (), 10 mn 2 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 3 (), 26 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 5 (), 2 mn 46 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 6 (), 15 mn 44 s
- elec dddduuhhhhddddrouuunnneee && wwwalllkkkingggg dddduuhhhhddddrouuunnneee electronic music (), 60 mn
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn #1 (), 8 mn 17 s
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn #2 (), 6 mn
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn #3 (), 5 mn 2 s
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn 4 (), 12 mn 12 s
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn 6 (), 11 mn 24 s
- elec First Oberheim in Brooklyn 7 (), 7 mn
- elec Sirene (), 23 mn 41 s
- elec Wonderment #1 (), 14 mn 44 s
- elec Wonderment #3 (), 6 mn 54 s
- elec Wonderment 2 (), 11 mn 30 s
- elec Wonderment 4 (), 14 mn
- elec Continuous Sound electronic music (1960), 14 mn 43 s
- elec Electronic for oscillators and white noise (1967), 18 mn 25 s
- elec Holy 1 for oscillators and white noise (1967), 20 mn 4 s
- elec Holy 1 for oscillators and white noise (1967), 44 mn 24 s
- elec Holy 2 for oscillators and white noise (1967), 10 mn 52 s
- elec Holy 2 for oscillators and white noise (1967), 22 mn 1 s
- elec Relationship Studies No. 1 for oscillators and white noise (1967), 18 mn 20 s
- elec Holy 1+2 for oscillators and white noise (1968), 23 mn 23 s
- elec Crown Chan 1&2 + 3&4 Gus Solomon Dance Concert '70 electronic music (1970), 17 mn 34 s
- elec Concert of Sound & Movement in collaboration with Simone Forti (1971), 7 mn 18 s
- elec Meditative Sound Environments KPFK in collaboration with Simone Forti (1971), 15 mn 59 s
- elec Simone Tape for voice, in collaboration with Simone Forti (1971), 7 mn 36 s
- elec Wed Oct 13th 1971 (Part Two) in collaboration with Simone Forti (1971), 10 mn 13 s
- elec Roma 1972 3 (1972), 32 mn 43 s
- elec Simone+Charlemagne Roma 1972 #2 (1972), 26 mn 34 s
- elec Organ Sonority W_Syntho Bera 74 (1974), 1 h 13 mn 36 s
- elec Jamaica Heinekens In Brooklyn for field recordings and electronics (1997), 1 h 1 mn 24 s
- elec Three Compositions For Machines in collaboration with Mika Vaino and Pita (Peter Rehberg) (1997), 27 mn 12 s
- elec – 6 x 9 ± (1998), 54 mn 42 s
- elec La Beauté et la Bête electronic music (1999), maximum 20 mn 56 s
- elec Mort aux Vaches electronic music, in collaboration with Pan Sonic (2000), 1 h 1 mn 38 s
- elec Sound 1 for oscillators (2008), 18 mn 30 s
- elec Ssingggg Sschlllingg Sshpppingg (2013), 51 mn 21 s
- elec ggrrreeebbbaaammmnnnuuuccckkkaaaiiioooww!!! in collaboration with Grumbling Fur Time Machine Orchestra (2015), 32 mn 13 s
- elec Interrvallissphereee Extracted Opening for synthesizer (2018), 25 mn
- elec Interrvallissphereee Of And Ti Finale for synthesizer (2018), 25 mn
- elec Ttuunneesszz Duh Rruunneesszz Closing for synthesizer (2018), 25 mn 20 s
- elec Ttuunneesszz Duh Rruunneesszz Opening for synthesizer (2018), 25 mn 14 s
- elec VVVOOOODDDOOOODDDDOOOOODDDDDOOOOO for oscillators (2020), 20 mn
- elec Crushed Little Gem for piano and cello, in collaboration with MV Carbon (2022), 6 mn 28 s
- elec Evaporated Whispers for piano and cello, in collaboration with MV Carbon (2022), 19 mn 6 s
- elec Glass From Sand for piano and cello, in collaboration with MV Carbon (2022), 5 mn 43 s
- elec Mercury Curtains for piano and cello, in collaboration with MV Carbon (2022), 6 mn 52 s
- Unspecified instrumentation
- Benedictionnn (2015), 26 s
- elec GFTMO Redux in collaboration with Grumbling Fur Time Machine Orchestra (2015)
- elec Jazzhouse Kobenhavn Part 1, 2, 3 in collaboration with Grumbling Fur Time Machine Orchestra (2015)
Catalog sources and details
Performances / œuvres vidéo
- Ritual in the Emptiness, 12’04, 2004.
- Dark into Dark, 19’28, 1979.
- Where It’s Coming From, 56’50, 1977.
- Island Song, 16’29, 1976.
- Island Monologue, 15’05, 1976.
- Andros: Escapist Primer, 57’13, 1975-76.
- Internal Tantrum, 7’35, 1975.
- Running Outburst, 5’56, 1975
- You should never forget the Jungle, 11’09, 1975.
- St. Vitas Dance, 8’50, 1975.
- Snake, 10’43, 1974.
- Four Motion Studies, 13’24, 1974.
- Body Music I, 12’54, 1973-74.
- Body Music II, 8’09, 1973-74.
- 2022
- elec Crushed Little Gem for piano and cello, in collaboration with MV Carbon, 6 mn 28 s
- elec Evaporated Whispers for piano and cello, in collaboration with MV Carbon, 19 mn 6 s
- elec Glass From Sand for piano and cello, in collaboration with MV Carbon, 5 mn 43 s
- elec Mercury Curtains for piano and cello, in collaboration with MV Carbon, 6 mn 52 s
- 2020
- ਚੈਨਲKAANALचैनलRÁÐעָרוּץ in collaboration with Oren Ambarchi et Eric Thielemans
- 2019
- elec Ssssssssseegggggggmmmmmeent 1 in collaboration with Trrmà
- elec Ssssssssseegggggggmmmmmeent 2 in collaboration with Trrmà
- Vvibbrratttio Forr Ppyytthaggorreann Ffroggssichorddd for harpsichord, 13 mn 21 s
- theeOorgannnissstheeGgreattestttSsynthesizerrrEverrrrrrrr for organ, 38 mn 44 s
- 2018
- elec Interrvallissphereee Extracted Opening for synthesizer, 25 mn
- elec Interrvallissphereee Of And Ti Finale for synthesizer, 25 mn
- The Goldennn Meeenn + Sheeenn for piano duet, in collaboration with Rrose, 37 mn 31 s
- elec Ttuunneesszz Duh Rruunneesszz Closing for synthesizer, 25 mn 20 s
- elec Ttuunneesszz Duh Rruunneesszz Opening for synthesizer, 25 mn 14 s
- 2017
- Fhittterringgg + Fflyyinggg Zzoptauesszzz for carillon and voice, 9 mn 29 s
- Kkllangging Ffalssettto Ssllangging Ssonggg for carillon and voice, 5 mn 48 s
- Qqquasimodoooorodeoo for carillon and voice, 5 mn 30 s
- STTT THOMASSS ‘’’’’’‘’’DINGGGDONGGGDINGGGzzzzzzz ferrrr TONYYY’’’’’’’’ for carillon, 26 mn 20 s
- Trrerriibble Twoozzz Threezzz Fourrzzz for carillon and voice, 10 mn 1 s
- Yahhyahh Mmann Yohhyohh In Zinntervallszlandd for carillon and voice, 8 mn 24 s
- 2015
- Benedictionnn, 26 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 1 for harpsichord, 2 mn 41 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 10 for harpsichord, 1 mn 21 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 3 for harpsichord, 10 mn 7 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 4 for harpsichord, 6 mn 8 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 5 for harpsichord, 2 mn 20 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 6 for harpsichord, 3 mn 8 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 7 for harpsichord, 1 mn 17 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 8 for harpsichord, 28 s
- Creatingggg Newwww Sonoritiessssz Andd Techniquessszz Parttt 9 for harpsichord, 1 mn 50 s
- elec GFTMO Redux in collaboration with Grumbling Fur Time Machine Orchestra
- Invocationnn for piano, 7 mn 13 s
- elec Jazzhouse Kobenhavn Part 1, 2, 3 in collaboration with Grumbling Fur Time Machine Orchestra
- Massssssssss for piano, 53 mn 17 s
- Melange from Lago d'Orta Piedmonte spoken word, in collaboration with Mama Bär, 26 mn 56 s
- Strummmmminggg for Stringggggsss N Thingggggsss (1973/1974, version 2015) for strings, tubular bells, voice and crystal glasses, 28 mn 49 s
- Vvibbrratttio Forr Ppyytthaggorreann Ffroggssichorddd for harpsichord, 25 mn 18 s
- Vvibbrratttio Forr Ppyytthaggorreann Ffroggssichorddd for harpsichord, 26 mn 25 s
- elec ggrrreeebbbaaammmnnnuuuccckkkaaaiiioooww!!! in collaboration with Grumbling Fur Time Machine Orchestra, 32 mn 13 s
- 2013
- elec P V T for voice, piano, organ, drums, percussion and live electronics, in collaboration with Mika Vaino and Eric Thielemans, 41 mn 17 s
- elec Ssingggg Sschlllingg Sshpppingg, 51 mn 21 s
- 2012
- Cathédrale de Strasbourg for organ, 1 h 8 mn 33 s
- elec Fables From A Far Away Future for location recordings, desk bells, prayer bear, sine waves, melodica, chimes, in collaboration with Janek Schaefer, 19 mn 23 s
- Raga De L'Apres Midi Pour Aude for shruti box, voice, harmonica, and carillon bells, in collaboration with Janek Schafer, 19 mn 43 s
- 2011
- 2010
- Duo C / Z #1 for carillon and percussion, in collaboration with Z'ev, 18 mn 26 s
- Duo C / Z #2 for carillon and percussion, in collaboration with Z'ev, 13 mn 44 s
- Duo C / Z #3 for carillon and percussion, in collaboration with Z'ev, 8 mn 32 s
- Solo C #1 for carillon, 7 mn 37 s
- 2008
- elec Pandamoniahbleeummm!!!! improvised music in collaboration with GOL, 32 mn 6 s
- elec Sound 1 for oscillators, 18 mn 30 s
- 2007
- elec Saiten In Flammen for piano, tape and electronics, in collaboration with Christoph Heemann, 27 mn 30 s
- The Apocalypse Will Blossom for piano, 43 mn 39 s
- elec Voxorgachitectronumputer for two voices, organ and electronics, in collaboration with Joachim Montesuis, 1 h 36 s
- 2006
- A Sweet Quasimodo Between Black Vampire Butterflies For Maybeck for two Yamaha pianos played live simultaneously by one performer, 40 mn 52 s
- elec It Ain't Necessarily So for voice, ensemble and electronics, in collaboration with Perlonex, 1 h 30 mn 45 s
- elec Untitled for piano and small ensemble, in collaboration with Perlonex, 43 mn 3 s
- 2005
- elec An Aural Symbiotic Mystery in collaboration with Tony Conrad, 51 mn 32 s
- Cataclisma 2 for piano, 9 mn 13 s
- Cataclisma 3 for piano, 11 mn 42 s
- Cataclisma 4 for piano, 20 mn 58 s
- Cataclisma 5 for piano, 10 mn 47 s
- Super High Tones for piano, 7 mn 47 s
- Tritone Octave 1 • Part I for piano, 9 mn 13 s
- Tritone Octave 1 • Part II for piano, 3 mn 41 s
- Tritone Octave 1 • Part III for piano, 3 mn 42 s
- Tritone Octave 1/1 for piano, 9 mn 49 s
- Tritone Octave 1/2 for piano, 3 mn 31 s
- Tritone Octave 2 for piano, 12 mn 15 s
- Tritone Octave 3 for piano, 7 mn 45 s
- Tritone Octave 4 for piano, 6 mn 54 s
- Tritone Octave 5 for piano, 7 mn 38 s
- 2004
- elec Gantse Mishpuchah in collaboration with David Coulter, Michael Gira, Jean-Marie Mathoul, 53 mn 37 s
- Schlingen Blângen For Organo Rinascimentale Non Temperato for organ, 56 mn 36 s
- 2001
- Old Souls Wearing New Cloths for solo piano, 45 mn
- Sunday for piano, 48 mn 44 s
- Tues/Wednesday for piano, 1 h 3 mn 28 s
- 2000
- elec Mort aux Vaches electronic music, in collaboration with Pan Sonic, 1 h 1 mn 38 s
- Music for Big Ears for carillon, 1 h 5 mn 55 s
- Schlongo!!!daLUVdrone for pipe organ, 1 h 13 mn 46 s
- 1999
- elec La Beauté et la Bête electronic music, maximum 20 mn 56 s
- 1998
- Schlingen-Blängen for organ, 1 h 11 mn 38 s
- elec – 6 x 9 ±, 54 mn 42 s
- 1997
- Hommage à Faquir Pandit Pran Nath for voice and tambura, 39 mn 26 s
- elec Jamaica Heinekens In Brooklyn for field recordings and electronics, 1 h 1 mn 24 s
- Karenina for voice and Indian harmonium, 2 h 15 mn 47 s
- elec Three Compositions For Machines in collaboration with Mika Vaino and Pita (Peter Rehberg), 27 mn 12 s
- 1987
- Strumming Music for piano, 11 mn 6 s
- The Lower Depths for piano, 20 mn 55 s
- Timbral Assault for piano, 9 mn
- 1979
- The Golden Mean for two Bösendorfer Imperial Grand Pianos played live simultaneously by one performer, 40 mn 37 s
- 1978
- Duo Strumming For Two Harpsichords for two harpsichords
- Piano Drone for piano, 22 mn 10 s
- 1977
- SchlingenCassettenBlängen for organ
- The Lower Depths for piano
- 1975
- October 24, 1975 for piano, 55 mn 17 s
- 1974
- Aa Sschmmeettrrrrroossppeeccccctivve for piano
- Bösendorfer + Voice Take One for piano and voice, 5 mn 17 s
- Bösendorfer + Voice Take Two for piano and voice, 10 mn 22 s
- elec Db for trio, 32 mn 5 s
- elec Organ Sonority W_Syntho Bera 74, 1 h 13 mn 36 s
- Short And Sweet for piano and saxophone, 11 mn 13 s
- Strumming Music for piano, 50 mn
- Voice Piece for voice, 15 mn 24 s
- 1973
- elec Continuous Sound Environment electronic music, 1 h 30 mn
- elec Malocrative Moon Pistolonets electronic music, 1 h 30 mn
- elec Perfect Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - One for piano and electronics
- elec Perfect Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - Three for piano and electronics
- elec Perfect Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - Two for piano and electronics
- elec Three Perfect Fifths, A Major Second Apart, Reinforced Twice for piano and electronics
- elec Two Perfect Fifths, A Major Third Apart, Reinforced Twice for piano and electronics
- 1972
- elec Roma 1972 3, 32 mn 43 s
- elec Simone+Charlemagne Roma 1972 #2, 26 mn 34 s
- elec Sliding Fifths for Piano for piano and electronics
- Spectrum Continuum for piano, 5 h
- 1971
- Beauty Chord + Voice for piano and voice (same performer), 6 mn 9 s
- elec Concert of Sound & Movement in collaboration with Simone Forti, 7 mn 18 s
- Illumination for two voices, percussion and molimo, in collaboration with Simone Forti, 23 mn 12 s
- elec Meditative Sound Environments KPFK in collaboration with Simone Forti, 15 mn 59 s
- Piano Piece For Simone for piano and voice (same performer), 11 mn 57 s
- elec Simone Tape for voice, in collaboration with Simone Forti, 7 mn 36 s
- Voice + Piano Study I for piano and voice (same performer), 5 mn 48 s
- Voice + Piano Study II for piano and voice (same performer), 5 mn 8 s
- Wed Oct 13th 1971 for two voices, in collaboration with Simone Forti, 12 mn 54 s
- elec Wed Oct 13th 1971 (Part Two) in collaboration with Simone Forti, 10 mn 13 s
- 1970
- elec Crown Chan 1&2 + 3&4 Gus Solomon Dance Concert '70 electronic music, 17 mn 34 s
- elec Timbral for Pran Nath electronic music, 15 mn 18 s
- elec Vocal Study for voice and electronics, 11 mn 7 s
- 1969
- Alloy for voices, chimes, conch, percussion, alumonium and long string drone, 22 mn 30 s
- elec Negative Sound Study electronic music, 23 mn 47 s
- 1968
- Bells Carillon for carillon, 32 mn 59 s
- elec Holy 1+2 for oscillators and white noise, 23 mn 23 s
- elec Open + Closing electronic music, 3 mn 37 s
- elec Seven Organism Study electronic music, 7 mn 50 s
- St Thomas Bells for carillon, 30 mn 50 s
- 1967
- elec Electronic for oscillators and white noise, 18 mn 25 s
- elec Electronic And Flute, 5 mn 56 s
- elec Holy 1 for oscillators and white noise, 20 mn 4 s
- elec Holy 1 for oscillators and white noise, 44 mn 24 s
- elec Holy 2 for oscillators and white noise, 10 mn 52 s
- elec Holy 2 for oscillators and white noise, 22 mn 1 s
- elec Relationship Studies No. 1 for oscillators and white noise, 18 mn 20 s
- elec Sine Tone Study electronic music, 3 mn 44 s
- 1965
- Bells for carillon, 5 mn 50 s
- Bells Studies for carillon, 22 mn 33 s
- Confiscated Bell Tape, Pt. 1 for carillon, 5 mn 5 s
- Confiscated Bell Tape, Pt. 2 for carillon, 5 mn 13 s
- Drum Bell Tape for carillon, 4 mn 35 s
- 1960
- elec Continuous Sound electronic music, 14 mn 43 s
- Surrealistic Studies I for piano and voice (same performer), 3 mn 3 s
- Surrealistic Studies II for piano and voice (same performer), 1 mn 31 s
- Surrealistic Studies III for piano and voice (same performer), 46 s
- Voice Study for voice, 11 mn 9 s
- Date de composition inconnue
- elec Chassidic Etudes #4, 2 mn 51 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 1, 15 mn 38 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 2, 10 mn 2 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 3, 26 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 5, 2 mn 46 s
- elec Chassidic Etudes 6, 15 mn 44 s
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn #1, 8 mn 17 s
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn #2, 6 mn
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn #3, 5 mn 2 s
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn 4, 12 mn 12 s
- elec First Oberheim In Brooklyn 6, 11 mn 24 s
- elec First Oberheim in Brooklyn 7, 7 mn
- elec Sirene, 23 mn 41 s
- elec Wonderment #1, 14 mn 44 s
- elec Wonderment #3, 6 mn 54 s
- elec Wonderment 2, 11 mn 30 s
- elec Wonderment 4, 14 mn
- elec dddduuhhhhddddrouuunnneee && wwwalllkkkingggg dddduuhhhhddddrouuunnneee electronic music, 60 mn
Catalog source(s)
Performances / œuvres vidéo
- Ritual in the Emptiness, 12’04, 2004.
- Dark into Dark, 19’28, 1979.
- Where It’s Coming From, 56’50, 1977.
- Island Song, 16’29, 1976.
- Island Monologue, 15’05, 1976.
- Andros: Escapist Primer, 57’13, 1975-76.
- Internal Tantrum, 7’35, 1975.
- Running Outburst, 5’56, 1975
- You should never forget the Jungle, 11’09, 1975.
- St. Vitas Dance, 8’50, 1975.
- Snake, 10’43, 1974.
- Four Motion Studies, 13’24, 1974.
- Body Music I, 12’54, 1973-74.
- Body Music II, 8’09, 1973-74.
Liens internet
- « INPUT - Avec Charlemagne Palestine », entretien mené par Julien Bécourt le 10 avril 2024, à revoir sur la chaîne YouTube de la Fondation Pernod Ricard : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1yY7EHbQdM
- Extrait de la captation de Pièce pour piano et électronique au festival PRÉSENCES électronique le 27 mars 2010 au CENTQUATRE, salle 200, à réécouter sur la fresque Arts sonores de l’INA : https://fresques.ina.fr/artsonores/fiche-media/InaGrm00987/charlemagne-palestine-piece-pour-piano-et-electronique-festival-presences-electronique.html
- « Charlemagne Palestine, l’orgue », un documentaire de Pascal Mouneyres, mis en ligne le 10 mai 2011, à réécouter sur Arte Radio : https://www.arteradio.com/son/615956/charlemagne_palestine_orgue
- « Du sacré chez Charlemagne », entretien avec Charlemagne Palestine réalisé par François Mardirossian le 9 juillet 2022, à lire sur Hémisphère Son : https://hemisphereson.com/du-sacre-chez-charlemagne-palestine/
‘(liens vérifiés en septembre 2024)
Bibliographie sélective
Textes sur Charlemagne Palestine
- Michel BAUDSON, Xavier Garcia BARDÓN (Éds.), Luca LO PINTO, Charlemagne Palestine. Aa Sschmmettrroossppecctivve, Gand : audioMER, 2018.
- Julien BÉCOURT, « La transe insoumise de Charlemagne Palestine », dans Mouvement, n°90, juillet-août 2017, pp. 14-18.
- Marie CANET, Palestine, prénom Charlemagne – Meshugga Land, Dijon : Les Presses du Réel, 2017.
- Daniel CAUX, « Charlemagne Palestine : The Golden Mean », in Le Silence, les couleurs du prisme & la mécanique du temps qui passe, Paris : Éditions de l’éclat, 2009, pp.142-143.
- Julian COWLEY, « Charlemagne Palestine Pulls Out the Stops », dans Musicworks, n°117, Winter 2013, dont un large extrait est disponible en ligne. (lien vérifié en septembre 2024)
- Jacques DONGUY, Charlemagne Palestine, Château-Gontier sur Mayenne : Aedam Musicae, 2022.
- François ELLA-MEYE, « Pour une approche heuristique du son d’or de Charlemagne Palestine : la reconstuction de Schlingen-Blängen », thèse de doctorat en musicologie 2017, à consulter en intégralité en ligne. (lien vérifié en septembre 2024)
- Antonio GUZMÁN (dir.), Charlemagne Palestine. Bordel Sacré, Valenciennes : Éditions de l’Aquarium agnostique / École des Beaux-arts, 2003.
- Tom JOHNSON, « La perception de Charlemagne Palestine », dans The Village Voice, 1973.
- Luca LO PINTO, Samuel SAELEMAKERS (Éds.), Charlemagne Palestine. GesammttkkunnsttMeshuggahhLaandtttt, Berlin : Sternberg Press, 2016.
- Ingram MARSHALL, « Charlemagne’s Environments », dans Los Angeles Free Press, le 20 novembre 1970.
- Tyler MAXIN, « The Rites of Ssingggg Sschlllingg Sshpppinggg: A Brief Survey of Charlemagne Palestine », article à lire sur le site de Blank Forms. (lien vérifié en septembre 2024)
- Walter ZIMMERMANN, Desert Plants. Conversations with 23 American Composers, Berlin: Beginner Press, 2020, réédition de l’ouvrage initialement publié en 1976 par ARC, Vancouver.
Textes de Charlemagne Palestine
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, Running n Chanting n Falling n Ranting, accompagné d’un Cd audio, Italie : Filipson Editions, 2014.
Discographie sélective
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « God Bear Archives II », 2 x Cd Matière Mémoire, 2024, MM-GO006CD.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « God Bear Archives I », 2 x Cd Matière Mémoire, 2023, MM-GO005CD.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « The Lower Depths », 3 Cd Alga Marghen, 2017, plana-P 41NMN.151.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « From Etudes To Cataclysms For The Doppio Borgato », 2 Cd Sub Rosa, 2016, SR272.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « CharleBelllzzz At Saint Thomas », 1 Cd Alga Marghen, 2015, plana-P 335NMN.090.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE & Simone FORTI, « Illuminations », 1 vinyle Alga Marghen, 2010, plana-PF 21VocSon082.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « The Golden Mean », 1 Cd Shiiin, 2006, shiiin 2.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE & Tony CONRAD, « An Aural Symbiotic Mystery », 1 Cd Sub Rosa, 2006, SR204.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « Negative Sound Study », 1 vinyle Alga Marghen, 2002, 19NMN.046.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « Jamaica Heinekens In Brooklyn », 1 Cd Barooni, 2000, BAR 021.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « Schlingen-Blängen », 1 Cd New World Records, 1999, 80578-2.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « Strumming Music », 1 vinyle Shandar, 1974, réédité par New Tone Records en 1995, par Sub Rosa en 2010 et par Aguirre Records en 2017.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, « Four Manifestations On Six Elements », 2 vinyles Sonnabend Gallery, 1974, réédité par Barooni en 2006, et par Alga Marghen en 2010.
Filmographie sélective
- Anne MAREGIANO, Charlemagne Palestine, The Golden Sound, 1 DVD RE:VOIR, 2013.
- Charlemagne PALESTINE, Tony CONRAD, More Aural Symbiotic Mysteries From Belgie, 1 DVD, Taping Policies, 2013.
- Guy-Marc HINANT, Dominique LOHLÉ, Whisky Time, un portrait de Charlemagne Palestine, 2011.
- Antonio GUZMÁN, Vincent VICARIO, Charlemagne Palestine. Mother Of Us All, 1 DVD ENSA Nancy / Les Éditions du Parc, 2009.
- Pip CHODOROV, Charlemagne 3 : Pastrami Recordings, 2009.
- Pip CHODOROV, Charlemagne 2 : Pilzer, Lightcone, 2002.