Paul Dessau
German composer born 19 December 1894 in Hamburg; died 28 June 1979 in East Berlin
Paul Dessau was born on 19 December 1894 in Hamburg. He grew up in a musical family: his grandfather was a cantor in the Hamburg Synagogue and his father a great lover of music. One of his cousins, Max Winterfeld, better known under the pen name Jean Gilbert, was an orchestral conductor and composer of operettas. Dessau began learning violin at a very early age, but abandoned the idea of becoming a professional violinist because of a problem with his left hand. He became interested in orchestral conducting, which he studied from 1909 to 1913 in Berlin. At the age of just eighteen, he became a répétiteur at the Hamburg municipal theater.
In May 1915, Paul Dessau was drafted for military service and sent to the French front, where he was wounded. He was then sent to serve as a military musician in Schleswig. After the First World War, he worked as an orchestra conductor, first in Hamburg, and then in Cologne (1919-1923) with Otto Klemperer. He then moved to Mainz (1923-1924) before taking up a post at the Städtische Oper Berlin (1925-1926). He began working in the cinema in 1926, (in Wiesbaden, and then in Berlin), conducting and composing scores for silent films. He also wrote several Jewish liturgical pieces, as well as some pieces in 1930 for worker choirs.
As a politically leftist Jewish avant-garde musician, Dessau was under particular threat in Germany once the National Socialist Party came to power on 30 January 1933, and he fled the country for France in 1933. This forced Dessau’s departure from the “classical” composer’s career that had been opening up to him, and for several years he lived a Bohemian, poverty-stricken existence. He could no longer measure his success in terms of broad audience, but rather among a small circle of friends and acquaintances. This time in exile also pushed him to explore his Jewish roots in music, as well as composing songs for the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War. His exile in France also marked the beginning of his collaboration with Bertolt Brecht.
In July 1939, Dessau emigrated to New York, where he survived by doing odd jobs, correcting and copying scores, teaching piano, and composing small commissions for synagogues. His mother’s death in Theresienstadt in 1942 was a decisive factor in his subsequent work. On Brecht’s advice, Dessau left New York for Hollywood in October 1943, where a network of friends and acquaintances and the presence of a large community of exiled German artists and intellectuals helped him to integrate into life there. He made his living composing for Hollywood studios, and his collaboration with Brecht grew more intense.
With the Red Scare heating up in the United States, Dessau returned to Europe in July 1948, staying first in Paris, then in Stuttgart, and finally settling in East Berlin. The Soviet authorities still allowed a relative degree of artistic freedom in their zone of occupation, even as the fight against “formalism,” led by Jdanov, was in full swing in the USSR itself at that time. Unlike Bertolt Brecht or Hanns Eisler, who were more cautious politically, Dessau joined the Socialist Unity Party (SED) in November 1948, and acquired East German citizenship after the founding of the RDA, on 7 October 1949. Although he hoped in this way to contribute to the democratic renewal of Germany, and had brought numerous scores back with him from his time in exile, Dessau met with distrust from the East German authorities.
Dessau was never particularly institutionally active, and never held any administrative responsibilities; however, teaching (mostly at the Academy of Arts) was important to him. He became one of the RDA’s most celebrated composers, and forged strong ties to musicians on both sides of the wall, such as Luigi Nono, Hans Werner Henze, Boris Blacher, and Alfred Schnittke. He rapidly joined the small fraction of the East German elite who were allowed to travel. He won the RDA National Prize on multiple occasions (1953, 1956, 1965, 1974) and served as a kind of cultural showcase for the RDA. This position left him with a certain degree of freedom of expression, which he did not hesitate to use in favor of artists and friends who came up against the regime’s rigidities.
This made it all the more suprising when he sided with the Party in 1976, when it expatriated the songwriter and poet Wolf Biermann after a concert Cologne, barring him from reentry into East Germany. Dessau’s stance may be explained by his attachment to East Germany, which in his eyes was far preferable to capitalist West Germany, which had been the cradle of fascism not so long before. Dessau was part of a group of people who hoped to transform the regime from the inside.
Nevertheless, the composer felt increasing scepticism toward his increasingly stagnant country, which seems to come through in his final work, the opera Leonce und Lena, which premiered five months after his death on 28 June 1979, at the age of 84. One of his last wishes was that he not be given a state funeral.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2018
By Laetitia Devos
From his birth in 1894 to his death in 1979, Paul Dessau’s life spanned most of the twentieth century. Profoundly affected by the two world wars, he had great hope for the democratic renewal of East Germany (GDR), and worked in tandem with Bertolt Brecht. Both politically committed and deeply attached to artistic freedom, he sought out musical forms and techniques that resisted dogmatism of any kind. Despite the Iron Curtain, he worked with musicians from many different countries, including René Leibowitz, Luigi Nono, Otto Klemperer, and Hans Werner Henze, which meant that neither his reputation nor his inspiration were limited to the GDR.
Childhood and Young Adulthood in Germany: 1894-1933
Dessau’s early work, written during or shortly after World War I, is in a post-Romantic aesthetic. The pieces express the suffering of a generation that was sacrificed in combat (Symphonic Cantata, for male choir, solo tenor and soprano, orchestra, and organ), who sometimes find a soothing sense of peace, or an echo of their own states of mind, in nature (e.g., the lieder Beruhigung, Helle Nacht, Verkündigung, Nachtglanz). The military music that Dessau had to compose during his military service also made a mark on his later work, but in parody.
His Concertino (1924) for solo violin, flute, clarinet, and horn, which was awarded the music publisher Schott’s prize, is based on Baroque forms like the fugue and the passacaglia. In stylistic terms, Dessau, was inspired by Paul Hindemith, a friend of his, and by the New Objectivity, playing with stylistic imitations. In 1927, his First Symphony premiered in Prague: in a single movement, it reprises fragments of the traditional Kol Nidre melody. With the entire orchestra playing in homorhythm, the theme takes on a stubborn and combative feel.
In 1930, Dessau began composing for workers’ choirs, with pieces in an agitprop style that prioritizes the intelligibility of the lyrics. One example, Chormusik 1931, using text from the Old Testament, features the Israelites pleading with their God; the pleading is, however, presented as a militant demand: “It is time to give bread to the hungry,” the narrator concludes. Dessau’s lieder gradually take on a political slant. Breaking with the expressive lyricism of the lieder he wrote during World War I, they display ironic, caustic wit and pared-down language.
Exile in France: 1933-1939
Even prior to 1933, Dessau had occasionally followed the tradition, on his father’s side of the family, of composing for Jewish services. His Third Psalm, from 1933, written for a string trio and alto voice, betrays concern about rising anti-Semitism. He also began composing the Haggadah oratorio, setting a text that Max Brod had written in Hebrew so as to avoid German, a language that had become too strongly associated with the Nazis. This oratorio for choir, children’s choir, soloists, and orchestra, relates the exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt. The parallel with the events of the time is obvious. Destined for a wide audience, the work has a blend of styles: Hebrew songs combined with nineteenth-century Italian opera, with recitative, arias, choruses, and marches.
Dessau also contributed musically to other current political events: in 1936, during France’s Popular Front period, he wrote choruses setting newspaper articles to music. During the Spanish Civil War, he composed songs for the International Brigades, most notably for Ernst Busch. Most of those songs have remained anonymous, but the Thälmann-Kolonne, an iconic battle anthem, remains linked to his name. It became a standard in East Germany, much to his chagrin; he found it oversimplified the ideology of his composition.
The songs he wrote for Brecht’s plays, on the other hand, tend to be ironic and self-parodying. The August 1936 Song of the Battle of the Black Straw Hats, for the second scene in Saint Joan of the Stockyards opens with a march that is soon disturbed by the intrusion of foreign musical elements. For the Song of a German Mother, Dessau drew inspiration from popular song and the standard verse-chorus form. In it, he sets a tragic text to joyful music — contributing to the alienating effect of Brecht’s work.
Dessau had already shaken off tonality in Lyrisches Intermezzo (1919), after Heinrich Heine, for voice and orchestra, and in Twelve Etudes for Piano, op. 36 (1932, revised in 1933 and renamed Nine Etudes, the eighth of which was reprised in the Song of the Battle of the Black Straw Hats). In search of material whose coherence would come from something other than tonality, Dessau was receptive to the twelve-tone techniques that Leibowitz taught him in France starting in 1936. He assimilated dodecaphony loosely into Guernica (1937), a piano piece dedicated to his teacher and which created a dialogue between music and the visual arts. In this case, rather than a moving image from a film, Dessau chose Picasso’s famous painting (displayed at the World’s Fair in Paris that same year) portraying the horror of the bombing of the town of Guernica. The chords that open the piece evoke the bombing acoustically. The music alternates between movements of extreme tension and ones of funereal calm, without falling into pathos or pomposity. The work’s interest lies in the polysemy of its musical language — dodecaphony, in this case — which cannot be reduced to a mere sound description of the painting.
The cantata The Voices was composed between 1939 and 1943, setting Poem XIX in Paul Verlaine’s collection of poetry Wisdom. The first version was for soprano and piano; the second, which premiered in New York at the 1941 International Music Festival of the International Society for Contemporary Music, called for a soprano, piano, harmonium, and percussion; while the final version, which premiered in Ludwigshafen, West Germany, in 1978, is for soprano, piano, and orchestra. Leibowitz analyzed The Voices in his book Introduction to Twelve-Tone Music.1 He points out that the composition is based on a theme and variations, but adds that
the thematic matter acquires great freedom, a structure that has loosened to the point that it is no longer possible to speak here (no more than one can in reference to Webern’s Opus 27) of variations in the classical sense of the term.
He concludes that it is a perfect example, “both free-form and strict, of twelve-tone technique.”
In Verlaine’s poem, the poet, in search of wisdom, dismisses one by one the impure voices of Pride, Hatred, and the Flesh. Having begun the work in 1939, Dessau adds the “voice of Mars.” The “Voices” are cursed and castigated individually: the thunderous orchestra and soprano express violence and inner despair, torn between the poet’s former aspirations and his renouncing of them. The text is powerfully painted: accompanied by a massive orchestra, the soprano’s vertiginous leaps evoke a battle that culminates several times in nearly apocalyptic moments. Assigned to a more peaceful, soothing violin solo, the final measures seem to suggest that the “Voices” have obeyed the oft-repeated injunction from the second part of the work: “Die,” “Die amidst the terrible voice of Love!” A pivotal work, The Voices was written at a critical time in the composer’s life, during the exile that would lead him from France to the United States.
Exile in the USA: July 1939-1948
While in exile in New York, Dessau reconnected with his Jewish roots. Using traditional melodies and composed specifically for services, some of his work was played at Temple Emanu-El and the Park Avenue Synagogue. Other pieces, such as the dodecaphonic Psalm 126 (1940), attempted to blend tradition and modernity. In December 1941, Dessau gave a presentation on Arnold Schoenberg’s Kol Nidre at the Jewish Club of New York. He had had an opportunity to meet Schoenberg briefly in New York in late 1940.
It was also in New York, around 1942-1943, that Dessau got back in touch with Brecht, who urged him to take up political themes once again. The fact that Dessau had not heard from his mother since early 1942 made him fear the worst. It is surely no coincidence that this was the year he began composing Deutsches Miserere, for mixed choir, children’s choir, soprano, alto, tenor, solo bass, full orchestra, and Trautonium, to a text by Brecht. Made of distinct numbers grouped into three larger sections, the piece is mostly tonal and within the classical oratorio tradition but shifted to the secular world, and more specifically, the world of World War II. The songs give various representatives of civil or military society a chance to speak. They include both victims and accomplices of National-Socialism, as well as some characters who are both. Footage of Hitler haranguing crowds and of aerial bombing are shown during the central part, the “Kriegsfibel” (“War Primer”); in counterpoint, the recurrent image of a seagull in flight recalls the imperturbable beauty of nature, even in the face of civilization’s atrocities. Dessau keeps the text intelligible and promotes a dialogue between the arts: the music was there neither simply to illustrate the texts or images, nor to overpower them, but to illuminate them from different angles, which is why the same verse is sometimes reprised with different intonations, as though to suggest multiple interpretations. Dessau uses the music as parody or antiphrasis (e.g., in the first part, the parody of a drumroll accompanying the war hero into the grave, which foreshadows the one in Lucullus). The dialogue between the choir and each of the soloists explores individuals’ relationship to the masses in totalitarian societies. Moments of extreme musical tension alternate with ones of great calm, but often in conflict with the images being projected.
In Los Angeles, Dessau set texts that Brecht sent him, like Les Chansons du Dieu Bonheur. He also composed for Brecht’s plays Mother Courage and Her Children and The Good Woman of Szechuan,2 whose title is sometimes translated as The Good Person of Szechuan.
East Germany: 1949-1979
In East Berlin, their collaboration materialized on stage: Mr. Puntila and His Man Matti was the first play performed, in November 1949, by the fledgling Berliner Ensemble. Although Brecht’s plays, with music by Dessau, were performed right away, it took nearly twenty years for the oratorio Deutsches Miserere to have its premiere. The question of collective responsibility for the National-Socialist catastrophe was not on East Germany’s cultural-policy agenda. That fact is also reflected in the example of Lucullus and the sad fate of Hanns Eisler’s Johann Faustus. The post-war period was no time for doubt, but one for unstinting affirmation of a radiant future ahead.
Yet no matter how truly Dessau believed in his role as a musician for the new society, he still resisted official guidelines, refusing to imitate the frivolous, sentimental style that was supposedly what the masses wanted. The regime gave pride of place to so-called “popular” music and the “classical, humanist legacy.” Dessau took note, toying with that legacy. His Orchestral Music No. 3, “Lenin” (1970), for instance, was a commission from the Berliner Staatskapelle to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the revolutionary’s birth. Dessau slipped in a tribute to Beethoven — whose two-hundredth anniversary was being celebrated the same year. He incorporated the Andante from the Appassionata (said to be Lenin’s favorite piece), reworking it as a theme and variations. In addition, the introduction and the finale of the orchestral music reprise the Epitaph for Lenin he wrote with Brecht in 1951.3 In that way, Dessau managed to reference both his own work and the classical tradition, acknowledging the legacy and freeing himself from it at the same time. Similarly, in his Symphonic Adaptation of Mozart’s String Quintet No. 6 in E-flat Major (1965), what starts out sounding like a fairly faithful transcription of Mozart goes on to confuse listeners. The imitation is so perfect that the notes that sometimes sound out of place are in fact Mozart’s, not Dessau’s. He finds it acceptable to reference the “humanist legacy” so admired by the regime, but he wants to write music for his own time, the only kind that can reflect the contemporary world. His Requiem for Lumumba (1964) is an example of a “musical chronicle” modeled on Bach’s Passions.
Five Operas
In East Germany, Dessau was best-known for his operas. His fourth wife, Ruth Berghaus, who staged them all, played a crucial role in their success.
The opera The Judgment of Lucullus, from a radio play by Brecht converted into a libretto, was the subject of innumerable long debates by Party officials in 1951. The date of the premiere, 17 March 1951, coincided with the East German Communist Party’s (the SED’s4) fifth plenum, devoted to the “struggle against formalism in art and literature.” The opera featured a trial in the hereafter: General Lucullus has been charged with war crimes. The “common people,” victims of his military campaigns, come to the witness stand. In the end, they pass judgment on Lucullus, whom they decide to send “into the void.”
Explicitly anti-militaristic and pacifist, the opera was problematic for the East German authorities, although they couldn’t admit it. The issue was that, at that time, it was not impossible that the USSR might become involved in another armed conflict. From their point of view, opera was supposed to be contributing to the people’s ideological education, and the attitude of the common people in the opera wasn’t political enough. Objecting to the music, official critics found the opera to be “formalist” and “dissonant.”5 With support from both the opera director Ernst Legal and the conductor Hermann Scherchen, Dessau and Brecht agreed to revise a few passages and, with audiences’ overwhelmingly positive reception, were able to get it into the repertory. The changes involved the libretto more than the music, which proves that the issue was more political than aesthetic, even though the objections were couched in strictly aesthetic terms. Dessau prioritized clarity for the text. Wishing also to avoid the pomposity of opera-house orchestras, he wrote without violins. The timpani, on the other hand, play such a large role that the composer acquired the nickname “Paukenpauli” (combining the German for “timpani” with Dessau’s first name).
Brecht’s premature death, on 14 August 1956, left Dessau distraught, though in retrospect, it gave him greater leeway for innovating musically. The opera Puntila (1966) based on a play by Brecht but composed after his death, is partially dodecaphonic. Class struggle, embodied by the two main characters, Puntila and Matti, is at the heart of the opera. The servant Matti winds up getting the upper hand over his master, the drunkard Puntila. Dessau openly disagreed with interpretations that simplistically moralized the music’s switching between dodecaphony and popular music: he was using them without moral judgment, flouting the social-realist approach that attributed diatonic music to “positive” characters and so-called “dissonant” music to “negative” ones. If Lucullus is neoclassical, Puntila refers to the Second Viennese School and is undoubtedly the comic counterpart to Berg’s Wozzeck. Sigrid Neef also perceives of this opera in intertextual dialogue with Schoenberg’s Moses und Aaron.6
At first glance, the opera Lancelot, which was strategically premiered for East Germany’s twentieth anniversary (1969) and dedicated “to all those in our Republic who are fighting and working for socialism,” hardly comes across as a parable of class struggle. With a libretto by Heiner Müller, the opera features Lancelot’s battle against the dragon. Some understood it as a parable of Communist struggle (Lancelot and the working class) against capitalism (the dragon). The official interpretation of the opera is that it is a vindication of the Communist regime, evidenced by the E♭(or Es)-E-D motif — a nod to the SED — that rings out when the workers make a pact with Lancelot. Yet Dessau’s intentions should not be reduced to one motif, which, in all likelihood, represented no more than superficial allegiance (which was no doubt ironic).
The opera’s message was more universal than the conflict between capitalism and communism. The final chorus, in which the farm workers rejoice at having been freed, is revealing: joy is expressed in the lyrics, but not the music. By the same token, throughout the opera, numerous anachronisms and musical comments offer “resistance” (to employ a favorite term of Heiner Müller) to reductive interpretations. Dessau compiled numerous musical allusions (e.g., to a Handel concerto grosso) and stylistic imitations (to Donizetti and Richard Strauss, among others), as well as nods to his own work, thereby achieving Müller’s ideal of “speeding up history”: making the non-simultaneous simultaneous to challenge the teleological view of history.
Dessau’s fourth opera, Einstein (1974), with a libretto by Karl Mickel, dealt with extremely current events by drawing attention to the threat of nuclear weapons. Exploring the crisis that Einstein experienced while seeking a centrist position between European fascism and American imperialism, the opera ends with a question mark rather than high praise for Communism (three different endings were actually considered). Like in Lancelot, allusions — uprooted musical material — appear in all their strangeness. The dialogue with musical history is made to serve ideological commentary. The extremely violent scene in which SA storm troopers burst into the physicist’s study is set to Bach’s “Dorian” Toccata, overlaid with a distorted (in the highest extremes) interpretation of the music Bach wrote for Luther’s chorale From Heaven Above to Earth I Come. Bach, the “humanist” composer, and Luther, whose legacy East Germany also claimed, collude with the storm troopers. Although the toccata remains recognizable, the chorale devolves into screams of horror: like Einstein’s office, humanism has been demolished.
Like the preceding operas, Leonce and Léna premiered at the East Berlin Staatsoper, but in November 1979, just a few months after Dessau’s death. It is a surprising work, for its pared-down string section and its restraint. For the libretto, Thomas Körner reworked Georg Büchner’s ironic romantic comedy from 1836 (a pre-revolutionary period in Germany). Extending Büchner’s toying with form, Körner presents the plot backward, rendering it absurd, or out-and-out incomprehensible for the uninitiated.
The music is loosely based on dodecaphony. Dessau’s treatment of timbre prioritizes the individual rather than the group, like the chorus of farm workers who are onstage but practically silent from start to finish. Dessau wrote so that the first few beats are masked and the melodies are not developed beyond a measure or two — except for the female characters’ expressive, melancholic, and melismatic a cappella arias. Despite the comic elements, a certain sadness emanates from this final work. It allows Leonce and Lena, two young people stuck in a narrow-minded country and uncertain about their future, a chance to express themselves. “What?” and “How?” are the last words that Dessau left to posterity.
Leonce and Lena can be interpreted as a last bitter smirk from the composer at the end of his life. But doesn’t looking for a political message in a musical work amount to falling into the same ideological frame of reference as the SED at that time? That being said, it is undeniable that Dessau refused to separate the political from the avant-garde in music, and that he looked for forms and techniques that allowed him to connect those two goals.
Translated from the French by Regan Kramer
1. René LEIBOWITZ, Introduction à la musique de douze sons, Paris, L’Arche, 1949, pp. 259-261. ↩
2. See Laurent Feneyrou’s analyses in “Dramaturgie musicale et idéologie,” Musique et Dramaturgie: Esthétique de la représentation au xxe siècle, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2003, pp. 132-138. ↩
3. See Matthias Fischer’s analysis in Komponieren für und wider den Staat: Paul Dessau in der DDR, Cologne, Böhlau, 2009, p. 244-247. A summary in English can be found in Classical Music in the German Democratic Republic, Kyle FRACKMAN and Larson POWELL (eds.), Rochester, Camden House, 2015, pp. 190-192. ↩
4. Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands. ↩
5. Das Verhör in der Oper. Die Debatte um die Aufführung « Das Verhör des Lukullus » von Bertolt Brecht und Paul Dessau, ed. Joachim LUCCHESI, Berlin, BasisDruck, 1993. ↩
6. Sigrid and Hermann NEEF, Deutsche Oper im 20. Jahrhundert. DDR, 1949-89, Berlin, Peter Lang, 1992, p. 88. ↩
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2018
- Solo (excluding voice)
- Klavierstück g-moll (1910-1911), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Sonate F-Dur for pianoforte (1917, 1948, 1914-1915), 18 mn, Schott
- Concertino for solo violin, flute, clarinet and horn (1924), 18 mn, Schott
- Klavierstück aus Vierhändige kleine Stücke für die Kleinen (1927), Inédit
- Sonate for solo violin (1927), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Zwölf Studien for piano (1933, 1932), 15 mn, Inédit
- Dix petits morceaux for piano (1934, 1948, 1953), Inédit
- Zwölfton-Versuche for piano (1937), Inédit
- Guernica (nach Picasso) piano piece (1938), 5 mn 30 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Tänzchen (1938), Jibneh Verlag
- Rex Virtutis for piano, after Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1940), Inédit
- Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit (fragment) for piano or organ based on the cantata BWV 14 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1940), Inédit
- Cadenza to Mozart for piano (1947), Inédit
- Little Canon for Ariane Ulmer for piano (1947), Inédit
- Five Little Exercises for the Hands and the Brain. Also! Fünf Studien (für Anfänger) for piano (1948), 7 mn, Schott
- Klavierstück über B-A-C-H (1948), 2 mn, Schott
- Melodien aus der Oper "Lukullus" for two-handed piano (1952), Inédit
- Drei Intermezzi for piano (1955), 5 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Schlaflied for piano after the Lied "Nun schlaf, mein Sohn" by Hanns Eisler (1955), Inédit
- Vier kleine Stücke für Maxim for piano (1955), Inédit
- [1]. Sonatine for piano (1955), 10 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Studie über "Wir wollen Frieden auf lange Dauer" for piano (1960), Inédit
- Zur Abwechslung for piano (1961), Verlag Neue Musik
- Acht Takte (Sprünge) für Palucca for piano (1961-1963), Inédit
- Klavierstück (viele „g's“) (1963), Schott
- Intermezzo breve for piano (1964), 3 mn, Schott
- Kleiner Marsch for harpsichord (1964), Inédit
- Etwas grüne Wiese for piano (1968), Inédit
- Paraphrase über „Mariana“ von Jean Gilbert for organ (1968), 4 mn, Schott
- Die fünf Buchstaben for piano (1970), Inédit
- Sechs Takte "Beethoven" im Harry-Jahr 1970 for organ (1970), Inédit
- Fantasietta in Cis for piano (1971-1972), 4 mn, Bote & Bock
- Grasmückenstücke für Mücke Gras for solo flute (1974), 6 mn, Bote & Bock
- Zum Einspielen for solo cello (1974), Inédit
- Sonatine for piano (1975), 10 mn, Bote & Bock
- Fantasietta No. 2 for piano (1976), 4 mn, Bote & Bock
- Fantasietta No. 3 for piano (1976), 2 mn 30 s, Bote & Bock
- Geburtstagsgabe über zwei Tritonüsse aus dem Namen des Jubilars for piano (1978), Inédit
- Kleines Lob for harp (1978), Inédit
- Chamber music
- Andante (fragment) for flute, clarinet, trumpet, violin, viola and cello (), Inédit
- Gorki (fragment) Allegro moderato for string quartet (), Inédit
- Gavotte for violin and piano (1927), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- [1]. Streichtrio (1927), Inédit
- Lustige Variationen über ein deutsches Volkslied for clarinet, bassoon and piano (or harpsichord) (1928, 1953), 10 mn, Peters
- Andante (1929), Inédit
- Sonatine for viola and piano (or harpsichord) (1929), 8 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- 1. Streichquartett (1932), 25 mn, Peters
- Etüde for cello and accompanying piano (1932), Inédit
- Hebräische Melodie for violin and piano (1932), Inédit
- Drei Flötenstücke mit Klavier (1933), Schott
- Zwei kleine Studien for violin and cello (1933), Inédit
- Suite for alto saxophone and piano (1935), 10 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- [2.] Streichtrio (fragment) (1934-1935), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Jewish Dance for violin and piano (1940), Schott
- Variationen über ein nordamerikanisches Volkslied („Der Nußbaum“) for clarinet and piano (1939-1940), 15 mn, Peters
- Drei Violinstücke mit Klavier (1941-1942), 10 mn, Schott
- Two Canons for flute, clarinet and bassoon (1942), Inédit
- 2. Streichquartett (1942-1943), 28 mn, Schott
- 3. Streichquartett. (1943-1946), 6 mn 30 s, Schott
- Tanzsuite (fragment) for cello and piano (1947), Inédit
- 99 Bars for Barbara string quartet for Barbara (1948), 3 mn, Schott
- Fünf Tanzstücke for mandolin, guitar and accordion (1951), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Sechs Sätze for string quartet (1955), 10 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- [Streichquartettsatz] Achtel = 168 (1957), 7 mn, Schott
- in memoriam ... ESTEBAN GOMEZ (quartet) for four instruments (1963), Smith Publications
- Geburtstagsgruß für Hermann Meyer for viola and piano (1965), Inédit
- Kleines Stück for two violins (1965), Inédit
- Kleines Stück for flute and trombone (or cello) (1965), Inédit
- Zwei Studien for clarinet and bassoon (1965), Inédit
- Die Liebste gab mir einen Zweig for string quartet (1967), 3 mn, Inédit
- Drei kleine Übungsstücke for violin and cello (1969), Inédit
- Drei Stücke for two trumpets and trombone or two clarinets and bassoon (1971), Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Sieben Sätze for string quartet (1971-1974), 12 mn, Peters
- 7. Streichquartett (1975), 14 mn, Bote & Bock
- Turnfanfare for two trumpets and trombone (1975), Inédit
- Vier Bagatellen for viola with piano (1975), Verlag Neue Musik
- Quintett for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn and piano (1978), 8 mn, Bote & Bock
- Instrumental ensemble music
- Sinfonie for orchestra (1910-1912), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Alice Helps the Romance music for the walt disney movie (1926), 8 mn, Schott
- Alice in the Wooly West music for the walt disney movie (1926), 7 mn, Schott
- Alice the Fire Fighter music for the walt disney movie (1926), 7 mn, Schott
- Alice's Monkey Business music for the walt disney movie (1926), Schott
- Reveille for fanfare. Infantry music. (fragment) (1926), Inédit
- Sinfonie for large orchestra (1926, 1926, 1929), variable, Boosey & Hawkes
- Die Wunderuhr suite in five movements for small orchestra (1928), 10 mn, Schott
- L'horloge magique music for the film by Ladislas Starewitch (1928), 16 mn
- La forêt enchantée music for the film by Ladislas Starewitch (1928), Schott
- Das lockende Ziel music for the film by Max Reichmann (1930), Deutscher Tonfilm-Verlag
- Trois mouvements symphoniques for orchestra (1934), Inédit
- Musik für zehn Bläser, zwei Piccoflöten, Ziehharmonika, Pauken und klavier (fragment) (1947), Inédit
- Samba. Prelude tonight. Tanz (fragment) for orchestra (1947), Inédit
- Kammerorchesterstück for two piccolo flutes, three horns, three trumpets, three trombones, percussion, accordion, piano and tuba (1948), Inédit
- Suite für 15 instrumente based on the music for the play Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder (1947-1948)
- Puntila-Variationen (fragment) for orchestra (1949), Inédit
- Sechs Orchestrationen von internationalen Arbeiterliedern (1949), Inédit
- Liedbearbeitung for two trumpets, two mandolins, two guitars, bass guitar, balalaika bass, four accordions, piano, percussion and double bass (1950), Inédit
- Polnisches Parteilied for orchestra (1950), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Sinfonischer Marsch for large orchestra (1963, 1952-1953), 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Trauermarsch auf den Tod des von den Kriegshetzern meuchlings ermordeten Volkspolizisten Helmut Just for large wind orchestra (1953), Inédit
- Festlicher Auftakt zu Ehren des 3. Januar 1955 for large wind orchestra (1954), Verlag Neue Musik
- Orchestermusik [Nr.1] 1955 for large orchestra (1955), 9 mn, Peters
- In memoriam Bertolt Brecht for large orchestra (1956), 14 mn, Peters
- Trauermusik. Dem Gedenken an Wilhelm Pieck for wind orchestra (1960), 4 mn, Inédit
- 2. Sinfonie (1962), 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Pastorale for flute, two triangles and small cymbals (1962), Inédit
- Bach-Variationen for large orchestra (1962-1963), 20 mn, Peters
- Hommage à Verdi a variation on the theme of Un Ballo in maschera by Giuseppe Verdi, for orchestra (1963), 1 mn 40 s, Inédit
- Divertimento for large orchestra (1964), 13 mn, Peters
- Quattrodramma for four cellos, two pianos and two percussionists (1965), 12 mn 30 s, Bote & Bock
- Symphonische Adaptationen des Quintetts Es-Dur, KV 614 von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for orchestra (1964-1965), 23 mn, Peters
- Diabelli (Romanze) (fragment) for two pianos, recorder, trumpet, cymbals and maybe more instruments (1967), Inédit
- Orchestermusik Nr. 2 „Meer der Stürme“ for large orchestra (1967), 15 mn, Peters
- 3. Sinfonie (fragment) for orchestra (1970), Inédit
- Orchestermusik Nr. 4 for large orchestra (1973), 17 mn, Peters
- Musik für 15 Streichinstrumente (1978-1979), 10 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Concertant music
- Kleinste Nachttopfmusik for flute, piano, triangle and two chamber pots (Cis and Pis) (1958), 6 mn, Schott
- Sonate (fragment) for piano and orchestra (1967), Inédit
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- All der Vögel Heiterkreit (fragment) for voice and piano (), Inédit
- Vier lieder for high-pitched voice and piano (1912), Inédit
- Betrachtung sketch for high-pitched voice with piano accompaniment (1914), Inédit
- Inspiration for orchestra, organ, contralto and boy's choir (1912-1914), Inédit
- Schlummerlied eines Landsturmmannes an seinen Jungen for tenor and piano (1914), Inédit
- Drei Gedichte for high voice and piano (1914-1915), 5 mn, Inédit
- Beruhigung for a high-pitched voice and string orchestra (or piano) (1917), 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Liebesbrief for a high voice (or contralto) and orchestra (or piano) (1922, 1917), Inédit
- Symphonische Kantate for male choir, tenor and solo soprano, orchestra and organ (1916-1917), Inédit
- Aufblick for a deep voice with orchestra (1917-1918), Inédit
- Erlösung durch die Wahreit Cantata for voice and organ (1919), Inédit
- Lyrisches Intermezzo for medium voice with orchestra (or piano) (1919), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Nachglanz for a sung voice with orchestra (or piano) (1919), 4 mn, Inédit
- Traurige Tänze for a voice and piano (or orchestra) (1923), Inédit
- Für Gudrun (1924), Inédit
- Lied der Liebe for voice and piano (fragment) (1924), Inédit
- Vier Marenlieder nach alten Texten for a sung voice and eight solo instruments (1923-1924), Inédit
- 62. Psalm for solo baritone and small orchestra (1926), 15 mn, Inédit
- Adon Olam for tenor with male choir, eighteen wind instruments, four timpani, cimbales, organ and double bass (1927), Inédit
- Sterbelied for soprano and piano (1927), Inédit
- Das Eisenbahnspiel for children's choir, soloists, two violins (or piano) (1930), Bote & Bock
- stage Orpheus 1930–31 (1930), 60 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Chormusik 1931 for mixed choir, narrator and percussion (1931), Inédit
- Die Räuberballade vom roten Coquillard for voice and piano (1930-1931), 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Kaffeeholer raus. Ein ernstes Soldatenlied for voice and piano (1931), Inédit
- Tadel der Unzuverlässigkeit lehrstück für Kinderchor, Einzelstimmen und einen Sprecher mit zwei respektive einem Klavier (zwei Spieler) (1930-1931), 10 mn, Bote & Bock
- Kinderkantate for children's choir, narrator and piano (or chamber orchestra) (1932), 30 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Stadt Frankfurt an dem Maine for voice and piano (1932), Inédit
- 3. Psalm for violin, viola, cello and voice (1933), Inédit
- Schirat Roeh for voice and piano on a melody by Mordechai Zaira (1932-1933), 4 mn, Edition Omanut
- Ihr Spreeathener for voice and piano (fragment) (1934), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The young british soldier for voice and piano (1934), Inédit
- Two Songs for bass voice and piano (1934), 4 mn, Inédit
- Holem Zaadi for voice and piano on a melody by Mordechai Zaira (1935), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Oi, main Herz for voice and piano (1935), Inédit
- An die Armeen Europas for voice and piano (1936), 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Ballade vom guten und schlechten Lebenswandel for voice and piano (1936), 3 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Die Thälmann-Kolonne for voice and piano (1936), 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Hagadah. Ein szenisches Oratorium for choir, children's choir, soloists and orchestra (1934-1936), 2 h 30 mn, Israeli Music Publications
- Illegales Flüsterlied for voice and piano (1936), Inédit
- Kampflied der schwarzen Strohhüte for voice and piano (1936), 3 h 30 mn, Henschel Verlag
- No Pasaran for voice and piano (1936), Inédit
- Zeitungsbericht for voice, piano and timpani (1936), Inédit
- Zwei polnische Volskslieder (jiddish) for voice and piano (1936), 3 mn, Inédit
- Abbitte for voice and piano (1937), 1 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Al sefat jam kinereth for voice and piano on a melody by Mordechai Zaira (1937), Edition Omanut
- Captain Potatoe for voice and piano (1937), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Danse et chanson espagnole for voice, three clarinets, two trumpets, trombone, percussion, piano, three guitars and double bass (1937), 12 mn, Inédit
- Der tote Soldat in Spanien for voice and piano (1937), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Ein spanisches Lied „Vom Stalin“ for voice and piano (1937), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Ale giva, sham baggalil for voice and piano on a melody by Menashe Rabinowitz (1936-1938), A-R Editions
- Ali beer (1936-1938), A-R Editions
- Der kleine Barfuß for voice and piano (1938), 4 mn, Inédit
- Examen for soprano, alto and orchestra (1938), Inédit
- Gamal Gamali for voice and piano on a melody by Yedidya Admon (1936-1938), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Hinne achal'la bachalili for voice and piano on a melody by Mordechai Zaira (1936-1938), A-R Editions
- Klage der Garde for bass and piano (1937-1938, 1940, 1941), Edition Omanut
- Schlummerlied für Anja for voice and piano (1938), 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Vulay for voice and piano on a melody by Jakov Sharett (1936-1938), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Écoutez la chanson for voice and piano (1939), Inédit
- Havel Hawalim for mixed choir and piano (1939), 12 mn, Inédit
- Télégramme du 5. X. 1939 for voice and piano (1939), Inédit
- 126. Psalm for baritone and organ (1940), 7 mn, Inédit
- Jewarechecha Adonai for soprano, bass, piano and organ, after a Jewish liturgical song (1940, 1941, 1942), 3 mn, Inédit
- 23. Psalm for bass voice and organ (or piano) (1941), Inédit
- Ajuma hamshi for bass and piano (1941), Inédit
- Ani for voice and piano (1941), Inédit
- Kol Nidre for narrator, choir and piano four hands after Arnold Schönberg (1941), Inédit
- Les Voix for soprano and piano (1939-1940, 1941, 1943), 15 mn, Peters
- Nigudim chassidin. In memoriam Joel Engel for voice or cello and keyboard, after a song by Joel Engel (1941), 3 mn, Inédit
- Ono tovo for voice and piano after a song by Hirsch Weintraub (1941), Inédit
- Sapperi for soprano and piano (1941), Inédit
- Shuri chavatselet for bass and piano (1941), Inédit
- Heint is Purim for mixed choir and piano after a popular Yiddish song (1942), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Höre uns, Deutschland! for mixed choir with piano (1942), 4 mn, Inédit
- Das deutsche Miserere for voice and piano (1943), Inédit
- Deutschland for voice and piano (1943), Inédit
- Grabschrift für Gorki for voice and piano (1943), Henschel Verlag
- Horst-Dussel-Lied for voice and piano (1943), Inédit
- Lied einer deutschen Mutter for voice and piano (1943), 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Materialist lied for soprano and piano (1943), 1 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Olenu for tenor, choir and organ (1943), Schirmer
- Zwei Gebete for solo tenor, mixed choir and organ (1943), 4 mn 30 s, Schirmer
- In deinem Hause. Recitativo and Arioso Chronist for voice and piano (1943-1944), Inédit
- Wiegenlied einer proletarischen Mutter for voice and piano (1944), Inédit
- Wiegenlied Nr. 2 for voice and piano (1944), Inédit
- Entreat me not. Wedding song. for voice and piano (1945), Inédit
- Kriegslied for voice and piano (1945, 1947, 1950), 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- stage Vier Glücksgottlieder for tenor and guitar (1944-1945), Henschel Verlag
- Boruch (Ovos) for reciter (tenor), choir and organ after a Jewish liturgical song (1946), Inédit
- Elf jüdische Volkslieder for voice and piano after Jewish folk songs (1946), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- 15 ausgesuchte Lieder für dich, Ernst... for voice and piano (1947), Inédit
- Deutsches Miserere for mixed choir, children's choir, soprano, alto, tenor and bass solo, orchestra, organ and trautonium (1942-1947), 1 h 30 mn, Peters
- Die Graugans for tenor and guitar (1947), 2 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Song of my "Hands" for voice and piano, after a song by Bernie Asbel (1947), Inédit
- Wiegenlied for voice and guitar (1947), Inédit
- Aufbaulied der F.D.J. for voice and piano (1948), 2 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Chamber Music XXXII for voice and piano (1948), 1 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Internationale Kriegsfibel for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra (1944-1948)
- Das Zukunftslied for voice and piano (1949), 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- stage Die Verurteilung des Lukullus opera in twelve scenes (1950, 1951, 1949), 1 h 30 mn, Schott
- Drei Kuba-Chöre for mixed choir, large string orchestra, three trumpets, percussion and piano (1949), Inédit
- Fünf Kinderlieder with guitar (or piano) (1949), 10 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Irgendwo im Süden von Dixie for voice and guitar (fragment) (1949), Inédit
- Aber es kam anders (fragment) for voice, piano and percussions (1950), Inédit
- An die Jugend for singing voice, with choir and piano (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- An die Mütter und an die Lehrer for solo voice, mixed choir, two pianos, three trumpets and timpani (1950), 10 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Arbeit Suite for mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra (1950), Inédit
- Ballade vom Arbeiterjungen und zwei Generals for voice and piano (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Bewegungsmusik zum "Zukunftslied". Zukunftsballett for choir and thirteen instruments (1950), Inédit
- Bulgarisches Parteilied for mixed choir and orchestra (1950), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Čest praci, Welt. for children's choir and piano (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Den Kämpfern vor Madrid. Totenehrung for voice and piano (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Der Friede auf Erden for voice and piano (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Die Partei for ensemble (1950), 6 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die sieben Schwestern. Ein chinesisches Volkslied der Gegenwart for soprano, clarinet, two tom-toms and small cymbals (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Freiheit und Democracy (fragment) for choir, clarinet, trumpet, prepared piano, percussion (1950), Inédit
- Hallo, Bruder aus Warschau for voice and piano (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Leben lernen. Lied der Brigade Karhan for piano and voice (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Schweige nicht! for a voice sung with piano (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Sie singen alle for voice (two parts) and piano (1950), Inédit
- Und was bekam des Soldaten Weib? for voice and piano (1950), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Zwei Lieder für eine Hennigsdorf-Veranstaltung for voice and guitar (1950), Inédit
- Auftakt for narrator, choir, orchestra (1951), Inédit
- Das lachende Herz for voice and piano (1951), Inédit
- Die ihr der vieles duldenden Menschheit Lehrer ehrt cantata for one voice, choir, two pianos, three trumpets and timpani after the cantata Die ihr des unermeßlichen Weltalls Schöpfer ehrt KV 619 by W.A Mozart (1951), Inédit
- Drei Grabschriften (1948-1951), 14 mn, Inédit
- Friede for a singing voice with piano accompaniment (1951), Peters
- Herrnburger Bericht for children's choir, soloists and orchestra (1951), 25 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Thomas Müntzer im Land lieder with piano accompaniment (1951), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Vier Chansons für Robert Trösch for voice and piano (1951), Inédit
- Vier Liebeslieder for voice and guitar (1951), 7 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Wort an die Vereinten Nationen for choir (one part) with piano accompaniment (1951), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Als ich noch lebte (fragment) for voice and piano (1952), Inédit
- Appell for choir, children's choir, soprano, alto, tenor, solo bass, two to three reciters and orchestra (1951-1952), 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Aus "Buch Soleika", West-Östlicher Divan for voice and guitar (1952), Inédit
- Deutschland 1952 for voice and piano (1952), 2 mn, Henschel Verlag
- Die Freunde for voice (tenor) and piano (1952, 1974), 3 mn, Bote & Bock
- Phillip Müller, Kind des Vaterlands ... for voice and piano (1952), Inédit
- Deutschland 1850 for voice and piano (1953), Inédit
- Jacobs Söhne ziehen aus, im Ägyptenland Lebensmittel zu holen for children chorus and soloists and two accordions (1953), Henschel Verlag
- Lesebuch aus dem West-Östlichen-Divan (1953), Inédit
- Lilo Herrmann melodrama for spoken voice with flute, clarinet, trumpet, violin, viola, cello and choir (1952-1953), 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- 5. März 1953, 21.50 Uhr for mixed choir, solo viola, large string orchestra, three trumpets and timpani (1953-1954), 25 mn, Inédit
- Chansons for voice and piano (1954), Inédit
- Deutscher Beitrag for voice and piano (1954), Verlag Neue Musik
- Die Erziehung der Hirse music for a narrator, a singing voice, mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra (1952-1954), 50 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Tailors Lied vom guten König for voice and guitar (1954), Inédit
- An meine Partei for low voice with string orchestra and timpani (1955), 10 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Drei Gesänge for choir with flute, guitar-piano (piano with tacks) or mandolin and guitar ad lib and double bass after popular songs (1955), Inédit
- Fünf Lieder for a high pitched voice and piano (1955), 5 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Krieg und Friede for children's choir and small orchestra (1955), Inédit
- Mutter and Kind for mezzo-soprano and piano (1955), Inédit
- Der anachronistische Zug ballad for voice, piano and percussion (1956), 12 mn, Peters
- Den mutigen Achtzehn. Beim Anblick des Kometen Arendt-Roland und anderer feuriger Zeichen for voice and piano (1957), 3 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die Sowjetfahne for voice and piano (1957), Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
- Erst dann for a narrator, male choir (in unison), piano and timpani (1957), 60 s, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Kindergebetchen for voice and piano (1957), Inédit
- Wir sind die rote Mauer for voice and piano (1957), 2 mn 30 s, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Lied Zum 16. November for voice and piano (1958), Inédit
- Wer lebt, wird sehen! Ein kleiner Beitrag zur großen Sache for voice and piano (1958), Inédit
- Hymne auf den Beginn einer neuen Geschichte der Menschheit for soprano and baritone solo, a narrator, mixed choir and instruments (1959, 1964), 10 mn, Inédit
- stage Puntila opera in thirteen tableaux and an epilogue (1965, 1956-1959), 2 h, Bote & Bock
- Ben Aid hat Blumen gemalt (für Schulen) for narrator, prepared piano and cello (fragment) (1960), Inédit
- Die Stimme seiner Klasse for voice and piano (1960), 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Mutter Courage's Lied for voice and twenty-four jaw harp (1960), Inédit
- Appell der Arbeiterklasse for solo alto and tenor, narrator, mixed choir, children's choir and large orchestra (1960-1961), 25 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Aufgebotslied for voice and piano (1961), Inédit
- Friedenslied 1961 for voice and piano (1961), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Gratulation für Willi Bredel for voice and piano (1961), Inédit
- Jetzt ist die Zeit for choir and large wind ensemble (1961), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Jüdische Chronik for solo contralto and baritone, chamber choir, two reciters and small orchestra (1960-1961), 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Kommunisten verändern die Welt for voice and piano (1961), Verlag Neue Musik
- Lied der Partei for voice and piano (1961), Inédit
- Marburger Bericht for tenor and bass solo, mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra (1961), Verlag Neue Musik
- Mohammed Ben Bella for solo baritone, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, four timpani, two cymbals, two tom-toms, drum, five tubular chimes, piano and double bass (1961), 6 mn, Inédit
- Venceremos! Wir werden siegen! Lied für Kuba for voice and piano (1961), Inédit
- Hände weg! manum de tabula Tanz-Essay for nine instrumentalists and a soprano (1961-1962), 15 mn, Inédit
- Höre den Rat (fragment) for voice and guitar (1962), Inédit
- Sang der Gesänge for choir and percussion (1962), Inédit
- Kosmonaut 6 for voice and piano (1963), Inédit
- Requiem für Lumumba for a narrator, soprano and baritone (bass) solo, instruments and mixed choir (1961-1963), 40 mn, Inédit
- Rummelplatz seven small pieces for vocals, piano and percussion (1964, 1963), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Kleines Trinklied for voice and piano (1964), Inédit
- Rundgesang for voice and piano (1964)
- Alles oder nichts for voice and piano (1965), Inédit
- An meine Landsleute for voice and piano (1965), 2 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Das tote Kind for voice and piano (1965), Inédit
- Fantasie von übermorgen for voice and piano (1965), 2 mn 30 s, Lied der Zeit Musikverlag und Bühnenvertrieb
- Kleines Lied (1965), 1 mn 30 s, Henschel Verlag
- Moderne Legende for voice and piano (1966), 2 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Armeebefehl Nr. 13 vom General-Inspekteur der Armee, Abt. Militärrecht for narrator, mixed choir and nine instruments (1967), Inédit
- Fünf Melodramen (1967), Inédit
- Genosse, Freund, Kollege: Mensch for voice and piano (1967), Inédit
- Hanoi 66 for voice and piano (1967), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Siebenundzwanzig Lieder (1963-1967), 60 mn about , Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 3 x Gorki for voice and guitar (or prepared piano) (1967-1968), Inédit
- Brief an die Grundorganisationen for mixed eight-part choir, bass, two narrators, harpsichord and timpani (1968), Verlag Neue Musik
- Denn es ist dein Gesetz for voice and piano (1968), Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
- Die neue Verfassung for voice and piano (1968), Inédit
- Kleines Wiegenlied für Antje Ronneberger for voice and piano (1968), Inédit
- Adventslied for voice and piano on a melody by Johannes Dieckmann (1969), Breitkopf & Härtel
- Fünf Lieder for bass voice with guitar (1969), Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Fünf Lieder aus der Schule for piano and a voice (1969), Verlag Neue Musik
- Höre, Israel for voice and piano (1969), Inédit
- Klein Li möchte schlafen for voice and guitar (1969), Inédit
- Lenin -Orchestermusik Nr.3- for mixed choir and orchestra (1969), 20 mn, Peters
- Die USA-Kompanie von Son My for voice and piano (1970), Inédit
- Gespräch mit einem Kind über Lenin for two sung voices and piano (1970), Inédit
- Leninlied for voice and piano (1970), Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
- Lied von Kommunismus for voice and piano (1970), Inédit
- Seht die tausend Wände for singing voice and guitar (1970), Inédit
- Die Gesichte vom Kaukasischen Kreidekreis für Schulen eingerichtet for voice, string quartet and congas (1971), Inédit
- Drei Sonette for voice and ensemble (1971, 1973), 10 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Lied von der neuen Erde for voice and piano (1971), Verlag Neue Musik
- O Süß, hüte deine Augen (fragment) for voice and organ (1971), Inédit
- O Süße, hüte deine Augen for voice and organ (fragment) (1971), Schott
- Der Herrgott saß auf Wolkenkissen (fragment) for voice, flute, clarinet, violin and cello (1972), Inédit
- Ein Fluß möcht ich sein for voice and piano (1971-1972), Verlag Neue Musik
- In memoriam Anton Webern five canons after Johann Sebastian Bach's The Musical Offering, for various instruments (1971-1972), 15 mn, Schott
- So wird es sein for voice and piano (1972), Inédit
- Wir singen unser neues Lied (fragment) for voice (1972), Inédit
- Aus der Kriegsfibel for voice and piano (1973), 60 s, Henschel Verlag
- Chile for narrator, several voices and two percussions (1973), Inédit
- Der geflügelte Satz for eight-part choir, eight instruments and three soloists (1973), Peters
- Die junge Welt ist in Berlin zu Gast for voice and piano (1973), Verlag Neue Musik
- F-D-J Lied for voice and piano (1973), Inédit
- Spruch for voice and piano (1973), Henschel Verlag
- Tierverse for voice, guitar and prepared piano or guitar and cello ad lib (1973), 4 mn
- Drei Gesänge nach Gedichten von Pablo Neruda for alto voice and piano (1974), 4 mn, Peters
- Har-Arie fürs Berliner Ensemble for soloist and choir (1974), Inédit
- Ich bezeuge! for voice and piano (1974), 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Lob for voice and piano (1974), Inédit
- Sie haben den Wind gesät (fragment) for four-part choir and orchestra (1974), Inédit
- Vier Gesänge für Tenor mit Klavier (1974), Inédit
- Zum 25. for voice and piano (1974), Inédit
- Aus "Aurora" for voice and piano (1975), Inédit
- Befreier, Freund, Genosse for voice and piano or ensemble (1975), Inédit
- Bei den Hochgestellten for voice and piano (1975), 2 mn, Inédit
- Mein Zeuthen Lied for voice and guitar (1975), Inédit
- Chormusik Nr. 5 for bass, choir and orchestra (1976), 9 mn, Peters
- Die Hände der Genossen for a singing voice with piano (1976), 9 mn
- Neuer Frühling for voice and piano (1976), Inédit
- Per il 25 aprile 1976, Salute alla DDR for voice and piano (1976), Inédit
- Für Anna Seghers. Zum 19. November 1977 for voice and piano (1977), Inédit
- An einen jungen Künstler for voice and piano (1978), Inédit
- Herz, mein Herz ... for voice and piano (1978), 60 s, Inédit
- stage Leonce und Lena opera in two acts (1979, 1976-1978), 60 mn, Bote & Bock
- Zwei Gedichte for a singing voice with piano (1978), Inédit
- A cappella vocal music
- Zu unsrer Wahl (fragment) for voice (), Inédit
- 15. Psalm Davids for mixed choir a cappella (1927), Inédit
- 13. Psalm for a cappella choir (1930), Inédit
- Ausmarsch for a cappella choir (1933), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Ballade du Franc Buveur for voices and noises (1934), 4 mn, Inédit
- Main Herz, main Herz for voice (1935), Inédit
- Serment du Rassemblement du 14 juillet 1935. Chanson du Front d'unité for choir (1937), Inédit
- ¡Oviedo! for choir (1937), Inédit
- Wajechulu (Toramelodie) for male choir a cappella based on a Jewish liturgical song (1939), 2 mn, Inédit
- Ave Regina Coelorum for four female voices after the Motette a quattre voci by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1940), Inédit
- Oh Susanna variations for male choir a cappella (1940, 1941), Inédit
- Song of Songs for three a cappella voices (1942), Edition Dimit
- To Moshe, Rufina, Jacob and Naomi Rudinow for voices (four parts) (1942), Inédit
- Das Lied vom Kelch (fragment) for voice (1948), Inédit
- Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch! 30 + 7 Choretüden in Form von Veränderungen for mixed choir a cappella (1948), 5 mn, Peters
- Friedenslied for a singing voice and an accompanying voice (1951), 3 mn, Henschel Verlag
- Kantate dem Andenken der Rosenberg's (fragment) for soloist and choir (1953), Inédit
- Schwalbe übern Feld (fragment) for voice (1953), Inédit
- "Am großen Blinks" in Bremerhaven (fragment) for voice (1954), Inédit
- Fünf Lieder for female choir in three a cappella voices (1954), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Ghetto-Gesang for tenor and choir (1956), Inédit
- Wir wollen Frieden auf lange Dauer four-part canon for a cappella choir (1957), 2 mn, Henschel Verlag
- Kanon à 3 für Otto Nagel (1959), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Übt Solidarität! for voice (1966), Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
- Fünf Tierverse for children's choir (or piano) (1967), Verlag Neue Musik
- Guerilla (fragment) for solo alto, narrator and mixed choir (1967), Inédit
- Lied unserer Kinder for voice (1968), Inédit
- Der Winter ist sehr schön (fragment) for voice (1971), Inédit
- Die ganze Welt ist bei uns zu Besuch (fragment) for voice (1972), 12 mn
- Jugend, heraus auf die Straßen der Stadt (fragment) for voice (1972), Inédit
- Historie vom verliebten Schwein Malchus for solo voice (1973), 3 mn, Inédit
- Drei Lieder for mezzo-soprano a cappella (1974), 4 mn, Inédit
- Verwehn for a solo voice (1974), Inédit
- Vier Chöre for eight voices a cappella (1976), Peters
- Unspecified instrumentation
- Schlaflied für Esther Dülberg zu singen mit möglichst zartfühlender, empfindsamer Flügelbegleitung (1918), Inédit
- stage Lanzelot und Sanderein. Altflämisches Spiel. stage music (1919), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Die Affenbrücke music for the film by Lotte Reiniger (1928), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Episode music for the film by Hans Conradi (1929), Inédit
- Die heiligen drei Brunnen music for the film by Mario Bonnard (1930), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Ich glaub' nie mehr an eine Frau. music for the film by Max Reichmann (1930), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Stürme über dem Montblanc music for the Arnold Fanck film (1930), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Zärtlichkeit music for the film by Richard Löwenbein (1930), BMG
- Der weiße Rausch. Neue Wunder des Schneeschuhs. music for the film by Arnold Fanck (1931), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Die groß Attraktion music for the film by Max Reichmann (1931), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Salto Mortale music for the film by Ewald André Dupont (1931), BMG
- Abenteuer im Engadin music for the film by Max Obal (1932), BMG
- Melodie der Liebe music for the film by Georg Jacoby (1932), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Anna und Elisabeth music for Frank Wysbar's film (1933), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Nordpol - ahoi ! music for the film by Andrew Marton (1932-1933), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- SOS Eisberg music for the Arnold Fanck film (1933), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Zwei Chöre (1933), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- L'or dans la rue music for the film by Kurt Bernhardt (1934), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Awodah music for the film by Helmar Lerski (1935), Inédit
- Possession for voice, flute, violin and possibly other instruments (1936), Inédit
- Tarass Boulba music for the film by Alexander Granowsky (1936), Inédit
- Cargaison blanche music for the film by Robert Siodmak (1937), Inédit
- Siwa, escale du désert music for the film by Victor Stoloff (1937), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Yoshivara music for the film by Max Ophüls (1937), Inédit
- stage 99% – eine deutsche Heerschau stage music (1938), Henschel Verlag
- Accord Final music for the film by I.R. Bay (Ignacy Rosenkranz) (1938), Inédit
- Carrefour music for the film by Kurt Bernhardt (1938), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Gibraltar music for the film by Fedor Ozep (1938), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Le grand élan music for the film by Christian-Jaque (Christian Maudet) (1938), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Werther music for the film by Max Ophüls (1938), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- L'Esclave blanche music for the film by Mark Sorkin (1939), Inédit
- House of Frankenstein music for the film by Erle C. Kenton (1944), Inédit
- Mr. Skeffington music for the Vincent Sherman film (1944), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Summer Storm music for the film by Douglas Sirk (1944), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Ballett (fragment) (1945), Warner Bros. Publications
- Christmas Wish for the Ulmer Family for voices (two parts) (1945), Inédit
- Combat Fatigue movie soundtrack (1945), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Die Reisen des Glücksgotts fragment (1945), Henschel Verlag
- Fairy-tale Murder music for the Charles David film (1945), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Hotel Berlin music for the film by Peter Godfrey (1945), Inédit
- House of Dracula music for the film by Erle C. Kenton (1945), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Naughty Nineties music for the film by Jean Yarborough (1945), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry music for the film by Robert Siodmak (1945), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Telescope movie soundtrack (1945), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Woman in Green music for the film by Roy William Neill (1945), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Danger Woman music for Lewis D. Collins' movie (1946), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Her Kind of Man music for the film by Frederick de Cordova (1946), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Strange Conquest music for the John Rawlins film (1946), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Wife of Monte Christo music for the film by Edgar George Ulmer (1945-1946), Inédit
- Adamah music for the film by Helmar Lerski (1947), Inédit
- stage Galileo (fragment) indicental music (1947), Inédit
- Nora Prentiss music for the film by Vincent Sherman (1947), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Paradine Case music for the film by Alfred Hitchcock (with Franz Maxman) (1947)
- The Pretender music for the film by William Lee Wilder (1947), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Winter Wonderland music for the film by Bernard Vorhaus (1947), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- stage Der gute Mensch von Sezuan. Parabelstück. music for the play by Bertolt Becht (1947-1948), Henschel Verlag
- stage Die Ausnahme und die Regel. Lehrstück stage music (1948), Henschel Verlag
- Joan of Arc music for the film by Victor Fleming (1948), Inédit
- The Devil's Cargo music for the film by John F. Link (1948), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Vicious Circle music for the film by William Lee Wilder (1948), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- stage Faust (1ère partie) stage music (1949), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- stage Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti. Volksstück. music for the play by Bertolt Brecht (1949), Henschel Verlag
- stage Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder. Chronik aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg music for the play by Bertolt Brecht (1946, 1948-1949), Henschel Verlag
- stage Wie dem deutschen Michel geholfen wird. music for Bertolt Brecht's play Das Badener Lehrstück vom Einverständnis (1949), Henschel Verlag
- stage Der Hofmeister stage music (1950), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- stage An beiden Ufern der Spree stage music (1951), Inédit
- stage Der ame Konrad stage music (1966, 1951), Inédit
- stage Mann ist Mann. Lustspiel. music for the play by Bertolt Brecht (1956, 1951), Henschel Verlag
- Der Augsburger Kreidekreis (fragment) Eine dramatische Ballade für Musik (in drei Teilen) (1952), Inédit
- stage Urfaust stage music (1953, 1961, 1952), Inédit
- stage Don Juan music for the play by Molière, after Jean-Baptiste Lully (1953), Henschel Verlag
- Drachen über den Zelten. music for a radio play (1953), Inédit
- stage Faust (deuxième partie) (fragment) stage music (1952-1953), Inédit
- stage Hotel der tausend Schmerzen (fragment) stage music (1953), Inédit
- stage Der kaukasische Kreidekreis music for the play by Bertolt Brecht (1953, 1954), Henschel Verlag
- stage Das gelobte Land (fragment) Opera in two acts (1955), Inédit
- Die Witwe Capet radio music (1955), Inédit
- stage Der Weg nach Füssen music for the play by Johannes R. Becher (1955-1956), Henschel Verlag
- Du und mancher Kamerad music for the film by Annelie and Andrew Thorndike (1956), Inédit
- elec Feuerwasser stage music (1956), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Urlaub auf Sylt music for the film Annelie and Andrew Thorndike (1957) (1957), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Die den Himmel verdunkeln, sind unsere Feinde dance scenes (1958), Inédit
- Unternehmen Teutonenschwert music for the film by Annelie and Andrew Thorndike (1958), Inédit
- Flug Zur Sonne (1959), Inédit
- Reportage aus Rossendorf music for the film by Klaus Alde (1958-1959), Inédit
- Kleiner Canon (1960), Inédit
- Das russische Wunder music for the film by Annelie and Andrew Thorndike (1961-1962), Inédit
- stage Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe (fragment) opera (1961-1962), Inédit
- stage G.G. opera (1963), Inédit
- stage Coriolan music for the play by William Shakespeare (1963-1964), Henschel Verlag
- stage Die Ermittlung stage music (1965), 12 mn, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- 400 cm3 music for the film by Walter Heynowski (1966), Inédit
- stage Vietnam-Diskurs stage music (1967-1968), Inédit
- stage Lanzelot opera in fifteen tableaux (1969-1970, 1967-1969), Bote & Bock
- stage Egmont stage music (1970), Inédit
- Dreistimmiger Vierzeiler zur Wahl am 14. November 1971 für Kleine und Große. Kanon à 3. (1971), Inédit
- stage Einstein opera in three acts (1969-1973), 2 h, Bärenreiter
- stage Zement stage music (1973), Inédit
- Fünfe Chöre a cappella (1976), Inédit
Catalog sources and details
Laetitia Devos et éditeurs.
- 1979
- Musik für 15 Streichinstrumente, 10 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- 1978
- An einen jungen Künstler for voice and piano, Inédit
- Geburtstagsgabe über zwei Tritonüsse aus dem Namen des Jubilars for piano, Inédit
- Herz, mein Herz ... for voice and piano, 60 s, Inédit
- Kleines Lob for harp, Inédit
- stage Leonce und Lena opera in two acts, 60 mn, Bote & Bock
- Quintett for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn and piano, 8 mn, Bote & Bock
- Zwei Gedichte for a singing voice with piano, Inédit
- 1977
- Für Anna Seghers. Zum 19. November 1977 for voice and piano, Inédit
- 1976
- Chormusik Nr. 5 for bass, choir and orchestra, 9 mn, Peters
- Die Hände der Genossen for a singing voice with piano, 9 mn
- Fantasietta No. 2 for piano, 4 mn, Bote & Bock
- Fantasietta No. 3 for piano, 2 mn 30 s, Bote & Bock
- Fünfe Chöre a cappella, Inédit
- Neuer Frühling for voice and piano, Inédit
- Per il 25 aprile 1976, Salute alla DDR for voice and piano, Inédit
- Vier Chöre for eight voices a cappella, Peters
- 1975
- 7. Streichquartett, 14 mn, Bote & Bock
- Aus "Aurora" for voice and piano, Inédit
- Befreier, Freund, Genosse for voice and piano or ensemble, Inédit
- Bei den Hochgestellten for voice and piano, 2 mn, Inédit
- Mein Zeuthen Lied for voice and guitar, Inédit
- Sonatine for piano, 10 mn, Bote & Bock
- Turnfanfare for two trumpets and trombone, Inédit
- Vier Bagatellen for viola with piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- 1974
- Drei Gesänge nach Gedichten von Pablo Neruda for alto voice and piano, 4 mn, Peters
- Drei Lieder for mezzo-soprano a cappella, 4 mn, Inédit
- Grasmückenstücke für Mücke Gras for solo flute, 6 mn, Bote & Bock
- Har-Arie fürs Berliner Ensemble for soloist and choir, Inédit
- Ich bezeuge! for voice and piano, 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Lob for voice and piano, Inédit
- Sie haben den Wind gesät (fragment) for four-part choir and orchestra, Inédit
- Sieben Sätze for string quartet, 12 mn, Peters
- Verwehn for a solo voice, Inédit
- Vier Gesänge für Tenor mit Klavier, Inédit
- Zum 25. for voice and piano, Inédit
- Zum Einspielen for solo cello, Inédit
- 1973
- Aus der Kriegsfibel for voice and piano, 60 s, Henschel Verlag
- Chile for narrator, several voices and two percussions, Inédit
- Der geflügelte Satz for eight-part choir, eight instruments and three soloists, Peters
- Die junge Welt ist in Berlin zu Gast for voice and piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- stage Einstein opera in three acts, 2 h, Bärenreiter
- F-D-J Lied for voice and piano, Inédit
- Historie vom verliebten Schwein Malchus for solo voice, 3 mn, Inédit
- Orchestermusik Nr. 4 for large orchestra, 17 mn, Peters
- Spruch for voice and piano, Henschel Verlag
- Tierverse for voice, guitar and prepared piano or guitar and cello ad lib, 4 mn
- stage Zement stage music, Inédit
- 1972
- Der Herrgott saß auf Wolkenkissen (fragment) for voice, flute, clarinet, violin and cello, Inédit
- Die ganze Welt ist bei uns zu Besuch (fragment) for voice, 12 mn
- Ein Fluß möcht ich sein for voice and piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- Fantasietta in Cis for piano, 4 mn, Bote & Bock
- In memoriam Anton Webern five canons after Johann Sebastian Bach's The Musical Offering, for various instruments, 15 mn, Schott
- Jugend, heraus auf die Straßen der Stadt (fragment) for voice, Inédit
- So wird es sein for voice and piano, Inédit
- Wir singen unser neues Lied (fragment) for voice, Inédit
- 1971
- Der Winter ist sehr schön (fragment) for voice, Inédit
- Die Gesichte vom Kaukasischen Kreidekreis für Schulen eingerichtet for voice, string quartet and congas, Inédit
- Drei Sonette for voice and ensemble, 10 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Drei Stücke for two trumpets and trombone or two clarinets and bassoon, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Dreistimmiger Vierzeiler zur Wahl am 14. November 1971 für Kleine und Große. Kanon à 3., Inédit
- Lied von der neuen Erde for voice and piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- O Süß, hüte deine Augen (fragment) for voice and organ, Inédit
- O Süße, hüte deine Augen for voice and organ (fragment), Schott
- 1970
- 3. Sinfonie (fragment) for orchestra, Inédit
- Die USA-Kompanie von Son My for voice and piano, Inédit
- Die fünf Buchstaben for piano, Inédit
- stage Egmont stage music, Inédit
- Gespräch mit einem Kind über Lenin for two sung voices and piano, Inédit
- Leninlied for voice and piano, Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
- Lied von Kommunismus for voice and piano, Inédit
- Sechs Takte "Beethoven" im Harry-Jahr 1970 for organ, Inédit
- Seht die tausend Wände for singing voice and guitar, Inédit
- 1969
- Adventslied for voice and piano on a melody by Johannes Dieckmann, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Drei kleine Übungsstücke for violin and cello, Inédit
- Fünf Lieder for bass voice with guitar, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Fünf Lieder aus der Schule for piano and a voice, Verlag Neue Musik
- Höre, Israel for voice and piano, Inédit
- Klein Li möchte schlafen for voice and guitar, Inédit
- stage Lanzelot opera in fifteen tableaux, Bote & Bock
- Lenin -Orchestermusik Nr.3- for mixed choir and orchestra, 20 mn, Peters
- 1968
- 3 x Gorki for voice and guitar (or prepared piano), Inédit
- Brief an die Grundorganisationen for mixed eight-part choir, bass, two narrators, harpsichord and timpani, Verlag Neue Musik
- Denn es ist dein Gesetz for voice and piano, Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
- Die neue Verfassung for voice and piano, Inédit
- Etwas grüne Wiese for piano, Inédit
- Kleines Wiegenlied für Antje Ronneberger for voice and piano, Inédit
- Lied unserer Kinder for voice, Inédit
- Paraphrase über „Mariana“ von Jean Gilbert for organ, 4 mn, Schott
- stage Vietnam-Diskurs stage music, Inédit
- 1967
- Armeebefehl Nr. 13 vom General-Inspekteur der Armee, Abt. Militärrecht for narrator, mixed choir and nine instruments, Inédit
- Diabelli (Romanze) (fragment) for two pianos, recorder, trumpet, cymbals and maybe more instruments, Inédit
- Die Liebste gab mir einen Zweig for string quartet, 3 mn, Inédit
- Fünf Melodramen, Inédit
- Fünf Tierverse for children's choir (or piano), Verlag Neue Musik
- Genosse, Freund, Kollege: Mensch for voice and piano, Inédit
- Guerilla (fragment) for solo alto, narrator and mixed choir, Inédit
- Hanoi 66 for voice and piano, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Orchestermusik Nr. 2 „Meer der Stürme“ for large orchestra, 15 mn, Peters
- Siebenundzwanzig Lieder, 60 mn about , Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Sonate (fragment) for piano and orchestra, Inédit
- 1966
- 400 cm3 music for the film by Walter Heynowski, Inédit
- Moderne Legende for voice and piano, 2 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Übt Solidarität! for voice, Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
- 1965
- Alles oder nichts for voice and piano, Inédit
- An meine Landsleute for voice and piano, 2 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Das tote Kind for voice and piano, Inédit
- stage Die Ermittlung stage music, 12 mn, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Fantasie von übermorgen for voice and piano, 2 mn 30 s, Lied der Zeit Musikverlag und Bühnenvertrieb
- Geburtstagsgruß für Hermann Meyer for viola and piano, Inédit
- Kleines Lied, 1 mn 30 s, Henschel Verlag
- Kleines Stück for two violins, Inédit
- Kleines Stück for flute and trombone (or cello), Inédit
- Quattrodramma for four cellos, two pianos and two percussionists, 12 mn 30 s, Bote & Bock
- Symphonische Adaptationen des Quintetts Es-Dur, KV 614 von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for orchestra, 23 mn, Peters
- Zwei Studien for clarinet and bassoon, Inédit
- 1964
- stage Coriolan music for the play by William Shakespeare, Henschel Verlag
- Divertimento for large orchestra, 13 mn, Peters
- Intermezzo breve for piano, 3 mn, Schott
- Kleiner Marsch for harpsichord, Inédit
- Kleines Trinklied for voice and piano, Inédit
- Rundgesang for voice and piano
- 1963
- Acht Takte (Sprünge) für Palucca for piano, Inédit
- Bach-Variationen for large orchestra, 20 mn, Peters
- stage G.G. opera, Inédit
- Hommage à Verdi a variation on the theme of Un Ballo in maschera by Giuseppe Verdi, for orchestra, 1 mn 40 s, Inédit
- Klavierstück (viele „g's“), Schott
- Kosmonaut 6 for voice and piano, Inédit
- Requiem für Lumumba for a narrator, soprano and baritone (bass) solo, instruments and mixed choir, 40 mn, Inédit
- Rummelplatz seven small pieces for vocals, piano and percussion, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- in memoriam ... ESTEBAN GOMEZ (quartet) for four instruments, Smith Publications
- 1962
- 2. Sinfonie, 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Das russische Wunder music for the film by Annelie and Andrew Thorndike, Inédit
- stage Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe (fragment) opera, Inédit
- Hände weg! manum de tabula Tanz-Essay for nine instrumentalists and a soprano, 15 mn, Inédit
- Höre den Rat (fragment) for voice and guitar, Inédit
- Pastorale for flute, two triangles and small cymbals, Inédit
- Sang der Gesänge for choir and percussion, Inédit
- 1961
- Appell der Arbeiterklasse for solo alto and tenor, narrator, mixed choir, children's choir and large orchestra, 25 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Aufgebotslied for voice and piano, Inédit
- Friedenslied 1961 for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Gratulation für Willi Bredel for voice and piano, Inédit
- Jetzt ist die Zeit for choir and large wind ensemble, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Jüdische Chronik for solo contralto and baritone, chamber choir, two reciters and small orchestra, 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Kommunisten verändern die Welt for voice and piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- Lied der Partei for voice and piano, Inédit
- Marburger Bericht for tenor and bass solo, mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra, Verlag Neue Musik
- Mohammed Ben Bella for solo baritone, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, four timpani, two cymbals, two tom-toms, drum, five tubular chimes, piano and double bass, 6 mn, Inédit
- Venceremos! Wir werden siegen! Lied für Kuba for voice and piano, Inédit
- Zur Abwechslung for piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- 1960
- Ben Aid hat Blumen gemalt (für Schulen) for narrator, prepared piano and cello (fragment), Inédit
- Die Stimme seiner Klasse for voice and piano, 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Kleiner Canon, Inédit
- Mutter Courage's Lied for voice and twenty-four jaw harp, Inédit
- Studie über "Wir wollen Frieden auf lange Dauer" for piano, Inédit
- Trauermusik. Dem Gedenken an Wilhelm Pieck for wind orchestra, 4 mn, Inédit
- 1959
- Flug Zur Sonne, Inédit
- Hymne auf den Beginn einer neuen Geschichte der Menschheit for soprano and baritone solo, a narrator, mixed choir and instruments, 10 mn, Inédit
- Kanon à 3 für Otto Nagel, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- stage Puntila opera in thirteen tableaux and an epilogue, 2 h, Bote & Bock
- Reportage aus Rossendorf music for the film by Klaus Alde, Inédit
- 1958
- Die den Himmel verdunkeln, sind unsere Feinde dance scenes, Inédit
- Kleinste Nachttopfmusik for flute, piano, triangle and two chamber pots (Cis and Pis), 6 mn, Schott
- Lied Zum 16. November for voice and piano, Inédit
- Unternehmen Teutonenschwert music for the film by Annelie and Andrew Thorndike, Inédit
- Wer lebt, wird sehen! Ein kleiner Beitrag zur großen Sache for voice and piano, Inédit
- 1957
- Den mutigen Achtzehn. Beim Anblick des Kometen Arendt-Roland und anderer feuriger Zeichen for voice and piano, 3 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die Sowjetfahne for voice and piano, Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
- Erst dann for a narrator, male choir (in unison), piano and timpani, 60 s, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Kindergebetchen for voice and piano, Inédit
- Urlaub auf Sylt music for the film Annelie and Andrew Thorndike (1957), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Wir sind die rote Mauer for voice and piano, 2 mn 30 s, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Wir wollen Frieden auf lange Dauer four-part canon for a cappella choir, 2 mn, Henschel Verlag
- [Streichquartettsatz] Achtel = 168, 7 mn, Schott
- 1956
- stage Der Weg nach Füssen music for the play by Johannes R. Becher, Henschel Verlag
- Der anachronistische Zug ballad for voice, piano and percussion, 12 mn, Peters
- Du und mancher Kamerad music for the film by Annelie and Andrew Thorndike, Inédit
- elec Feuerwasser stage music, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Ghetto-Gesang for tenor and choir, Inédit
- In memoriam Bertolt Brecht for large orchestra, 14 mn, Peters
- 1955
- An meine Partei for low voice with string orchestra and timpani, 10 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- stage Das gelobte Land (fragment) Opera in two acts, Inédit
- Die Witwe Capet radio music, Inédit
- Drei Gesänge for choir with flute, guitar-piano (piano with tacks) or mandolin and guitar ad lib and double bass after popular songs, Inédit
- Drei Intermezzi for piano, 5 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Fünf Lieder for a high pitched voice and piano, 5 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Krieg und Friede for children's choir and small orchestra, Inédit
- Mutter and Kind for mezzo-soprano and piano, Inédit
- Orchestermusik [Nr.1] 1955 for large orchestra, 9 mn, Peters
- Schlaflied for piano after the Lied "Nun schlaf, mein Sohn" by Hanns Eisler, Inédit
- Sechs Sätze for string quartet, 10 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Vier kleine Stücke für Maxim for piano, Inédit
- [1]. Sonatine for piano, 10 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- 1954
- "Am großen Blinks" in Bremerhaven (fragment) for voice, Inédit
- 5. März 1953, 21.50 Uhr for mixed choir, solo viola, large string orchestra, three trumpets and timpani, 25 mn, Inédit
- Chansons for voice and piano, Inédit
- stage Der kaukasische Kreidekreis music for the play by Bertolt Brecht, Henschel Verlag
- Deutscher Beitrag for voice and piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- Die Erziehung der Hirse music for a narrator, a singing voice, mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra, 50 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Festlicher Auftakt zu Ehren des 3. Januar 1955 for large wind orchestra, Verlag Neue Musik
- Fünf Lieder for female choir in three a cappella voices, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Tailors Lied vom guten König for voice and guitar, Inédit
- 1953
- Deutschland 1850 for voice and piano, Inédit
- stage Don Juan music for the play by Molière, after Jean-Baptiste Lully, Henschel Verlag
- Drachen über den Zelten. music for a radio play, Inédit
- stage Faust (deuxième partie) (fragment) stage music, Inédit
- stage Hotel der tausend Schmerzen (fragment) stage music, Inédit
- Jacobs Söhne ziehen aus, im Ägyptenland Lebensmittel zu holen for children chorus and soloists and two accordions, Henschel Verlag
- Kantate dem Andenken der Rosenberg's (fragment) for soloist and choir, Inédit
- Lesebuch aus dem West-Östlichen-Divan, Inédit
- Lilo Herrmann melodrama for spoken voice with flute, clarinet, trumpet, violin, viola, cello and choir, 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Schwalbe übern Feld (fragment) for voice, Inédit
- Sinfonischer Marsch for large orchestra, 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Trauermarsch auf den Tod des von den Kriegshetzern meuchlings ermordeten Volkspolizisten Helmut Just for large wind orchestra, Inédit
- 1952
- Als ich noch lebte (fragment) for voice and piano, Inédit
- Appell for choir, children's choir, soprano, alto, tenor, solo bass, two to three reciters and orchestra, 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Aus "Buch Soleika", West-Östlicher Divan for voice and guitar, Inédit
- Der Augsburger Kreidekreis (fragment) Eine dramatische Ballade für Musik (in drei Teilen), Inédit
- Deutschland 1952 for voice and piano, 2 mn, Henschel Verlag
- Die Freunde for voice (tenor) and piano, 3 mn, Bote & Bock
- Melodien aus der Oper "Lukullus" for two-handed piano, Inédit
- Phillip Müller, Kind des Vaterlands ... for voice and piano, Inédit
- stage Urfaust stage music, Inédit
- 1951
- stage An beiden Ufern der Spree stage music, Inédit
- Auftakt for narrator, choir, orchestra, Inédit
- Das lachende Herz for voice and piano, Inédit
- stage Der ame Konrad stage music, Inédit
- Die ihr der vieles duldenden Menschheit Lehrer ehrt cantata for one voice, choir, two pianos, three trumpets and timpani after the cantata Die ihr des unermeßlichen Weltalls Schöpfer ehrt KV 619 by W.A Mozart, Inédit
- Drei Grabschriften, 14 mn, Inédit
- Friede for a singing voice with piano accompaniment, Peters
- Friedenslied for a singing voice and an accompanying voice, 3 mn, Henschel Verlag
- Fünf Tanzstücke for mandolin, guitar and accordion, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Herrnburger Bericht for children's choir, soloists and orchestra, 25 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- stage Mann ist Mann. Lustspiel. music for the play by Bertolt Brecht, Henschel Verlag
- Thomas Müntzer im Land lieder with piano accompaniment, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Vier Chansons für Robert Trösch for voice and piano, Inédit
- Vier Liebeslieder for voice and guitar, 7 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Wort an die Vereinten Nationen for choir (one part) with piano accompaniment, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- 1950
- Aber es kam anders (fragment) for voice, piano and percussions, Inédit
- An die Jugend for singing voice, with choir and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- An die Mütter und an die Lehrer for solo voice, mixed choir, two pianos, three trumpets and timpani, 10 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Arbeit Suite for mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra, Inédit
- Ballade vom Arbeiterjungen und zwei Generals for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Bewegungsmusik zum "Zukunftslied". Zukunftsballett for choir and thirteen instruments, Inédit
- Bulgarisches Parteilied for mixed choir and orchestra, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Den Kämpfern vor Madrid. Totenehrung for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Der Friede auf Erden for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- stage Der Hofmeister stage music, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Die Partei for ensemble, 6 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die sieben Schwestern. Ein chinesisches Volkslied der Gegenwart for soprano, clarinet, two tom-toms and small cymbals, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Freiheit und Democracy (fragment) for choir, clarinet, trumpet, prepared piano, percussion, Inédit
- Hallo, Bruder aus Warschau for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Leben lernen. Lied der Brigade Karhan for piano and voice, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Liedbearbeitung for two trumpets, two mandolins, two guitars, bass guitar, balalaika bass, four accordions, piano, percussion and double bass, Inédit
- Polnisches Parteilied for orchestra, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Schweige nicht! for a voice sung with piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Sie singen alle for voice (two parts) and piano, Inédit
- Und was bekam des Soldaten Weib? for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Zwei Lieder für eine Hennigsdorf-Veranstaltung for voice and guitar, Inédit
- Čest praci, Welt. for children's choir and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- 1949
- Das Zukunftslied for voice and piano, 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- stage Die Verurteilung des Lukullus opera in twelve scenes, 1 h 30 mn, Schott
- Drei Kuba-Chöre for mixed choir, large string orchestra, three trumpets, percussion and piano, Inédit
- stage Faust (1ère partie) stage music, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Fünf Kinderlieder with guitar (or piano), 10 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- stage Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti. Volksstück. music for the play by Bertolt Brecht, Henschel Verlag
- Irgendwo im Süden von Dixie for voice and guitar (fragment), Inédit
- stage Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder. Chronik aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg music for the play by Bertolt Brecht, Henschel Verlag
- Puntila-Variationen (fragment) for orchestra, Inédit
- Sechs Orchestrationen von internationalen Arbeiterliedern, Inédit
- stage Wie dem deutschen Michel geholfen wird. music for Bertolt Brecht's play Das Badener Lehrstück vom Einverständnis, Henschel Verlag
- 1948
- 99 Bars for Barbara string quartet for Barbara, 3 mn, Schott
- Aufbaulied der F.D.J. for voice and piano, 2 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Chamber Music XXXII for voice and piano, 1 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Das Lied vom Kelch (fragment) for voice, Inédit
- stage Der gute Mensch von Sezuan. Parabelstück. music for the play by Bertolt Becht, Henschel Verlag
- stage Die Ausnahme und die Regel. Lehrstück stage music, Henschel Verlag
- Five Little Exercises for the Hands and the Brain. Also! Fünf Studien (für Anfänger) for piano, 7 mn, Schott
- Internationale Kriegsfibel for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra
- Joan of Arc music for the film by Victor Fleming, Inédit
- Kammerorchesterstück for two piccolo flutes, three horns, three trumpets, three trombones, percussion, accordion, piano and tuba, Inédit
- Klavierstück über B-A-C-H, 2 mn, Schott
- Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch! 30 + 7 Choretüden in Form von Veränderungen for mixed choir a cappella, 5 mn, Peters
- Suite für 15 instrumente based on the music for the play Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder
- The Devil's Cargo music for the film by John F. Link , Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Vicious Circle music for the film by William Lee Wilder, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- 1947
- 15 ausgesuchte Lieder für dich, Ernst... for voice and piano, Inédit
- Adamah music for the film by Helmar Lerski, Inédit
- Cadenza to Mozart for piano, Inédit
- Deutsches Miserere for mixed choir, children's choir, soprano, alto, tenor and bass solo, orchestra, organ and trautonium, 1 h 30 mn, Peters
- Die Graugans for tenor and guitar, 2 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- stage Galileo (fragment) indicental music, Inédit
- Little Canon for Ariane Ulmer for piano, Inédit
- Musik für zehn Bläser, zwei Piccoflöten, Ziehharmonika, Pauken und klavier (fragment), Inédit
- Nora Prentiss music for the film by Vincent Sherman, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Samba. Prelude tonight. Tanz (fragment) for orchestra, Inédit
- Song of my "Hands" for voice and piano, after a song by Bernie Asbel, Inédit
- Tanzsuite (fragment) for cello and piano, Inédit
- The Paradine Case music for the film by Alfred Hitchcock (with Franz Maxman)
- The Pretender music for the film by William Lee Wilder, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Wiegenlied for voice and guitar, Inédit
- Winter Wonderland music for the film by Bernard Vorhaus, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- 1946
- 3. Streichquartett., 6 mn 30 s, Schott
- Boruch (Ovos) for reciter (tenor), choir and organ after a Jewish liturgical song, Inédit
- Danger Woman music for Lewis D. Collins' movie, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Elf jüdische Volkslieder for voice and piano after Jewish folk songs, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Her Kind of Man music for the film by Frederick de Cordova, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Strange Conquest music for the John Rawlins film, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Wife of Monte Christo music for the film by Edgar George Ulmer, Inédit
- 1945
- Ballett (fragment), Warner Bros. Publications
- Christmas Wish for the Ulmer Family for voices (two parts), Inédit
- Combat Fatigue movie soundtrack, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Die Reisen des Glücksgotts fragment, Henschel Verlag
- Entreat me not. Wedding song. for voice and piano, Inédit
- Fairy-tale Murder music for the Charles David film, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Hotel Berlin music for the film by Peter Godfrey, Inédit
- House of Dracula music for the film by Erle C. Kenton, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Kriegslied for voice and piano, 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- The Naughty Nineties music for the film by Jean Yarborough, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry music for the film by Robert Siodmak, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Telescope movie soundtrack, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The Woman in Green music for the film by Roy William Neill, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- stage Vier Glücksgottlieder for tenor and guitar, Henschel Verlag
- 1944
- House of Frankenstein music for the film by Erle C. Kenton, Inédit
- In deinem Hause. Recitativo and Arioso Chronist for voice and piano, Inédit
- Mr. Skeffington music for the Vincent Sherman film, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Summer Storm music for the film by Douglas Sirk, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Wiegenlied Nr. 2 for voice and piano, Inédit
- Wiegenlied einer proletarischen Mutter for voice and piano, Inédit
- 1943
- 2. Streichquartett, 28 mn, Schott
- Das deutsche Miserere for voice and piano, Inédit
- Deutschland for voice and piano, Inédit
- Grabschrift für Gorki for voice and piano, Henschel Verlag
- Horst-Dussel-Lied for voice and piano, Inédit
- Lied einer deutschen Mutter for voice and piano, 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Materialist lied for soprano and piano, 1 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Olenu for tenor, choir and organ, Schirmer
- Zwei Gebete for solo tenor, mixed choir and organ, 4 mn 30 s, Schirmer
- 1942
- Drei Violinstücke mit Klavier, 10 mn, Schott
- Heint is Purim for mixed choir and piano after a popular Yiddish song, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Höre uns, Deutschland! for mixed choir with piano, 4 mn, Inédit
- Song of Songs for three a cappella voices, Edition Dimit
- To Moshe, Rufina, Jacob and Naomi Rudinow for voices (four parts), Inédit
- Two Canons for flute, clarinet and bassoon, Inédit
- 1941
- 23. Psalm for bass voice and organ (or piano), Inédit
- Ajuma hamshi for bass and piano, Inédit
- Ani for voice and piano, Inédit
- Kol Nidre for narrator, choir and piano four hands after Arnold Schönberg, Inédit
- Les Voix for soprano and piano, 15 mn, Peters
- Nigudim chassidin. In memoriam Joel Engel for voice or cello and keyboard, after a song by Joel Engel, 3 mn, Inédit
- Ono tovo for voice and piano after a song by Hirsch Weintraub, Inédit
- Sapperi for soprano and piano, Inédit
- Shuri chavatselet for bass and piano, Inédit
- 1940
- 126. Psalm for baritone and organ, 7 mn, Inédit
- Ave Regina Coelorum for four female voices after the Motette a quattre voci by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Inédit
- Jewarechecha Adonai for soprano, bass, piano and organ, after a Jewish liturgical song, 3 mn, Inédit
- Jewish Dance for violin and piano, Schott
- Oh Susanna variations for male choir a cappella, Inédit
- Rex Virtutis for piano, after Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Inédit
- Variationen über ein nordamerikanisches Volkslied („Der Nußbaum“) for clarinet and piano, 15 mn, Peters
- Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit (fragment) for piano or organ based on the cantata BWV 14 by Johann Sebastian Bach, Inédit
- 1939
- Havel Hawalim for mixed choir and piano, 12 mn, Inédit
- L'Esclave blanche music for the film by Mark Sorkin, Inédit
- Télégramme du 5. X. 1939 for voice and piano, Inédit
- Wajechulu (Toramelodie) for male choir a cappella based on a Jewish liturgical song, 2 mn, Inédit
- Écoutez la chanson for voice and piano, Inédit
- 1938
- stage 99% – eine deutsche Heerschau stage music, Henschel Verlag
- Accord Final music for the film by I.R. Bay (Ignacy Rosenkranz), Inédit
- Ale giva, sham baggalil for voice and piano on a melody by Menashe Rabinowitz, A-R Editions
- Ali beer, A-R Editions
- Carrefour music for the film by Kurt Bernhardt, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Der kleine Barfuß for voice and piano, 4 mn, Inédit
- Examen for soprano, alto and orchestra, Inédit
- Gamal Gamali for voice and piano on a melody by Yedidya Admon, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Gibraltar music for the film by Fedor Ozep, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Guernica (nach Picasso) piano piece, 5 mn 30 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Hinne achal'la bachalili for voice and piano on a melody by Mordechai Zaira, A-R Editions
- Klage der Garde for bass and piano, Edition Omanut
- Le grand élan music for the film by Christian-Jaque (Christian Maudet), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Schlummerlied für Anja for voice and piano, 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Tänzchen, Jibneh Verlag
- Vulay for voice and piano on a melody by Jakov Sharett, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Werther music for the film by Max Ophüls, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- 1937
- Abbitte for voice and piano, 1 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Al sefat jam kinereth for voice and piano on a melody by Mordechai Zaira, Edition Omanut
- Captain Potatoe for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Cargaison blanche music for the film by Robert Siodmak, Inédit
- Danse et chanson espagnole for voice, three clarinets, two trumpets, trombone, percussion, piano, three guitars and double bass, 12 mn, Inédit
- Der tote Soldat in Spanien for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Ein spanisches Lied „Vom Stalin“ for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Serment du Rassemblement du 14 juillet 1935. Chanson du Front d'unité for choir, Inédit
- Siwa, escale du désert music for the film by Victor Stoloff, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Yoshivara music for the film by Max Ophüls, Inédit
- Zwölfton-Versuche for piano, Inédit
- ¡Oviedo! for choir, Inédit
- 1936
- An die Armeen Europas for voice and piano, 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Ballade vom guten und schlechten Lebenswandel for voice and piano, 3 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Die Thälmann-Kolonne for voice and piano, 3 mn, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Hagadah. Ein szenisches Oratorium for choir, children's choir, soloists and orchestra, 2 h 30 mn, Israeli Music Publications
- Illegales Flüsterlied for voice and piano, Inédit
- Kampflied der schwarzen Strohhüte for voice and piano, 3 h 30 mn, Henschel Verlag
- No Pasaran for voice and piano, Inédit
- Possession for voice, flute, violin and possibly other instruments, Inédit
- Tarass Boulba music for the film by Alexander Granowsky, Inédit
- Zeitungsbericht for voice, piano and timpani, Inédit
- Zwei polnische Volskslieder (jiddish) for voice and piano, 3 mn, Inédit
- 1935
- Awodah music for the film by Helmar Lerski, Inédit
- Holem Zaadi for voice and piano on a melody by Mordechai Zaira, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Main Herz, main Herz for voice, Inédit
- Oi, main Herz for voice and piano, Inédit
- Suite for alto saxophone and piano, 10 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- [2.] Streichtrio (fragment), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- 1934
- Ballade du Franc Buveur for voices and noises, 4 mn, Inédit
- Dix petits morceaux for piano, Inédit
- Ihr Spreeathener for voice and piano (fragment), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- L'or dans la rue music for the film by Kurt Bernhardt, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- The young british soldier for voice and piano, Inédit
- Trois mouvements symphoniques for orchestra, Inédit
- Two Songs for bass voice and piano, 4 mn, Inédit
- 1933
- 3. Psalm for violin, viola, cello and voice, Inédit
- Anna und Elisabeth music for Frank Wysbar's film, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Ausmarsch for a cappella choir, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Drei Flötenstücke mit Klavier, Schott
- Nordpol - ahoi ! music for the film by Andrew Marton, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- SOS Eisberg music for the Arnold Fanck film, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Schirat Roeh for voice and piano on a melody by Mordechai Zaira, 4 mn, Edition Omanut
- Zwei Chöre, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Zwei kleine Studien for violin and cello, Inédit
- 1932
- 1. Streichquartett, 25 mn, Peters
- Abenteuer im Engadin music for the film by Max Obal, BMG
- Etüde for cello and accompanying piano, Inédit
- Hebräische Melodie for violin and piano, Inédit
- Kinderkantate for children's choir, narrator and piano (or chamber orchestra), 30 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Melodie der Liebe music for the film by Georg Jacoby, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Stadt Frankfurt an dem Maine for voice and piano, Inédit
- Zwölf Studien for piano, 15 mn, Inédit
- 1931
- Chormusik 1931 for mixed choir, narrator and percussion, Inédit
- Der weiße Rausch. Neue Wunder des Schneeschuhs. music for the film by Arnold Fanck, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Die Räuberballade vom roten Coquillard for voice and piano, 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Die groß Attraktion music for the film by Max Reichmann, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Kaffeeholer raus. Ein ernstes Soldatenlied for voice and piano, Inédit
- Salto Mortale music for the film by Ewald André Dupont, BMG
- Tadel der Unzuverlässigkeit lehrstück für Kinderchor, Einzelstimmen und einen Sprecher mit zwei respektive einem Klavier (zwei Spieler), 10 mn, Bote & Bock
- 1930
- 13. Psalm for a cappella choir, Inédit
- Das Eisenbahnspiel for children's choir, soloists, two violins (or piano), Bote & Bock
- Das lockende Ziel music for the film by Max Reichmann, Deutscher Tonfilm-Verlag
- Die heiligen drei Brunnen music for the film by Mario Bonnard, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Ich glaub' nie mehr an eine Frau. music for the film by Max Reichmann, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- stage Orpheus 1930–31, 60 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Stürme über dem Montblanc music for the Arnold Fanck film, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Zärtlichkeit music for the film by Richard Löwenbein, BMG
- 1929
- 1928
- Die Affenbrücke music for the film by Lotte Reiniger, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Die Wunderuhr suite in five movements for small orchestra, 10 mn, Schott
- L'horloge magique music for the film by Ladislas Starewitch, 16 mn
- La forêt enchantée music for the film by Ladislas Starewitch, Schott
- Lustige Variationen über ein deutsches Volkslied for clarinet, bassoon and piano (or harpsichord), 10 mn, Peters
- 1927
- 15. Psalm Davids for mixed choir a cappella, Inédit
- Adon Olam for tenor with male choir, eighteen wind instruments, four timpani, cimbales, organ and double bass, Inédit
- Gavotte for violin and piano, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Klavierstück aus Vierhändige kleine Stücke für die Kleinen, Inédit
- Sonate for solo violin, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Sterbelied for soprano and piano, Inédit
- [1]. Streichtrio, Inédit
- 1926
- 62. Psalm for solo baritone and small orchestra, 15 mn, Inédit
- Alice Helps the Romance music for the walt disney movie, 8 mn, Schott
- Alice in the Wooly West music for the walt disney movie, 7 mn, Schott
- Alice the Fire Fighter music for the walt disney movie, 7 mn, Schott
- Alice's Monkey Business music for the walt disney movie, Schott
- Reveille for fanfare. Infantry music. (fragment), Inédit
- Sinfonie for large orchestra, variable, Boosey & Hawkes
- 1924
- Concertino for solo violin, flute, clarinet and horn, 18 mn, Schott
- Für Gudrun, Inédit
- Lied der Liebe for voice and piano (fragment), Inédit
- Vier Marenlieder nach alten Texten for a sung voice and eight solo instruments, Inédit
- 1923
- Traurige Tänze for a voice and piano (or orchestra), Inédit
- 1919
- Erlösung durch die Wahreit Cantata for voice and organ, Inédit
- stage Lanzelot und Sanderein. Altflämisches Spiel. stage music, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Lyrisches Intermezzo for medium voice with orchestra (or piano), Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Nachglanz for a sung voice with orchestra (or piano), 4 mn, Inédit
- 1918
- Aufblick for a deep voice with orchestra, Inédit
- Schlaflied für Esther Dülberg zu singen mit möglichst zartfühlender, empfindsamer Flügelbegleitung, Inédit
- 1917
- Beruhigung for a high-pitched voice and string orchestra (or piano), 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Liebesbrief for a high voice (or contralto) and orchestra (or piano), Inédit
- Symphonische Kantate for male choir, tenor and solo soprano, orchestra and organ, Inédit
- 1915
- Drei Gedichte for high voice and piano, 5 mn, Inédit
- Sonate F-Dur for pianoforte, 18 mn, Schott
- 1914
- Betrachtung sketch for high-pitched voice with piano accompaniment, Inédit
- Inspiration for orchestra, organ, contralto and boy's choir, Inédit
- Schlummerlied eines Landsturmmannes an seinen Jungen for tenor and piano, Inédit
- 1912
- Sinfonie for orchestra, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Vier lieder for high-pitched voice and piano, Inédit
- 1911
- Klavierstück g-moll, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Date de composition inconnue
- All der Vögel Heiterkreit (fragment) for voice and piano, Inédit
- Andante (fragment) for flute, clarinet, trumpet, violin, viola and cello, Inédit
- Gorki (fragment) Allegro moderato for string quartet, Inédit
- Zu unsrer Wahl (fragment) for voice, Inédit
Catalog source(s)
Laetitia Devos et éditeurs.
Bibliographie sélective
Ecrits et interviews du compositeur
- DESSAU, Paul, Notizen zu Noten, Leipzig, Reclam, 1974. Traduction française de « A propos de ma collaboration avec Brecht », A propos de l’opéra La Condamnation de Lucullus », « A propos de l’opéra Puntila », « L’opéra, un genre artistique actuel ? » dans Feneyrou 2003, par Olivier Mannoni et Laurent Feneyrou.
- DESSAU, Paul, Aus Gesprächen, Leipzig, Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1974. Traduction française de « Einstein » dans Feneyrou 2003, par Olivier Mannoni et Laurent Feneyrou.
- DESSAU, Paul, « Let’s Hope fort he Best »*.* Briefe und Notizbücher aus den Jahren 1948 bis 1978. Edité par Daniela Reinhold, Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Hofheim, Wolke, 2000.
- STÜRZBECHER, Ursula, Komponisten in der DDR, 17 Gespräche, Hildesheim, Gerstenberg, 1979, p. 129-137.
- Archives Paul Dessau: Stiftung Archiv Akademie der Künste, Robert-Koch-Platz, Berlin.
Littérature critique
- ANGERMANN, Klaus (dir.), Paul Dessau –**Von Geschichte gezeichnet. Symposionsberichte des Musikfestes Hamburg , Hofheim, Wolke, 1995
- DEVOS, Laetitia, L’opéra en RDA. Sous le signe de Büchner, Rennes, PUR, collection le Spectaculaire, 2012.
- FENEYROU, Laurent, Musique et dramaturgie. Esthétique de la représentation au XXe siècle, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2003, p. 131-138.
- FISCHER, Matthias, Komponieren für und wider den Staat. Paul Dessau in der DDR, Cologne, Böhlau, 2009. Résumé en anglais : FISCHER, Matthias, « Exile – Remigration – Socialist Realism: The Role of Classical Music in the Works of Paul Dessau », in: FRACKMAN Kyle / POWELL, Larson (dir.), Classical music in the german democratic republic, Rochester, Camden House, 2015, p. 183-194.
- LEIBOWITZ, René, Introduction à la musique de douze sons. Les Variations pour orchestre op. 31 d’Arnold Schoenberg, Paris, l’Arche, 1949, p. 259-261.
- LUCCHESI, Joachim (éd.), Das Verhör in der Oper. Die Debatte um die Aufführung « Das Verhör des Lukullus»von Bertolt Brecht und Paul Dessau, Berlin, BasisDruck, 1993.
- NEEF, Sigrid et Hermann, Deutsche Oper im 20. Jahrhundert. DDR, 1949-89, Berlin, Peter Lang, 1992, p. 61-118.
- REINHOLD, Daniela (éd.), Paul Dessau 1894-1979 : Dokumente zu Leben und Werk, Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Henschel, 1995.
- “Dessau, Paul” Munzinger Online/KDG - Komponisten der Gegenwart, URL: http://www.munzinger.de.561319464.erf.sbb.spk-berlin.de/document/17000000118 [consulté le 15/8/2017]
Discographie sélective :
- Musique symphonique
- In memoriam Bertolt Brechtfür großes Orchester (1956/57);Bach-Variationen für großes Orchester (1962/63), Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, Paul Dessau. Berlin Classics 21822 (enregistrements de 1966 et 1974, CD 1994)
- Symphonische Mozart-Adaptation des Quintetts Es-Dur, KV 614für Orchester (1964/65), Staatskapelle Berlin, dir. Otmar Suitner;Orchestermusik Nr. 3 „Lenin“(1969); Chor der Deutschen Staatsoper Berlin, Kinderchor des Deutschlandsenders, Staatskapelle Berlin, dir. Paul Dessau;Sinfonie Nr. 2, Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin, dir. Rolf Kleinert. Berlin Classics 0091822 (enregistrements de 1972 et 1978, CD 1997)
- Orchestermusik Nr. 2 „Meer der Stürme“für großes Orchester (1967);Orchestermusik Nr. 4 für großes Orchester (1972/73), Rundfunkchor Leipzig, RSO Leipzig, Herbert Kegel; RSO Leipzig, Berlin Classics 0021822 (enregistrement de 1974, CD 1994)
- Erste Sinfoniefür großes Orchester (1926; rev. 1929);Les Voix pour Soprano, Piano obligato et Orchestre (Paul Verlaine, 1939/40; orch. 1943); Staatsorchester Frankfurt (Oder), dir. Nikos Athinäos. Signum X65–00 (CD 1995)
- Oeuvres pour piano:
- Sonate für Klavier in F-Dur(1914/15; revue en 1917 et 1948);Neuen Studien für Klavier(1932-1933);Guernica (nach Picasso)(1938);Sonatine für Klavier (1975) ; Siegfried Stöckigt (Piano), Dresdner Philharmonie, dir. Herbert Kegel. Berlin Classics 0091 812 ( enregistrement de 1979, CD 1996)
- Oeuvres vocales:
- Hagadah. Ein szenisches Oratorium für Chor, Kinderchor, Soli und Orchester (Max Brod, 1934/36).
- Chor des Norddeutschen Rundfunks, Berliner Männerchor „Carl Maria von Weber“, Hamburger Alsterspatzen, Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg, dir. Gerd Albrecht. – Capriccio 10 590–591 (CD 1995)
- Deutsches Miserere für gemischten Chor, Kinderchor, Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass solo, großes
- Orchester, Orgel und Trautonium (Bertolt Brecht, 1843/47; daraus: 2. Teil, Nr.XXV.–XXVIII.), Rundfunk-Chor Leipzig, Rundfunk Sinfonie-Orchester Leipzig, dir. Herbert Kegel. BMG Classics 74321 73508 (CD 2000)
- Songs:Begrüßung(1952-/1974),Hebräisches Hirtenlied(1931/32),Aus Vier Lieder des Glückgotts(1943/47*) : Söhnlein, kauf dir einen Strick*(1944/45).Kleines Lied(1965).AusFünf Lieder(1955):Wir Vögel singen nicht egal.Aus27 Lieder(1963-67):Dreistrophig,Philosophen und die Liebe, Weltklavier, Froher Morgen, an die Bäume, Intermezzo, Zu den Sternen, Jahreskreis, Küsse,*Konzert,Rundgesang, Alles für die Liebste, Schöne Tage, Der Stör. Aus*Der gute Mensch von Sezuan(1947):Lied vom achten Elefanten, Arioso der Shen Te, Lied von der Wehrlosigkeit der Götter und Guten. AusZwei Lieder(1950):Wo bist du jetzt.AusFünf Lieder(1955):Ein Herz laviert nicht. Shakespeare-Sonett 8(1975).Tierverse(1967-73). AusDer Kaukasische Kreidekreis(1954):Lied des Azdak. Kriegslied(3. Fassung, 1950). AusDrei Lieder(1974):Doktrin. Chanteurs: Roswitha Trexler, Sylvia Geszty, Sonja Kehler, Annelies Burmeister, Peter Schreier, Siegfried Vogel, Vladimir Bauer. Piano: Jutta Czapski, Walter Olbertz. Flûte: Siegfried Hermann. Guitare: Thomas Heyn. Leizpiger Kammermusikvereinigung, gruppe neue musik hanns eisler, dir. Max Pommer / Helge Jung. Berliner Classics 0090592 (enregistrements de 1969, 1977 et 1981, CD 1995).
- Opéras :
- Die Verurteilung des Lukullus . Rundfunkchor Leipzig, Rundfunk-Kinderchor Leipzig, Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Leipzig, dir. Herbert Kegel. Berlin Classics 10732 (enregistrement de 1966, CD 1993)
- Puntila . Chor der Deutschen Staatsoper Berlin, Staatskapelle Berlin, dir. Paul Dessau. Berlin Classics 0021842 (enregistrement de 1969, CD 1994)
- Einstein . Chor der Deutschen Staatsoper, Berlin, Staatskapelle Berlin, dir. Otmar Suitner, Berlin Classics 0091092 (enregistrement de 1978, CD 1996)
- Leonce und Lena . Chor der Deutschen Staatsoper Berlin, Staatskapelle Berlin, dir. Otmar Suitner. Berlin Classics 1074-2 (enregistrement de 1981, CD 1993)