François Dufrêne
French artist and poet born 21 September 1930 in Paris; died 12 December 1982 in Paris.
François Dufrêne was born in France in 1930. Encouraged from early on by his father - the artistic director of the Bernheim Gallery – he was the first artist to make use of the tape recorder, in 1953, before other pioneering sound poets such as Bernard Heidsieck, Henri Chopin, and Brion Gysin.
In 1946, he became Isidore Isou’s second disciple, after Gabriel Pomerand. Described by Alain Jouffroy as the “Schwitters of the nouvelle avant-garde,” Dufrêne developed a resolutely vocal body of poetic work, composing phonetic and phonatory poetry in the Lettrist style and evolving a style he called Ultra-Lettrist, which he performed in pieces such as “Cri-Rythmes” or “A Mots”: his Tombeau de Pierre Larousse and pieces that followed, such as Cantate des Mots camés, or Comptinuum all played with sound and noise, sense and nonsense. In parallel, he worked as a graphic artist in the “New Realist” movement and more specifically as a poster artist in the French Affichiste movement - dessous d’affiches, de stencils (beneath posters, stencils)… Many times, he underlined the “obvious relationship” betwen his “work at the level of sound, as a poet-musician,” and his “work as a false painter.”
From 1947 to 1953 he was active in the Lettrist movement, participating notably in the Tabou and Rose rouge recitals in 1950 – also the year he met Yves Klein and performed his own work for the first time.
On 4 May 1952, at the fringe of the Cannes Film Festival, he staged an “imaginary movie with no screen or film,” titled Tambours du jugement premier, which was performed again on 23 June 1973 for the Atelier de Création Radiophonique broadcast on France Culture. In 1952, he also founded the journal Soulèvement de la jeunesse with Marc’O, which shared a title with and explored the content of Isidor Isou’s eponymous manifesto (1950).
Around the same time, however (1953), he broke with the Lettrist movement and its orthodoxies; he opposed Isou’s dedication to typographism with the “criation de transes intranscriptibles“ (the “cry-ation of untranscribable trances) - his “cri-rhythms,” which initially were conceived in terms of their “fundamental spontaneity” but nevertheless required a “mechanical copy” - that is, a tape recording of the improvised sequence. He gave his first performance of cri-rhythms in 1955. At this point he had already begun work on the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse, was forming a friendship with Raymond Hains and Jacques Villeglé, and had started work as a visual artist. In 1959, he hosted a show/manifesto of his, Hains, and Villeglé’s work, titled “Le Lacéré Anonyme.”
In 1960 he helped to found the New Realists, and organized an evening at the Galerie des Quatre Saisons titled “Anthologie des poésies phonétiques“ that, according to Iliazd’s Poésie de mots inconnus (1949), relaunched the debate over the question Isou had claimed to conclusively answer of whether Lettrism (and Isou himself) were first in this field. Dufrêne’s first solo show, in 1963, titled “Les Archi-made,” was followed in 1964 by “Mot Nu Mental,” both at Galerie J. His seventh show, in 1980-1981, titled “Affiches lacérées” (at the Centre Noroit, Arras), he shared with Villeglé, and featured a sound performance by Heidsieck, Chopin, and himself. His ninth and final show, in 1981, titled “Archimade et Ouestampage ou le back-slang” was held at the Centre d’Art Contemporain in Rouen.
In 1962-1963, “Domaine Poétique” soirées held in Paris, Stockholm, and London marked the beginning of Dufrêne’s stage collaboration with Heidsieck. In 1963-1964, Lettrist recitals (“à titre rétrospectif“) were held in Paris at the Théâtre National Populaire and the Odéon. In 1965, Dufrêne brought out two major sound publications; the crirythme Poésie physique, with Jean-Louis Brau and Gil Joseph Wolman – his two co-dissidents in his split from the Lettrist movement – and three others in n°23-24 (the 2nd with recordings) of Chopin’s periodical OU, which was the site for the creation and revelation of the “sonore” in the company of Heidsieck, Mimmo Rotella, Brion Gysin, and Chopin himself – not one of whom had any roots in Lettrism…
In 1968, Dufrêne participated in the 1st Text-Sound Compositions Festival in Stockholm. In 1970, for the 10th Anniversary of the New Realist Movement, he launched Recitativo all’italiana on the Piazza del Duomo in Milan, which parodied the style of Mussolini, as an introduction to Tinguely’s self-destroying sculpture “Victory.” In 1976, Heidsieck devoted an evening to Dufrêne in a series of events titled “Panorama de la Poésie Sonore Internationale” (An Overview of International Sound Poetry). In 1977, Cantate des Mots camés was held at the Centre Pompidou, which also brought out a cassette version of the event. In 1979, his work was included in the Concerts Manifestes series organized by Pierre Mariétan on the occasion of the publication of Chopin’s Poésie sonore internationale. From 1979-1982 he was featured in the first Polyphonix Festival and in 1980, he participated in the “Rencontres internationales de Poésie sonore” organized by Heidsieck and Michèle Métail.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2019
François DUFRENE, Archi-Made, Paris, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 2005.
François DUFRENE, Œuvre désintégrale, Milan/Anvers, Alga Marghen / Guy Schraenen [3 CD+livret], 2010.
François Dufrêne. 5 novembre**– 8 janvier 1989, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Musée d’Art Moderne, 1988. Site officiel : http://www.dufrene.net
- A cappella vocal music
- Concertino pour hiver et printemps letterist poem (1947), 1 mn 17 s
- Marche letterist poem (1947), 2 mn 32 s
- Appel à la révolte Lettrist poem, for solo voice and choir (1948), 2 mn 37 s
- Danse des lutins lettrist poem (1949)
- J'interroge et j'invective letterist poem (1949), 1 mn 47 s
- « TOFEPP... » lettrist poem (1951), 2 mn 15 s
- Tambours du Jugement premier text for an "imaginary film", for voice (1952)
- elec Un certain cimetière marin reading-collage (voice and music from records) (1957)
- Lettwist song (à Henri Salvador) pun-poem (1958), 1 mn 38 s
- Tombeau de Pierre Larousse Lettric alliterative poem (1954-1958)
- Comptinuum I pun-poem (1958-1959)
- Meredith's blues Lettric alliterative poem (1961)
- Ouverture sans fin. P.S. au T.P.L. Lettric alliterative poem, 1st suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse (1961), 6 mn 10 s
- Home Rule song (1962), 1 mn 33 s
- Oulipo-Java pun-poem (1963), 1 mn 28 s
- P.S. au T.P.L. (mécano-médical) Lettric alliterative poem, 2nd suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse (1963)
- Téhéran ! pun-poem (1963), 1 mn 15 s
- Hurly Burlyric Rock. A “super Pop” Poem Lettric alliterative poem, 3rd continuation of the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse (1964)
- elec La Ressource du Petit Peuple by Jean Molinet, reading-collage (voice and music from records) (1965), 17 mn
- Eryximaque. P.S. au T.P.L. Lettric alliterative poem, 4th suite of the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse , for a ballet by Teresa Trujilo (1965), 7 mn 21 s
- Deutsche Suite aus T.P.L. Lettric alliterative poem, 7th suite of Tombeau de Pierre Larousse (1966)
- Suite proto-colère à l’Ouverture sans fin. P.S. au T.P.L. ("Very chanted howling poem"), Lettric alliterative poem, 6th suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse (1966), 3 mn 35 s
- Petite suite à l’Ouverture sans fin Lettric alliterative poem, 5th suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse (1966)
- Recitativo all’italiana Lettric alliterative poem, 8th suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse (1967)
- Ma riée pun-poem (1967), 60 s
- Le dialogue (paroles pour un jerkelectronique) pun-poem (1969), 1 mn 55 s
- elec Dit du Vieux Marin by Coleridge, reading-collage (voice(s) and music from records) (1975), 10 mn 45 s
- Cantate des Mots camés syllabic alliterative poem (1971-1977)
- Comptinuum II pun-poem (1979-1981)
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- elec Batteries vocales improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1958), 2 mn 15 s
- elec Paix en Algérie improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1958), 1 mn 54 s
- elec Anti-Étude improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1960)
- elec U 47 improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1960), 3 mn 57 s
- elec Ténu tenu improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1964), 1 mn 26 s
- elec Crirythme dédié à Jean-Louis Brau improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1965), 3 mn 38 s
- elec Tête à Terre et Ventre au Ciel improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1965), 9 mn 32 s
- elec Triptycrirythme improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1966), 12 mn 27 s
- elec Crirythme des Cocons cocontractant improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1967)
- elec Dédié à Henri Chopin improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1967), 3 mn 38 s
- elec Est-Ouest improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1967), 8 mn 23 s
- elec Haut-Satur (1) improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1967), 2 mn 58 s
- elec Pour la Montre et contre improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1967)
- elec Stress Man improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1967)
- elec Haut-Satur (2) improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1967), 8 mn 40 s
- elec Haut-Satur (3) improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1968), 1 mn 23 s
- elec Paris-Stockholm improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1968), 11 mn 42 s
- elec Séquences improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1968), 20 mn 30 s
- elec Crirythme en rut improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1969)
- elec Crirythme pour un Double Anniversaire improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1969), 18 mn 22 s
- elec La Guitare en long improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1969), 8 mn 57 s
- elec Osmose-Art. Köchel que j’aime improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1969), 9 mn 34 s
- elec Osmose-Art. Le Cheval lié à l’Art Rose improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1969), 12 mn 34 s
- elec Avril-déjà improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1970)
- elec Belles nuisances, hantez nos nuits improvisation on tape based on recorded vocal poetry (1970), 10 mn 49 s
- elec Crirythme pour Tinguely improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1970), 8 mn 55 s
- elec Un retour à mes sources improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1971), 10 mn 22 s
- elec Paris-Stockholm II improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1972)
- elec Crirythme en bref improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1973)
- elec PostcriRYTHMptum improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1974), 2 mn 17 s
- elec Sature, Nain ! I improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1974), 8 mn 1 s
- elec Cacochyme improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1975), 2 mn 17 s
- elec Sature, Nain ! II improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1975), 7 mn 7 s
- elec Le joyeux Sisyphe improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1976), 7 mn 30 s
- elec Le joyeux Sisyphe II improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1979), 6 mn 20 s
- elec Crirythme à l’indicatif-passé composé improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1980)
- elec Crirythme exprès improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry (1981), 2 mn
- elec De la cime et de l’abîme improvisation for pre-recorded vocal poetry on tape (1982)
- 1982
- elec De la cime et de l’abîme improvisation for pre-recorded vocal poetry on tape
- 1981
- Comptinuum II pun-poem
- elec Crirythme exprès improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 2 mn
- 1980
- elec Crirythme à l’indicatif-passé composé improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- 1979
- elec Le joyeux Sisyphe II improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 6 mn 20 s
- 1977
- Cantate des Mots camés syllabic alliterative poem
- 1976
- elec Le joyeux Sisyphe improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 7 mn 30 s
- 1975
- elec Cacochyme improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 2 mn 17 s
- elec Dit du Vieux Marin by Coleridge, reading-collage (voice(s) and music from records), 10 mn 45 s
- elec Sature, Nain ! II improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 7 mn 7 s
- 1974
- elec PostcriRYTHMptum improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 2 mn 17 s
- elec Sature, Nain ! I improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 8 mn 1 s
- 1973
- elec Crirythme en bref improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- 1972
- elec Paris-Stockholm II improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- 1971
- elec Un retour à mes sources improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 10 mn 22 s
- 1970
- elec Avril-déjà improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- elec Belles nuisances, hantez nos nuits improvisation on tape based on recorded vocal poetry, 10 mn 49 s
- elec Crirythme pour Tinguely improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 8 mn 55 s
- 1969
- elec Crirythme en rut improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- elec Crirythme pour un Double Anniversaire improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 18 mn 22 s
- elec La Guitare en long improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 8 mn 57 s
- Le dialogue (paroles pour un jerkelectronique) pun-poem, 1 mn 55 s
- elec Osmose-Art. Köchel que j’aime improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 9 mn 34 s
- elec Osmose-Art. Le Cheval lié à l’Art Rose improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 12 mn 34 s
- 1968
- elec Haut-Satur (3) improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 1 mn 23 s
- elec Paris-Stockholm improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 11 mn 42 s
- elec Séquences improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 20 mn 30 s
- 1967
- elec Crirythme des Cocons cocontractant improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- elec Dédié à Henri Chopin improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 3 mn 38 s
- elec Est-Ouest improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 8 mn 23 s
- elec Haut-Satur (1) improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 2 mn 58 s
- elec Haut-Satur (2) improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 8 mn 40 s
- Ma riée pun-poem, 60 s
- elec Pour la Montre et contre improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- Recitativo all’italiana Lettric alliterative poem, 8th suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse
- elec Stress Man improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- 1966
- Deutsche Suite aus T.P.L. Lettric alliterative poem, 7th suite of Tombeau de Pierre Larousse
- Petite suite à l’Ouverture sans fin Lettric alliterative poem, 5th suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse
- Suite proto-colère à l’Ouverture sans fin. P.S. au T.P.L. ("Very chanted howling poem"), Lettric alliterative poem, 6th suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse , 3 mn 35 s
- elec Triptycrirythme improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 12 mn 27 s
- 1965
- elec Crirythme dédié à Jean-Louis Brau improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 3 mn 38 s
- Eryximaque. P.S. au T.P.L. Lettric alliterative poem, 4th suite of the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse , for a ballet by Teresa Trujilo, 7 mn 21 s
- elec La Ressource du Petit Peuple by Jean Molinet, reading-collage (voice and music from records), 17 mn
- elec Tête à Terre et Ventre au Ciel improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 9 mn 32 s
- 1964
- Hurly Burlyric Rock. A “super Pop” Poem Lettric alliterative poem, 3rd continuation of the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse
- elec Ténu tenu improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 1 mn 26 s
- 1963
- Oulipo-Java pun-poem, 1 mn 28 s
- P.S. au T.P.L. (mécano-médical) Lettric alliterative poem, 2nd suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse
- Téhéran ! pun-poem, 1 mn 15 s
- 1962
- Home Rule song, 1 mn 33 s
- 1961
- Meredith's blues Lettric alliterative poem
- Ouverture sans fin. P.S. au T.P.L. Lettric alliterative poem, 1st suite at the Tombeau de Pierre Larousse, 6 mn 10 s
- 1960
- elec Anti-Étude improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry
- elec U 47 improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 3 mn 57 s
- 1959
- Comptinuum I pun-poem
- 1958
- elec Batteries vocales improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 2 mn 15 s
- Lettwist song (à Henri Salvador) pun-poem, 1 mn 38 s
- elec Paix en Algérie improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 1 mn 54 s
- Tombeau de Pierre Larousse Lettric alliterative poem
- 1957
- elec Un certain cimetière marin reading-collage (voice and music from records)
- 1952
- Tambours du Jugement premier text for an "imaginary film", for voice
- 1951
- « TOFEPP... » lettrist poem, 2 mn 15 s
- 1949
- Danse des lutins lettrist poem
- J'interroge et j'invective letterist poem, 1 mn 47 s
- 1948
- Appel à la révolte Lettrist poem, for solo voice and choir, 2 mn 37 s
- 1947
- Concertino pour hiver et printemps letterist poem, 1 mn 17 s
- Marche letterist poem, 2 mn 32 s
- Archi-Made, Paris, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 2005. « Préface » : Didier SEMIN.
— Livre : intégrale des écrits de François Dufrêne.
— CD : compilation sonore. Haut-Satur (2), U 47 suivi de « Fausse route », Appel à la révolte, Marche, Concertino pour hiver et printemps, J’interroge et j’invective ; extraits de Tombeau de Pierre Larousse, de Comptinuum, de Strophes en quête d’air, de Cantate des Mots Camés, de La Ressource du Petit Peuple et d’Un certain cimetière marin.
Publications antérieures(tous écrits de Dufrêne repris dans Archi-Made)
- Tombeau de Pierre Larousse, Dijon, Les Presses du réel, coll. « L’écart absolu », 2002. « 2 mots d’explication en 24 x 17 » (1976), « L’après-demain d’un phonème » [sous le titre erroné de « L’après-midi d’un phonème »] (1958), « Fausse route. Demi-tour gauche pour un cri automatique » (1953), « D’un pré-lettriste à l’ultra-lettrisme » (1958). « Entretien » (préface) par Michel GIROUD (1977) ; Alain FRONTIER, « La lettre et le cri » (avril 1985) ; Alain JOUFFROY, « Oreille pour un tombeau » (février 1961).
- Cantate des Mots Camés, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Musée d’Art Moderne, 1988. Reproduction des planches originales + transcription typographique. « Histoire d’une cantate et d’en dire deux mots » (1977).
Publications sonores personnelles
- Œuvre désintégrale[3 cassettes], Anvers, Guy Schraenen éd., 1976 ; rééd. Milan, Alga Marghen [4 LP], 2007 ; repris dans Alga Marghen / Guy Schraenen [3 CD+livret], 2010 : —1.Crirythme pour un Double Anniversaire,La Guitare en long,PostcriRYTHMptum;Osmose-Art. Köchel que j’aime, Osmose-Art. Le Cheval lié à l’Art Rose, Les joyeux Sisyphes; —2.La Ressource du Petit Peuplede +Tenilom,Dit du Vieux Marin;Belles nuisances, hantez nos nuits, Est-Ouest, Tête à Terre et Ventre au Ciel; —3.Eryximaque(post-scriptumauTombeau de Pierre Larousse) ;Séquences; extraits deComptinuum;Sature, Nain ! I et II, Cacochyme, Crirythme pour Tinguely.
- [cassette : compilation], Düsseldorf, S Press Tonband Verlag (Nikolaus Einhorn éd.), 1976 : Pour la Montre et contre, Crirythme des Cocons cocontractant, Stress Man ; Paris-Stockholm II, Crirythme en rut.
- Cantate des Mots Camés et six chansons [cassette], Paris, Centre d’Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, 1977 ; rééd. Achèle (Wolman éd.), 1983, puis [CD], Frédéric Dufrêne éd., 2000.
- [CD : compilation], Paris, A.D.L.M., 2003 : « TOFEPP… » ; « ouverture » et « tango » du Tombeau ; Suite proto-colère ; Crirythme dédié à Jean-Louis Brau ; J’interroge et j’invective ; extraits de Comptinuum, de Triptycrirythme, de la Cantate, de Strophes en quête d’air, d’Un certain cimetière marin.
Emissions de radio entièrement consacrées à François Dufrêne
- Dufrêne, mon œil, « Atelier de Création Radiophonique » (Ralph Rumney), France-Culture, Office de Radio-Télévision Française : 23/6/1973.Tambours du Jugement premier avec, pour cette « projection » de référence, les voix de Marie-Françoise et Jacques Bordet-Lafosse, Ginette et François Dufrêne, Jacques Spacagna, Claude Torey, Gil J Wolman.
- Le chant et Dufresne [sic], « Atelier de Création Radiophonique » (René Farabet, Alain Jouffroy), France-Culture, Radio France, 2/2/83 : en hommage posthume.
Autres œuvres sonores
- Pierre HENRY, Le Voyage, Philips, 1962, réf. 936 899 DSY (création du ballet de Maurice Béjart, le 29 avril, Cologne) ; repris dans Mix Pierre Henry 02.0 : « Souffle I » et « II » à base d’improvisations de Dufrêne.
- OU [4 CD+livret], « complete recordings », Milan, Alga Marghen, 2002.
- Pierre HENRY, La Noire à Soixante + Granulométrie, Philips « Prospective 21e siècle », 1967, réf. 836 892/86 DSY (création le 16 nov., Bordeaux, « Sigma III ») ; repris dans Mix Pierre Henry 01.0 + 04.0 : Anti-Étude (montage : Pierre Henry), « devenu sans raison » Granulométrie…
- Pierre HENRY, Fragments pour Artaud, Philips, 1970 (création le 21 mars, Royan), repris dans Mix Pierre Henry 04.0 : partiellement à base d’improvisations de Dufrêne.
- Isidore ISOU, Traité de Bave et d’Éternité (1951) [DVD], Paris, éd. Re : Voir, 2008 : Marche, J’interroge et j’invective.
- Jacques BARATIER, Le Désordre à 20 ans, Argos films, 1967. Télé-diffusion : 1re chaîne, ORTF, 16/8/70.
- Adrian MABEN, Mode d’emploi, les Nouveaux Réalistes (1975) [DVD], Paris, éd. Montparnasse, 2007 : brefs extraits du « tango » du Tombeau + « Il y a un rapport évident… » (auto-définition) ; on y entend en outre, dans la séquence Tinguely, un très bref passage de Recitativo all’italiana, proféré à Milan, Piazza del Duomo, le 27/10/1970 (citation du film Le dixième anniversaire, de Pierre-André Boutang).
Bibliographie sélective
- Noël ARNAUD, « François Dufrêne, 1930-1982 » (suivi d’Oulipo-Java), Les amis de Valentin Brü n°22, Levallois-Perret, 1983.
- Jean-Pierre BOBILLOT, Poésie sonore. Éléments de typologie historique, Reims, Le Clou dans le fer, 2009, p.26-27, 58-59, 92-100 et passim.
- Jean-Pierre BOBILLOT, Quand éCRIre, c’est CRIer. De la POésie sonore à la médioPOétique, Saint- Quentin de Caplong, Atelier de l’agneau éd., 2016, p.36, 65-80 et passim.
- Marie CAZENAVE, « De l’Ursonate à la Cantate. Voix scénique, voix écrite et voix enregistrée chez Kurt Schwitters et François Dufrêne », GPS n°10 « Poésies expérimentales », Barjols, éd. Plaine Page, 2017.
- Henri CHOPIN, Poésie sonore internationale, Paris, Jean-Michel Place, 1979, p.97-100 et passim.
- Cristina DE SIMONE, Proféractions ! — Poésie en action à Paris (1946-1969), Dijon, Les Presses du réel, 2018, p.230-233, 278-288, 344-353, 369-376 et passim.
- Guilhem FABRE, Poésie sonore et poétiques expérimentales de la voix au XXe Siècle, thèse de doctorat, Paris, Univ. Denis Diderot, 2001, p.258-302 et passim.
- Bernard GIRARD, Lettrisme — L’ultime avant-garde, Dijon, Presses du réel, coll. « L’écart absolu », 2010, p.24-25, 87-90, 93-95, 183-184 et passim.
- Bernard HEIDSIECK, « François Dufrêne » (mai-octobre 1989 : 3’25), Respirations et Brèves rencontres [livre+CD], Romainville, Al Dante/Niok, 1999, p.36-37 + disque 1, piste 14.
- Bernard HEIDSIECK, Notes convergentes. Interventions 1961-1995, Ibid. 2001, p.137, 169, 171, 194, 271 et passim.
- Isidore ISOU, « Les grands poètes lettristes », Bizarre n°32-33 « Littérature illettrée », Paris, éd. Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1964.
- Arnaud LABELLE-ROJOUX, L’acte pour l’art, Paris, Les Éditeurs Évidant, 1988 ; rééd. Romainville, Al Dante, 2005, p.272-274 et passim.
- Céline PARDO, La Poésie hors du livre (1945-1965). Le poème à l’ère de la radio et du disque, INA / Paris, Presses Univ. de Paris-Sorbonne, 2015, p.316, 359-361, 365-370, 380-381.
- Didier SEMIN, « Le Palimpseste », préface à François Dufrêne. 5 novembre – 8 janvier 1989, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Musée d’Art Moderne, 1988.