Darius Milhaud
French composer born 4 September 1892 in Aix-en-Provence; died 22 June 1974 in Geneva.
French composer Darius Milhaud was born in Marseille on 4 September 1892. He grew up in Aix-en-Provence, starting violin lessons with Léo Bruguier at the age of seven. Five years later, he became a member of the string quartet of his teacher. In this setting, he became acquainted with classical and romantic repertoire, as well as with the quartets of César Franck and Debussy. Upon his arrival in Paris in 1909, his enthusiasm for contemporary music was heightened by performances he attended of the Ballets Russes and concerts organised by the Société Musicale Indépendante. While studying theory and counterpoint at the conservatoire, he became acquainted with André Gedalge, with whom he went on to study counterpoint, composition, and orchestration. Milhaud was deeply impressed with the emphasis on melodic continuity which characterised his professor’s works. During his studies, he also developed lasting friendships with fellow young composers Honegger, Ibert, Cliquet, and Wiéner. In 1914, he met Koechlin, with whom he would meet regularly to analyse contemporary works over the next several years. Milhaud avoided being drafted into the French army during the First World War due to health problems. In 1917, he travelled to Brazil to serve as the secretary of poet and dramatist Paul Claudel, who was then French ambassador to the country. The music Milhaud encountered there would leave a lasting impression.
Upon his return to Paris at the end of the war, he hosted meetings of young musicians in his flat each Saturday. Around this time, he took over a painting studio in Rue Huyghens, using the space for concerts of contemporary music which proved to be extremely popular. Following one such concert, Henri Collet published his famous article in the 16 January 1920 edition of the Comoedia Revue: “Les Cinq Russes, les Six Français et Erik Satie“ [“The Five Russians, the Six Frenchmen, and Erik Satie”]. Thus, “Les Six” was born. In the article, all of the group’s members stated what their affiliation meant in aesthetic terms. The “Group of Six” was, first and foremost, an amicable alliance, with some of the friendships among its members lasting a lifetime. However, also serving as an invaluable sounding chamber, the group played a key role in the professional development of its members. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Jean Cocteau, who refined the group’s poetic identity (as opposed to any theoretical unity), its reputation largely surpassed anything that any individual member could have achieved alone. As a result, the music of the six composers quickly gained widespread acclaim.
In the interwar years, jazz exerted a significant influence on French music, albeit remotely, with few French composers having the opportunity to travel to the United States to witness performances first hand. Thanks to a concert tour in 1922, Milhaud became one of the privileged few to discover “true” jazz, an experience which proved to be life-changing. His works from the next several years, many of which remain among his most popular, are steeped in the influence of the musics of Brazil and the United States.
The 1920s were a period of great creative activity and increasing success for Milhaud. During this time, he toured the United States (1922 and 1927) and the USSR (1926), and came to occupy a prominent place in the French musical landscape. In 1925, he married his cousin Madeleine. In the 1930s, he wrote extensively for cinema. However, during this time, the increasing severity of his rheumatism periodically left him unable to move, and ultimately (in the late 1940s) confined him permanently to a wheelchair.
Milhaud attended the premiere of Médée at the Paris Opera in May 1940. However, soon thereafter, WWII upended his life, and the German occupation of Paris forced him to flee to the United States. During this time, Henri Sauguet and Roger Désormière ensured the safekeeping of his scores at Arthur Honegger’s home, and Désormière paid the rent on his flat throughout the occupation.
Shortly after his arrival in the United States, Milhaud started teaching at Mills College in Oakland, California. He would not return to France until 1947. He divided the final years of his life between the two sides of the Atlantic. Upon his return to France, he was named Composition Professor at the Paris Conservatoire. However, he also retained his position at Mills College until 1971, and regularly taught at the Aspen Summer Academy in Colorado. Remaining active until the end of his life, he died in Geneva on 22 June, 1974, leaving behind him a corpus of 443 completed works.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2019
By Philippe Cathé
A member of Les Six, Darius Milhaud belonged to the generation of French composers who came directly after Claude Debussy and strove to distance themselves from the highly influential symbolism. Milhaud built a theory around polytonality as a way to move beyond tonality and distinguish his work as avant-garde, even while his use of diatonicism confirmed his work as “Latin,” setting it apart from what he called the “Germanic” chromaticism of Arnold Schoenberg. Milhaud was a central figure in the interwar period in France and Europe, until his exile to the United States during the Second World War.
Melodic Language
“The essence of music is melody.” — Darius Milhaud1
Milhaud’s writing developed with direct influence from his teachers’ interests mixing with his own. Besides his first violin teacher, his most significant meeting would be with the composer André Gedalge, whose teachings were fundamental in the evolution of Milhaud’s voice. By age 19, Milhaud was showing an assertive musical personality, though many of his teachers wanted him to use a more conventional compositional style. To this end, they urged him to study counterpoint with Gedalge. Their first lesson left him shaken: upon hearing the beginning of his Sonata for Piano and Violin, op. 3 (1911), Gedalge criticized him for repeating the same note seventeen times on the first page and declared him incapable of writing a melody. He was particularly attentive to melody, challenging Milhaud to write “eight measures that one could play without accompaniment.”2 His counsel left a lasting impression. Throughout his career, Milhaud heeded it as a fundamental principle of composition, as his signature melodies testify. Musicologist Barbara Kelly’s comparative study of the manuscript and the edited version of Alissa, op. 9 (1913, rev. 1931), a suite for voice and piano, demonstrates the care with which he built his melodies. Eighteen years after composing the piece, he reworked the piano’s melodic lines before sending the revised version to the Heugel publishing company.3
Milhaud’s melodies are usually, but not exclusively, diatonic, as in his Chamber Symphony No. 1 (“Le Printemps”), op. 43, from 1917. They are sometimes tonal (such as the theme from the second movement of the Ninth String Quartet, op. 140, from 1935), especially when the material is taken from popular music. And very often they are modal. The themes and modes in his works are highly diverse, as in his early two-volume piano music collection Le Printemps, op. 25 and 66 (1915-1919 and 1920). When Milhaud deemed necessary, his melodies could also be chromatic, as in the Choral from his Symphony No. 4, op. 74, for ten string instruments (1921). Throughout his compositions, melody prevails over all the other elements in the music.
The young Milhaud’s second significant meeting took place in January 1914 when he met Charles Koechlin. The modernism of the elder composer’s musical language deeply moved Milhaud. In a letter to Koechlin, Milhaud wrote: “While listening to your music, Cliquet and I had the feeling of being faced with the music of a magician — the music of a generation that will come after ours.”4 Koechlin and Milhaud made it a habit to analyse music together. They started this activity with Igor Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring in July 1914 while Koechlin was visiting Milhaud in Aix-en-Provence, and they kept at it for years after. During these score analysis sessions, they examined Milhaud’s Les Choéphores, op. 24 (1915), Alissa, and his Viola and Piano Sonata, op. 53; Koechlin’s Chansons de Bilitis, op. 39, and String Quartet No. 2, op. 57; Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire (1912); and works by Bela Bartók and others.5 In many of these compositions, especially Koechlin’s compositions from 1905 to 1908 and the Rite of Spring, Milhaud discovered polytonality — an element that resonated with him and quickly became central to his compositional process: “Without [having felt the need for] any preconceived plan, [polytonality] gave me the feeling of continuing, logically, what was already there inside me — a need for renewal and for progress, without it being necessarily revolutionary.”6
In 1923, in an article for La Revue musicale entitled “Polytonalité et atonalité,” Milhaud tries to synthesize his musical language and the possibilities that polytonality could offer. He defines polytonality as “the development of harmony and diatonic counterpoint” and atonality as “the development of chromaticism.”7 Which of the two he favored is clear in the diatonicism of his own melodies, which are often influenced by popular song and modes from Gregorian chant. In the same article, he distinguishes between two major developments in polytonality: one being melodic, meaning through a juxtaposition of diatonic lines, corresponding to his main compositional process, and the other being harmonic, which, through “rich chordal counterpoint,” is more in line with Koechlin’s polytonality.8
Nearly systematically, Milhaud tested superposing two chords or even three or more. He had high hopes that these new means of composition would be taught: “One can imagine the infinite possibilities of the study of tonal superpositions. It should be added as a supplement to the harmony treatises that are used as basic teaching materials in music schools.”9 At this point in his career, he had found his style, which, as the 443 works of his corpus testify, proved to be an extraordinarily fertile ground for creation.
Milhaud’s use of polytonality is both constant and varied at once. He mainly uses polytonal (usually bi- or tri-tonal, at most) and polymodal melodies. The character of his pieces can be soft, as in the slow movement of his Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano, op. 100 (1927); dreamy in the slow movement of his Concerto for Marimba and Vibraphone, op. 278 (1947), playful in the beginning of the Second Piano Concerto, op. 225 (1941), or virtuosic and teasing in the third of his Quatre Chansons de Ronsard, op. 223), “Tais-toi, babillarde.” His music can also express violence — as is the case in the beginning of his Symphony No. 8 (“Rhodanienne”), op. 362 (1957) — and despair, as in Orpheus’s lament during the second act of Malheurs d’Orphée, op. 85 (1924).
If Milhaud’s choice of mixed tonalities is often linked to expressivity, it is also connected to symmetry, which he often gives a structural function. For example, in the ballet L’Homme et son désir, op. 48 (1918), he groups the orchestra into several ensembles. In the first movement, he highlights these groupings by composing tight imitative scores for each ensemble — in C major for the first quartet, in E major for the second one, and in A-flat major for the third one. These tonalities were not random: they split the octave in three equal parts (C, E, A-flat).
In Euménides, op. 41 (1917-1923), Milhaud uses polytonality to reinforce the drama of the work. For example, toward the end, the character Aeschylus proposes forgiveness to break the cycle of violence. To represent discord, Milhaud uses six simultaneous tonalities. Then, he progressively reduces the texture to conclude on a single tone, thus highlighting how, in the end, concord triumphs.
An essential key to understanding Milhaud’s approach comes in his autobiography, in the passage where he explains how he experimented with polytonality and explored all the resulting chord combinations and inversions: “I find them more pleasant to listen to [than chords used by previous generations of composers]. A polytonal chord is more subtle in its softness, and more violent in its strength.”10 Subtle softness, and violent strength — these words describe all of Milhaud’s writing. Through polytonal resonances, he enlarged his expressive possibilities so he could obtain starker colors in the forte sections and softer tones in the piano ones.
Folk Music
Somewhat like Bartók, Milhaud integrated folk music into his works in a strong yet simple fashion. Folk melodies being mostly diatonic, it was relatively simple to include them in his music. In discussion with Claude Rostand, Milhaud shared how his Poème sur un cantique de Camargue (1913), op. 13, starts with a folk melody from his childhood. He explored a variety of traditions, ranging from Jewish to South American and Afro-American, as well as from the West-Indies and Martinique: “Of course, I do not merely use these themes without having them undergo some kind of transformation…. If one is to take ancient themes, one must give them a second life to start again with renewed vigor.”11
He lived and worked in Brazil for about two years, enthusiastically discovering its music and welcoming influences from South America into his own compositional language. He existed at the polar end of the-then prominent contemptuous colonialist view — quite vividly stated in some incisive critiques of his Création du monde, op. 81 (1923), a work in which he used jazz rhythms and scales. Milhaud, in contrast, readily expressed his admiration for Brazilian music:
It would be useful for Brazilian musicians to understand the importance of tango, maxixe, samba, and cateretê composers like Tupynamba [Marcelo Tupinambá], or the great [Ernesto] Nazareth. The richness of the rhythms, the infinitely renewed fantasy, the expressiveness, the energy, the highly creative melodies of both masters make them the glory and the gem of Brazilian art.12
The pieces influenced by Brazilian music show the diversity of Milhaud’s compositional processes. For example, in Le Bœuf sur le toit, op. 58 (1919), Milhaud composed the main theme and, for the remainder of the piece, used some twenty authentic Brazilian melodies, almost all of which were by living composers, freely organizing them in a cubist-style collage. In Saudades do Brazil, op. 67 (1920-1921), he composed all the melodies himself based on styles he had heard in Brazil. In L’Homme et son désir, the Brazilian themes undergo an “intense elaboration process.”13 The same type of intense thematic transformation is found in many other pieces: for example, in Kentuckiana, op. 287 (1948), a divertissement based on twenty Kentucky themes, the original themes are rewritten so extensively that they become, in essence, thoroughly Milhaud’s.
“A Frenchman from Provence and of Israelite Faith”
In the inter-war period, Brazil and the United States appealed to Milhaud in such a deep way that many have considered that they changed him permanently. Although Brazilian and American themes are found in some of his most popular works, their influence was in fact temporary and can be time bracketed between 1919 and 1923. Five years in the grand scheme of his career is rather short, and though he was readily open to various traditions, he remained, as he states in his autobiography, “a Frenchman from Provence and of Israelite Faith.”14
Here, the order of the words Milhaud used to describe himself is of paramount importance when trying to understand his aesthetic goals. His pieces display the consensual character and techniques that are often attributed to French music, particularly in his sense of brevity and measure and his clear, varied, and broad-palleted orchestration — even with a modest ensemble. His six chamber symphonies act as a manifesto of a French style. For example, the first one, op. 43 (1917), is written for nine instruments and lasts four minutes. But even in his longer works for full-sized orchestra his style remains intelligible. In the same vein of thought, in his perspective, the diatonicism in his pieces marks his music as Latin and positions it in opposition to Germanic chromaticism — it is perhaps a simplistic way to approach music history but nevertheless proves useful when it comes to understanding Milhaud’s music. He was also French in his love for the language and poetry of his country, which guided him to Francis Jammes, Stéphane Mallarmé and, above all, Paul Claudel.
Milhaud integrated Provence in titles and themes of many of his works. His Suite provençale, op. 152 (1936), his Quatre Chants populaires de Provence, op. 194 (1938), the Provençal interlude La Cueillette des citrons, op. 298 (1949-1950), and his Ouverture méditerranéenne, op. 330 (1953), are all works that brought him back to his happy childhood. In those years, he would compose in the family’s garden grove, which was “crisscrossed by little paths bordered with spindle bushes, laurel, chaste trees, loquat, and arbutus trees.”15 His manner of borrowing from Provençal music fit with the usual flexibility of his creative process. For example, in his Suite provençale, he indicated that the themes are from the eighteenth century and many of them from the Campra region. But he also stressed how
as with folklore, one must only make use of these themes to create a new and personal music. This is why one must work freely, without scrupulous concerns regarding respect, which have nothing to do with the matter at hand.16
As for Milhaud’s Judaism, it was somewhat buried in his assumed ecumenist stance. His concerns regarding Judaism only appeared with the traumas of the Second World War. Between 1944 and 1948, he wrote many pieces based on biblical or liturgical texts: Borechou-Schema Israël, op. 239 (1944), Kaddish, op. 250 (1945), Service sacré pour le samedi matin, op. 279 (1947), and Lekha Dodi, op. 290 (1948). Many later works follow suit, namely Le Château de feu, op. 338 (1954), a cantata for choir and orchestra with a text by Jean Cassou, composed “in honor of the Jewish people killed by the Nazis during the war.” Ecumenism permeates all his works. One in particular, Pacem in Terris, op. 404 (1963), seemed to have been closest to his heart. This forty-five-minute choral symphony is composed on the text of Pope John XXIII’s encyclical, in which the head of the Catholic Church vehemently denounced “discrimination, racism, injustice, infringement of freedom, atomic weapons, and fervently expressed his desire for universal peace.”17
Looking back at my oeuvre, I do not consider it to have followed a linear evolution as we usually understand it — something that gives a feeling of progress, of growth … As far as I am concerned, I do not see anything of the like. Rather, depending on the piece that I wrote, I see different paths that alternately attracted me.18
While most twentieth-century composers reinvented their voice throughout their careers, Milhaud insisted on the absence of such a line of progress in his work, which underlines the continuity and the unicity of his style. Having attained musical maturity early in his career, he felt no need to change style. Rather, he could focus his energy on exploring the specific constraints of different genres.
His early compositions focus on piano melodies and chamber music. Among his first successful pieces are Sept Poèmes de la Connaissance de l’Est, op. 7 (1912-1913), Poèmes juifs, op. 34 (1916), and the Sonata for Piano, Flute, Clarinet, and Oboe, op. 47 (1918). In parallel, he composed the operatic trilogy L’Orestie (op. 14, 24, and 41 from 1913, 1915, and 1917-1923) based on Claudel’s translation of Aeschylus. He also composed his first ballets, concertos, other operas, as well as his first symphonic works like his Symphonic Suite No. 2 (“Protée”), op. 57 (1919), which caused a stir at its premiere. His very original six chamber symphonies and a series of three minute-operas are also from this period. The former works each last just a few minutes and are for ensembles of four to ten instruments; the later each present a ten-minute synthesis of myths such as L’Enlèvement d’Europe, L’Abandon d’Ariane, and La Délivrance de Thésée (op. 94, 98, and 99 from 1927, 1927, and 1927).
These lyrical works were preceded by others that already contained some typical elements of Milhaud’s style: sharp portrayal of characters and brief scenes, arias, and ensemble pieces. Les Malheurs d’Orphée and Esther de Carpentras, op. 89 (1925), with libretti by Armand Lunel, and Le Pauvre Matelot, op. 92 (1926), with a libretto by Jean Cocteau, figure among these early works. Full-scale operas appear a few years later: Christophe Colomb, op. 102 (1928, rev. 1968), complete with cinematographic projections, Maximilien, op. 110 (1930), Médée, op. 191 (1938), with a libretto by Madeleine Milhaud, Bolivar, op. 236 (1943), based on the poet Jules Supervielle, David, op. 320 (1952-1953), and Fiesta, op. 370 (1958), with a libretto by Boris Vian.
In each case, Milhaud used all his means to reflect in music the feelings expressed by the characters in the text. For example, in Christophe Colomb, joyful passages are underlined with clear tonality and the influence of Latin popular music. The rhythmic liveliness of energetic scenes contrasts with the spoken choir, whose characters question the existence of another world. Similarly, harsh polytonality accompanies heartrending scenes like Orpheus’s lament and the beginning of the third act in Pauvre Matelot at the drama’s point of resolution.
Milhaud’s operas were both acclaimed and frowned upon in their time — a diversity of opinions that does not lead to any real conclusions regarding the general reception of his works. For example, even though Christophe Colomb, with its text by Claudel, was warmly received in Berlin in 1930 — with twenty encores at the end of each act — it was not reprogrammed in Paris in the following years. Nevertheless, his success abroad made his music more influential and eventually led to greater recognition in France.
Alongside composing concert music, Milhaud also wrote scores for the new sound films and for the theater. He composed cantatas on biblical texts or on poems (by Claudel, Supervielle, Lunel, Cassou, Robert Desnos, and Maurice Carême). He worked in all these fields simultaneously, while composing five piano concertos or concertinos, four violin concertos, three viola concertos — the first of which was premiered by Paul Hindemith — two cello concertos, sonatas, duets, trios, eighteen string quartets, and twelve symphonies, among other works.
Curiosity and Originality
Milhaud’s impressive corpus is also dotted with experimental projects which, while they did not give rise to actual changes in his writing, still testify to his need to compose music relevant to current trends. In L’Homme et son désir, he wrote the first pages of music that are dedicated exclusively to percussion instruments. He also wrote concertos for instruments that were underrepresented in the solo repertoire: Concerto pour batterie et petit orchestre, op. 109 (1929-1930), Concerto for Marimba and Vibraphone, and Concertino d’hiver pour trombone et cordes, op. 327 (1953).
After he first used the ondes Martenot in 1932 in the Le Château des papes, op. 120, he used it regularly from then on. His use of musique concrète techniques in Le Mariage de la feuille et du cliché (1956) is usually not considered as an important representation of his style. A better exemplar can be found in his writing for choir in La Mort du tyran, op. 116 (1932). To represent the violence of the text, Milhaud directed the choir to speak, declaim, and almost scream specific passages. Percussion instruments are put to the forefront. The melodic instruments — a piccolo, clarinet, and tuba — play in such different registers that their melodies cannot blend and their lines are heard discretely.
Many of Milhaud’s other scores call for unusual performance practices. In Musique pour San Francisco, op. 436 (1971), the audience must participate. The famous fourteenth and fifteenth string quartets (1948-1949) can be played either separately or at the same time, creating his Octet, op. 291.
Such aspects reveal no affectation, no posing in Milhaud’s works; one only sees a sincere composer, all his life faithful to the music he wanted to hear.
1. Darius MILHAUD, Entretiens avec Claude Rostand, Paris, Belfond, 1992 [1952], p. 23. ↩
2. http://www.musimem.com/gedalge.htm, accessed 1 December 2017. ↩
3. Barbara L. KELLY, “Milhaud’s Alissa Manuscripts,” Journal of the Royal Musical Association, CXXI/2 (1996), p. 229-245. ↩
4. Letter from Darius Milhaud to Charles Koechlin, March 1915, “Charles Koechlin 1867-1950, Correspondance,” La Revue musicale, 348-350 (1982), p. 24. ↩
5. Aude CAILLET, “Défense et illustration de la musique française modern: Les Conférences de Charles Koechlin de 1915 à 1918,” in Philippe CATHE, Sylvie DOUCHE, Michel DUCHESNEAU, and Marie-Hélène Benoit-Otis (eds), Charles Koechlin, compositeur et humaniste, Paris, Vrin, 2010, p. 111. ↩
6. MILHAUD, Entretiens avec Claude Rostand, p. 31. ↩
7. Darius MILHAUD, “Polytonalité et atonalité,” La Revue musicale, 4 (1923), republished in Darius MILHAUD, Notes sur la musique, Paris, Flammarion, 1982, p. 188. ↩
8.Ibid., p. 183. ↩
9.Ibid., p. 182. ↩
10. Darius MILHAUD, Ma Vie heureuse, Paris, Belfond, 1987 [1974], p. 60. ↩
11. MILHAUD, Entretiens avec Claude Rostand, p. 83. ↩
12. Darius MILHAUD, “Brésil,” La Revue musicale, 1 (1920), republished in MILHAUD, Notes sur la musique, p. 61. ↩
13. Manoel ARANHA CORREA DO LAGO, “Brazilian Sources in Milhaud’s Le Bœuf sur le toit: A Discussion and a Musical Analysis,” Latin American Music Review, XXIII / 1 (2002), p. 9. Aloysio Alencar Pinto and Manoel Aranha Corrêa do Lago identified the original themes; see “Darius Milhaud Le Bœuf sur le toit,” Concert Program Temporada Oficial de Ballet de 1980, Rio de Janeiro, 1980. ↩
14. MILHAUD, Ma Vie heureuse, p. 9. ↩
15. Ibid., p. 15. ↩
16. MILHAUD, Entretiens avec Claude Rostand, p. 85. ↩
17. MILHAUD, Ma Vie heureuse, p. 279-280. ↩
18. MILHAUD, Entretiens avec Claude Rostand, pp. 67-68. . ↩
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2019
- Solo (excluding voice)
- Suite five pieces for piano (1913), 25 mn 10 s, Durand
- Mazurka for piano (1914), 1 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Sonate for piano (1916), 18 mn, Salabert
- Printemps (Vol. I) for piano (1915-1919), 6 mn 10 s, Eschig
- Tango des Fratellini for piano (extract from "Bœuf sur le Toit") (1919), 1 mn 45 s, Eschig
- Caramel mou (Shimmy) for piano (1920), 3 mn 14 s, Eschig
- Printemps (Vol. II) for piano (1919-1920), 5 mn 20 s, Eschig
- Saudades do Brazil for piano (1920-1921), 19 mn 50 s, Eschig
- Trois Rag Caprices for piano (1922), 6 mn 2 s, Universal Edition
- Polka (L'Éventail de Jeanne) for piano (1927), Heugel
- Choral for piano (1930), Inédit
- Sonate for organ (1931), 19 mn 43 s, Belwin & Mills
- L'Automne for piano (1932), 7 mn, Salabert
- L'Album de Madame Bovary for piano (1933), 13 mn 30 s
- Promenade (Le Tour de l'exposition) for piano (1933), Salabert
- Quatre romances sans paroles for piano (1933), 4 mn, Salabert
- Trois Valses for piano (1933), 3 mn 23 s
- Choral (Hommage à Paderewski) for piano (1941), 2 mn 10 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- Four sketches (Esquisses) for piano (1941), 10 mn 15 s, Mercury Music
- Pastorale for organ (1941), 3 mn 29 s, Belwin & Mills
- Touches blanches for piano (1941)
- Touches noires for piano (1941)
- Neuf préludes for organ (1942), 13 mn 5 s, Belwin & Mills
- La Muse ménagère for piano (1944), 21 mn 25 s
- Une journée for piano (1946), 6 mn 30 s
- Méditation for piano (1947), Inédit
- Accueil amical for piano (1944-1948), Heugel
- L'enfant aime for piano (1948), 9 mn 15 s, Belwin & Mills
- Deuxième sonate for piano (1949), 15 mn 45 s, Heugel
- Enfantines for piano, after Trois poèmes by Jean Cocteau (1950), Eschig
- Jeu for piano (1950), 1 mn 36 s, Billaudot
- Le candélabre à sept branches for piano (1951), 10 mn, Israeli Music Publications
- Hymne de glorification for piano (1953-1954), 7 mn, Eschig
- Petite suite for organ (1955), 6 mn 9 s, Eschig
- Sonatine for piano (1956), 7 mn, Transatlantique
- Valse en forme de rondo (La couronne de Marguerite) for piano (1956), Salabert
- Le Globe Trotter for piano (1956-1957), 19 mn 15 s, Belwin & Mills
- Les charmes de la vie "Hommage à Watteau", for piano (1957), 19 mn 45 s, Belwin & Mills
- Segovania for guitar (1957), 2 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Sonatine pastorale for violin (1960), 3 mn 20 s
- Chamber music
- Première sonate for violin and piano (1911), 30 mn, Durand
- Premier quatuor for string quartet (1912), 13 mn 25 s, Durand
- Le Printemps for violin and piano (1914), 2 mn 25 s, Durand
- Sonate for piano and two violins (1914), 15 mn 35 s, Durand
- Deuxième quatuor for string quartet (1914-1915), 23 mn 25 s, Durand
- Troisième quatuor (with vocals) for string quartet (1916), 20 mn 5 s, Durand
- Deuxième sonate for violin and piano (1917), 16 mn, Durand
- Quatrième quatuor for string quartet (1918), 9 mn 45 s, Salabert
- Sonate for piano, flute, oboe and clarinet (1918), 10 mn, Durand
- Le Bœuf sur le toit for violin and piano (1919), 19 mn, Eschig
- Caramel mou for clarinet, trumpet, trombone, piano, saxophone or vocals (1920), 3 mn 14 s, Eschig
- Cinquième quatuor for string quartet (1920), 20 mn 40 s, Salabert
- Sixième quatuor for string quartet (1922), 8 mn 45 s, Universal Edition
- Sonatine for flute and piano (1922), 7 mn 50 s, Durand
- Trois Rag Caprices for chamber orchestra (1922), 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Septième quatuor for string quartet (1925), 12 mn 40 s, Universal Edition
- La Création du monde for piano and string quartet (1926), 15 mn, Eschig
- Sonatine for clarinet and piano (1927), 8 mn 55 s, Durand
- Trois caprices de Paganini for violin and piano (arranged in concert duets) (1927), 9 mn 15 s, Heugel
- Huitième quatuor for string quartet (1932), 12 mn 45 s
- Suite for Ondes Martenot and piano (1932), 10 mn, Cerda
- Exemple musical for pipeau and piano (1934)
- Neuvième quatuor for string quartet (1935), 18 mn 10 s
- Pastorale for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1935), 3 mn 50 s
- Suite for piano, violin and clarinet (1936), 11 mn 50 s, Salabert
- Le Carnaval de Londres after Opéra du Gueux, for chamber orchestra (1937), 30 mn, Salabert
- Scaramouche for two pianos (1937), 8 mn, Salabert
- Suite d'après Corrette for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1937), 8 mn 30 s
- La Cheminée du roi René for wind quintet (1939), 11 mn 13 s
- Dixième quatuor (Birthday Quartet) for string quartet (1940), 15 mn 15 s, Salabert
- Indicatif et marche pour les bons d'armement for brass and drums (1940), Inédit
- Opus Americanum no 2 for chamber orchestra (1940), 31 mn 25 s, Elkan Vogel
- Sonatine for two violins (1940), 3 mn 20 s, Mercury Music
- Sonatine à trois for violin, viola and cello (1940), 8 mn 20 s, Mercury Music
- Eglogue Madrigal for clarinet and piano (extract from Four Sketches) (1941), Elkan Vogel
- Eglogue Madrigal (extract from Four sketches) for woodwind quintet (1941), Mercury Music
- Four sketches for chamber orchestra (1941), 9 mn, Mercury Music
- Sonatine for violin and viola (1941), 9 mn, Mercury Music
- Onzième quatuor for string quartet (1942), 15 mn 45 s, Salabert
- La Libertadora (suite de danse) for two pianos (1943), 6 mn, Ahn et Simrock
- Les Songes for two pianos (1943), 6 mn 12 s
- Quatre visages for viola and piano (1943), 14 mn, Heugel
- Deuxième sonate for viola and piano (1944), 11 mn 35 s, Heugel
- Jeux de printemps for chamber orchestra (1944), 20 mn, Salabert
- La Muse ménagère for chamber orchestra (1944), 22 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Le bal martiniquais for two pianos (1944), 7 mn 16 s, Belwin & Mills
- Première sonate for viola and piano, on anonymous and unpublished themes of the 18th century (1944), 13 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Danses de Jacaremirim for violin and piano (1945), 4 mn 45 s, Belwin & Mills
- Douzième quatuor for string quartet (1945), 14 mn 5 s, Salabert
- Duo for two violins (1945), 4 mn 26 s, Mercury Music
- Élegie for cello and piano (1945), 4 mn 35 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sonate for violin and harpsichord (1945), 9 mn 40 s, Elkan Vogel
- Farandoleurs for violin and piano (1946), 2 mn 20 s, Salabert
- Treizième quatuor for string quartet (1946), 10 mn 40 s, Salabert
- Carnaval à la Nouvelle Orléans for two pianos (1947), 8 mn 15 s, Belwin & Mills
- Sept danses sur des airs palestiniens for ensemble (1946-1947), Inédit
- Trio à cordes for violin, viola and cello (1947), 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Kentuckiana (divertissement sur vingt airs du Kentucky) for two pianos (1948), 6 mn 20 s, Elkan Vogel
- L'Apothéose de Molière after Baptiste Anet, for chamber orchestra (1948), 10 mn
- Octuor à cordes (1948), 16 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Paris for four pianos (1948), 9 mn 27 s, Eschig
- Quatorzième quatuor for string quartet (1948), 15 mn 45 s, Heugel
- Quinzième quatuor for string quartet (1948), 15 mn 45 s, Heugel
- Les rêves de Jacob for wind and string quintet (1949), 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Dix-huitième quatuor for string quartet (1950), 25 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Dix-septième quatuor for string quartet (1950), 20 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Seizième quatuor for string quartet (1950), 16 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Premier quintette for keyboard quintet and strings (1951), 14 mn, Heugel
- Deuxième quintette for string quintet (1952), 9 mn 25 s, Heugel
- Sonatine for violin and cello (1953), 7 mn 20 s, Heugel
- Troisième quintette for string quintet (1953), 15 mn 20 s, Heugel
- Caprice for clarinet and piano (1954), Billaudot
- Danse for saxophone and piano (1954), Billaudot
- Eglogue for flute and piano (1954), Inédit
- Sonatine for oboe and piano (1954), 11 mn, Durand
- Duo concertant for clarinet and piano (1956), 9 mn 45 s, Heugel
- Quatrième quintette for string quintet (1956), 20 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Aspen Serenade for chamber orchestra (1957), 16 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Le Globe Trotter for chamber orchestra (1956-1957), 18 mn, Belwin & Mills
- Les charmes de la vie "Hommage à Watteau", for chamber orchestra (1957), 20 mn, Belwin & Mills
- Divertissement for wind quintet (1958), 11 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Sextuor à cordes (1958), 13 mn 44 s, Heugel
- Sonate for cello and piano (1959), 13 mn 35 s, Salabert
- Sonatine for viola and cello (1959), 17 mn 50 s, Heugel
- Concert de chambre for piano, string quintet and wind quintet (1961), 14 mn, Eschig
- Neige sur le fleuve for ensemble (1961), Inédit
- Fanfare for two trumpets and two trombones (1962), Heugel
- Septuor à cordes (1964), 15 mn 20 s, Heugel
- Élégie pour Pierre for viola and percussion (1965), Inédit
- Musique pour Lisbonne for chamber orchestra (1966), 21 mn, Eschig
- Quatuor for piano, violin, viola and cello (1966), 20 mn, Durand
- Trio for piano, violin and cello (1968), 14 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Musique pour Ars Nova for thirteen instruments, with random group for each piece (1969), 12 mn, Eschig
- Musique pour Graz for chamber orchestra (1968-1969), 15 mn 30 s, Universal Edition
- Six danses en trois mouvements for two pianos (1969-1970), 6 mn 7 s, Eschig
- Hommage à Igor Strawinsky for string quartet (1971), Boosey & Hawkes
- Études (on liturgical themes of Comtat Venaissin) for string quartet (1973), 10 mn 40 s, Eschig
- Quintette à vent (1973), 17 mn, Eschig
- Instrumental ensemble music
- Première suite symphonique from the Lost Sheep (1913-1914), 18 mn, Eschig
- Première symphonie " Spring " (1917), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Deuxième symphonie "Pastorale" (1918), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- L'homme et son désir for large orchestra (1918), 20 mn, Universal Edition
- Deuxième suite symphonique after Protée (1919), 19 mn 40 s, Durand
- stage Le Bœuf sur le toit ballet for ensemble (1919), 19 mn, Eschig
- stage Marche Nuptiale ballet for ensemble (1921), Salabert
- Quatrième symphonie (1921), 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Saudades do Brazil for large orchestra (1920-1921), 22 mn, Eschig
- Sérénade in three parties (1920-1921), 11 mn 50 s, Universal Edition
- Troisième symphonie « Sérénade » (1921), 3 mn, Universal Edition
- Cinquième symphonie (1922), 5 mn, Universal Edition
- stage La Création du monde ballet for ensemble (1923), 15 mn, Eschig
- stage Le train bleu ballet for ensemble (1924), 22 mn 15 s, Heugel
- Deux hymnes for large orchestra (1925), 3 mn, Universal Edition
- stage Polka (L'Éventail de Jeanne) collective show, for ensemble (1927), Heugel
- stage La bien-aimée ballet after Schubert and Liszt, for orchestra (1928), Universal Edition
- Suite de Maximilien for large orchestra (1930), 20 mn, Universal Edition
- stage Les Songes ballet for ensemble (1933), 30 mn, Salabert
- Fragments dramatiques for ensemble (1936), Inédit
- Introduction et marche funèbre for large orchestra (1936), 6 mn 30 s
- Introduction et marche funèbre for wind ensemble (1936), 6 mn 30 s
- Suite provencale for large orchestra (1936), 16 mn, Salabert
- stage Suite provencale ballet for ensemble (1936), 16 mn, Salabert
- Cortège funèbre for large orchestra (1939), 14 mn
- Fanfare for ensemble (1939), Inédit
- Première symphonie for large orchestra (1939), 27 mn, Heugel
- Introduction et Allegro (orchestration of two fragments of La Sultane by Couperin) for large orchestra (1940), 6 mn 45 s, Elkan Vogel
- stage Moïse ballet for ensemble (1940), 31 mn 25 s, Elkan Vogel
- Opus Americanum no 2 for large orchestra (1940), 21 mn 25 s, Elkan Vogel
- Mills Fanfare (La Fanfare du Moulin) for strings (1941), Inédit
- Fanfare de la liberté for ensemble (1942), Inédit
- Deuxième symphonie for large orchestra (1944), 27 mn, Heugel
- Jeux de printemps for large orchestra (1944), 20 mn, Salabert
- Suite française for large orchestra (1944), 17 mn, Belwin & Mills
- Suite française for wind ensemble (1944), 14 mn, Belwin & Mills
- Deux marches for large orchestra (1945), 5 mn 5 s, Schirmer
- Deux marches for wind ensemble (1945), 5 mn 5 s, Schirmer
- stage Introduction / Marche / Fête de la Victoire complement to the ballet arrangement of the Suite Française (op. 248), for ensemble (1945), Belwin & Mills
- Le bal martiniquais for large orchestra (1945), 7 mn 15 s, Elkan Vogel
- stage Les cloches ballet for ensemble (1946), 27 mn, Eschig
- Quatrième symphonie (1848) for large orchestra (1947), 28 mn 6 s, Salabert
- stage 'Adame Miroir ballet, for ensemble (1948), 18 mn, Heugel
- Kentuckiana (divertissement sur vingt airs du Kentucky) for large orchestra (1948), 10 mn 20 s, Elkan Vogel
- stage La cueillette des citrons ballet for ensemble (1949), 20 mn, Heugel
- West Point Suite for wind ensemble (1951), 7 mn 50 s
- stage Vendanges ballet for ensemble (1952), 50 mn, Eschig
- Cinquième symphonie for large orchestra (1953), 26 mn, Heugel
- Ouverture méditerannéenne for large orchestra (1953), 6 mn 20 s, Heugel
- Suite campagnarde for large orchestra (1953), 9 mn 55 s, Heugel
- Pensée amicale for string orchestra (1955), Inédit
- Septième symphonie for large orchestra (1955), 15 mn, Heugel
- Sixième symphonie for large orchestra (1955), 27 mn 15 s, Heugel
- Valse en forme de rondo (La couronne de Marguerite) for large orchestra (1956), Salabert
- Huitième symphonie (Rhodanienne) for large orchestra (1957), 21 mn 10 s, Heugel
- stage La Rose des vents ballet and two songs, for ensemble (1957), 22 mn, Salabert
- Symphoniette for string orchestra (1957), 10 mn, Heugel
- stage La branche des oiseaux ballet for ensemble (1958-1959), 30 mn, Heugel
- Neuvième symphonie for large orchestra (1959), 16 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Paris for large orchestra (1959), 9 mn 55 s, Eschig
- Aubade for large orchestra (1960), 10 mn, Heugel
- Dixième symphonie for large orchestra (1960), 22 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Les funérailles de Phocion (Hommage à Nicolas Poussin) for large orchestra (1960), 8 mn, Salabert
- A Frenchman in New York for large orchestra (1962), 21 mn, Salabert
- Douzième symphonie (Rurale) for large orchestra (1962), 16 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Ouverture philharmonique for large orchestra (1962), 9 mn, Transatlantique
- Meurtre d'un grand chef d'État for large orchestra (1963), 3 mn, Eschig
- Ôde pour les morts des guerres for large orchestra (1963), 15 mn, Eschig
- Musique pour Prague for large orchestra (1965), 14 mn 10 s, Eschig
- Musique pour l'Indiana for large orchestra (1966), 19 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Musique pour la Nouvelle Orléans for large orchestra (1966), 27 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Promenade concert for large orchestra (1967), 13 mn, Eschig
- Symphonie pour l'univers claudélien for large orchestra (1968), 25 mn, Eschig
- Suite en sol for large orchestra (1969), 18 mn, Eschig
- Musique de théâtre for wind ensemble (1970), 12 mn, Eschig
- stage Fugue du Massacre ballet for ensemble (1971), Salabert
- Musique pour San Francisco for large orchestra (1971), 10 mn 40 s, Eschig
- Ôde pour Jérusalem for large orchestra (1972), 13 mn 5 s, Eschig
- Concertant music
- Suite anglaise for accordion and orchestra (), 15 mn
- Suite anglaise for Ondes Martenot and orchestra (), 10 mn
- Poème sur un cantique de Camargue for piano and orchestra (1913)
- Cinéma-Fantaisie for violin and orchestra (1919), 19 mn, Eschig
- Ballade for piano and orchestra (1920), 12 mn, Universal Edition
- Cinq études for piano and orchestra (1920), 10 mn, Universal Edition
- Le Carnaval d'Aix for piano and orchestra, after Salade (1926), 15 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Premier concerto for violin and orchestra (1927), 9 mn, Heugel
- Premier concerto for viola and orchestra (1929), 15 mn, Universal Edition
- Concerto for drum kit and orchestra (1929-1930), 7 mn, Universal Edition
- Premier concerto for piano and orchestra (1933), 12 mn, Salabert
- Concertino de printemps for violin and orchestra (1934), 9 mn, Salabert
- Premier concerto for cello and orchestra (1934), 15 mn, Salabert
- Concerto for flute, violin and orchestra (1938), 18 mn, Salabert
- Fantaisie pastorale for piano and orchestra (1938), 10 mn, Salabert
- Scaramouche for saxophone and orchestra (1939), 8 mn, Salabert
- Concerto for clarinet and orchestra (1941), 20 mn 10 s, Elkan Vogel
- Deuxième concerto for piano and orchestra (1941), 13 mn, Heugel
- Premier concerto for two pianos and orchestra (1941), 16 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Scaramouche for clarinet and orchestra (1941), 8 mn, Salabert
- Suite anglaise for violin and orchestra (1942), 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Suite anglaise for harmonica and orchestra (1942), 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Air for viola and orchestra (1944), Inédit
- Deuxième concerto for cello and orchestra (1945), 18 mn
- Deuxième concerto for violin and orchestra (1946), 23 mn
- Troisième concerto for piano and orchestra (1946), 19 mn
- Concerto for marimba, vibraphone and orchestra (1947), 18 mn 50 s, Enoch
- Quatrième concerto for piano and orchestra (1949), 18 mn 45 s, Heugel
- Concertino d'été for viola and orchestra (1950), 14 mn 25 s, Heugel
- Suite Opus 300 for two pianos and orchestra (1950), 18 mn 15 s, Heugel
- Concertino d'Automne for two pianos and orchestra (1951), 11 mn, Heugel
- Suite concertante for piano and orchestra (1952), 18 mn 50 s, Enoch
- Concertino d'hiver for trombone and orchestra (1953), 12 mn 15 s
- Concerto for harp and orchestra (1953), 22 mn, Eschig
- Suite cisalpine (based on Piedmontese tunes) for cello and orchestra (1954), 20 mn, Eschig
- Deuxième concerto for viola and orchestra (1954-1955), 20 mn, Heugel
- Qinquième concerto for piano and orchestra (1955), 19 mn, Eschig
- Concerto for oboe and orchestra (1957), 18 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Concert royal (troisième concerto) for violin and orchestra (1958), 20 mn, Eschig
- Symphonie concertante for trumpet, horn, bassoon, double bass and orchestra (1959), 11 mn, Heugel
- Deuxième concerto for two pianos and orchestra (1961), 21 mn, Eschig
- Concerto for harpsichord and orchestra (1964), 17 mn, Salabert
- Music for Boston for violin and orchestra (1965), 13 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Stanford Serenade for oboe and orchestra (1969), 12 mn 5 s, Eschig
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Désespoir for voice and piano (1909)
- Alissa for voice and piano, after André Gide's “La Porte étroite” (1931, 1913), 32 mn 28 s, Heugel
- stage I. Agamemnon opera for soprano, male choir and orchestra (1913), 10 mn, Heugel
- Sept poèmes de la connaissance de l'Est for voice and piano (1912-1913), 14 mn 35 s, Salabert
- Trois poèmes de Lucile de Chateaubriand for voice and piano (1931, 1913), Salabert
- stage La brebis égarée opera in three acts for solo voice and orchestra (1910-1914), Eschig
- Quatre poèmes de Léo Latil for voice and piano (1914), 13 mn, Durand
- Trois poèmes romantiques for voice and instrument (1913-1914), Inédit
- Trois poèmes romantiques for voice and instrument (1914), Inédit
- D'un cahier inédit du journal d'Eugénie de Guérin for voice and piano (1915), 8 mn 40 s, Combre
- Deux poèmes d'amour for voice and piano (1915), 5 mn 55 s, Schirmer
- Deux poèmes de Coventry Patmore for voice and piano (1915), 8 mn 35 s, Heugel
- stage II. Les Choephores opera for soprano, baritone, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra (1915), 30 mn, Heugel
- L'arbre exotique (Allusion aux malheurs d'un exilé) for voice and piano (1915), Inédit
- Child Poems for voice and piano (1916), 13 mn
- N°34 de l'Église habillée de feuilles for vocal quartet and piano six hands (1916), Inédit
- Poèmes juifs for voice and piano (1916), 16 mn 10 s, Eschig
- Trois poèmes for voice and piano or voice and chamber orchestra (1916), Inédit
- Chansons Bas for voice and piano (1917), 4 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Le retour de l'enfant prodigue cantata for vocal quintet and orchestra (1917), 42 mn, Universal Edition
- Quatre poèmes pour baryton for voice and piano (1915-1917), 13 mn, Durand
- Verso Carioca for voice and piano (1917), Inédit
- Deux petits airs for voice and piano (1918), 2 mn 5 s, Eschig
- stage L'homme et son désir ballet, for vocal quartet and ensemble (1918), 16 mn 10 s, Universal Edition
- Poèmes de Francis Jammes for voice and piano (1910-1918), Inédit
- Les soirées de Petrograd for voice and piano (1919), 10 mn, Durand
- Machines agricoles pastorales for voice and chamber orchestra (1919), 12 mn, Universal Edition
- Caramel mou (Shimmy) for voice and chamber orchestra (1920), 3 mn 14 s, Eschig
- Catalogue de fleurs for voice and piano (1920), 5 mn 20 s, Durand
- Catalogue de fleurs for voice and chamber orchestra (1920), 5 mn 20 s, Durand
- Cocktail for voice and three clarinets (1920), Elkan Vogel
- Feuilles de température for voice and piano (1920), Inédit
- Trois poèmes de Jean Cocteau for voice and piano (1920), 2 mn 30 s, Eschig
- Poème (from Léo Latil's diary) for voice and piano (1921), 4 mn 30 s, Eschig
- stage III. Les Euménides opera in three acts for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra (1917-1922), 1 h 30 mn, Heugel
- Quatre poèmes de Catulle for voice and violin (1923), 3 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Récitatifs pour « Une éducation manquée » d'Emmanuel Chabrier for voice and orchestra (1923), Enoch
- Sixième symphonie (1923), 6 mn, Universal Edition
- stage Les malheurs d'Orphée opera in three acts for baritone, soprano, solo voice and orchestra (1924), 35 mn, Heugel
- stage Salade ballet sung in two acts, for solo voice and ensemble (1924), 40 mn, Heugel
- Chants populaires hébraïques for voice and orchestra (1925), 10 mn 50 s, Heugel
- Deux hymnes for voice and piano (1925), 3 mn, Universal Edition
- stage Esther de Carpentras opera bouffe in two acts for solo voice and orchestra (1925), 1 h 5 mn, Heugel
- Six chants populaires hébraïques for voice and piano (1925), 10 mn 50 s, Heugel
- stage Le pauvre matelot lament in three acts for four voices and orchestra (1926), 45 mn, Heugel
- stage L'abandon d'Ariane opera, for solo voice, vocal sextet and orchestra (1927), 9 mn, Universal Edition
- stage L'enlèvement d'Europe opera, for solo voice, vocal sextet and orchestra (1927), 10 mn, Universal Edition
- stage La délivrance de Thésée opera, for solo voice, vocal quartet and orchestra (1927), 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Prières journalières à l'usage des Juifs du Comtat Venaissin for voice and piano (1927), 7 mn 36 s, Heugel
- Cantate pour louer le Seigneur for mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra (1928), 10 mn, Universal Edition
- stage Christophe Colomb opera in two acts and twenty-seven tableaux, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra (1928), Universal Edition
- Vocalise for voice and piano (1928), 1 mn 50 s
- A Flower given to my child for voice and piano (1930), Inédit
- stage Maximilien opera in three acts and nine tableaux, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra (1930), Universal Edition
- À propos de bottes for voice, mixed choir and piano (or violin and cello) (1932), 16 mn, Durand
- Adages for vocal quartet and ensemble (1932), 13 mn 45 s, Salabert
- L'annonce faite à Marie for vocal quartet and ensemble (1932), 19 mn, Salabert
- La mort du tyran for mixed choir and orchestra (1932), 6 mn 10 s, Le Chant du Monde
- Un petit peu de musique for voice, mixed choir and piano (or violin and cello) (1932), 13 mn 20 s, Durand
- Deux chansons for voice and piano (1933), 2 mn 35 s, Enoch
- Liturgie comtadine five Rosh Hashanah songs, for voice and piano (1933), 6 mn, Heugel
- Liturgie comtadine five Rosh Hashanah songs for voice and orchestra (1933), 6 mn, Salabert
- Les amours de Ronsard for vocal quartet and ensemble (1934), 11 mn 7 s, Salabert
- Les amours de Ronsard for mixed choir and orchestra (1934), 11 mn 7 s, Salabert
- Pan et la Syrinx cantata for soprano, baritone and vocal quartet and ensemble (1934), 15 mn, Salabert
- Un petit peu d'exercice for voice, mixed choir and piano (or violin and cello) (1934), 17 mn 40 s, Durand
- La sagesse for four voices, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra (1935), 60 mn, Heugel
- Six chansons de théâtre for voice and piano (1936), 5 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Trois chansons de négresse for voice and piano (1935-1936), 6 mn, Salabert
- Trois chansons de troubadour for voice and piano (1936), 5 mn 45 s, Salabert
- Cantate de l'inauguration du Musée de l'Homme for vocal quartet and ensemble (1937), 20 mn, Salabert
- Cantate nuptiale after the Song of Songs, for voice and orchestra (1937), 10 mn, Heugel
- Chanson du capitaine ; java de la femme for voice and piano (1937), 7 mn 10 s, Salabert
- Chansons de l'opéra du gueux for voice and orchestra (1937), Salabert
- Cinq chansons for voice and piano (1936-1937), 12 mn, Salabert
- Cinq chansons for voice and orchestra (1937), 6 mn, Salabert
- Fête de la musique (ballet céleste) for voice and ensemble (1936-1937), Inédit
- Prends cette rose for voice duo and symphony orchestra (1937), 4 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Quatrain for voice and piano (1937), Inédit
- Rondeau for voice and piano (1937), Inédit
- Trois chansons de négresse for voice and orchestra (1936-1937), 6 mn, Salabert
- Cantate de l'enfant et de la mère for narrator and ensemble (1938), 9 mn 35 s, Heugel
- Les quatre éléments for voice and piano (1938), 7 mn 50 s, Billaudot
- Magali popular Provençal song for mixed choir and orchestra (1938), 1 mn 40 s, Le Chant du Monde
- stage Médée opera in one act, for five voices, mixed choir and orchestra (1938), 1 h 10 mn, Heugel
- Récréation easy work for children, for voice and piano (1938), 1 mn 55 s, Heugel
- Trois élégies for vocal duo and string orchestra (1939), Boosey & Hawkes
- Couronne de gloire cantata for voice and chamber orchestra (1940), 23 mn, Transatlantique
- Cours de solfège : Papillon, Papillonette for children's voices and piano (1940), Inédit
- Le voyage d'été for voice and piano (1940), 16 mn 41 s, Heugel
- Quatre chansons de Ronsard for voice and orchestra (1940), 8 mn 30 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- Quatre chansons de Ronsard for voice and piano (1941), 8 mn 40 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- Caïn et Abel for spoken voice and ensemble (1942), Inédit
- Cinq prières for voice and organ (1942), 8 mn 55 s, Heugel
- Rêves (Anonymous texts of the 20th century) for voice and piano (1942), 6 mn 14 s, Heugel
- stage Bolivar opera in three acts, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra (1943)
- Borechou-Schema Israel for cantor, mixed choir and organ (1944), 2 mn 55 s, Schirmer
- La libération des Antilles for voice and piano (1944), 8 mn 16 s, Belwin & Mills
- Printemps lointain for voice and piano (1944), Inédit
- Kaddish for cantor, choir ad libitum and organ (1945), 4 mn 10 s, Schirmer
- Chants de misère for voice and piano (1946), 7 mn 50 s, Heugel
- Troisième symphonie (Te Deum) for large orchestra (1946), 31 mn 25 s, Heugel
- Service sacré for baritone, narrator, mixed choir and organ (1947), 60 mn, Salabert
- Service sacré for baritone, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra (1947), 60 mn, Salabert
- Trois poèmes for voice and piano (1947), 7 mn 5 s, Heugel
- L'Choh Dodi for cantor, mixed choir and organ (1948), 2 mn 30 s, Schirmer
- Ballade nocturne for voice and piano (1949), 2 mn 10 s, Heugel
- Barba Garibo entertainment on themes of Menton folklore for mixed choir and orchestra (1949-1950), 20 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Le château de feu for mixed choir and orchestra (1950), 12 mn 30 s, Eschig
- Les temps faciles for voice and piano (1950), Inédit
- Cantata from proverbs for female choir and chamber orchestra (1951), 9 mn 50 s, Mercury Music
- Miracles of faith for tenor, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra (1951), 19 mn 45 s, Schirmer
- Petites légendes for voice and piano (1952), 16 mn 10 s, Heugel
- stage David opera in five acts, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra (1952-1953), Israeli Music Publications
- Service pour la veille du Sabbat for children's choir and organ (1955), 5 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Fontaines et sources for voice and piano (1956), 7 mn 50 s, Billaudot
- Fontaines et sources for voice and orchestra (1956), 7 mn 50 s, Billaudot
- Le Chat for voice and piano (1956), Inédit
- Le mariage de la feuille et du cliché fantasia for voices, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra (1956), 29 mn, Heugel
- Les quatre éléments (nouvelle version) for voice and orchestra (1956), 5 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Tristesses for voice and piano (1956), 40 mn, Heugel
- Écoutez mes enfants for vocals and organ (1957), Inédit
- stage Fiesta opera in one act, for solo voice and orchestra (1958), 22 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Tragédie humaine for mixed choir and orchestra (1958), 27 mn 5 s, Salabert
- Cantate de la croix de charité for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and orchestra (1959-1960), 22 mn 15 s, Heugel
- Cantate sur des textes de Chaucer (Captivity, Escape, Rejection) for mixed choir and orchestra (1960), 15 mn 25 s, Heugel
- Invocation à l'ange Raphaël cantata in four parts, for female choir and orchestra (1962), 14 mn, Eschig
- Suite de quatrains for reciter and ensemble (1962), 12 mn, Salabert
- Caroles for mixed choir and orchestra (1963), 12 mn, Eschig
- Pacem in Terris for contralto, baritone, mixed choir and orchestra (1963), 46 mn, Salabert
- Suite de sonnets for vocal quartet and ensemble (1963), 17 mn, Eschig
- Adieu for voice, flute, viola and harp (1964), 10 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Hommage à Comenius for voice duo and symphony orchestra (1964), 16 mn, Eschig
- L'amour chante for voice and piano (1964)
- Cantata from Job for baritone, mixed choir and organ (1965), 16 mn 55 s
- stage La mère coupable opera for eight voices and orchestra (1964-1965), 1 h 45 mn, Ricordi
- Cantate de l'initiation (Bar-mitzvah Israel 1948-1961) for mixed choir and orchestra (or choir and organ) (1966), 14 mn 13 s, Heugel
- Cantate de psaumes for baritone and orchestra (1967), Universal Edition
- Vezelay (La Colline inspirée) for voice and ensemble (1967), Inédit
- stage Saint Louis roi de France opera oratorio in two parts for two sopranos, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1970), 1 h 30 mn, Eschig
- Ani Maamin, un chant perdu et retrouvé for soprano, four narrators, mixed choir and orchestra (1972), 1 h 10 mn, Eschig
- A cappella vocal music
- Devant sa main nue for vocal quartet or female choir (), 4 mn 15 s, Salabert
- Deux poèmes for vocal quartet or mixed choir (1916-1919), 4 mn 22 s, Durand
- Psaume 126 for male choir (1921), 4 mn 50 s, Universal Edition
- Deux élégies romaines for vocal quartet or female choir (1932), 2 mn 50 s, Salabert
- Deux poèmes de Cendrars for vocal quartet or mixed choir (1932), 3 mn 25 s, Salabert
- Cantique du Rhône for vocal quartet or mixed choir (1936), 9 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Cantate de la paix for men's and children's choir (1937), 9 mn 40 s, Schirmer
- Les deux cités for mixed choir (1937), 13 mn 5 s, Schirmer
- Main tendue à tous for mixed choir (1937), 4 mn
- Incantations Aztec poems for male choir (1939), 7 mn 30 s, Eschig
- Quatrains valaisans for mixed choir (1939), 3 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Cantate de la guerre for mixed choir (1940), 10 mn 45 s, Schirmer
- Sornettes for two children's voices (1940), Inédit
- Six sonnets composés au secret for vocal quartet or mixed choir (1946), 12 mn 30 s, Elkan Vogel
- Naissance de Vénus cantata for mixed choir (1949), 5 mn, Heugel
- Trois psaumes de David for mixed choir (1954), 15 mn 45 s, Eschig
- Deux poèmes for vocal quartet or mixed choir (1955), 4 mn 20 s, Heugel
- Huit poèmes de Jorge Guillen for mixed choir (1958), 14 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Traversée for mixed choir (1961), 6 mn 15 s, Salabert
- Adam for soprano, two tenors and two baritones (1964), Inédit
- Promesse de Dieu for mixed choir (1971), 10 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Les momies d'Égypte for mixed choir (1972), 20 mn, Universal Edition
- Unspecified instrumentation
- À la Toussaint (1911)
- Le château (1914), Inédit
- Poèmes du Gitanjali (1914), Inédit
- Notre Dame de Sarrance (Hymne, chant) (1915), Inédit
- Deux poèmes de Rimbaud (1917), Inédit
- Pièce de circonstance (1926), Inédit
- Quatrain (1929), Inédit
- Quatrain (1935), Inédit
- Pledge to Mills students singing (1945), Inédit
- Préparatif à la mort et allégorie maritime (1963), Inédit
Catalog sources and details
Compositions pour la scène
- Protée (Paul Claudel, 1913)
- L’Ours et la Lune (Paul Claudel, 1918)
- L’annonce faite à Marie (Paul Claudel, 1932)
- Le château des papes (André de Richaud, 1932)
- Le cycle de la création (Dom Sturzo, 1934)
- Se plaire sur une même fleur (Felix Moreno y Posuonel, 1934)
- Le Faiseur (Balzac, 1935)
- Bertrand de Born (Valmy Baisse, 1936)
- Bolivar (Jules Supervielle, 1935-1936)
- Amal ou la Lettre du roi (Rabîndranâth Tagore, André Gide, 1936)
- Le Conquérant (Jean Mistler, 1936)
- La Folle du ciel (Henri-René Lenormand, 1936)
- Jules César (Shakespeare, Simone Jollivet, 1936)
- Quatorze juillet (Romain Rolland, 1936)
- Tu ne m’échapperas jamais (Margaret Kennedy, 1936)
- Le Voyageur sans bagages (Jean Anouilh, 1936)
- La Duchesse d’Amalfi (John Webster, Henri Fluchère, 1937)
- Hécube (Euripide, André de Richaud, 1937)
- Liberté (Spectacle collectif, 1937)
- Macbeth (Shakespeare, 1937)
- Le médecin volant (Molière, Charles Vildrac, 1937)
- Naissance d’une cité (Jean Richard Bloch, spectacle collectif, 1937)
- L’Opéra du gueux (John Gay, 1937)
- Roméo et Juliette (Shakespeare, A. Jouve, 1937)
- Le Trompeur de Séville (André Obey, 1937)
- Le Bal des voleurs (Jean Anouilh, 1938)
- La Première Famille (Jules Supervielle, 1938)
- Tricolore (Pierre Lestringuez, 1938)
- Hamlet (Jules Laforgue, 1939)
- Un petit ange de rien du tout (Claude-André Puget, 1940)
- L’annonce faite à Marie (Paul Claudel, 1942)
- Lidoire (Georges Courteline, 1946)
- La Maison de Bernarda Alba (Garcia Lorca, 1947)
- Le jeu de Robin et Marion (d’après Adam de la Halle, 1948)
- Sheherazade (Jules Supervielle, 1948)
- Le conte d’hiver (Shakespeare, Claude-André Puget, 1950)
- Christophe Colomb (Paul Claudel, 1952)
- Saul (André Gide, 1954)
- Juanito (Pierre Humblot, 1955)
- Protée; (Paul Claudel, 1955)
- Mother Courage (Bertold Brecht, 1959)
- Judith (Jean Giraudoux, 1961)
- Jérusalem à Carpentras (Armand Lunel, 1966)
- L’Histoire de Tobie et Sara (Paul Claudel, 1967)
Compositions pour le cinéma
- Actualités filmées (1928)
- La P’tite Lilie (Alberto Cavalcanti, 1929)
- Hallo everybody (Hans Richter, 1933)
- Madame Bovary (Jean Renoir, 1933)
- L’Hippocampe (Jean Painlevé, 1934)
- Tartarin de Tarascon (Raymond Bernard, 1934)
- Voix d’enfants (Reynaud et la Manécanterie, 1935)
- The Beloved Vagabond (Curtis Bernhard, 1936)
- La Citadelle du silence (Marcel L’Herbier, 1937)
- La Conquête du Ciel (Hans Richter, 1937)
- Grands feux (Alexandre Alexeieff, 1937)
- Mollenard (Robert Siodmak, 1937)
- Les Otages (Raymond Bernard, 1938)
- La Tragédie impériale, Raspoutine (Marcel L’Herbier, 1938)
- Cavalcade de l’amour (Raymond Bernard, 1939)
- Espoir (André Malraux, 1939)
- Gulf Stream (Alexandre Alexeieff, 1939)
- Islands (Alberto Cavalcanti, 1939)
- The private affairs of Bel Ami (Albert Lewyn, 1946)
- Dreams that money can buy (Hans Richter, 1947)
- Gauguin (Alain Resnais, 1950)
- La Vie commence demain (Nicole Vedrès, 1950)
- Ils étaient tous des volontaires (documentaire pour le dixième anniversaire de la Libération, 1954)
- Celles qui n’étaient plus (Colpi, 1957)
- Paul Claudel (André Gillet, 1968)
Compositions pour la radio (Radio France)
- Agamemnon, Eschyle (1938)
- Voyage au pays du rêve, Ravenne (1939)
- Le Grand Testament, N. Franck (1948)
- La Fin du Monde, Blaise Cendrars (1949)
- Le repos du septième jour, Paul Claudel (1950)
- Samaël, André Spire (1953)
- Le Dibbouk, Shalom Anski (1963)
Compositions pour la télévision
- Peron et Evita (documentaire, 1958)
- Burma Road (documentaire, 1959)
Montage musical
- Étude poétique, Claude Roy (1954)
- 1973
- Quintette à vent, 17 mn, Eschig
- Études (on liturgical themes of Comtat Venaissin) for string quartet, 10 mn 40 s, Eschig
- 1972
- Ani Maamin, un chant perdu et retrouvé for soprano, four narrators, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 10 mn, Eschig
- Les momies d'Égypte for mixed choir, 20 mn, Universal Edition
- Ôde pour Jérusalem for large orchestra, 13 mn 5 s, Eschig
- 1971
- stage Fugue du Massacre ballet for ensemble, Salabert
- Hommage à Igor Strawinsky for string quartet, Boosey & Hawkes
- Musique pour San Francisco for large orchestra, 10 mn 40 s, Eschig
- Promesse de Dieu for mixed choir, 10 mn 15 s, Eschig
- 1970
- Musique de théâtre for wind ensemble, 12 mn, Eschig
- stage Saint Louis roi de France opera oratorio in two parts for two sopranos, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 30 mn, Eschig
- Six danses en trois mouvements for two pianos, 6 mn 7 s, Eschig
- 1969
- Musique pour Ars Nova for thirteen instruments, with random group for each piece, 12 mn, Eschig
- Musique pour Graz for chamber orchestra, 15 mn 30 s, Universal Edition
- Stanford Serenade for oboe and orchestra, 12 mn 5 s, Eschig
- Suite en sol for large orchestra, 18 mn, Eschig
- 1968
- Symphonie pour l'univers claudélien for large orchestra, 25 mn, Eschig
- Trio for piano, violin and cello, 14 mn 5 s, Heugel
- 1967
- Cantate de psaumes for baritone and orchestra, Universal Edition
- Promenade concert for large orchestra, 13 mn, Eschig
- Vezelay (La Colline inspirée) for voice and ensemble, Inédit
- 1966
- Cantate de l'initiation (Bar-mitzvah Israel 1948-1961) for mixed choir and orchestra (or choir and organ), 14 mn 13 s, Heugel
- Musique pour Lisbonne for chamber orchestra, 21 mn, Eschig
- Musique pour l'Indiana for large orchestra, 19 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Musique pour la Nouvelle Orléans for large orchestra, 27 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Quatuor for piano, violin, viola and cello, 20 mn, Durand
- 1965
- Cantata from Job for baritone, mixed choir and organ, 16 mn 55 s
- stage La mère coupable opera for eight voices and orchestra, 1 h 45 mn, Ricordi
- Music for Boston for violin and orchestra, 13 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Musique pour Prague for large orchestra, 14 mn 10 s, Eschig
- Élégie pour Pierre for viola and percussion, Inédit
- 1964
- Adam for soprano, two tenors and two baritones, Inédit
- Adieu for voice, flute, viola and harp, 10 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Concerto for harpsichord and orchestra, 17 mn, Salabert
- Hommage à Comenius for voice duo and symphony orchestra, 16 mn, Eschig
- L'amour chante for voice and piano
- Septuor à cordes, 15 mn 20 s, Heugel
- 1963
- Caroles for mixed choir and orchestra, 12 mn, Eschig
- Meurtre d'un grand chef d'État for large orchestra, 3 mn, Eschig
- Pacem in Terris for contralto, baritone, mixed choir and orchestra, 46 mn, Salabert
- Préparatif à la mort et allégorie maritime, Inédit
- Suite de sonnets for vocal quartet and ensemble, 17 mn, Eschig
- Ôde pour les morts des guerres for large orchestra, 15 mn, Eschig
- 1962
- A Frenchman in New York for large orchestra, 21 mn, Salabert
- Douzième symphonie (Rurale) for large orchestra, 16 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Fanfare for two trumpets and two trombones, Heugel
- Invocation à l'ange Raphaël cantata in four parts, for female choir and orchestra, 14 mn, Eschig
- Ouverture philharmonique for large orchestra, 9 mn, Transatlantique
- Suite de quatrains for reciter and ensemble, 12 mn, Salabert
- 1961
- Concert de chambre for piano, string quintet and wind quintet, 14 mn, Eschig
- Deuxième concerto for two pianos and orchestra, 21 mn, Eschig
- Neige sur le fleuve for ensemble, Inédit
- Traversée for mixed choir, 6 mn 15 s, Salabert
- 1960
- Aubade for large orchestra, 10 mn, Heugel
- Cantate de la croix de charité for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and orchestra, 22 mn 15 s, Heugel
- Cantate sur des textes de Chaucer (Captivity, Escape, Rejection) for mixed choir and orchestra, 15 mn 25 s, Heugel
- Dixième symphonie for large orchestra, 22 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Les funérailles de Phocion (Hommage à Nicolas Poussin) for large orchestra, 8 mn, Salabert
- Sonatine pastorale for violin, 3 mn 20 s
- 1959
- stage La branche des oiseaux ballet for ensemble, 30 mn, Heugel
- Neuvième symphonie for large orchestra, 16 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Paris for large orchestra, 9 mn 55 s, Eschig
- Sonate for cello and piano, 13 mn 35 s, Salabert
- Sonatine for viola and cello, 17 mn 50 s, Heugel
- Symphonie concertante for trumpet, horn, bassoon, double bass and orchestra, 11 mn, Heugel
- 1958
- Concert royal (troisième concerto) for violin and orchestra, 20 mn, Eschig
- Divertissement for wind quintet, 11 mn 30 s, Heugel
- stage Fiesta opera in one act, for solo voice and orchestra, 22 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Huit poèmes de Jorge Guillen for mixed choir, 14 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Sextuor à cordes, 13 mn 44 s, Heugel
- Tragédie humaine for mixed choir and orchestra, 27 mn 5 s, Salabert
- 1957
- Aspen Serenade for chamber orchestra, 16 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Concerto for oboe and orchestra, 18 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Huitième symphonie (Rhodanienne) for large orchestra, 21 mn 10 s, Heugel
- stage La Rose des vents ballet and two songs, for ensemble, 22 mn, Salabert
- Le Globe Trotter for piano, 19 mn 15 s, Belwin & Mills
- Le Globe Trotter for chamber orchestra, 18 mn, Belwin & Mills
- Les charmes de la vie "Hommage à Watteau", for piano, 19 mn 45 s, Belwin & Mills
- Les charmes de la vie "Hommage à Watteau", for chamber orchestra, 20 mn, Belwin & Mills
- Segovania for guitar, 2 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Symphoniette for string orchestra, 10 mn, Heugel
- Écoutez mes enfants for vocals and organ, Inédit
- 1956
- Duo concertant for clarinet and piano, 9 mn 45 s, Heugel
- Fontaines et sources for voice and piano, 7 mn 50 s, Billaudot
- Fontaines et sources for voice and orchestra, 7 mn 50 s, Billaudot
- Le Chat for voice and piano, Inédit
- Le mariage de la feuille et du cliché fantasia for voices, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 29 mn, Heugel
- Les quatre éléments (nouvelle version) for voice and orchestra, 5 mn 30 s, Billaudot
- Quatrième quintette for string quintet, 20 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Sonatine for piano, 7 mn, Transatlantique
- Tristesses for voice and piano, 40 mn, Heugel
- Valse en forme de rondo (La couronne de Marguerite) for piano, Salabert
- Valse en forme de rondo (La couronne de Marguerite) for large orchestra, Salabert
- 1955
- Deux poèmes for vocal quartet or mixed choir, 4 mn 20 s, Heugel
- Deuxième concerto for viola and orchestra, 20 mn, Heugel
- Pensée amicale for string orchestra, Inédit
- Petite suite for organ, 6 mn 9 s, Eschig
- Qinquième concerto for piano and orchestra, 19 mn, Eschig
- Septième symphonie for large orchestra, 15 mn, Heugel
- Service pour la veille du Sabbat for children's choir and organ, 5 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Sixième symphonie for large orchestra, 27 mn 15 s, Heugel
- 1954
- Caprice for clarinet and piano, Billaudot
- Danse for saxophone and piano, Billaudot
- Eglogue for flute and piano, Inédit
- Hymne de glorification for piano, 7 mn, Eschig
- Sonatine for oboe and piano, 11 mn, Durand
- Suite cisalpine (based on Piedmontese tunes) for cello and orchestra, 20 mn, Eschig
- Trois psaumes de David for mixed choir, 15 mn 45 s, Eschig
- 1953
- Cinquième symphonie for large orchestra, 26 mn, Heugel
- Concertino d'hiver for trombone and orchestra, 12 mn 15 s
- Concerto for harp and orchestra, 22 mn, Eschig
- stage David opera in five acts, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra, Israeli Music Publications
- Ouverture méditerannéenne for large orchestra, 6 mn 20 s, Heugel
- Sonatine for violin and cello, 7 mn 20 s, Heugel
- Suite campagnarde for large orchestra, 9 mn 55 s, Heugel
- Troisième quintette for string quintet, 15 mn 20 s, Heugel
- 1952
- Deuxième quintette for string quintet, 9 mn 25 s, Heugel
- Petites légendes for voice and piano, 16 mn 10 s, Heugel
- Suite concertante for piano and orchestra, 18 mn 50 s, Enoch
- stage Vendanges ballet for ensemble, 50 mn, Eschig
- 1951
- Cantata from proverbs for female choir and chamber orchestra, 9 mn 50 s, Mercury Music
- Concertino d'Automne for two pianos and orchestra, 11 mn, Heugel
- Le candélabre à sept branches for piano, 10 mn, Israeli Music Publications
- Miracles of faith for tenor, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 19 mn 45 s, Schirmer
- Premier quintette for keyboard quintet and strings, 14 mn, Heugel
- West Point Suite for wind ensemble, 7 mn 50 s
- 1950
- Barba Garibo entertainment on themes of Menton folklore for mixed choir and orchestra, 20 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Concertino d'été for viola and orchestra, 14 mn 25 s, Heugel
- Dix-huitième quatuor for string quartet, 25 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Dix-septième quatuor for string quartet, 20 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Enfantines for piano, after Trois poèmes by Jean Cocteau, Eschig
- Jeu for piano, 1 mn 36 s, Billaudot
- Le château de feu for mixed choir and orchestra, 12 mn 30 s, Eschig
- Les temps faciles for voice and piano, Inédit
- Seizième quatuor for string quartet, 16 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Suite Opus 300 for two pianos and orchestra, 18 mn 15 s, Heugel
- 1949
- Ballade nocturne for voice and piano, 2 mn 10 s, Heugel
- Deuxième sonate for piano, 15 mn 45 s, Heugel
- stage La cueillette des citrons ballet for ensemble, 20 mn, Heugel
- Les rêves de Jacob for wind and string quintet, 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Naissance de Vénus cantata for mixed choir, 5 mn, Heugel
- Quatrième concerto for piano and orchestra, 18 mn 45 s, Heugel
- 1948
- stage 'Adame Miroir ballet, for ensemble, 18 mn, Heugel
- Accueil amical for piano, Heugel
- Kentuckiana (divertissement sur vingt airs du Kentucky) for two pianos, 6 mn 20 s, Elkan Vogel
- Kentuckiana (divertissement sur vingt airs du Kentucky) for large orchestra, 10 mn 20 s, Elkan Vogel
- L'Apothéose de Molière after Baptiste Anet, for chamber orchestra, 10 mn
- L'Choh Dodi for cantor, mixed choir and organ, 2 mn 30 s, Schirmer
- L'enfant aime for piano, 9 mn 15 s, Belwin & Mills
- Octuor à cordes, 16 mn 40 s, Heugel
- Paris for four pianos, 9 mn 27 s, Eschig
- Quatorzième quatuor for string quartet, 15 mn 45 s, Heugel
- Quinzième quatuor for string quartet, 15 mn 45 s, Heugel
- 1947
- Carnaval à la Nouvelle Orléans for two pianos, 8 mn 15 s, Belwin & Mills
- Concerto for marimba, vibraphone and orchestra, 18 mn 50 s, Enoch
- Méditation for piano, Inédit
- Quatrième symphonie (1848) for large orchestra, 28 mn 6 s, Salabert
- Sept danses sur des airs palestiniens for ensemble, Inédit
- Service sacré for baritone, narrator, mixed choir and organ, 60 mn, Salabert
- Service sacré for baritone, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 60 mn, Salabert
- Trio à cordes for violin, viola and cello, 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Trois poèmes for voice and piano, 7 mn 5 s, Heugel
- 1946
- Chants de misère for voice and piano, 7 mn 50 s, Heugel
- Deuxième concerto for violin and orchestra, 23 mn
- Farandoleurs for violin and piano, 2 mn 20 s, Salabert
- stage Les cloches ballet for ensemble, 27 mn, Eschig
- Six sonnets composés au secret for vocal quartet or mixed choir, 12 mn 30 s, Elkan Vogel
- Treizième quatuor for string quartet, 10 mn 40 s, Salabert
- Troisième concerto for piano and orchestra, 19 mn
- Troisième symphonie (Te Deum) for large orchestra, 31 mn 25 s, Heugel
- Une journée for piano, 6 mn 30 s
- 1945
- Danses de Jacaremirim for violin and piano, 4 mn 45 s, Belwin & Mills
- Deux marches for large orchestra, 5 mn 5 s, Schirmer
- Deux marches for wind ensemble, 5 mn 5 s, Schirmer
- Deuxième concerto for cello and orchestra, 18 mn
- Douzième quatuor for string quartet, 14 mn 5 s, Salabert
- Duo for two violins, 4 mn 26 s, Mercury Music
- stage Introduction / Marche / Fête de la Victoire complement to the ballet arrangement of the Suite Française (op. 248), for ensemble, Belwin & Mills
- Kaddish for cantor, choir ad libitum and organ, 4 mn 10 s, Schirmer
- Le bal martiniquais for large orchestra, 7 mn 15 s, Elkan Vogel
- Pledge to Mills students singing, Inédit
- Sonate for violin and harpsichord, 9 mn 40 s, Elkan Vogel
- Élegie for cello and piano, 4 mn 35 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- 1944
- Air for viola and orchestra, Inédit
- Borechou-Schema Israel for cantor, mixed choir and organ, 2 mn 55 s, Schirmer
- Deuxième sonate for viola and piano, 11 mn 35 s, Heugel
- Deuxième symphonie for large orchestra, 27 mn, Heugel
- Jeux de printemps for chamber orchestra, 20 mn, Salabert
- Jeux de printemps for large orchestra, 20 mn, Salabert
- La Muse ménagère for piano, 21 mn 25 s
- La Muse ménagère for chamber orchestra, 22 mn, Elkan Vogel
- La libération des Antilles for voice and piano, 8 mn 16 s, Belwin & Mills
- Le bal martiniquais for two pianos, 7 mn 16 s, Belwin & Mills
- Première sonate for viola and piano, on anonymous and unpublished themes of the 18th century, 13 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Printemps lointain for voice and piano, Inédit
- Suite française for large orchestra, 17 mn, Belwin & Mills
- Suite française for wind ensemble, 14 mn, Belwin & Mills
- 1943
- stage Bolivar opera in three acts, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra
- La Libertadora (suite de danse) for two pianos, 6 mn, Ahn et Simrock
- Les Songes for two pianos, 6 mn 12 s
- Quatre visages for viola and piano, 14 mn, Heugel
- 1942
- Caïn et Abel for spoken voice and ensemble, Inédit
- Cinq prières for voice and organ, 8 mn 55 s, Heugel
- Fanfare de la liberté for ensemble, Inédit
- Neuf préludes for organ, 13 mn 5 s, Belwin & Mills
- Onzième quatuor for string quartet, 15 mn 45 s, Salabert
- Rêves (Anonymous texts of the 20th century) for voice and piano, 6 mn 14 s, Heugel
- Suite anglaise for violin and orchestra, 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Suite anglaise for harmonica and orchestra, 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- 1941
- Choral (Hommage à Paderewski) for piano, 2 mn 10 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- Concerto for clarinet and orchestra, 20 mn 10 s, Elkan Vogel
- Deuxième concerto for piano and orchestra, 13 mn, Heugel
- Eglogue Madrigal for clarinet and piano (extract from Four Sketches), Elkan Vogel
- Eglogue Madrigal (extract from Four sketches) for woodwind quintet, Mercury Music
- Four sketches for chamber orchestra, 9 mn, Mercury Music
- Four sketches (Esquisses) for piano, 10 mn 15 s, Mercury Music
- Mills Fanfare (La Fanfare du Moulin) for strings, Inédit
- Pastorale for organ, 3 mn 29 s, Belwin & Mills
- Premier concerto for two pianos and orchestra, 16 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Quatre chansons de Ronsard for voice and piano, 8 mn 40 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- Scaramouche for clarinet and orchestra, 8 mn, Salabert
- Sonatine for violin and viola, 9 mn, Mercury Music
- Touches blanches for piano
- Touches noires for piano
- 1940
- Cantate de la guerre for mixed choir, 10 mn 45 s, Schirmer
- Couronne de gloire cantata for voice and chamber orchestra, 23 mn, Transatlantique
- Cours de solfège : Papillon, Papillonette for children's voices and piano, Inédit
- Dixième quatuor (Birthday Quartet) for string quartet, 15 mn 15 s, Salabert
- Indicatif et marche pour les bons d'armement for brass and drums, Inédit
- Introduction et Allegro (orchestration of two fragments of La Sultane by Couperin) for large orchestra, 6 mn 45 s, Elkan Vogel
- Le voyage d'été for voice and piano, 16 mn 41 s, Heugel
- stage Moïse ballet for ensemble, 31 mn 25 s, Elkan Vogel
- Opus Americanum no 2 for chamber orchestra, 31 mn 25 s, Elkan Vogel
- Opus Americanum no 2 for large orchestra, 21 mn 25 s, Elkan Vogel
- Quatre chansons de Ronsard for voice and orchestra, 8 mn 30 s, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sonatine for two violins, 3 mn 20 s, Mercury Music
- Sonatine à trois for violin, viola and cello, 8 mn 20 s, Mercury Music
- Sornettes for two children's voices, Inédit
- 1939
- Cortège funèbre for large orchestra, 14 mn
- Fanfare for ensemble, Inédit
- Incantations Aztec poems for male choir, 7 mn 30 s, Eschig
- La Cheminée du roi René for wind quintet, 11 mn 13 s
- Première symphonie for large orchestra, 27 mn, Heugel
- Quatrains valaisans for mixed choir, 3 mn 30 s, Heugel
- Scaramouche for saxophone and orchestra, 8 mn, Salabert
- Trois élégies for vocal duo and string orchestra, Boosey & Hawkes
- 1938
- Cantate de l'enfant et de la mère for narrator and ensemble, 9 mn 35 s, Heugel
- Concerto for flute, violin and orchestra, 18 mn, Salabert
- Fantaisie pastorale for piano and orchestra, 10 mn, Salabert
- Les quatre éléments for voice and piano, 7 mn 50 s, Billaudot
- Magali popular Provençal song for mixed choir and orchestra, 1 mn 40 s, Le Chant du Monde
- stage Médée opera in one act, for five voices, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 10 mn, Heugel
- Récréation easy work for children, for voice and piano, 1 mn 55 s, Heugel
- 1937
- Cantate de l'inauguration du Musée de l'Homme for vocal quartet and ensemble, 20 mn, Salabert
- Cantate de la paix for men's and children's choir, 9 mn 40 s, Schirmer
- Cantate nuptiale after the Song of Songs, for voice and orchestra, 10 mn, Heugel
- Chanson du capitaine ; java de la femme for voice and piano, 7 mn 10 s, Salabert
- Chansons de l'opéra du gueux for voice and orchestra, Salabert
- Cinq chansons for voice and piano, 12 mn, Salabert
- Cinq chansons for voice and orchestra, 6 mn, Salabert
- Fête de la musique (ballet céleste) for voice and ensemble, Inédit
- Le Carnaval de Londres after Opéra du Gueux, for chamber orchestra, 30 mn, Salabert
- Les deux cités for mixed choir, 13 mn 5 s, Schirmer
- Main tendue à tous for mixed choir, 4 mn
- Prends cette rose for voice duo and symphony orchestra, 4 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Quatrain for voice and piano, Inédit
- Rondeau for voice and piano, Inédit
- Scaramouche for two pianos, 8 mn, Salabert
- Suite d'après Corrette for oboe, clarinet and bassoon, 8 mn 30 s
- Trois chansons de négresse for voice and orchestra, 6 mn, Salabert
- 1936
- Cantique du Rhône for vocal quartet or mixed choir, 9 mn, Elkan Vogel
- Fragments dramatiques for ensemble, Inédit
- Introduction et marche funèbre for large orchestra, 6 mn 30 s
- Introduction et marche funèbre for wind ensemble, 6 mn 30 s
- Six chansons de théâtre for voice and piano, 5 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Suite for piano, violin and clarinet, 11 mn 50 s, Salabert
- Suite provencale for large orchestra, 16 mn, Salabert
- stage Suite provencale ballet for ensemble, 16 mn, Salabert
- Trois chansons de négresse for voice and piano, 6 mn, Salabert
- Trois chansons de troubadour for voice and piano, 5 mn 45 s, Salabert
- 1935
- La sagesse for four voices, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 60 mn, Heugel
- Neuvième quatuor for string quartet, 18 mn 10 s
- Pastorale for oboe, clarinet and bassoon, 3 mn 50 s
- Quatrain, Inédit
- 1934
- Concertino de printemps for violin and orchestra, 9 mn, Salabert
- Exemple musical for pipeau and piano
- Les amours de Ronsard for vocal quartet and ensemble, 11 mn 7 s, Salabert
- Les amours de Ronsard for mixed choir and orchestra, 11 mn 7 s, Salabert
- Pan et la Syrinx cantata for soprano, baritone and vocal quartet and ensemble, 15 mn, Salabert
- Premier concerto for cello and orchestra, 15 mn, Salabert
- Un petit peu d'exercice for voice, mixed choir and piano (or violin and cello), 17 mn 40 s, Durand
- 1933
- Deux chansons for voice and piano, 2 mn 35 s, Enoch
- L'Album de Madame Bovary for piano, 13 mn 30 s
- stage Les Songes ballet for ensemble, 30 mn, Salabert
- Liturgie comtadine five Rosh Hashanah songs, for voice and piano, 6 mn, Heugel
- Liturgie comtadine five Rosh Hashanah songs for voice and orchestra, 6 mn, Salabert
- Premier concerto for piano and orchestra, 12 mn, Salabert
- Promenade (Le Tour de l'exposition) for piano, Salabert
- Quatre romances sans paroles for piano, 4 mn, Salabert
- Trois Valses for piano, 3 mn 23 s
- 1932
- Adages for vocal quartet and ensemble, 13 mn 45 s, Salabert
- Deux poèmes de Cendrars for vocal quartet or mixed choir, 3 mn 25 s, Salabert
- Deux élégies romaines for vocal quartet or female choir, 2 mn 50 s, Salabert
- Huitième quatuor for string quartet, 12 mn 45 s
- L'Automne for piano, 7 mn, Salabert
- L'annonce faite à Marie for vocal quartet and ensemble, 19 mn, Salabert
- La mort du tyran for mixed choir and orchestra, 6 mn 10 s, Le Chant du Monde
- Suite for Ondes Martenot and piano, 10 mn, Cerda
- Un petit peu de musique for voice, mixed choir and piano (or violin and cello), 13 mn 20 s, Durand
- À propos de bottes for voice, mixed choir and piano (or violin and cello), 16 mn, Durand
- 1931
- Sonate for organ, 19 mn 43 s, Belwin & Mills
- 1930
- A Flower given to my child for voice and piano, Inédit
- Choral for piano, Inédit
- Concerto for drum kit and orchestra, 7 mn, Universal Edition
- stage Maximilien opera in three acts and nine tableaux, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra, Universal Edition
- Suite de Maximilien for large orchestra, 20 mn, Universal Edition
- 1929
- Premier concerto for viola and orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
- Quatrain, Inédit
- 1928
- Cantate pour louer le Seigneur for mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra, 10 mn, Universal Edition
- stage Christophe Colomb opera in two acts and twenty-seven tableaux, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra, Universal Edition
- stage La bien-aimée ballet after Schubert and Liszt, for orchestra, Universal Edition
- Vocalise for voice and piano, 1 mn 50 s
- 1927
- stage L'abandon d'Ariane opera, for solo voice, vocal sextet and orchestra, 9 mn, Universal Edition
- stage L'enlèvement d'Europe opera, for solo voice, vocal sextet and orchestra, 10 mn, Universal Edition
- stage La délivrance de Thésée opera, for solo voice, vocal quartet and orchestra, 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Polka (L'Éventail de Jeanne) for piano, Heugel
- stage Polka (L'Éventail de Jeanne) collective show, for ensemble, Heugel
- Premier concerto for violin and orchestra, 9 mn, Heugel
- Prières journalières à l'usage des Juifs du Comtat Venaissin for voice and piano, 7 mn 36 s, Heugel
- Sonatine for clarinet and piano, 8 mn 55 s, Durand
- Trois caprices de Paganini for violin and piano (arranged in concert duets), 9 mn 15 s, Heugel
- 1926
- La Création du monde for piano and string quartet, 15 mn, Eschig
- Le Carnaval d'Aix for piano and orchestra, after Salade, 15 mn 30 s, Heugel
- stage Le pauvre matelot lament in three acts for four voices and orchestra, 45 mn, Heugel
- Pièce de circonstance, Inédit
- 1925
- Chants populaires hébraïques for voice and orchestra, 10 mn 50 s, Heugel
- Deux hymnes for large orchestra, 3 mn, Universal Edition
- Deux hymnes for voice and piano, 3 mn, Universal Edition
- stage Esther de Carpentras opera bouffe in two acts for solo voice and orchestra, 1 h 5 mn, Heugel
- Septième quatuor for string quartet, 12 mn 40 s, Universal Edition
- Six chants populaires hébraïques for voice and piano, 10 mn 50 s, Heugel
- 1924
- stage Le train bleu ballet for ensemble, 22 mn 15 s, Heugel
- stage Les malheurs d'Orphée opera in three acts for baritone, soprano, solo voice and orchestra, 35 mn, Heugel
- stage Salade ballet sung in two acts, for solo voice and ensemble, 40 mn, Heugel
- 1923
- stage La Création du monde ballet for ensemble, 15 mn, Eschig
- Quatre poèmes de Catulle for voice and violin, 3 mn 5 s, Heugel
- Récitatifs pour « Une éducation manquée » d'Emmanuel Chabrier for voice and orchestra, Enoch
- Sixième symphonie, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- 1922
- Cinquième symphonie, 5 mn, Universal Edition
- stage III. Les Euménides opera in three acts for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 30 mn, Heugel
- Sixième quatuor for string quartet, 8 mn 45 s, Universal Edition
- Sonatine for flute and piano, 7 mn 50 s, Durand
- Trois Rag Caprices for piano, 6 mn 2 s, Universal Edition
- Trois Rag Caprices for chamber orchestra, 8 mn, Universal Edition
- 1921
- stage Marche Nuptiale ballet for ensemble, Salabert
- Poème (from Léo Latil's diary) for voice and piano, 4 mn 30 s, Eschig
- Psaume 126 for male choir, 4 mn 50 s, Universal Edition
- Quatrième symphonie, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Saudades do Brazil for piano, 19 mn 50 s, Eschig
- Saudades do Brazil for large orchestra, 22 mn, Eschig
- Sérénade in three parties, 11 mn 50 s, Universal Edition
- Troisième symphonie « Sérénade », 3 mn, Universal Edition
- 1920
- Ballade for piano and orchestra, 12 mn, Universal Edition
- Caramel mou for clarinet, trumpet, trombone, piano, saxophone or vocals, 3 mn 14 s, Eschig
- Caramel mou (Shimmy) for piano, 3 mn 14 s, Eschig
- Caramel mou (Shimmy) for voice and chamber orchestra, 3 mn 14 s, Eschig
- Catalogue de fleurs for voice and piano, 5 mn 20 s, Durand
- Catalogue de fleurs for voice and chamber orchestra, 5 mn 20 s, Durand
- Cinq études for piano and orchestra, 10 mn, Universal Edition
- Cinquième quatuor for string quartet, 20 mn 40 s, Salabert
- Cocktail for voice and three clarinets, Elkan Vogel
- Feuilles de température for voice and piano, Inédit
- Printemps (Vol. II) for piano, 5 mn 20 s, Eschig
- Trois poèmes de Jean Cocteau for voice and piano, 2 mn 30 s, Eschig
- 1919
- Cinéma-Fantaisie for violin and orchestra, 19 mn, Eschig
- Deux poèmes for vocal quartet or mixed choir, 4 mn 22 s, Durand
- Deuxième suite symphonique after Protée, 19 mn 40 s, Durand
- Le Bœuf sur le toit for violin and piano, 19 mn, Eschig
- stage Le Bœuf sur le toit ballet for ensemble, 19 mn, Eschig
- Les soirées de Petrograd for voice and piano, 10 mn, Durand
- Machines agricoles pastorales for voice and chamber orchestra, 12 mn, Universal Edition
- Printemps (Vol. I) for piano, 6 mn 10 s, Eschig
- Tango des Fratellini for piano (extract from "Bœuf sur le Toit"), 1 mn 45 s, Eschig
- 1918
- Deux petits airs for voice and piano, 2 mn 5 s, Eschig
- Deuxième symphonie "Pastorale", 4 mn, Universal Edition
- L'homme et son désir for large orchestra, 20 mn, Universal Edition
- stage L'homme et son désir ballet, for vocal quartet and ensemble, 16 mn 10 s, Universal Edition
- Poèmes de Francis Jammes for voice and piano, Inédit
- Quatrième quatuor for string quartet, 9 mn 45 s, Salabert
- Sonate for piano, flute, oboe and clarinet, 10 mn, Durand
- 1917
- Chansons Bas for voice and piano, 4 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Deux poèmes de Rimbaud, Inédit
- Deuxième sonate for violin and piano, 16 mn, Durand
- Le retour de l'enfant prodigue cantata for vocal quintet and orchestra, 42 mn, Universal Edition
- Première symphonie " Spring ", 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Quatre poèmes pour baryton for voice and piano, 13 mn, Durand
- Verso Carioca for voice and piano, Inédit
- 1916
- Child Poems for voice and piano, 13 mn
- N°34 de l'Église habillée de feuilles for vocal quartet and piano six hands, Inédit
- Poèmes juifs for voice and piano, 16 mn 10 s, Eschig
- Sonate for piano, 18 mn, Salabert
- Trois poèmes for voice and piano or voice and chamber orchestra, Inédit
- Troisième quatuor (with vocals) for string quartet, 20 mn 5 s, Durand
- 1915
- D'un cahier inédit du journal d'Eugénie de Guérin for voice and piano, 8 mn 40 s, Combre
- Deux poèmes d'amour for voice and piano, 5 mn 55 s, Schirmer
- Deux poèmes de Coventry Patmore for voice and piano, 8 mn 35 s, Heugel
- Deuxième quatuor for string quartet, 23 mn 25 s, Durand
- stage II. Les Choephores opera for soprano, baritone, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 30 mn, Heugel
- L'arbre exotique (Allusion aux malheurs d'un exilé) for voice and piano, Inédit
- Notre Dame de Sarrance (Hymne, chant), Inédit
- 1914
- stage La brebis égarée opera in three acts for solo voice and orchestra, Eschig
- Le Printemps for violin and piano, 2 mn 25 s, Durand
- Le château, Inédit
- Mazurka for piano, 1 mn 15 s, Eschig
- Poèmes du Gitanjali, Inédit
- Première suite symphonique from the Lost Sheep, 18 mn, Eschig
- Quatre poèmes de Léo Latil for voice and piano, 13 mn, Durand
- Sonate for piano and two violins, 15 mn 35 s, Durand
- Trois poèmes romantiques for voice and instrument, Inédit
- Trois poèmes romantiques for voice and instrument, Inédit
- 1913
- Alissa for voice and piano, after André Gide's “La Porte étroite”, 32 mn 28 s, Heugel
- stage I. Agamemnon opera for soprano, male choir and orchestra, 10 mn, Heugel
- Poème sur un cantique de Camargue for piano and orchestra
- Sept poèmes de la connaissance de l'Est for voice and piano, 14 mn 35 s, Salabert
- Suite five pieces for piano, 25 mn 10 s, Durand
- Trois poèmes de Lucile de Chateaubriand for voice and piano, Salabert
- 1912
- Premier quatuor for string quartet, 13 mn 25 s, Durand
- 1911
- Première sonate for violin and piano, 30 mn, Durand
- À la Toussaint
- 1909
- Désespoir for voice and piano
- Date de composition inconnue
- Devant sa main nue for vocal quartet or female choir, 4 mn 15 s, Salabert
- Suite anglaise for accordion and orchestra, 15 mn
- Suite anglaise for Ondes Martenot and orchestra, 10 mn
Catalog source(s)
Compositions pour la scène
- Protée (Paul Claudel, 1913)
- L’Ours et la Lune (Paul Claudel, 1918)
- L’annonce faite à Marie (Paul Claudel, 1932)
- Le château des papes (André de Richaud, 1932)
- Le cycle de la création (Dom Sturzo, 1934)
- Se plaire sur une même fleur (Felix Moreno y Posuonel, 1934)
- Le Faiseur (Balzac, 1935)
- Bertrand de Born (Valmy Baisse, 1936)
- Bolivar (Jules Supervielle, 1935-1936)
- Amal ou la Lettre du roi (Rabîndranâth Tagore, André Gide, 1936)
- Le Conquérant (Jean Mistler, 1936)
- La Folle du ciel (Henri-René Lenormand, 1936)
- Jules César (Shakespeare, Simone Jollivet, 1936)
- Quatorze juillet (Romain Rolland, 1936)
- Tu ne m’échapperas jamais (Margaret Kennedy, 1936)
- Le Voyageur sans bagages (Jean Anouilh, 1936)
- La Duchesse d’Amalfi (John Webster, Henri Fluchère, 1937)
- Hécube (Euripide, André de Richaud, 1937)
- Liberté (Spectacle collectif, 1937)
- Macbeth (Shakespeare, 1937)
- Le médecin volant (Molière, Charles Vildrac, 1937)
- Naissance d’une cité (Jean Richard Bloch, spectacle collectif, 1937)
- L’Opéra du gueux (John Gay, 1937)
- Roméo et Juliette (Shakespeare, A. Jouve, 1937)
- Le Trompeur de Séville (André Obey, 1937)
- Le Bal des voleurs (Jean Anouilh, 1938)
- La Première Famille (Jules Supervielle, 1938)
- Tricolore (Pierre Lestringuez, 1938)
- Hamlet (Jules Laforgue, 1939)
- Un petit ange de rien du tout (Claude-André Puget, 1940)
- L’annonce faite à Marie (Paul Claudel, 1942)
- Lidoire (Georges Courteline, 1946)
- La Maison de Bernarda Alba (Garcia Lorca, 1947)
- Le jeu de Robin et Marion (d’après Adam de la Halle, 1948)
- Sheherazade (Jules Supervielle, 1948)
- Le conte d’hiver (Shakespeare, Claude-André Puget, 1950)
- Christophe Colomb (Paul Claudel, 1952)
- Saul (André Gide, 1954)
- Juanito (Pierre Humblot, 1955)
- Protée; (Paul Claudel, 1955)
- Mother Courage (Bertold Brecht, 1959)
- Judith (Jean Giraudoux, 1961)
- Jérusalem à Carpentras (Armand Lunel, 1966)
- L’Histoire de Tobie et Sara (Paul Claudel, 1967)
Compositions pour le cinéma
- Actualités filmées (1928)
- La P’tite Lilie (Alberto Cavalcanti, 1929)
- Hallo everybody (Hans Richter, 1933)
- Madame Bovary (Jean Renoir, 1933)
- L’Hippocampe (Jean Painlevé, 1934)
- Tartarin de Tarascon (Raymond Bernard, 1934)
- Voix d’enfants (Reynaud et la Manécanterie, 1935)
- The Beloved Vagabond (Curtis Bernhard, 1936)
- La Citadelle du silence (Marcel L’Herbier, 1937)
- La Conquête du Ciel (Hans Richter, 1937)
- Grands feux (Alexandre Alexeieff, 1937)
- Mollenard (Robert Siodmak, 1937)
- Les Otages (Raymond Bernard, 1938)
- La Tragédie impériale, Raspoutine (Marcel L’Herbier, 1938)
- Cavalcade de l’amour (Raymond Bernard, 1939)
- Espoir (André Malraux, 1939)
- Gulf Stream (Alexandre Alexeieff, 1939)
- Islands (Alberto Cavalcanti, 1939)
- The private affairs of Bel Ami (Albert Lewyn, 1946)
- Dreams that money can buy (Hans Richter, 1947)
- Gauguin (Alain Resnais, 1950)
- La Vie commence demain (Nicole Vedrès, 1950)
- Ils étaient tous des volontaires (documentaire pour le dixième anniversaire de la Libération, 1954)
- Celles qui n’étaient plus (Colpi, 1957)
- Paul Claudel (André Gillet, 1968)
Compositions pour la radio (Radio France)
- Agamemnon, Eschyle (1938)
- Voyage au pays du rêve, Ravenne (1939)
- Le Grand Testament, N. Franck (1948)
- La Fin du Monde, Blaise Cendrars (1949)
- Le repos du septième jour, Paul Claudel (1950)
- Samaël, André Spire (1953)
- Le Dibbouk, Shalom Anski (1963)
Compositions pour la télévision
- Peron et Evita (documentaire, 1958)
- Burma Road (documentaire, 1959)
Montage musical
- Étude poétique, Claude Roy (1954)
- Darius MILHAUD, Notes sur la musique, Paris, Flammarion, 1982.
- Darius MILHAUD, Ma Vie heureuse, Paris, Belfond, 1987.
- Darius MILHAUD, Entretiens avec Claude Rostand [1952], Paris, Belfond, 1992.
- Darius Milhaud. Compositeur et expérimentateur, sous la direction de Jacinthe HARBEC et Marie-Noëlle LAVOIE, Paris, Vrin, 2014.
- Jean COCTEAU, Le Coq et l’Arlequin [1918], Paris, Stock, 1979.
- Paul COLLAER, Darius Milhaud, Genève / Paris, Slatkine, 1982.
- Jeremy DRAKE, The Operas of Darius Milhaud, Londres / New York, Garland, 1989.
- Jeremy DRAKE, « Milhaud, Darius », Grove Music Online, 2001, lien vérifié le 12 mars 2018.
- Giordano FERRARI, « Alle fonti della drammaturgia musicale del secolo XX. A proposito delle Choéphores di Darius Milhaud », Il saggiatore musicale, X/1 (2003), p. 89-118.
- Georges JESSULA, « Darius Milhaud, compositeur de musique », Archives juives, 2003, p. 140-144.
- Barbara L. KELLY, Tradition and Style in the Works of Darius Milhaud 1912-1939, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003.
- François de MÉDICIS, « Darius Milhaud and the Debate on Polytonality in the French Press of the 1920s », Music & Letters, LCCCXI/4 (2005), p. 573-591.
- Darius MILHAUD, Une vie heureuse, anthologie incluant notamment, Le Bœuf sur le toit, Saudades do Brazil, La Création du monde, Suite française, Suite provençale, Symphonie n° 2, Symphonie n° 4, Symphonie n° 8, Le Carnaval d’Aix, Concerto pour piano n° 1, Concerto pour piano n° 4, Concerto pour piano n° 5, Concerto pour violoncelle n° 1, Concerto pour harpe, Concerto pour marimba et vibraphone, Concerto pour deux pianos et quatre percussions, Tango des Fratellini, Caramel Mou, Scaramouche, Le Bal martiniquais, Romances sans paroles, Le Printemps, L’Automne, Quatuor à cordes n° 12, Quatuor à cordes n° 14, Quatuor à cordes n° 15, Octuor à cordes, Sonate pour violon n° 2, Suite pour ondes Martenot et piano, Sonatine à trois, Trio à cordes, La Cheminée du roi René, Les Rêves de Jacob, Deux Esquisses, Les Deux Cités, De la Paix, Quatrains valaisans, Six Sonnets, Médée, Chansons de la négresse, Poèmes juifs, Les Soirées de Pétrograd, Cantate nuptiale, Chansons de Ronsard, Les Quatre Éléments, Fontaines et Sources…, divers interprètes dont Jane Bathori, Leonard Bernstein, Michel Béroff, Sergiu Celibidache, Natalie Dessay, Marguerite Long, Jeanne et Yvonne Loriod, Darius Milhaud, Kent Nagano, Georges Prêtre, David Robertson, Mstislav Rostropovich, Emmanuel Pahud, Alexandre Tharaud, Frank Peter Zimmermann, Quatuor Bernède, Quartetto Italiano, Quatuor Parrenin, Trio à cordes de Paris, Groupe vocal de France…, Warner / Erato, 2564 63484-4 2, 10 CD, 2014.
- Darius MILHAUD, anthologie incluant Les Choéphores, Les Euménides, Orestie d’Eschyle, Le Retour de l’enfant prodigue, Les Malheurs d’Orphée, Le Pauvre Matelot, Trois Opéras-Minute, Les Amours de Ronsard, Christophe Colomb, Le Mariage de la feuille et du cliché, Maximilien, Cantate nuptiale, Chants hébraïques, Bolivar, divers interprètes dont Serge Baudot, Gustave Cloëz, Pierre-Michel Le Conte, Igor Markevitch, Darius Milhaud, Manuel Rosenthal, Louis Saguer…, DOM/Forlane, FOR 17012, 10 CD, 2014.
Sites Internet
- http://lesamisdedariusmilhaud.blogspot.fr (lien vérifié en avril 2019).