Tōru Takemitsu
Japanese composer born 8 October 1930 in Tokyo; died 20 February 1996 in Tokyo.
The first Japanese composer to have achieved international acclaim, Toru Takemitsu spent his early childhood in Manchuria (1930-37), then under Japanese occupation, where his father worked. Upon the family’s return to Japan, Toru attended school until 1944, when, at 14 years of age, he was drafted to reinforce Japanese military bases in anticipation of an American invasion. The policies of Japanese rulers after 1868 had pivoted between an openness towards, and strict protectionism against, Western culture. Although the Second World War, unsurprisingly, saw the introduction of legislation banning Western, and specifically, American music, literature, etc., in the closing days of the war, Takemitsu came across a recording of the song “Parlez-moi d’amour” [Speak to Me of Love], which made a deep impression on him, and of which he would reminisce in the final days of his life. Apparently on this basis, he decided to become a musician, for the most part teaching himself, but occasionally receiving instruction from composer Yasuji Kiyose. Despite having informally studied the koto with his aunt as a young child, in his adolescence, Takemitsu was far more attracted to Western music, even going so far as to reject the musical traditions of his native land. “First of all, it could be said that Japan, at the beginning, existed for me only in a negative sense. At least when I came to
my decision to understand music (modern Western music) and to live by doing so, Japan was something that had to be rejected” (from the article, Mirrors; Perspectives of New Music, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 55).
Following the war, Takemitsu was able to familiarise himself with the works of Copland, Piston, Sessions and Messiaen (the latter of whom was to have a lasting influence) thanks to radio broadcasts of their music. Takemitsu, like his mother, also became an ardent admirer of Capra and other American directors. After composing his first significant work, Lento in due movimenti for piano, in 1950, Takemitsu, along with the surrealist poet Shuzo Takiguchi and other musicians, poets and visual artists, co-founded the Jikken Kobo [Experimental Workshop] Group; the collective remained active from 1951 to 1957.
Along with many other Japanese composers, Takemitsu became familiar with serial music, musique concrète and other forms of electronic music at the beginning of the 1950s. The creation of the NHK Studio in 1955 saw the appearence of the first works of electronic music by Japanese composers (Mayuzumi), with Takemitsu composing his first work for tape, Static Relief, in 1955. In the same year, he wrote music for radio and television, as well as his first film scores since Hokusai in 1952 (for which Takemitsu’s music was ultimately rejected in favour of a score by Yasuji Kiyose).
Meanwhile, Jikken Kobo was regularly curating events uniting music and image (Joji Yuasa), giving rise to Takemitsu’s works Uninterrupted Rest I (1952) for piano and Vocalism A.I. (1956) for pre-recorded voices articulating the word “ai“ [love] on tape. Takemitsu’s time with Jikken Kobo would have a lasting influence; after the group’s dissolution, the composer continued to frequently collaborate with artists working in other media (poetry, theatre, visual arts, and most notably, cinema). In 1954, he married actress Asaka Wakayama.
Following a visit to Japan by Stravinsky, who expressed admiration for Takemitsu’s Requiem for String Orchestra (1957), the composer started to gain international recognition. He was awarded numerous accolades in international contemporary music festivals, and although he was starting to become interested in classical Japanese culture after having become acquainted with the Bunraku puppet theatre tradition, Takemitsu continued to distance himself from the music of his homeland. It was through his discovery of the ideas of John Cage in the late 1950s, and a meeting between the two men in 1964 (in which Cage urged him to renew his ties with his own culture), that Takemitsu came to reconsider his position in this respect. Eclipse (1966) for biwa and shakuachi—the score of which is partially graphic, partially tablature—and November Steps (1967) for the same two instruments and orchestra mark Takemitsu’s first steps towards the reintegration of Japanese traditional music in his compositional aesthetic, a process that culminated in In an Autumn Garden (1973) for Gagaku orchestra.
The 1970s saw a flurry of creative activity and continued international recognition for the composer. He was named Director of the Space Theater at the Osaka World Exposition in 1970.
Throughout the 1980s, Takemitsu largely dedicated his creative efforts to continued work on the “Waterscape” (Rain Tree, Rain Spell, Rain coming, etc.) and “Dream” (Dreamtime, Dream/Window and Rain Dreaming) cycles. This period also marked a transition toward a more systematic use of consonance, culminating in Quotation of Dream (1991). The composer’s reconciliation with Japanese music has been formalised in the “sea of tonalities” concept, which is intended to serve as a musical aesthetic link between East and West.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2010
By Alain Poirier
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Takemitsu aura abordé presque toutes les techniques et tous les genres de musique, depuis les partitions graphiques avec la série des Corona (1962) jusqu’à la musique environnementale, en passant par le théâtre, le ballet et la musique chorale, parallèlement à ses genres de prédilection comme l’orchestre, la musique de chambre et la musique de film (une centaine de partitions) qui constitue un pan important de son œuvre. Il a également envisagé la composition d’un opéra à la fin de sa vie, Madrugada, mais qui restera à l’état d’esquisses (le compositeur Ichiro Nodaïra mettra en musique le livret de Barry Gifford en 2005.)
La multiplicité des sources d’inspiration auxquelles Takemitsu s’est confronté dans les dix premières années de sa production montre combien le compositeur est perméable à toutes sortes d’approches compositionnelles. Outre des premières œuvres encore peu personnelles, l’expérience du « Jikken Kobo » (voir biographie) a été essentielle, correspondant à l’approfondissement de la musique de Messiaen (dont le Quatuor pour la fin du temps est donné à l’un des concerts du groupe en 1952), de Schoenberg (Pierrot lunaire donné en 1954), parallèlement aux premiers concerts consacrés à la musique concrète et électronique. Uninterrupted Rest I pour piano, encore tributaire de la pensée modale et pianistique de Messiaen, Relief Statique et Vocalism A·I. pour bande, représentent les essais les plus originaux de Takemitsu de cette époque (Vocalism A.I. sera réutilisé pour la musique du film d’animation Love, Yogi Kuri, 1963). Quant à l’influence momentanée de Schoenberg, elle se traduit par le recours partiel à la série dodécaphonique pendant une courte période, technique que Takemitsu abandonnera au milieu des années soixante.
Après le premier stade de maturité atteint avec le Requiem pour orchestre à cordes, l’apport de John Cage dans la pensée de Takemitsu correspond à la réintégration de sa culture japonaise, tant dans l’esprit qui permet au compositeur de se réconcilier avec sa tradition, que dans l’introduction de l’indétermination et des notations graphiques dans ses propres œuvres (Corona, Blue Aurora for Toshi Ichiyanagi, 1962). Arc, vaste partition en six parties pour piano et orchestre (1963-1966, rév. 1976) équivaut, selon Peter Burt, à « une sorte d’inventaire » des techniques maîtrisées par Takemitsu, mêlant la modalité (Messiaen), la technique sérielle, l’écriture aléatoire et graphique (Cage), etc.
November Steps, l’œuvre la plus emblématique de Takemitsu, est aussi celle qui attire définitivement l’attention du monde occidental sur le compositeur. Non que sa musique antérieure n’ait pas laissé de trace, mais le propos consistant à confronter deux univers culturels différents a marqué les esprits par l’originalité de la combinaison instrumentale (encore peu fréquente à cette époque mais bientôt suivie par nombreuses œuvres japonaises peu après). Contemporaine des œuvres avec lesquelles les compositeurs occidentaux entendaient rétablir une autre forme de communication avec le public par la réintégration d’une tradition (Sinfonia de Berio, Musique pour les soupers du roi Ubu de Zimmermann ou Hymnen de Stockhausen), November Steps participe à ce débat, moins dans la confrontation stylistique entre des musiques datées et la relecture qui en est faite que dans la juxtaposition de différents temps musicaux : les séquences jouées par le shakuachi et le biwa, toujours isolées et non superposées aux interventions de l’orchestre et donc étrangères à l’esprit du concerto occidental, renvoient à une pratique et à une histoire radicalement différentes, de par les modes de jeu ou la présence de parasites dans le son. Takemitsu a largement insisté sur la dimension inconciliable des traditions occidentale et japonaise, ne voulant « pas résoudre cette fertile antinomie mais au contraire, faire se combattre les deux blocs. » C’est par la disposition même des musiciens, répartis en deux orchestres quasi symétriques, que Takemitsu nourrit le dialogue entre les deux instruments japonais et l’orchestre – combinaison qu’il reprendra dans Autumn (1970) – grâce à des effets stéréophoniques qui préparent souvent les entrées des deux solistes. L’exploitation de l’espace, depuis Arc pour piano, orchestre et sons électroniques (1963-1966) acquiert ici une nouvelle dimension qui sera développée dans Gémeaux pour hautbois et trombone solistes, deux orchestres et deux chefs (1971-1972) ou encore dans In an Autumn Garden (1973-1979) pour orchestre de gagaku (Takemitsu confrontera une dernière fois un instrument traditionnel, l’orgue à bouche japonais, le shô, avec l’orchestre dans Ceremonial, 1992, toutefois dans un esprit différent). November Steps apparaît à la fois comme l’aboutissement de la réflexion d’un compositeur partagé entre deux cultures et le point de démarcation d’une œuvre qui se voudra de plus en plus accessible aux oreilles occidentales. L’image du miroir oriental-occidental que Takemitsu développera dans ses écrits, délimite bien son évolution sur l’ensemble de son œuvre.
De fait, à partir des années soixante-dix, la musique de Takemitsu semble se stabiliser dans son goût pour une somptueuse sonorité harmonique et orchestrale qui deviendra la signature de la plupart de ses œuvres orchestrales à partir de A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden (1977) et Dreamtime (1981) jusqu’à Spirit Garden (1994). Ceci parallèlement à une connotation tonale, du moins dans sa couleur, qui imprègne dorénavant ses œuvres (Far calls, coming, far ! pour violon et orchestre, 1980). D’une part, Takemitsu se rapproche de Debussy qu’il a toujours admiré, depuis Green (1967, intitulé initialement November Steps II) inspiré par le Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune, et jusqu’à And then I knew ’twas wind (1992, pour flûte, alto et harpe), et surtout dans Quotation of Dream pour deux pianos et orchestre (1991) incluant de nombreuses citations de La Mer. D’autre part, le compositeur prend soin de lier son attitude à des références poétiques ou littéraires, en particulier à Joyce : Takemitsu voit un lien entre le rêve de Finnegan et l’image de l’eau féconde illustrée de diverses manières dans son cycle Waterscape qui regroupe une quinzaine de partitions (dont celles déjà citées, Toward the Sea I, II et III, ou dans ce que Takashi Funayama identifie comme le « triptyque Finnegans Wake » : Far calls, coming, far !, riverrun et A Way a Lone pour quatuor à cordes.) Tel « un fleuve musical qui avance vers la mer tonale », riverrun (piano et orchestre, 1984) développe, comme beaucoup d’autres œuvres de Takemitsu, l’idée de la « mer des tonalités » – avec l’omniprésence du motif SEA (à partir d’une cellule de trois sons : mib-mi-la, ou de six : mib-mi-la-do#-fa-lab) – visant à établir un lien entre les continents et les cultures. Dans le contexte ambiant du post-modernisme, la position de Takemitsu consiste à réintégrer une forme de consonance générale qui tranche avec les harmonies et les gestes plus âpres, mais plus inventifs, qu’il pratiquait jusqu’à November Steps.
Les références à la nature, de plus en plus nombreuses dans ses œuvres, donnent lieu aux regroupements thématiques des cycles Rain, Garden et Trees dont l’image poétique est parfois empruntée à la littérature : la série des Rain Tree Sketch renvoie à l’arbre à pluie dont parle Kenzaburo Oe, arbre dont les feuilles forment un réservoir de pluie, ainsi régulée puis dispersée dans le temps longtemps après la fin de l’averse, et que Takemitsu utilise comme métaphore de la mémoire (Rain Tree Sketch II est dédié à la mémoire de Messiaen). De même, les constellations (Eclipse, Cassiopeia, Gémeaux, etc.) offrent une autre thématique d’un esprit comparable.
Quant aux musiques de film de Takemitsu, elles ne doivent pas être traitées de façon marginale par rapport à son œuvre de concert, et ceci essentiellement pour trois raisons. D’abord parce que nombre de musiques de film sont en relation directe avec des œuvres déjà composées (Furyo shonen - Bad Boys, s’inspirant notamment de la partition du même titre pour deux guitares, Love déjà cité intégrant Vocalism A·I, etc.). À l’inverse, le matériau utilisé pour La Femme des sables (Teshigahara, 1964) sera repris et travaillé deux ans plus tard dans Dorian Horizon. Takemitsu ira jusqu’à rassembler certaines de ses musiques de film pour le concert avec Three Film Scores (Jose Torres, Pluie noire et Le Visage d’un autre).
Ensuite, en raison de la qualité même de ces musiques qui ne cèdent pas nécessairement aux critères commerciaux habituels et aux habitudes tonales (même si Takemitsu ne dédaigne pas de composer de façon conventionnelle comme dans Dodes’ka-den, Kurosawa, 1970) : l’usage d’instruments traditionnels japonais dès le documentaire Japanese Insignia (1962), de deux biwas dans Harakiri (Kobayashi, 1962) ou d’éléments de musique balinaise mixés dans la bande de Double suicide à Amijima (Shinoda, 1969), renforce considérablement la présence et la fonction de la musique au cinéma. De même, les techniques de musique concrète ou électronique ont été intégrées dans les films de Shinoda (Assassinat, 1964) et surtout de Kobayashi (Kwaidan, 1965), ou le piano préparé et le clavecin dans Le Traquenard (Teshigahara, 1962). La musique de cinéma fournit à Takemitsu l’occasion de montrer sa grande faculté d’adaptation en écrivant des musiques dans des styles très différents, imitant le Modern Jazz dans The Inheritance (Kobayashi, 1962), ou répondant au souhait de Kurosawa d’un « son Mahler » dans Ran.
Enfin, pour la qualité dramaturgique de la musique de Takemitsu qui évite le pléonasme entre image et musique (voire la musique reléguant au second plan les dialogues dans Ran (Kurosawa, 1985), et pratique abondamment le décalage, et donc l’effet inattendu, entre bande sonore et image (Kwaidan). Takemitsu a eu l’occasion de travailler avec la plupart des grands réalisateurs japonais : Shinoda (seize films), Teshigahara (dix), Kobayashi (dix), Oshima (cinq dont L’Empire de la passion), Kurosawa (deux), Imamura (Pluie noire), pour ne citer que quelques noms. Le cinéma japonais fut aussi l’occasion pour Takemitsu de servir une forme de violence qu’il a revendiquée, tout comme de traiter les sujets sur la claustrophobie développée par l’écrivain et dramaturge Kobo Abe dont s’inspirera Teshigahara dans ses films (Le Traquenard, 1962,La Femme des sables, 1964, Le Visage d’un autre, 1966).
La diversité d’expression de l’œuvre de Takemitsu, qui a fait successivement siens la plupart des courants de la musique contemporaine occidentale, puise sa force dans la confrontation entre deux traditions – celle occidentale intégrée très tôt et celle orientale réintégrée progressivement – dont les principales articulations renvoient respectivement à November Steps et à In an Autumn Garden. De part et d’autre se situent les œuvres soit les plus aventureuses (avant 1967), soit les plus consensuelles (après 1975), parallèlement au développement international de sa renommée tandis qu’il est perçu comme trop occidental pour les compositeurs japonais de la jeune génération.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2010
- Solo (excluding voice)
- Deux pièces for piano (1949)
- Romance for piano (1949), 4 mn
- Lento in due movimenti for piano (1950)
- S‚kasu nite - At the Circus for piano (1952), 3 mn
- Saegirarenai ky˚soku - Uninterrupted Rest for piano (1952-1959), 7 mn, Salabert
- Piano distance for piano (1961), 5 mn 30 s, Salabert
- Crossing for one or more pianists (1962), variable
- Pianisuto no tame no Corona - Corona for pianist(s) graphic piece for one or more pianists (1962), variable, Salabert
- elec Stanza II for harp and magnetic tape (1971), 6 mn, Salabert
- Voice for flute (1971), 7 mn, Salabert
- Distance for oboe and shô ad libitum (1972), 9 mn, Salabert
- Munari by Munari graphic score for percussion (1967-1972), variable, Salabert
- For away for piano (1973), 7 mn, Salabert
- Folios for guitar (1974), 12 mn, Salabert
- Over the Rainbow guitar transcription (1974)
- Git‚ no tame no j˚ni no uta - 12 Songs for Guitar for guitar (1977), 42 mn, Schott
- Piano Pieces for Children - Piano no Okeiko for piano (1978), 2 mn 30 s, Schott
- Les Yeux clos for piano (1979), 8 mn, Salabert
- Ame no ki sobyù - Rain Tree Sketch for piano (1982), 3 mn, Schott
- Les Reed et Barry Mason, Last Waltz guitar transcription (1983), 3 mn, Schott
- Yumemiru ame - Rain Dreaming for harpsichord (1986), 7 mn, Schott
- Subete wa usuakari no naka de - All in Twilight four pieces for guitar (1987), 11 mn 30 s, Schott
- Les Yeux clos II for piano (1988-1989), 7 mn, Schott
- Litany In Memory of Michael Vyner, for piano (1989), 10 mn, Schott
- Meguri - Itinerant In Memory of Isamu Noguchi, for flute (1989), 6 mn, Schott
- A Piece for Guitar for the sixtieth birthday of Sylvano Bussotti (1991), 60 s, Schott
- Ame no ki sobyù II - Rain Tree Sketch II In Memoriam Olivier Messiaen, for piano (1992), 5 mn, Schott
- John Lennon et Paul McCartney, Golden Slumber piano transcription (1992)
- Equinox for guitar (1993), 5 mn, Schott
- Joseph Kosma, Kareha guitar transcription (1993)
- Michi - Paths In Memoriam Witold Lutoslawski, for trumpet (1994), 5 mn, Schott
- Air for flute (1995), 7 mn, Schott
- In the Woods three pieces for guitar (1995), 13 mn, Schott
- Chamber music
- Distance de fée for violin and piano (1951), 7 mn 30 s, Schott
- Landscape for string quartet (1960), 6 mn 30 s, Salabert
- Masque for two flutes (1959-1960), 11 mn, Salabert [program note]
- Furyo shonen - Bad Boys for three guitars, music originally composed for a film by Minoru Shibuya (1961), 3 mn, Schott
- Furyù shùnen - Bad Boy for two guitars (1961, 1961-1993), 3 mn
- Eclipse for biwa and shakuhachi (1966), between 20 mn and 23 mn, Salabert
- Hika for violin and piano (1966), 5 mn, Salabert
- elec Cross Talk for two bandoneons and magnetic tape (1968), 7 mn, Salabert
- Shiki - Seasons for four percussionists or one percussionist and tape (1970), variable, Salabert
- Eucalypts II for flute, oboe and harp (1971), 11 mn, Salabert
- Tabi - Voyage for three biwas (1973), 16 mn, Salabert
- Éric Satie, Le Fils des étoiles transcription for flute and harp of the first act "La Vocation" (1975), 5 mn, Schott
- Bryce for flute, two harps and two percussionists (1975-1976), 12 mn, Salabert
- Quatrain II for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (1976-1977), 15 mn, Salabert
- Waterways for octet (1977), 11 mn, Salabert
- A Way a Lone for string quartet (1981), 14 mn, Schott
- Ame no ki - Rain Tree for three percussionists (1981), 12 mn, Schott
- Umi e - Toward the Sea for flute in G and guitar (1981), 13 mn, Schott
- Ame no jumon - Rain Spell for five instrumentalists (1982), 10 mn, Schott [program note]
- Cross Hatch for marimba and vibraphone (1982), 60 s, Schott
- J˚ichigatsu no kiri to kiku no kanata kara - From Far Beyond Chrysanthemums and November Fog for violin and piano (1983), 7 mn, Schott
- Yureru kagami no yoake - Rocking Mirror Daybreak for two violins (1983), 13 mn, Schott
- Orion for cello and piano (1984), 12 mn, Schott
- elec stage Wavelength for two percussionists, two dancers and video projection (1984), Schott
- Entre-temps for oboe and string quartet (1986), 11 mn, Schott
- elec Vis-à-vis for two performers using records, photos, films and piano (1986)
- Hiroshima to iu Na no Shonen - A Boy Named Hiroshima music for the film for two guitars (1987), 3 mn, Schott
- Aiolos (1989), 22 mn, pas d'éditeur
- Umi e III - Toward the Sea III for flute in G and harp (1989), 12 mn, Schott
- Soshite, sore ga kaze de aru koto wo shitta - And then I knew ’twas wind for flute, viola and harp (1992), 13 mn, Schott
- Between Tides for violin, cello and piano (1993), 18 mn, Schott
- Tchaikovsky, Herbstlied transcription for clarinet and string quartet (1993), 4 mn, Schott
- Tori ga michi ni orite kita - A Bird Came Down the Walk for viola and piano (1994), 5 mn, Schott
- Instrumental ensemble music
- Shitsunai kyùsokyoku - Chamber Concerto for ensemble (1955), 5 mn, Schott
- Requiem for strings for string orchestra (1957), 10 mn, Salabert
- Solitude sonore for orchestra (1958), 5 mn, Schott
- Le son calligraphié I, II, III for double string quartet (1958-1960), Salabert
- Ki no kyoku - Music of Tree for orchestra (1961), Peters
- Ring for terz-guitar, lute and flute (1961), 10 mn, Salabert
- Corona II graphic work for string orchestra (1962), 15 mn, Salabert
- Sacrifice for flute in G, lute and vibraphone (1962), Ongaku no Tomo
- Sonnant for violin, cello, guitar, two flutes and two bandoneons (1965)
- Valeria for violin, cello, guitar, electronic organ and two piccolos obligato (1965), 7 mn, Universal Edition
- Chiheisen no doria - Dorian Horizon for string orchestra (1966), 15 mn, Ongaku no Tomo
- Green November Steps II, for orchestra (1967), Peters
- Fuyu - Winter for orchestra (1971), 7 mn, Salabert
- Sh˚teika - In an Autumn Garden for gagaku orchestra (1973), 16 mn, Schott
- Garden Rain for two brass groups (1974), 8 mn, Salabert
- Marginalia for orchestra (1976), 13 mn, Salabert
- Tori wa hoshigata no niwa ni oriru - A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden for orchestra (1977), 13 mn, Salabert
- Sh˚teika - In an Autumn Garden for gagaku orchestra, complete version (1973-1979), 45 mn, Schott
- A Way a Lone II for string orchestra (1981), 14 mn, Schott
- Yume no toki - Dreamtime for orchestra (1981), 14 mn, Schott
- Ame zo furu - Rain coming for ensemble (1982), 10 mn, Schott [program note]
- Star-Isle for orchestra (1982), 6 mn, Schott
- Yume mado - Dream/Window for orchestra (1985), 15 mn
- Signals from Heaven Two antiphonal fanfares, for brass ensemble (1987), 5 mn 30 s, Schott
- Tree Line for ensemble (1988), 13 mn, Schott
- Twill by Twilight in memory of Morton Feldman, for orchestra (1988), 12 mn, Schott
- Visions for orchestra (1990), 13 mn, Schott
- How Slow the Wind for orchestra (1991), 11 mn, Schott
- Guntù S. - Archipelago S. for twenty-one instrumentalists divided into five groups (1993), 14 mn, Schott
- Mittsu no eiga ongaku - Three Film Scores for string orchestra (1994), 12 mn, Schott
- Seirei no niwa - Spirit Garden for orchestra (1994), 15 mn, Schott
- Alone on the Pacific, Suite orchestral arrangement of music originally composed in collaboration with Yasushi Akutagawa for the film Taiheiyo Hitoribocchi (Alone on the Pacific) (1996), 12 mn, Schott
- stage Death and Resurrection arrangement for string orchestra of the music originally composed for the film Kuroi Ame (Black Rain) (1996), 8 mn 30 s, Schott
- Dodesukaden - Dodes'ka-den orchestral arrangement of the music originally composed for Akira Kurosawa's film (1996), 5 mn, Schott
- Nami no bon - Tray of Waves orchestral arrangement of music originally composed for television (1996), 15 mn, Schott
- Two Cine Pastorali orchestral arrangement of music originally composed for Orin (Banished) and Kaoru (Izu Dancer) (1996), 7 mn, Schott
- Concertant music
- Scene for cello and string orchestra (1959), 5 mn, Schott
- Awaremitamae - Have Mercy video-happening, for piano and ensemble (1960)
- elec Arc I for piano and orchestra (1963-1966, 1976), 16 mn, Salabert
- Arc II for piano and two orchestras (1964-1966, 1976), 17 mn
- Asterism for piano and orchestra (1967), Peters
- November Steps for biwa, shakuhachi and orchestra (1967), Peters
- Eucalypts I for flute, oboe, harp and string orchestra (1970), 11 mn, Salabert
- Cassiopeia for percussion and orchestra (1971), 20 mn, Salabert
- Aki - Autumn for biwa, shakuhachi and orchestra (1973), 18 mn, Salabert
- Gitimalya - “Bouquet of Songs” for marimba and orchestra (1974), 16 mn, Salabert
- Quatrain for clarinet, violin, cello, piano and orchestra (1975), 17 mn, Salabert
- Waves for clarinet, horn, two trombones and bass drum (1976), 10 mn, Salabert
- Tùi yobigoe no kantata e ! - Far calls, coming, far ! for violin and orchestra (1980), 15 mn, Schott
- Umi e II - Toward the Sea II for flute in G, harp and string orchestra (1981), 15 mn, Schott
- Yume no heri e - To the Edge of Dream for guitar and orchestra (1983), 13 mn, Schott
- Orion to Pureadesu - Orion and Pleiades for cello and orchestra (1984), 26 mn, Schott
- Riverrun for piano and orchestra (1984), 14 mn
- Vers, l'arc-en-ciel, Palma for guitar, oboe d'amore and orchestra (1984), 15 mn, Schott
- Gémeaux for oboe, trombone and two orchestras with two conductors (1971-1986), 30 mn, Schott
- I hear the water dreaming for flute and orchestra (1987), 11 mn, Schott
- Nostalghia in memory of Andrei Tarkovsky, for violin and string orchestra (1987), 11 mn, Schott
- A string around Autumn for viola and orchestra (1989), 18 mn, Schott
- From me flows what you call Time for five percussionists and orchestra (1990), 31 mn, Schott
- Fantasma/Cantos for clarinet and orchestra (1991), 18 mn, Schott
- Yume no in’yù - Quotation of Dream Say Sea, Take Me!, for two pianos and orchestra (1991), 17 mn, Schott
- Ceremonial An Autumn Ode, for orchestra with sho (1992), 8 mn, Schott
- Fantasma/Cantos II for trombone and chamber orchestra (1994), 11 mn, Schott
- Spectral Canticle for violin, guitar and orchestra (1995), 15 mn, Schott
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Tableau noir for narrator and chamber orchestra (1958), 6 mn, Schott
- Kanshù - Coral Island for soprano and orchestra (1962), 17 mn, Salabert
- Stanza 1 for female voice, percussion, piano, harp and guitar (1969), 7 mn, Universal Edition
- Crossing for piano, celesta, vibraphone, guitar, harp, women's choir and two orchestras (1970-1971), 8 mn 30 s, Salabert
- My Way of Life in memory of Michael Vyner, for baritone, mixed choir and orchestra (1990), 25 mn, Schott
- Keizu - Family Tree Musical Verses for Young People, for narrator and orchestra (1992), 25 mn, Schott
- A cappella vocal music
- Koi no kakurembo - The Game of Love / Hide-and-Seek in Love for mixed choir (n° 5) (1982, 1961), Schott
- Mienai kodomo - Unseen Child / An Invisible Child for mixed choir (1963), Schott
- Kaze no uma - Wind Horse five pieces for mixed choir (1961-1966), 20 mn, Schott
- Shinda Otoko no Nokoshita Mono wa - All that the Man left behind when he died / What a Dead Man Left Behind for mixed choir (n°9) (1984, 1969)
- Sakura - Cherry Blossoms traditional, for mixed choir (n°1) (1979), Schott
- Chiisana heya de - In a Small Room for mixed choir (n° 4) (1981), Schott
- Chiisana sora - Small Sky for mixed choir (n° 2) (1981)
- Utau dake - Only to Sing / I just sing for mixed choir (n° 3) (1958, 1960-1981), Schott
- Shibafu - Grass for male choir (1982), 5 mn, Schott
- Shima e - To the Islands for mixed choir (n°8) (1983), Schott
- Tsubasa - Wings for mixed choir (n° 12) (1983), Schott
- Maru to Sankaku no uta - A Song of Circles and Triangles for mixed choir (n°10) (1984), Schott
- Sayonara for mixed choir (n°11) (1984), Schott
- Tezukuri kotowaza - Handmade Proverbs four popular songs for six male voices (1987), 5 mn, Schott
- Ashita wa hare kana, kumori kana - Will it be Sunny or Cloudy Tomorrow ? for mixed choir (n° 7) (1992), Schott
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- Sayonara - Goodbye! radio music (1954)
- Chiisana heya de - In a Small Room radio music (1955)
- Ginrin - Bicycle in Dream music for a film by Genichiro Higushi, Toshio Matsumoto and Masao Yabe (1955)
- Honoo - Flames radio music (1955)
- elec stage Mirai no Eve ballet, for tape (1955)
- Oto no shiki radio music (1955)
- elec Static Relief for tape (1955), 6 mn 50 s, Schott
- Umi no gensù - Fantasy of the Sea radio music, for tape (1955)
- elec stage Ai no jùken - Conditions for Love : Orpheus and Eurydice stage music, for tape (1956)
- elec Ki·sora·tori - Tree·Sky·Bird for tape (1956)
- Kurutta kajitsu - Juvenile Jungle music for a film by Kô Nakahira (1956)
- elec Vocalism A·I for tape (1956), 4 mn 5 s
- elec Y˚ridisu - Eurydice for tape (1956)
- elec Clap Vocalism for tape (1956-1957)
- elec Dialogue musique concrète for tape (1957)
- elec Otoko no shi - Death of a man radio music (1957)
- elec Sora, uma, soshite shi - Sky, Horse and Death for tape (1958), 5 mn 30 s, Schott
- elec Yume no hoshi - A Star in a Dream music for TV (1958)
- Jose Torres music for a film by Hiroshi Teshigahara (1959)
- elec Koe no kor‚ju : pojishon - Vocal College : Position radio music (1959)
- Kawaita mizummi - Youth in Fury music for a film by Masahiro Shinoda (1960)
- elec Kotoba no hiroba - A Square of Words music for TV (1960)
- elec Mizu no kyoku - Water Music for tape (1960), 10 mn, Salabert
- elec Quiet Design for tape (1960)
- elec Shinda mumeisenshi no tameno chinkonkyoku - Requiem for Dead Nameless Soldiers radio music, for tape (1960), Schott
- elec Shiroi kyùfu - White Terror radio music (1960)
- elec Anata wa dare deshù - Who are you ? radio music (1961)
- elec Chiisana sora - Small Sky radio music (1961)
- Mozu music for a film by Susumu Hani (1961)
- elec Mukkuri wo fuku onna - A Woman Blowing Mukkuri radio music (1961)
- elec Nihon no moyù - Japanese Design radio music (1961)
- elec Gan King radio music (1962)
- Karami-ai - The Inheritance music for a film by Masaki Kobayashi (1962)
- elec Kuroi nagai kage no kiroku - Record of Black and Long Shadow radio music (1962)
- L'Amour à vingt ans music for a film by Shintarô Ishihara, Marcel Ophuls, Roberto Rossellini, François Truffaut and Andrzej Wajda (1962)
- elec Matsuri - Festival music for tv (1962)
- Namida o shishi no tategami ni - Tears on the Lion's Mane music for a film by Masahiro Shinoda (1962)
- Otoshiana - Pitfall music for a film by Hiroshi Teshigahara (1962)
- Ratai - The Body music for a film by Masashige Narusawa (1962)
- Seppuku - Harakiri music for a film by Masaki Kobayashi (1962)
- elec Champion : oto - Champion : Sound radio music (1963)
- Kanojo to kare - She and He music for the film by Susumu Hani (1963)
- Koto - Twin Sisters in Tokyo music for a film by Noboru Nakamura (1963)
- elec Kumo ni mkatte tatsu - Facing Clouds music for TV (1963)
- Shiro to kuro - White and Black music for a Hiromichi Horikawa film (1963)
- Subarashii akujo - Wonderful Bad Woman music for a movie by Hideo Onchi (1963)
- Te o tsunagu kora - Children Hand in Hand music for a film by Susumu Hani (1963)
- Ansatsu - The Assassination music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1964)
- Jotai - The Call of Flesh music for the film by Hideo Onchi (1964)
- elec Kaidan - Kwaidan music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi, for magnetic tape (1964), 27 mn, Salabert
- Kawaita hana - Pale Flower music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1964)
- Love music for the animated film by Yoji Kuri (1964)
- elec Mokugekisha - A Witness music for TV (1964)
- elec Natsukashino San Francisco - Longed-for San Francisco for tape (1964)
- Nihon dasshutsu - Escape from Japan music for the film by Yoshishige Yoshida (1964)
- elec Seishun no hi - Monument of Youth music for tv (1964)
- Seishun no ishibumi - The Tomb of Youth music for Nagisa Oshima's film (1964)
- Suna no onna - Woman in the Dunes music for the movie by Hiroshi Teshigahara (1964)
- Taiheiyo hitori-botchi - Alone Across the Pacific music for Kon Ichikawa's film (1964)
- Ako - White Morning music for the film by Hiroshi Teshigahara (1965)
- Bwana Toshi no uta - The Song of Bwana Toshi music for the film by Susumu Hani (1965)
- elec Genji monogatari : Y˚gao - Tale of Genji : Y˚gao music for tv (1965)
- Ibun Sarutobi Sasuke - Samourai Spy music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1965)
- Jose Torres II music for the film by Hiroshi Teshigahara (1965)
- Kemonomichi - Beast Alley music for the film by Eizo Sugawa (1965)
- Saigô no shinpan - The Song of Bwana Toshi music for Hiromishi Horikawa's movie (1965)
- Utsukushisa to kanashimi to - With Beauty and Sorrow music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1965)
- Akogare - Once a Rainy Day music for the Hideo Onchi movie (1966)
- elec Anata wa … - You are … music for tv (1966)
- Kinokawa - The Kill River / The River Kino music for the film by Noboru Nakamura (1966)
- elec Minamono no Yoshitsune music for TV (1966)
- Nanatsu no oka no dekigoto - Seven Hills Event Happening - video (1966)
- Shokei no shima - Captive's Island music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1966)
- Tanin no kao - The Face of Another music for the Hiroshi Teshigahara movie (1966)
- Yotsuya kaidan - Illusion of Blood music for the film by Shirô Toyoda (1966)
- Akane-gumo - Clouds at Sunset music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1967)
- Izu no odoriko music for the film by Hideo Onchi (1967)
- Jôi-uchi: Hairyô tsuma shimatsu - Samourai Rebellion music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi (1967)
- Midaregumo - Scattered Clouds music for the film by Mikio Naruse (1967)
- elec Onsh˚ no kanata - Beyond Love and Hate music for tv (1967)
- elec Tsurugi - Swords music for TV (1967)
- Genroku ichidai - Life of a Woman in the Genroku Period music for tv (1968)
- Hatsukoi : Jigoku-hen - First Love music for the film by Susumu Hani (1968)
- Meguri-ai - Two Hearts in the Rain music for the Hideo Onchi movie (1968)
- Moetsukita chizu - The Man Without a Map music for the film by Hiroshi Teshigahara (1968)
- Nihon no seishun - Hymn to a Tired Man music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi (1968)
- Tokunoichi shimatsuki - Circumstantial Documents on Tokunoichi music for TV (1968)
- Aku ichidai - Life of a Wicked Person music for television (1969)
- Asahi News music for television (1969)
- Dankon - Bullet Wound music for the film by Shirô Moritani (1969)
- Kokkyù - The Frontier music for TV (1969)
- Kurosawa Akira, series music for TV (1969)
- Kyoto music for the film by Kon Ichikawa (1969)
- Shinjû : Ten no amijima - Double suicide à Amijima music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1969)
- Dodesukaden - Dodes'ka-den music for Akira Kurosawa's film (1970)
- Tokyo senso sengo hiwa - He Died After the War / A Secret Post-Tokyo War Story music for the film by Oshima Nagisa (1970)
- Chinmoku - Silence music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1971)
- Gishiki - The Ceremony music for Nagisa Oshima's film (1971)
- Inochi bô ni furô - At the Risk of My Life / Inn of Devil music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi (1971)
- Tennù no seiki - A Century of Emperors music for TV (1971)
- elec Toward for magnetic tape (1971), 20 mn, Salabert
- In Motion music for tv (1972)
- Mùhitotsu no kizu - Another Wound music for tv (1972)
- Natsu no imoto - Dear Summer Sister music for Nagisa Oshima's film (1972)
- Nyonin gensù - Fantasy of a Woman music for TV (1972)
- Sama soruja - Summer Soldiers music for the Hiroshi Teshigahara movie (1972)
- Kaseki no mori - The Petrified Forest music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1973)
- Seigen-ki music for Toichiro Narushima's film (1973)
- Waga ai - My Love music for tv (1973)
- Himiko music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1974)
- Mirai eno isan - Legacy for the Future music for TV (1974)
- Shiawase music for the Hideo Onchi movie (1974)
- Kaseki - The Fossil music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi (1975)
- Sakura no mori no mankai no shita - Under the Blossoming Cherry Trees music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1975)
- elec Chikatetsu no Arisu - Alice on the Subway radio music (1976)
- Fuyu no niji - Rainbow in Winter music for tv (1976)
- Hanare goze Orin - Ballad of Orin / Banished music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1977)
- Inochi mo irazu, na mo irazu : Saigù Takamori den - No Life, nor Fame : the Life of Takamori Saigo music for tv (1977)
- Ohan music for TV (1977)
- Toono monogatari wo yuku : Yanagida Kunio no f˚kei - Along with the Tale of Toono : a Portrait of Kunio Yanagida music for TV (1977)
- elec Aa mujù - Les Misérables radio music (1978)
- Ai no borei - Empire of Passion music for Nagisa Oshima's film (1978)
- Akù rùshi - Fugitive Warriors from Akù music for television (1979)
- elec Kataku - House of Flame music for the film by Kihachiro Kawamoto (1979)
- Ketsuzoku - Kinsfolks music for TV (1979)
- Moeru aki - Glowing Autumn music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi (1979)
- R˚buru bijutsukan - Louvre Museum music for tv (1979)
- "Cosmos" music for Adrian Malone's movie (1980)
- Ganjin music for tv (1980)
- Ki = Breathing music for the film by Toshio Matsumoto (1980)
- Tempyo no iraka - Ocean to Cross music for the film by Kei Kumai (1980)
- Tsu no kunibito - Inhabitants in Tsu music for TV (1980)
- Tùi anata e - To You Far Away music for TV (1980)
- Rennyo to sono haha music for the film by Kihachiro Kawamoto (1981)
- Yumechiyo nikki - Diary of Yumichiyo music for TV (1981)
- Shimin daigaku - University for Citizens music for tv (1982)
- Zoku Yumechiyo nikki - Diary of Yumechiyo, Continued music for TV (1982)
- Hanasukoto wa nai - Nothing to be Told music for TV (1983)
- Jobanni no ginga 1983 - Galaxy of Giovanni, 1983 music for TV (1983)
- Maa ee waina - Let it Be music for TV (1983)
- Nami no bon - Tray of Waves music for tv (1983)
- elec Shanhai gen'ei ro - Phantom Road of Shanghai radio music (1983)
- Tokyo saiban - Tokyo Trial music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi (1983)
- elec Tùya-maru wa naze shizundaka - Shapeless and Desolate radio music (1983)
- "Shin yumechiyo nikki" music for the movie by Yukio Fukumachi (1984)
- Antonio Gaudí music for Hiroshi Teshigahara's film (1984)
- Nij˚isseiki wa keikoku suru - Warnings from the 21st Century music for TV (1984)
- Shin Yumechiyo nikki - Diary of Yumechiyo, a New Series music for tv (1984)
- A.K. - Kurosawa Akira music for the film by Chris Marker (1985)
- Himatsuri - Fire Festival music for the film by Mitsuo Yanagimachi (1985)
- Osan no koi - Love of Osan music for tv (1985)
- Ran music for Akira Kurosawa's film (1985)
- Shokutaku no nai ie - Family Without a Dinner Table music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi (1985)
- Tanizaki, ai, ware to iu hito no kokoro wa - Tanizaki, Love, my Own Human Heart music for tv (1985)
- elec Mineaporisu no niwa - A Minneapolis Garden environmental music for tape (1986), 15 mn 50 s, Schott
- elec Seijaku no umi - The Sea is Still environmental music for tape (1986), 20 mn, Schott
- Yari no gonza - Gonza the Spearman music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1986)
- Zen no sekai - World of Zen music for TV (1986)
- Kesa no aki music for the film by Yukio Fukamachi (1987)
- Kesa no aki - Autumn in this Morning music for TV (1987)
- Arashi ga oka - Wuthering Heights music for the film by Yoshishige Yoshida (1988)
- elec Densha michi 1988 - Streets with a Tramway, 1988 radio music (1988)
- For the Whales music for the film by Larry Weinstein (1989)
- Kuroi ame - Black Rain music for the film by Shoshei Imamura (1989)
- Rikyu music for the Hiroshi Teshigahara movie (1989)
- Santùka music for tv (1989)
- The Inland Sea music for the film by Lucille Carra (1991)
- Dream Window: Reflections on the Japanese Garden music for the film by John Junkerman (1992)
- Gô-hime - Basara - The Princess Goh music for the Hiroshi Teshigahara movie (1992)
- Maboroshi Genji monogatari emaki - Fantasy of the Picture Scrolls of the Tale of Genji music for TV (1993)
- Rising Sun music for the film by Philip Kaufman (1993)
- Music for the Movies : Tôru Takemitsu music for the Charlotte Zwerin film (1994)
- Nihon eiga no hyaku nen - Nagisa Oshima's 100 Years of Japanese Cinema music for the film by Nagisa Oshima (1995)
- Sharaku music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda (1995)
- Unspecified instrumentation
- stage Ikiru yorokobi ballet (1951)
- stage Ginga-tetsudù no tabi ballet (1953)
- Mihoro, Hokkaido music for school (1953)
- stage Natsu to kemuri - Summer and Smoke stage music (1954)
- stage Romantic Suite ballet (1954)
- stage Amphitrion 38 stage music (1955)
- stage Yasei no onna - Wild Woman stage music (1955)
- stage K no shi - Death of K. stage music (1956)
- stage Semushi no seijo - A Hunchbacked Sacred Woman stage music (1956)
- stage Tantarosu no odori - Tantarosu's Dance stage music (1956)
- stage Shusendo - A Miser stage music (1957)
- stage Toroi sensù wa okoranai darou - The Trojan War will not Happen stage music (1957)
- stage Kokusen'ya stage music (1958)
- stage Ikari wo komete furikaereba - Looking Back with Rage stage music (1959)
- stage Kaizoku - A Pirate stage music (1959)
- stage Shiseru ùjo - A Dead Princess stage music (1959)
- stage ‘kami ikiro, buta wa shine - Live, wolves, and die, pigs ! stage music (1960)
- stage Jigoku no Orufeusu - Orpheus in Hades stage music (1961)
- stage Omae no teki wa omae da - You are your own Enemy stage music (1961)
- stage Byakuya - White Night stage music (1962)
- stage Kuro no higeki - Tragedy of Black stage music (1962)
- Arc for strings for variable instrumentation (1963), variable, Salabert
- Yokkaichi High School music for school (1963)
- Blue Aurora for Toshi Ichiyanagi Happening - video (1964), Salabert
- stage Ichinotani monogatari - The Tale of Ichinotani stage music (1964)
- stage Time Perspective for J. Johns stage music (1964)
- stage The Brothers Karamazov stage music (1966)
- stage Macbeth stage music (1972)
- stage Ai no megane wa iro-garasu - Tinted Glasses for Spectacles of Love stage music (1973)
- stage Shukuten kigeki Poseidon kamensai - A Poseidon Masque as a Festive Comedy stage music (1974)
- stage Cyrano de Bergerac stage music (1975)
- stage Shigosen no matsuri - Festival at the Meridian stage music (1979)
- Kumegawa Higashi Primary School, Tokyo music for school (1983)
- Akiba Gakuen music for school (1991)
Catalog sources and details
Sources du catalogue : James Siddons et Peter Burt (voir ressources documentaires).
Autres compositions
Musiques commerciales :
- National Pana Colour, 1971
- Seiko, 1972
- Sony, 1972
- JAL, 1973
- Xerox 9200, 1976
- Hitachi TV, 1977
- IBM, 1979
- Network Seibu Special, 1979
- Ozeki, 1979
- Toshiba Colour TV, 1979
- Suntory Reserve, 1982
- 1996
- Alone on the Pacific, Suite orchestral arrangement of music originally composed in collaboration with Yasushi Akutagawa for the film Taiheiyo Hitoribocchi (Alone on the Pacific) , 12 mn, Schott
- stage Death and Resurrection arrangement for string orchestra of the music originally composed for the film Kuroi Ame (Black Rain), 8 mn 30 s, Schott
- Dodesukaden - Dodes'ka-den orchestral arrangement of the music originally composed for Akira Kurosawa's film, 5 mn, Schott
- Nami no bon - Tray of Waves orchestral arrangement of music originally composed for television, 15 mn, Schott
- Two Cine Pastorali orchestral arrangement of music originally composed for Orin (Banished) and Kaoru (Izu Dancer), 7 mn, Schott
- 1995
- Air for flute, 7 mn, Schott
- In the Woods three pieces for guitar, 13 mn, Schott
- Nihon eiga no hyaku nen - Nagisa Oshima's 100 Years of Japanese Cinema music for the film by Nagisa Oshima
- Sharaku music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Spectral Canticle for violin, guitar and orchestra, 15 mn, Schott
- 1994
- Fantasma/Cantos II for trombone and chamber orchestra, 11 mn, Schott
- Michi - Paths In Memoriam Witold Lutoslawski, for trumpet, 5 mn, Schott
- Mittsu no eiga ongaku - Three Film Scores for string orchestra, 12 mn, Schott
- Music for the Movies : Tôru Takemitsu music for the Charlotte Zwerin film
- Seirei no niwa - Spirit Garden for orchestra, 15 mn, Schott
- Tori ga michi ni orite kita - A Bird Came Down the Walk for viola and piano, 5 mn, Schott
- 1993
- Between Tides for violin, cello and piano, 18 mn, Schott
- Equinox for guitar, 5 mn, Schott
- Guntù S. - Archipelago S. for twenty-one instrumentalists divided into five groups, 14 mn, Schott
- Joseph Kosma, Kareha guitar transcription
- Maboroshi Genji monogatari emaki - Fantasy of the Picture Scrolls of the Tale of Genji music for TV
- Rising Sun music for the film by Philip Kaufman
- Tchaikovsky, Herbstlied transcription for clarinet and string quartet, 4 mn, Schott
- 1992
- Ame no ki sobyù II - Rain Tree Sketch II In Memoriam Olivier Messiaen, for piano, 5 mn, Schott
- Ashita wa hare kana, kumori kana - Will it be Sunny or Cloudy Tomorrow ? for mixed choir (n° 7), Schott
- Ceremonial An Autumn Ode, for orchestra with sho, 8 mn, Schott
- Dream Window: Reflections on the Japanese Garden music for the film by John Junkerman
- Gô-hime - Basara - The Princess Goh music for the Hiroshi Teshigahara movie
- John Lennon et Paul McCartney, Golden Slumber piano transcription
- Keizu - Family Tree Musical Verses for Young People, for narrator and orchestra, 25 mn, Schott
- Soshite, sore ga kaze de aru koto wo shitta - And then I knew ’twas wind for flute, viola and harp, 13 mn, Schott
- 1991
- A Piece for Guitar for the sixtieth birthday of Sylvano Bussotti, 60 s, Schott
- Akiba Gakuen music for school
- Fantasma/Cantos for clarinet and orchestra, 18 mn, Schott
- How Slow the Wind for orchestra, 11 mn, Schott
- The Inland Sea music for the film by Lucille Carra
- Yume no in’yù - Quotation of Dream Say Sea, Take Me!, for two pianos and orchestra, 17 mn, Schott
- 1990
- From me flows what you call Time for five percussionists and orchestra, 31 mn, Schott
- My Way of Life in memory of Michael Vyner, for baritone, mixed choir and orchestra, 25 mn, Schott
- Visions for orchestra, 13 mn, Schott
- 1989
- A string around Autumn for viola and orchestra, 18 mn, Schott
- Aiolos, 22 mn, pas d'éditeur
- For the Whales music for the film by Larry Weinstein
- Kuroi ame - Black Rain music for the film by Shoshei Imamura
- Les Yeux clos II for piano, 7 mn, Schott
- Litany In Memory of Michael Vyner, for piano, 10 mn, Schott
- Meguri - Itinerant In Memory of Isamu Noguchi, for flute, 6 mn, Schott
- Rikyu music for the Hiroshi Teshigahara movie
- Santùka music for tv
- Umi e III - Toward the Sea III for flute in G and harp, 12 mn, Schott
- 1988
- Arashi ga oka - Wuthering Heights music for the film by Yoshishige Yoshida
- elec Densha michi 1988 - Streets with a Tramway, 1988 radio music
- Tree Line for ensemble, 13 mn, Schott
- Twill by Twilight in memory of Morton Feldman, for orchestra, 12 mn, Schott
- 1987
- Hiroshima to iu Na no Shonen - A Boy Named Hiroshima music for the film for two guitars, 3 mn, Schott
- I hear the water dreaming for flute and orchestra, 11 mn, Schott
- Kesa no aki music for the film by Yukio Fukamachi
- Kesa no aki - Autumn in this Morning music for TV
- Nostalghia in memory of Andrei Tarkovsky, for violin and string orchestra, 11 mn, Schott
- Signals from Heaven Two antiphonal fanfares, for brass ensemble, 5 mn 30 s, Schott
- Subete wa usuakari no naka de - All in Twilight four pieces for guitar, 11 mn 30 s, Schott
- Tezukuri kotowaza - Handmade Proverbs four popular songs for six male voices, 5 mn, Schott
- 1986
- Entre-temps for oboe and string quartet, 11 mn, Schott
- Gémeaux for oboe, trombone and two orchestras with two conductors, 30 mn, Schott
- elec Mineaporisu no niwa - A Minneapolis Garden environmental music for tape, 15 mn 50 s, Schott
- elec Seijaku no umi - The Sea is Still environmental music for tape, 20 mn, Schott
- elec Vis-à-vis for two performers using records, photos, films and piano
- Yari no gonza - Gonza the Spearman music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Yumemiru ame - Rain Dreaming for harpsichord, 7 mn, Schott
- Zen no sekai - World of Zen music for TV
- 1985
- A.K. - Kurosawa Akira music for the film by Chris Marker
- Himatsuri - Fire Festival music for the film by Mitsuo Yanagimachi
- Osan no koi - Love of Osan music for tv
- Ran music for Akira Kurosawa's film
- Shokutaku no nai ie - Family Without a Dinner Table music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi
- Tanizaki, ai, ware to iu hito no kokoro wa - Tanizaki, Love, my Own Human Heart music for tv
- Yume mado - Dream/Window for orchestra, 15 mn
- 1984
- "Shin yumechiyo nikki" music for the movie by Yukio Fukumachi
- Antonio Gaudí music for Hiroshi Teshigahara's film
- Maru to Sankaku no uta - A Song of Circles and Triangles for mixed choir (n°10), Schott
- Nij˚isseiki wa keikoku suru - Warnings from the 21st Century music for TV
- Orion for cello and piano, 12 mn, Schott
- Orion to Pureadesu - Orion and Pleiades for cello and orchestra, 26 mn, Schott
- Riverrun for piano and orchestra, 14 mn
- Sayonara for mixed choir (n°11), Schott
- Shin Yumechiyo nikki - Diary of Yumechiyo, a New Series music for tv
- Vers, l'arc-en-ciel, Palma for guitar, oboe d'amore and orchestra, 15 mn, Schott
- elec stage Wavelength for two percussionists, two dancers and video projection, Schott
- 1983
- Hanasukoto wa nai - Nothing to be Told music for TV
- Jobanni no ginga 1983 - Galaxy of Giovanni, 1983 music for TV
- J˚ichigatsu no kiri to kiku no kanata kara - From Far Beyond Chrysanthemums and November Fog for violin and piano, 7 mn, Schott
- Kumegawa Higashi Primary School, Tokyo music for school
- Les Reed et Barry Mason, Last Waltz guitar transcription, 3 mn, Schott
- Maa ee waina - Let it Be music for TV
- Nami no bon - Tray of Waves music for tv
- elec Shanhai gen'ei ro - Phantom Road of Shanghai radio music
- Shima e - To the Islands for mixed choir (n°8), Schott
- Tokyo saiban - Tokyo Trial music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi
- Tsubasa - Wings for mixed choir (n° 12), Schott
- elec Tùya-maru wa naze shizundaka - Shapeless and Desolate radio music
- Yume no heri e - To the Edge of Dream for guitar and orchestra, 13 mn, Schott
- Yureru kagami no yoake - Rocking Mirror Daybreak for two violins, 13 mn, Schott
- 1982
- Ame no jumon - Rain Spell for five instrumentalists, 10 mn, Schott [program note]
- Ame no ki sobyù - Rain Tree Sketch for piano, 3 mn, Schott
- Ame zo furu - Rain coming for ensemble, 10 mn, Schott [program note]
- Cross Hatch for marimba and vibraphone, 60 s, Schott
- Shibafu - Grass for male choir, 5 mn, Schott
- Shimin daigaku - University for Citizens music for tv
- Star-Isle for orchestra, 6 mn, Schott
- Zoku Yumechiyo nikki - Diary of Yumechiyo, Continued music for TV
- 1981
- A Way a Lone for string quartet, 14 mn, Schott
- A Way a Lone II for string orchestra, 14 mn, Schott
- Ame no ki - Rain Tree for three percussionists, 12 mn, Schott
- Chiisana heya de - In a Small Room for mixed choir (n° 4), Schott
- Chiisana sora - Small Sky for mixed choir (n° 2)
- Rennyo to sono haha music for the film by Kihachiro Kawamoto
- Umi e - Toward the Sea for flute in G and guitar, 13 mn, Schott
- Umi e II - Toward the Sea II for flute in G, harp and string orchestra, 15 mn, Schott
- Utau dake - Only to Sing / I just sing for mixed choir (n° 3), Schott
- Yume no toki - Dreamtime for orchestra, 14 mn, Schott
- Yumechiyo nikki - Diary of Yumichiyo music for TV
- 1980
- "Cosmos" music for Adrian Malone's movie
- Ganjin music for tv
- Ki = Breathing music for the film by Toshio Matsumoto
- Tempyo no iraka - Ocean to Cross music for the film by Kei Kumai
- Tsu no kunibito - Inhabitants in Tsu music for TV
- Tùi anata e - To You Far Away music for TV
- Tùi yobigoe no kantata e ! - Far calls, coming, far ! for violin and orchestra, 15 mn, Schott
- 1979
- Akù rùshi - Fugitive Warriors from Akù music for television
- elec Kataku - House of Flame music for the film by Kihachiro Kawamoto
- Ketsuzoku - Kinsfolks music for TV
- Les Yeux clos for piano, 8 mn, Salabert
- Moeru aki - Glowing Autumn music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi
- R˚buru bijutsukan - Louvre Museum music for tv
- Sakura - Cherry Blossoms traditional, for mixed choir (n°1), Schott
- stage Shigosen no matsuri - Festival at the Meridian stage music
- Sh˚teika - In an Autumn Garden for gagaku orchestra, complete version, 45 mn, Schott
- 1978
- elec Aa mujù - Les Misérables radio music
- Ai no borei - Empire of Passion music for Nagisa Oshima's film
- Piano Pieces for Children - Piano no Okeiko for piano, 2 mn 30 s, Schott
- 1977
- Git‚ no tame no j˚ni no uta - 12 Songs for Guitar for guitar, 42 mn, Schott
- Hanare goze Orin - Ballad of Orin / Banished music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Inochi mo irazu, na mo irazu : Saigù Takamori den - No Life, nor Fame : the Life of Takamori Saigo music for tv
- Ohan music for TV
- Quatrain II for clarinet, violin, cello and piano, 15 mn, Salabert
- Toono monogatari wo yuku : Yanagida Kunio no f˚kei - Along with the Tale of Toono : a Portrait of Kunio Yanagida music for TV
- Tori wa hoshigata no niwa ni oriru - A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden for orchestra, 13 mn, Salabert
- Waterways for octet, 11 mn, Salabert
- 1976
- Bryce for flute, two harps and two percussionists, 12 mn, Salabert
- elec Chikatetsu no Arisu - Alice on the Subway radio music
- Fuyu no niji - Rainbow in Winter music for tv
- Marginalia for orchestra, 13 mn, Salabert
- Waves for clarinet, horn, two trombones and bass drum, 10 mn, Salabert
- 1975
- stage Cyrano de Bergerac stage music
- Kaseki - The Fossil music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi
- Quatrain for clarinet, violin, cello, piano and orchestra, 17 mn, Salabert
- Sakura no mori no mankai no shita - Under the Blossoming Cherry Trees music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Éric Satie, Le Fils des étoiles transcription for flute and harp of the first act "La Vocation", 5 mn, Schott
- 1974
- Folios for guitar, 12 mn, Salabert
- Garden Rain for two brass groups, 8 mn, Salabert
- Gitimalya - “Bouquet of Songs” for marimba and orchestra, 16 mn, Salabert
- Himiko music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Mirai eno isan - Legacy for the Future music for TV
- Over the Rainbow guitar transcription
- Shiawase music for the Hideo Onchi movie
- stage Shukuten kigeki Poseidon kamensai - A Poseidon Masque as a Festive Comedy stage music
- 1973
- stage Ai no megane wa iro-garasu - Tinted Glasses for Spectacles of Love stage music
- Aki - Autumn for biwa, shakuhachi and orchestra, 18 mn, Salabert
- For away for piano, 7 mn, Salabert
- Kaseki no mori - The Petrified Forest music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Seigen-ki music for Toichiro Narushima's film
- Sh˚teika - In an Autumn Garden for gagaku orchestra, 16 mn, Schott
- Tabi - Voyage for three biwas, 16 mn, Salabert
- Waga ai - My Love music for tv
- 1972
- Distance for oboe and shô ad libitum, 9 mn, Salabert
- In Motion music for tv
- stage Macbeth stage music
- Munari by Munari graphic score for percussion, variable, Salabert
- Mùhitotsu no kizu - Another Wound music for tv
- Natsu no imoto - Dear Summer Sister music for Nagisa Oshima's film
- Nyonin gensù - Fantasy of a Woman music for TV
- Sama soruja - Summer Soldiers music for the Hiroshi Teshigahara movie
- 1971
- Cassiopeia for percussion and orchestra, 20 mn, Salabert
- Chinmoku - Silence music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Crossing for piano, celesta, vibraphone, guitar, harp, women's choir and two orchestras, 8 mn 30 s, Salabert
- Eucalypts II for flute, oboe and harp, 11 mn, Salabert
- Fuyu - Winter for orchestra, 7 mn, Salabert
- Gishiki - The Ceremony music for Nagisa Oshima's film
- Inochi bô ni furô - At the Risk of My Life / Inn of Devil music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi
- elec Stanza II for harp and magnetic tape, 6 mn, Salabert
- Tennù no seiki - A Century of Emperors music for TV
- elec Toward for magnetic tape, 20 mn, Salabert
- Voice for flute, 7 mn, Salabert
- 1970
- Dodesukaden - Dodes'ka-den music for Akira Kurosawa's film
- Eucalypts I for flute, oboe, harp and string orchestra, 11 mn, Salabert
- Shiki - Seasons for four percussionists or one percussionist and tape, variable, Salabert
- Tokyo senso sengo hiwa - He Died After the War / A Secret Post-Tokyo War Story music for the film by Oshima Nagisa
- 1969
- Aku ichidai - Life of a Wicked Person music for television
- Asahi News music for television
- Dankon - Bullet Wound music for the film by Shirô Moritani
- Kokkyù - The Frontier music for TV
- Kurosawa Akira, series music for TV
- Kyoto music for the film by Kon Ichikawa
- Shinda Otoko no Nokoshita Mono wa - All that the Man left behind when he died / What a Dead Man Left Behind for mixed choir (n°9)
- Shinjû : Ten no amijima - Double suicide à Amijima music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Stanza 1 for female voice, percussion, piano, harp and guitar, 7 mn, Universal Edition
- 1968
- elec Cross Talk for two bandoneons and magnetic tape, 7 mn, Salabert
- Genroku ichidai - Life of a Woman in the Genroku Period music for tv
- Hatsukoi : Jigoku-hen - First Love music for the film by Susumu Hani
- Meguri-ai - Two Hearts in the Rain music for the Hideo Onchi movie
- Moetsukita chizu - The Man Without a Map music for the film by Hiroshi Teshigahara
- Nihon no seishun - Hymn to a Tired Man music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi
- Tokunoichi shimatsuki - Circumstantial Documents on Tokunoichi music for TV
- 1967
- Akane-gumo - Clouds at Sunset music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Asterism for piano and orchestra, Peters
- Green November Steps II, for orchestra, Peters
- Izu no odoriko music for the film by Hideo Onchi
- Jôi-uchi: Hairyô tsuma shimatsu - Samourai Rebellion music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi
- Midaregumo - Scattered Clouds music for the film by Mikio Naruse
- November Steps for biwa, shakuhachi and orchestra, Peters
- elec Onsh˚ no kanata - Beyond Love and Hate music for tv
- elec Tsurugi - Swords music for TV
- 1966
- Akogare - Once a Rainy Day music for the Hideo Onchi movie
- elec Anata wa … - You are … music for tv
- elec Arc I for piano and orchestra, 16 mn, Salabert
- Arc II for piano and two orchestras, 17 mn
- Chiheisen no doria - Dorian Horizon for string orchestra, 15 mn, Ongaku no Tomo
- Eclipse for biwa and shakuhachi, between 20 mn and 23 mn, Salabert
- Hika for violin and piano, 5 mn, Salabert
- Kaze no uma - Wind Horse five pieces for mixed choir, 20 mn, Schott
- Kinokawa - The Kill River / The River Kino music for the film by Noboru Nakamura
- elec Minamono no Yoshitsune music for TV
- Nanatsu no oka no dekigoto - Seven Hills Event Happening - video
- Shokei no shima - Captive's Island music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Tanin no kao - The Face of Another music for the Hiroshi Teshigahara movie
- stage The Brothers Karamazov stage music
- Yotsuya kaidan - Illusion of Blood music for the film by Shirô Toyoda
- 1965
- Ako - White Morning music for the film by Hiroshi Teshigahara
- Bwana Toshi no uta - The Song of Bwana Toshi music for the film by Susumu Hani
- elec Genji monogatari : Y˚gao - Tale of Genji : Y˚gao music for tv
- Ibun Sarutobi Sasuke - Samourai Spy music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Jose Torres II music for the film by Hiroshi Teshigahara
- Kemonomichi - Beast Alley music for the film by Eizo Sugawa
- Saigô no shinpan - The Song of Bwana Toshi music for Hiromishi Horikawa's movie
- Sonnant for violin, cello, guitar, two flutes and two bandoneons
- Utsukushisa to kanashimi to - With Beauty and Sorrow music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Valeria for violin, cello, guitar, electronic organ and two piccolos obligato, 7 mn, Universal Edition
- 1964
- Ansatsu - The Assassination music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Blue Aurora for Toshi Ichiyanagi Happening - video, Salabert
- stage Ichinotani monogatari - The Tale of Ichinotani stage music
- Jotai - The Call of Flesh music for the film by Hideo Onchi
- elec Kaidan - Kwaidan music for the film by Masaki Kobayashi, for magnetic tape, 27 mn, Salabert
- Kawaita hana - Pale Flower music for the film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Love music for the animated film by Yoji Kuri
- elec Mokugekisha - A Witness music for TV
- elec Natsukashino San Francisco - Longed-for San Francisco for tape
- Nihon dasshutsu - Escape from Japan music for the film by Yoshishige Yoshida
- elec Seishun no hi - Monument of Youth music for tv
- Seishun no ishibumi - The Tomb of Youth music for Nagisa Oshima's film
- Suna no onna - Woman in the Dunes music for the movie by Hiroshi Teshigahara
- Taiheiyo hitori-botchi - Alone Across the Pacific music for Kon Ichikawa's film
- stage Time Perspective for J. Johns stage music
- 1963
- Arc for strings for variable instrumentation, variable, Salabert
- elec Champion : oto - Champion : Sound radio music
- Kanojo to kare - She and He music for the film by Susumu Hani
- Koto - Twin Sisters in Tokyo music for a film by Noboru Nakamura
- elec Kumo ni mkatte tatsu - Facing Clouds music for TV
- Mienai kodomo - Unseen Child / An Invisible Child for mixed choir, Schott
- Shiro to kuro - White and Black music for a Hiromichi Horikawa film
- Subarashii akujo - Wonderful Bad Woman music for a movie by Hideo Onchi
- Te o tsunagu kora - Children Hand in Hand music for a film by Susumu Hani
- Yokkaichi High School music for school
- 1962
- stage Byakuya - White Night stage music
- Corona II graphic work for string orchestra, 15 mn, Salabert
- Crossing for one or more pianists, variable
- elec Gan King radio music
- Kanshù - Coral Island for soprano and orchestra, 17 mn, Salabert
- Karami-ai - The Inheritance music for a film by Masaki Kobayashi
- stage Kuro no higeki - Tragedy of Black stage music
- elec Kuroi nagai kage no kiroku - Record of Black and Long Shadow radio music
- L'Amour à vingt ans music for a film by Shintarô Ishihara, Marcel Ophuls, Roberto Rossellini, François Truffaut and Andrzej Wajda
- elec Matsuri - Festival music for tv
- Namida o shishi no tategami ni - Tears on the Lion's Mane music for a film by Masahiro Shinoda
- Otoshiana - Pitfall music for a film by Hiroshi Teshigahara
- Pianisuto no tame no Corona - Corona for pianist(s) graphic piece for one or more pianists, variable, Salabert
- Ratai - The Body music for a film by Masashige Narusawa
- Sacrifice for flute in G, lute and vibraphone, Ongaku no Tomo
- Seppuku - Harakiri music for a film by Masaki Kobayashi
- 1961
- elec Anata wa dare deshù - Who are you ? radio music
- elec Chiisana sora - Small Sky radio music
- Furyo shonen - Bad Boys for three guitars, music originally composed for a film by Minoru Shibuya, 3 mn, Schott
- Furyù shùnen - Bad Boy for two guitars, 3 mn
- stage Jigoku no Orufeusu - Orpheus in Hades stage music
- Ki no kyoku - Music of Tree for orchestra, Peters
- Koi no kakurembo - The Game of Love / Hide-and-Seek in Love for mixed choir (n° 5), Schott
- Mozu music for a film by Susumu Hani
- elec Mukkuri wo fuku onna - A Woman Blowing Mukkuri radio music
- elec Nihon no moyù - Japanese Design radio music
- stage Omae no teki wa omae da - You are your own Enemy stage music
- Piano distance for piano, 5 mn 30 s, Salabert
- Ring for terz-guitar, lute and flute, 10 mn, Salabert
- 1960
- Awaremitamae - Have Mercy video-happening, for piano and ensemble
- Kawaita mizummi - Youth in Fury music for a film by Masahiro Shinoda
- elec Kotoba no hiroba - A Square of Words music for TV
- Landscape for string quartet, 6 mn 30 s, Salabert
- Le son calligraphié I, II, III for double string quartet, Salabert
- Masque for two flutes, 11 mn, Salabert [program note]
- elec Mizu no kyoku - Water Music for tape, 10 mn, Salabert
- elec Quiet Design for tape
- elec Shinda mumeisenshi no tameno chinkonkyoku - Requiem for Dead Nameless Soldiers radio music, for tape, Schott
- elec Shiroi kyùfu - White Terror radio music
- stage ‘kami ikiro, buta wa shine - Live, wolves, and die, pigs ! stage music
- 1959
- stage Ikari wo komete furikaereba - Looking Back with Rage stage music
- Jose Torres music for a film by Hiroshi Teshigahara
- stage Kaizoku - A Pirate stage music
- elec Koe no kor‚ju : pojishon - Vocal College : Position radio music
- Saegirarenai ky˚soku - Uninterrupted Rest for piano, 7 mn, Salabert
- Scene for cello and string orchestra, 5 mn, Schott
- stage Shiseru ùjo - A Dead Princess stage music
- 1958
- stage Kokusen'ya stage music
- Solitude sonore for orchestra, 5 mn, Schott
- elec Sora, uma, soshite shi - Sky, Horse and Death for tape, 5 mn 30 s, Schott
- Tableau noir for narrator and chamber orchestra, 6 mn, Schott
- elec Yume no hoshi - A Star in a Dream music for TV
- 1957
- elec Clap Vocalism for tape
- elec Dialogue musique concrète for tape
- elec Otoko no shi - Death of a man radio music
- Requiem for strings for string orchestra, 10 mn, Salabert
- stage Shusendo - A Miser stage music
- stage Toroi sensù wa okoranai darou - The Trojan War will not Happen stage music
- 1956
- elec stage Ai no jùken - Conditions for Love : Orpheus and Eurydice stage music, for tape
- stage K no shi - Death of K. stage music
- elec Ki·sora·tori - Tree·Sky·Bird for tape
- Kurutta kajitsu - Juvenile Jungle music for a film by Kô Nakahira
- stage Semushi no seijo - A Hunchbacked Sacred Woman stage music
- stage Tantarosu no odori - Tantarosu's Dance stage music
- elec Vocalism A·I for tape, 4 mn 5 s
- elec Y˚ridisu - Eurydice for tape
- 1955
- stage Amphitrion 38 stage music
- Chiisana heya de - In a Small Room radio music
- Ginrin - Bicycle in Dream music for a film by Genichiro Higushi, Toshio Matsumoto and Masao Yabe
- Honoo - Flames radio music
- elec stage Mirai no Eve ballet, for tape
- Oto no shiki radio music
- Shitsunai kyùsokyoku - Chamber Concerto for ensemble, 5 mn, Schott
- elec Static Relief for tape, 6 mn 50 s, Schott
- Umi no gensù - Fantasy of the Sea radio music, for tape
- stage Yasei no onna - Wild Woman stage music
- 1954
- stage Natsu to kemuri - Summer and Smoke stage music
- stage Romantic Suite ballet
- Sayonara - Goodbye! radio music
- 1953
- stage Ginga-tetsudù no tabi ballet
- Mihoro, Hokkaido music for school
- 1952
- S‚kasu nite - At the Circus for piano, 3 mn
- 1951
- Distance de fée for violin and piano, 7 mn 30 s, Schott
- stage Ikiru yorokobi ballet
- 1950
- Lento in due movimenti for piano
- 1949
- Deux pièces for piano
- Romance for piano, 4 mn
Catalog source(s)
Sources du catalogue : James Siddons et Peter Burt (voir ressources documentaires).
Autres compositions
Musiques commerciales :
- National Pana Colour, 1971
- Seiko, 1972
- Sony, 1972
- JAL, 1973
- Xerox 9200, 1976
- Hitachi TV, 1977
- IBM, 1979
- Network Seibu Special, 1979
- Ozeki, 1979
- Toshiba Colour TV, 1979
- Suntory Reserve, 1982
Bibliographie sélective
- Peter BURT, The Music of Tōru Takemitsu, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
- Takashi FUNAYAMA, nombreuses études en japonais dont : « Dialogue de la vague et du vent : autour de Quotation of Dream » (1994), « Far Calls, coming far ! Trois œuvres autour de Finnegans Wake » (1995), « Vers la mer des sonorités » (1998), dans Cahiers de recherche sur Tōru Takemitsu, Tokyo.
- Zlad KREIDY, Takemitsu à l’écoute de l’inaudible, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2009.
- Wataru MIYAKAWA, Tōru Takemitsu. Situation, héritage, culture, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2012.
- Noriko OHTAKE, Creative Sources ot the Music of Tōru Takemitsu, Scolar Press, 1993.
- Alain POIRIER, Tōru Takemitsu, Michel de Maule, 1996.
- Roger REYNOLDS et Tōru TAKEMITSU, « A Conversation » (1992), The Musical Quarterly, vol. 80 n° 1, 1996.
- Roger REYNOLDS, « Contemporary Japanese Musical Thought » (1992), Perspectives of New Music, vol. 30 n° 1, 1992.
- James SIDDONS, Tōru Takemitsu : a bio-bibliography, Greenwood press, 2001.
- Edward SMALDONE, « Japanese and Western Confluences in Large-Scale Pitch Organization of Tōru Takemitsu’s November Steps and Autumn », Perspectives of New Music, vol. 27 n° 2, 1989.
- Tōru TAKEMITSU, principaux écrits en japonais réunis dans Chosakushu, Tokyo, 2000. Les principaux entretiens sont réunis dans Taidanshu, Tokyo, 1981, 1997.
- Tōru TAKEMITSU, « Contemporary Music in Japan » (1988), et « Afterword » (Entretien avec Tania Cronin et Hilary Tann, 1989), Perspectives of New Music, vol. 27 n° 2, 1989.
- Tōru TAKEMITSU, « Mirrors » (1974), Perspectives of New Music, vol. 30 n° 1, 1992.
- Tōru TAKEMITSU, Confronting Silence : Selected Writings, Berkeley, Fallen Leaf Press, 1995.
- Charlotte ZWERIN, Music for the Movies : Tōru Takemitsu, Alternate Current, Films d’ici, NHK et La Sept-Arte, 1994.