Hannes Dufek
Austrian composer born 28 October 1984 in Vienna.
Hannes Dufek was born in Austria in 1984. He studied composition and music theory with Chaya Czernowin and Michael Obst at the the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, from which he graduated in 2012. In 2013, he was a composer-in-residence at Shanghai New Music Week. He then began working on a doctoral thesis under the composer Clemens Gadenstätter at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG).
Dufek has received commissions from the Wien Modern Festival, the Oldenburgisches Staatheater, Makemake Produktionen, the Tonkünstler Orchester, the Reconsil ensemble, the Österreichische Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Musik, the Swiss contemporary music duo Ums’n’Jip, and the PLENUM ensemble.
In 2006, he helped to found Ensemble Platypus, of which he remains the director. The ensemble is strongly committed to promoting contemporary music and has commissioned pieces from many emerging composers. Dufek also founded the Marathon contemporary music festival, and is currently working on a recording project titled Platypus Selected Works with the Austrian record label Col Legno, which will bring together a selection of pieces by emerging composers performed by Ensemble Platypus.
Since 2011 he has played an active role in the Austrian organization Makemake Produktionen, a group of artists working together to create interdisciplinary theatrical projects for younger audiences. It was for this that Dufek composed the musical theater piece MOMO oder die Legende vom Jetzt, which premiered at the Wien Modern festival in 2011 and won the STELLA Darstellender Kunst Prize in 2012.
His landschaft_ _interpretation won the composition prize at MusikTriennale Köln in 2010; that same year, Dufek received an Art and Culture Fellowship from the Austrian Ministry of Education. In 2012, he was awarded the Theodore Körner Funds Prize for Arresting images. Fragment of media society, a piece that premiered in collaboration with the harpsichordist Maja Mijatović, in which each performance is recorded and then played superimposed on the next performance. His string quartet Der Horizont, eine rose, das andere, which premiered at the 2014 World Music Days in Wrocław, Poland, received an honorable mention at the ISCM Young Composers Awards, organized by the International Society for Contemporary Music.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2016
- Solo (excluding voice)
- una flor for solo piano (2009), Verlag Neue Musik
- elec Arresting images. Fragment of media society for solo harpsichord, tape, looper and live electronics (2013-2014)
- elec band, limit, horizont I for solo piano, optional radio and dictaphone (2014), Verlag Neue Musik
- elec AUSSEN for tenor dulcimer, dictaphone and objects (2015)
- Chamber music
- ...ist eine flirrende realität for baroque violin, baroque cello and percussion (2008), Verlag Neue Musik
- Psychogeography for string quartet (2008), Verlag Neue Musik
- das weite feld der seele beizeiten zu beackern for clarinet, horn, viola and cello (2009), Verlag Neue Musik
- non-being for string sextet in Scordatura (2011), 10 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- elec Der Horizont, eine Rose, das andere. Übungen in vergänglichkeit II for string quartet, transmitters and prerecorded string quartet (2012), Verlag Neue Musik
- elec void mechanics. Übungen in Vergänglichkeit IIIa for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and electronic devices (2013), Verlag Neue Musik
- weil die dinge im fluss bleiben müssen. Übungen in Vergänglichkeit IV for clarinet, piano and violin (2013-2014), Verlag Neue Musik
- AUSSEN IV : quotidien, quotidienne for piano, string quintet, devices and objects (2016)
- ruinen, dialektische prozesse, semantik for six Paetzold flutes and objects (2016)
- Instrumental ensemble music
- (Inner) Solare Musik for ensemble (2007), 8 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- and rain for six flutes, violin and viola (2008), Verlag Neue Musik
- große musik for flute, clarinet, tuba, violin and cello (2009), Verlag Neue Musik
- landschaft_ _interpretation; wiederkehr, neuanfang, spiegelung; verdopplung___ bild. (die strahlkraft des augenblicks) for ensemble in two groups (2010), 19 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- elec As if it were gravity / fish-babble (Müll I) for ensemble and electronic devices (2013), Verlag Neue Musik
- Major Dux for actor, orchestra and live drawing (2012-2013), Verlag Neue Musik
- elec atem/felder. palimpseste/translationen for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello and dictaphone (2014), Verlag Neue Musik
- die rasterung der wirklichkeit am beispiel des lichts. Übungen in Vergänglichkeit VI for ensemble (2015)
- Tanzmusik (2015)
- jolivetmaterial for recorder, clarinet, percussion, harpsichord, viola and objects (2016)
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- elec todesewig:liebend:Ichbezogen:künstlerisch: gerichtet I-XII (12x 90'' Betrachtungen) for soprano, mezzo-soprano, clarinet, cello, and tone generators (2010), Verlag Neue Musik
- Vier Lieder nach Charlotte Weinmann for mezzo-soprano, cello and piano (2010), Verlag Neue Musik
- elec stage MOMO oder die Legende vom Jetzt children's musical theater, for vocals, instruments, VHF radio and tape (2011), Verlag Neue Musik
- Unstern I-V for soprano and ensemble (2011), 13 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- stage Sturmkind children's musical theater (2012), Verlag Neue Musik
- elec stage Supernova musical theater (2013), Verlag Neue Musik
- elec AUSSEN II for soprano, clarinet, devices and objects (2015)
- A cappella vocal music
- dissoziativ weben I-III for solo voice (or several voices) (2016)
- 2016
- AUSSEN IV : quotidien, quotidienne for piano, string quintet, devices and objects
- dissoziativ weben I-III for solo voice (or several voices)
- jolivetmaterial for recorder, clarinet, percussion, harpsichord, viola and objects
- ruinen, dialektische prozesse, semantik for six Paetzold flutes and objects
- 2015
- elec AUSSEN for tenor dulcimer, dictaphone and objects
- elec AUSSEN II for soprano, clarinet, devices and objects
- Tanzmusik
- die rasterung der wirklichkeit am beispiel des lichts. Übungen in Vergänglichkeit VI for ensemble
- 2014
- elec Arresting images. Fragment of media society for solo harpsichord, tape, looper and live electronics
- elec atem/felder. palimpseste/translationen for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello and dictaphone, Verlag Neue Musik
- elec band, limit, horizont I for solo piano, optional radio and dictaphone, Verlag Neue Musik
- weil die dinge im fluss bleiben müssen. Übungen in Vergänglichkeit IV for clarinet, piano and violin, Verlag Neue Musik
- 2013
- elec As if it were gravity / fish-babble (Müll I) for ensemble and electronic devices, Verlag Neue Musik
- Major Dux for actor, orchestra and live drawing, Verlag Neue Musik
- elec stage Supernova musical theater, Verlag Neue Musik
- elec void mechanics. Übungen in Vergänglichkeit IIIa for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and electronic devices, Verlag Neue Musik
- 2012
- elec Der Horizont, eine Rose, das andere. Übungen in vergänglichkeit II for string quartet, transmitters and prerecorded string quartet, Verlag Neue Musik
- stage Sturmkind children's musical theater, Verlag Neue Musik
- 2011
- elec stage MOMO oder die Legende vom Jetzt children's musical theater, for vocals, instruments, VHF radio and tape, Verlag Neue Musik
- Unstern I-V for soprano and ensemble, 13 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- non-being for string sextet in Scordatura, 10 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- 2010
- Vier Lieder nach Charlotte Weinmann for mezzo-soprano, cello and piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- landschaft_ _interpretation; wiederkehr, neuanfang, spiegelung; verdopplung___ bild. (die strahlkraft des augenblicks) for ensemble in two groups, 19 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- elec todesewig:liebend:Ichbezogen:künstlerisch: gerichtet I-XII (12x 90'' Betrachtungen) for soprano, mezzo-soprano, clarinet, cello, and tone generators, Verlag Neue Musik
- 2009
- das weite feld der seele beizeiten zu beackern for clarinet, horn, viola and cello, Verlag Neue Musik
- große musik for flute, clarinet, tuba, violin and cello, Verlag Neue Musik
- una flor for solo piano, Verlag Neue Musik
- 2008
- ...ist eine flirrende realität for baroque violin, baroque cello and percussion, Verlag Neue Musik
- Psychogeography for string quartet, Verlag Neue Musik
- and rain for six flutes, violin and viola, Verlag Neue Musik
- 2007
- (Inner) Solare Musik for ensemble, 8 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
Hannes DUFEK, Unsterm I-IV, Ensemble Platypus, Jaime Wolson, direction, « Platypus: Selected Works vol. II », 1 cd Col Legno, 2014.
Hannes DUFEK, As if it were gravity / fish-babble (Müll I), Ensemble Reconsil, « Exploring the World », 1 cd Kairos, 2016, 0014.
Liens internet
Ensemble Platypus : http://www.platypus.or.at/
Site de Hannes Dufek : http://www.hannesdufek.com/
Soundcloud de Hannes Dufek : https://soundcloud.com/hannesdufek
Verlag Neue Musik : http://www.verlag-neue-musik.de/verlag/authors.php?authors_id=573