Juliana Hodkinson
Compositrice britannique née le 17 mars 1971 à Exeter.
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Juliana Hodkinson étudie la musicologie et la philosophie au King’s College de Cambridge, ainsi que le japonais à l’Université de Sheffield. Elle suit les leçons de composition de Hans Abrahamsen, Per Nørgård, Tristan Murail et Dieter Schnebel. Elle obtient son doctorat sur le sujet du silence en musique et dans les arts sonores de l’Université de Copenhague en 2007.
Ses pièces, entre musique expérimentale et arts sonores, ont fait l’objet de commandes par des orchestres et ensembles comme le BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Speak Percussion, l’Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Mons, Ars Nova, Klangspuren, l’Ensemble Mosaik, les Neue Vocalsolisten ; des festivals comme les Cours d’été de Darmstadt, Interfilm Festival, Borealis Festival, MaerzMusik, Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik ; des institutions comme le Musée d’Art moderne Louisiana, Konzerthaus Berlin, la Südwestdeutsche Rundfunk et la Westdeutsche Rundfunk.
Constatant que son statut de femme compositrice n’est jamais considéré comme neutre, par opposition à celui de compositeur, Juliana Hodkinson se saisit des éléments qui composent son identité et son expérience féminines pour composer ses pièces, particulièrement ses enfants, en utilisant des samples de leur voix (Turbulence, 2013) et leurs jouets (When the wind blows, 2009), en s’inspirant de la musique de leurs jeux vidéo, mais également en considérant ce que leur présence induit dans sa composition – l’usage d’une seule main pour travailler ou le choix de formats électroniques live, lui permettant de faire l’économie de la phase compositionnelle (Allerleirauh, 2012 ; Ten Minutes Older, 2013). Confrontée au caractère illusoire d’une carrière professionnelle déconnectée de sa vie personnelle, Juliana Hodkisnon choisit en réaction d’intégrer son quotidien dans son travail, particulièrement par l’utilisation d’objets glanés. Ceux-ci y trouvent leur place grâce à l’attrait de la compositrice pour les effets sonores et bruitages au cinéma – à l’œuvre pour la bande sonore qu’elle réalise du film de Germaine Dulac La coquille et le clergyman (1927).
En effet, Juliana Hodkinson considère la composition moins comme un acte de création absolu que comme un assemblage de choses trouvées. Cette approche fait la part belle au rôle de l’auditeur, souvent invité à participer, et de l’interprète en les portant au rang de la personne à l’origine de la conception de la pièce ; le contexte de l’œuvre, de ceux et celles qui la font, qui l’écoutent et y trouvent un sens, compte autant que le contenu de celle-ci à proprement parler. Dans All that we cannot say (2001) et Why Linger You Trembling in Your Shell? (1999), l’utilisation de balles de ping-pong et d’allumettes servent d’éléments imprévisibles rendant impossible une re-création perfectionniste de la pièce telle que conçue par la tradition musicale classique. Le violoniste doit y suivre les rebondissements de la balle et l’hautboïste l’embrasement et la consumation des allumettes : « ce que nous entendons est l’aura de la tentative de faire de la musique1 ».
Juliana Hodkinson a enseigné la composition à l’Université de Copenhague, à l’Académie royale du Danemark, à l’Université technique de Berlin, et a donné des conférences et des ateliers au ZKM de Karlsruhe, aux Cours d’été de Darmstadt et à la Field Kitchen Academy. Elle est actuellement professeure associée en composition classique et électroacoustique à l’Académie royale de musique à Aarhus. Elle a présidé à la Fondation danoise pour les arts et été membre du conseil d’administration de la fondation Carl Nielsen et de l’Union danoise des compositeurs, dont elle est actuellement présidente. Elle siège au Nordic Composers’ Council et dans le jury interdisciplinaire du Hauptstadtkulturfonds de Berlin.
Ses pièces sont publiées aux Edition Wilhelm Hansen et Edition S.
Prix et bourses
- Prix de composition de Stuttgart, 2017 ;
- Bourse honorifique Carl Nielsen et Anne-Marie Carl-Nielsen, 2015 ;
- Bourse de la Fondation anglo-japonaise Daiwa, 1995.
1. Jens Voigt-Lund pour Wise Music Classical↩
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2024
Site de la compositrice ; Edition·S, Seismograf ; Elektramusic
- Solo (excluding voice)
- elec Recorder for bass recorder and two tape recorders (2001), 10 mn
- elec Scrape for solo cello with metal plate (2009), 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec When the wind blows solo with toys (2009), 4 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Zeit Recht Pflicht Bedürfnis Raum Freude und Sehnsucht for contrabass clarinet and electronics (2010), 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec All my friends really are superheroes for solo horn with electronics (2011), 3 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Ring a Ring solo for piano and electronic pocket piano (or any synth) (2014), 3 mn, édition du compositeur
- Jounce for solo cello with 2 modified bows (2016), 4 mn
- Chamber music
- Earth stood hard as iron viola and guitar duo (1997), 10 mn
- sagte er, dachte ich instrumental septet (1999), 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Why linger you trembling in your shell? duo (1999), 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- stage All the time instrumental theatre production (2001), 1 h 10 mn
- Harriet's song for singing viola and percussion (2001), 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Stills duo (2001), 7 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec The recital piece for pianist and performer with reel-tape machines, LP and CD players (2002), 15 mn
- Inapparent air and aviary instrumental sextet (2004), 10 mn
- Befall prelude for four instruments (2005), 5 mn
- elec Play brass trio with electronics (2010), 3 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Prompt, immediate, now / very restrained and cautious for electroacoustic quartet (2013), Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Third-Millennium Heart for electroacoustic quartet (2013), between 10 mn and 20 mn
- elec Angel View for ensemble and electronics (2014), 30 mn
- Is there something you can tell us for string quartet (2014), 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Previously, on duo (2014), 6 mn, édition du compositeur
- elec Im gegenwärtigen Tempo for trio and soundtrack (2015), 12 mn
- Lightness for percussion trio (2015), 12 mn
- elec Play on brass trio with electronics (2015), 10 mn
- X & X (2017)
- And have now forgiven everything unplugged, for accordion and string quartet (2018), 16 mn
- stage Pass for trio and illuminated environment (2018), 45 mn
- elec stage Thresh (2018), 6 mn
- Beat col legno battuto (2020), 12 mn
- Instrumental ensemble music
- Water like a stone for eight instruments (1996), 9 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Some reasons for hesitating for large ensemble (1999), 11 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec I greet you a thousand times orchestral piece, with video (2005), 30 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec We'd just got back from outer space, when there was a knock at the kitchen door orchestral piece (2008), 5 mn
- elec The Coastline Piece III: West for ensemble and electronics (2014), 20 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec stage Lightness for amplified matches (2015), 12 mn, édition du compositeur
- elec All Around for surround orchestra (2019), 15 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Broadcast for the insects outdoor performance, for ensemble of musicians using mobile devices (2022), 10 mn
- elec Ground View for ensemble and electronics (2022), 1 h 15 mn
- elec Small transactions instrumental and participatory performance (2022), 20 mn
- Concertant music
- Machine à eau for solo cello and string orchestra (1998), 15 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec ... can modify completely/ in this case/ not that it will make any difference ... for electric guitar and orchestra (2015), 12 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- What happens when trio (1999), 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Ikke et hjem duo with playback (2007), 10 mn
- elec Welche Autos werden wir in 25 Jahren fahren? quartet with soundtrack (2009), 12 mn
- As we know for speaker and instruments (2010), 60 s
- elec Rückspiegel: eine Hörsituation youth outreach production, for baritone, chamber orchestra and youth groups (2011), 50 mn
- Versprengung for voice and instruments, for film (2011), 25 mn
- elec (something in capitals) for voices and instruments (2017), 18 mn
- A cappella vocal music
- The analysis of mortality for vocal quartet and scissors (1999), 7 mn
- elec stage Turbulence opera for soprano, actor and live electronics (2013), 40 mn
- elec Grenzland / Grænseland for twelve voices (2020), 5 mn
- Recorded Delivery Video Postcard 26 at-home performance (2020), 60 s
- elec Future Unreal outdoor music (2021), 30 mn
- elec stage Ready for ecstasy for solo voice with visuals and immersive sound (2023), 55 mn
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- elec Allerleirauh solo live electronics (2012), 8 mn
- elec La coquille et le clergyman/ The priest and the shell solo live electronics (2012), 31 mn
- elec Ten Minutes Older solo live electronics (2013), 10 mn
- elec Laznia solo live electronics (2014), 4 mn
- elec Paperweight Arcade solo live electronics (2014), 10 mn
- elec Mythology installation (2015)
- elec Stoneship interactive installation (2015)
- elec HAUCH Sonic Footprint multichannel, with the voices of Neue Vocalsolisten (2020), 10 mn
- Unspecified instrumentation
- stage All that we cannot say instrumental theatre (2001), 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Amor de lohn soundtrack (2002)
- Maps performance installation (2002)
- Fish & Fowl album and performance project (2010)
- Transformation soundtrack (2010), 4 mn
- elec Cozy up soundtrack (2011), 3 mn
- elec Defending territory in a networked world sound installation (2013)
- elec Nothing Breaking the Losing performance installation (2016), 13 mn
- elec Afgang 04.00 sound theatre (2017), 1 h 15 mn
- elec Angel View: the movie film installation (2018), 14 mn
- elec On/Off binaural/ambient sound piece, for headphones and loudspeakers (2019), 18 mn
- elec ♥ LOVE performance in chambers with lottery and multi-channel live diffusion/mix (2019), 60 mn
- HAUCH outdoor immersive (2020), 20 mn
- Nothing Breaking / Occasion field performance (2020), 2 mn
- elec Nothing breaking the losing / necessary places performance installation (2021), 15 mn
- elec Nothing breaking the losing / no care performance installation (2022), 15 mn
- elec Nothing breaking / rolling silence performance installation (2024), 9 mn
- 2024
- elec Nothing breaking / rolling silence performance installation, 9 mn
- 2023
- elec stage Ready for ecstasy for solo voice with visuals and immersive sound, 55 mn
- 2022
- elec Broadcast for the insects outdoor performance, for ensemble of musicians using mobile devices, 10 mn
- elec Ground View for ensemble and electronics, 1 h 15 mn
- elec Nothing breaking the losing / no care performance installation, 15 mn
- elec Small transactions instrumental and participatory performance, 20 mn
- 2021
- elec Future Unreal outdoor music, 30 mn
- elec Nothing breaking the losing / necessary places performance installation, 15 mn
- 2020
- Beat col legno battuto, 12 mn
- elec Grenzland / Grænseland for twelve voices, 5 mn
- HAUCH outdoor immersive, 20 mn
- elec HAUCH Sonic Footprint multichannel, with the voices of Neue Vocalsolisten, 10 mn
- Nothing Breaking / Occasion field performance, 2 mn
- Recorded Delivery Video Postcard 26 at-home performance, 60 s
- 2019
- elec All Around for surround orchestra, 15 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec On/Off binaural/ambient sound piece, for headphones and loudspeakers, 18 mn
- elec ♥ LOVE performance in chambers with lottery and multi-channel live diffusion/mix, 60 mn
- 2018
- And have now forgiven everything unplugged, for accordion and string quartet, 16 mn
- elec Angel View: the movie film installation, 14 mn
- stage Pass for trio and illuminated environment, 45 mn
- elec stage Thresh, 6 mn
- 2017
- elec (something in capitals) for voices and instruments, 18 mn
- elec Afgang 04.00 sound theatre, 1 h 15 mn
- X & X
- 2016
- Jounce for solo cello with 2 modified bows, 4 mn
- elec Nothing Breaking the Losing performance installation, 13 mn
- 2015
- elec ... can modify completely/ in this case/ not that it will make any difference ... for electric guitar and orchestra, 12 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Im gegenwärtigen Tempo for trio and soundtrack, 12 mn
- Lightness for percussion trio, 12 mn
- elec stage Lightness for amplified matches, 12 mn, édition du compositeur
- elec Mythology installation
- elec Play on brass trio with electronics, 10 mn
- elec Stoneship interactive installation
- 2014
- elec Angel View for ensemble and electronics, 30 mn
- Is there something you can tell us for string quartet, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Laznia solo live electronics, 4 mn
- elec Paperweight Arcade solo live electronics, 10 mn
- Previously, on duo, 6 mn, édition du compositeur
- elec Ring a Ring solo for piano and electronic pocket piano (or any synth), 3 mn, édition du compositeur
- elec The Coastline Piece III: West for ensemble and electronics, 20 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- 2013
- elec Defending territory in a networked world sound installation
- elec Prompt, immediate, now / very restrained and cautious for electroacoustic quartet, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Ten Minutes Older solo live electronics, 10 mn
- elec Third-Millennium Heart for electroacoustic quartet, between 10 mn and 20 mn
- elec stage Turbulence opera for soprano, actor and live electronics, 40 mn
- 2012
- elec Allerleirauh solo live electronics, 8 mn
- elec La coquille et le clergyman/ The priest and the shell solo live electronics, 31 mn
- 2011
- elec All my friends really are superheroes for solo horn with electronics, 3 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Cozy up soundtrack, 3 mn
- elec Rückspiegel: eine Hörsituation youth outreach production, for baritone, chamber orchestra and youth groups, 50 mn
- Versprengung for voice and instruments, for film, 25 mn
- 2010
- As we know for speaker and instruments, 60 s
- Fish & Fowl album and performance project
- elec Play brass trio with electronics, 3 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Transformation soundtrack, 4 mn
- elec Zeit Recht Pflicht Bedürfnis Raum Freude und Sehnsucht for contrabass clarinet and electronics, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- 2009
- elec Scrape for solo cello with metal plate, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Welche Autos werden wir in 25 Jahren fahren? quartet with soundtrack, 12 mn
- elec When the wind blows solo with toys, 4 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- 2008
- elec We'd just got back from outer space, when there was a knock at the kitchen door orchestral piece, 5 mn
- 2007
- elec Ikke et hjem duo with playback, 10 mn
- 2005
- Befall prelude for four instruments, 5 mn
- elec I greet you a thousand times orchestral piece, with video, 30 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- 2004
- Inapparent air and aviary instrumental sextet, 10 mn
- 2002
- Amor de lohn soundtrack
- Maps performance installation
- elec The recital piece for pianist and performer with reel-tape machines, LP and CD players, 15 mn
- 2001
- stage All that we cannot say instrumental theatre, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- stage All the time instrumental theatre production, 1 h 10 mn
- Harriet's song for singing viola and percussion, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- elec Recorder for bass recorder and two tape recorders, 10 mn
- Stills duo, 7 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- 1999
- Some reasons for hesitating for large ensemble, 11 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- The analysis of mortality for vocal quartet and scissors, 7 mn
- What happens when trio, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Why linger you trembling in your shell? duo, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- sagte er, dachte ich instrumental septet, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- 1998
- Machine à eau for solo cello and string orchestra, 15 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- 1997
- Earth stood hard as iron viola and guitar duo, 10 mn
- 1996
- Water like a stone for eight instruments, 9 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Liens Internet
- Site de la compositice : www.julianahodkinson.net
- Edition·S : www.edition-s.dk
- SoundCloud : www.soundcloud.com
- « Juliana Hodkinson - Insight Music », interview sur la chaîne YouTube de Elektramusic, 28 janvier 2023.
- Juliana Hodkinson, « From the outside and inside », Seismograf, 10 février 2022, à lire en ligne.
(liens vérifiés en mai 2024).
- Juliana HODKINSON, « Hördrama ohne Dialektik. Über Sciarrinos Musik der Stille », in MusikTexte, n° 160, Februar 2019, p. 61-64.
- Danielle SOFER, « Eroticism and time in computer music: Juliana Hodkinson and Niels Rønsholdt’s Fish & Fowl », Proceedings of the International Computer Music Association, Volume 2014, 2014, p. 148-153.
- Juliana HODKINSON, Niels RØNSHOLDT, SCENATET, « Fish & Fowl », 1 CD Dacapo, 2010, 8.226550.
- Juliana HODKINSON, David YOUNG, « Maps: The Soundtrack », 1 CD Aphids, 2003.