Works / By title
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106 works beginning with 2
Horacio Vaggione (1943) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec 24 Variations electronic music for multitrack medium, 10 mn 10 s, édition du compositeur [program note]
Jennifer Walshe (1974) Biography Documentary resources
- elec 22’30” for a singer for voice and laptop, 22 mn 30 s
Jörg Widmann (1973) Biography Documentary resources
- 24 Duos for violin and cello, 18 mn, Schott
La Monte Young (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec 2 Sounds for recorded rubbing sounds
- 288 to 224 with 279, 261 and 2 X 119 with One of The Inclusory Optional Bases: 7; 8; 14:8; 18:14:8; 18:16:14; 18:16:14:8; 9:7:4; or The Empty Base for sound environments
Daniel Zea Gómez (1976) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec 2a Toma for magnetic tape