Works / By title
3280 works beginning with a
Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
A Birthday Hansel Song cycle for high voice and harp, 17 mn, Faber Music
A Cradle Song for Eleanor for voice and piano
A Cradle Song: Sleep, Beauty Bright for soprano, contralto and piano, 3 mn, Faber Music
A Poison Tree song for voice and piano, Inédit
Agamemon music for Aeschylus' play, Inédit
Alla Marcia for string quartet, 3 mn, Faber Music
Alleluia for choir, 3-voice canon later used in Ceremony of Carols , Inédit
Am Stram Gram for choir, Inédit
stage An Agreement of the People later called Over to You, theatrical performance by Montagu Slater, Inédit
An American Overture for orchestra, 10 mn, Faber Music
An American in England six-episode report, Inédit
Appointment music for a report by Norman Corwin, Inédit
Around the Village Green movie soundtrack, Inédit
Autumn for voice and string quartet, 12 mn, Inédit
Earle Brown (1926-2002)
Gavin Bryars (1943) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
A Family Likeness for recorder consort, 8 mn, Schott
A Game Of Football environmental piece
A Golden Age for male choir, 5 mn
A Man in a Room, Gambling for speaking voice and string quartet, 50 mn, Schott
elec A Must For All Sibelians tape music (1/2 track stereo), 30 mn
A Native Hill a cappella choral work for 24 voices
A Place In The Country
A Time and a Place for organ, 5 mn, Schott
A la dolce ombra de le belle frondi (Fourth Book of Madrigals No. 2) for choir, 10 mn, Schott
Adnan Songbook for soprano, bass clarinet, electric guitar, 2 violas, cello and double bass, 30 mn, Schott
After Handel’s Vesper for harpsichord, 11 mn, Schott
After Mendelssohn piano duet, 59 s
After The Requiem for solo electric guitar, 2 violas and cello, 16 mn, Schott
After the Requiem (Septet), 25 mn
After the Underworlds for brass band, 8 mn, Schott
stage After the opera music for the ballet Trick Cell Play, Schott
Alaric I or II for saxophone quartet, 15 mn, Schott
Alaric III for basset-horn, violin, piano, electric keyboard and 2 electronic percussion, 15 mn
Allegrasco for soprano saxophone or clarinet and piano, 20 mn, Schott
Altissima Luce trio for bass clarinet, viola and cello
stage Amjad dance by Edouard Lock, after Tchaikovsky, for two violas, cello and piano, 1 h 20 mn, Schott
And so ended Kant’s travelling in the world for unaccompanied voices, 7 mn, Schott
Anáil Dé (The Breath Of God) 11 pieces for tenor, electric guitar, 2 violas, cello and bass, 35 mn, Schott
At Portage and Main for percussion quintet, 17 mn, Schott
Aus den Letzten Tage for 2 violins, clarinet, electric keyboard and 2 percussion, 15 mn, Schott
Eivind Buene (1973) Biography Documentary resources
Stefano Bulfon (1975) Biography
elec Aurore_ musica figurata for four instruments and electronics, work associated with the short film Aurore by Ran Guo, 5 mn, Inédit
Gérard Buquet (1954) Biography Documentary resources
elec Adverb for solo cello and electronic device, 11 mn, édition du compositeur
Patrick Burgan (1960) Biography
Audi Coelum for tenor, 2 sopranos, choir and organ, 23 mn, Inédit
Sylvano Bussotti (1931-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Ancora odono i colli for vocal sextet, 10 mn, Ricordi
Aria di Mara for soprano and orchestra (after "Lorenzaccio"), 15 mn, Ricordi
stage Autotono 7 + 7 fogli a 4 mani - bianco e nero per una vita d'artista, variable, Ricordi