Works / By title
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3615 works beginning with c
Georges Aperghis (1945) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Champ-Contrechamp for ensemble, 15 mn, Salabert
- Concerto pour accordéon, 30 mn, Durand
Jon Appleton (1939-2022) Biography Documentary resources
- C.C.C.P., In Memorium Anatoly Kuznetsov electroacoustic music
- Canciones Latinas
- Ce Que Signifie La Declaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen de 1789 pour les hommes et les citoyens des Iles Marquises electroacoustic music
- Chef d'Oeuvre electroacoustic music
- elec Circus for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and tape, partition retirée du catalogue
- Columbia Study No.1 electroacoustic music, partition retirée du catalogue
- Concerto Grosso for violin, cello, piano and string orchestra
- Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra
- Couperin Doubles for piano
Robert Ashley (1930-2014) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Celestial Excursions opera for solo voices and pre-recorded orchestra, 1 h 51 mn
- elec Combination Wedding and Funeral electronic music theater
- elec Complete with Heat for orchestral instruments and tape, Inédit
- elec Concrete opera for solo voices and pre-recorded orchestra, 1 h 30 mn
- Crash, 1 h 30 mn
Utku Asuroglu (1986)
- elec ircam Ircam cursus Conjectures and Refutations for cello and electronics, 8 mn [program note]
Roland Auzet (1964) Biography Documentary resources
- elec stage Cathédrale de misère musical theater, for an actor with electronics and live video
Sofia Avramidou (1988) Biography Documentary resources
- Chronofonia for twelve instruments, 8 mn about , BabelScores
- Chronophobia for cello
- elec Città Dolente - Il Canto Terzo acousmatic piece
Maurizio Azzan (1987) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Concetto di aura for amplified Paetzold double bass flute, 5 mn 30 s, Suvini Zerboni
- Concetto di aura II for accordion, 6 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Noriko Baba (1972) Biography Documentary resources
- Comptines for soprano, clarinet and piano, 10 mn, BabelScores
Milton Babbitt (1916-2011) Biography Documentary resources
- Canonical Form for piano, Peters
- Composition for Four Instruments for flute, clarinet, violin and cello, Theodore Presser
- Composition for String Orchestra, partition retirée du catalogue
- Composition for Synthesizer, AMP Music
- Composition for Tenor and Six Instruments, AMP Music
- Composition for Twelve Instruments, AMP Music
- Composition for Viola and Piano, Peters
- elec Concerti for violin, small orchestra and synthesized tape, Peters
- Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Peters
- Consortini for five players, Peters
- elec Correspondences for string orchestra and synthesized tape, AMP Music
- Counterparts for brass quintet, 20 mn, Peters [program note]
Jacopo Baboni Schilingi (1971) Biography Documentary resources
- elec stage Cinere (a part of Alias) music for a multimedia theatrical show
- Cinquième Réflexion pour piano for solo pianoforte, 4 mn about , Suvini Zerboni
- elec Circoncentricos Fluo Bleu music for installation
- elec Complex Meshes music for interactive and generative installation in virtual reality
- elec stage Concubia nocte for two female voices and live electronics, 24 mn
- elec Crossborders music for interactive and generative installation in virtual reality
- Crossfade for bass clarinet and marimba, 8 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Igor Ballereau (1969) Biography
- Cent sales mouches for flute and string trio, 16 mn, Inédit [program note]
Claude Ballif (1924-2004) Biography Documentary resources
- Cinquième Imaginaire opus 41 n° 5, 20 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Vykintas Baltakas (1972) Biography Documentary resources
Alain Bancquart (1934-2022) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Concerto pour alto et orchestre, 20 mn, Jobert
- Concerto pour violon et 15 instruments, Ricordi