Works / By title
3198 works beginning with d
Arturo Fuentes (1975) Biography Documentary resources
Dark Love for flute, recorder, clarinet, harpsichord, percussion and violin, LondonHall Editions
elec Disparate Femenino for piano and electronics, LondonHall Editions
Dixere Chaos for female vocal ensemble, LondonHall Editions
Dunkelkammermusik for bass flute, bass clarinet, viola and cello, LondonHall Editions
Dai Fujikura (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Dawn Passacaglia for solo voice, 6 mn, Ricordi
Deconstructing Franz for string quartet, based on The Girl and Death by Schubert, 4 mn, Ricordi
Deepened Arc piano study n° 2, 6 mn, Ricordi
Diamond Dust piano concerto n° 2, 20 mn, Ricordi
Distorting rage for cello and piano, 10 mn, BMIC (British Music Information Centre)
Dolphins for two violas, 8 mn, Ricordi
Double Bass Concerto for double bass and ensemble, 20 mn
deliquesce for trombone, 10 mn, Ricordi
Ash Fure (1982) Biography Documentary resources
Beat Furrer (1954) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Clemens Gadenstätter (1966) Biography Documentary resources
Pablo Galaz Salamanca (1983) Biography
Bernhard Gander (1969) Biography Documentary resources
stage Das Leben am Rande der Milchstraße a sitcom opera in seven episodes, 2 h 20 mn, Peters
Der Melonenbaum for accordion, bass clarinet and percussion, 12 mn, Peters
Die Orpheus Akte for viola, piano and ensemble, 12 mn, Peters
elec Die Orpheus Akte II for viola, piano and CD, 9 mn, Peters
Dirty Angel for bugle, accordion and orchestra, 12 mn, Peters
Dirty Wings for bugle and accordion, 7 mn, Peters
darkness awaits us for soprano and viola da gamba, 7 mn, Peters
deathtongue for six voices and contrabass clarinet, 14 mn, Peters
Marc Garcia Vitoria (1985) Biography Documentary resources
Pedro García-Velásquez (1984) Biography Documentary resources
elec Desdoblamiento de Selvas for ensemble, electonics and robot-sculptures with Marimba de Chonta, BabelScores
Destilación for three flutes, cello and piano, between 6 mn and 10 mn, BabelScores
elec stage Douve for dancer trio, chamber orchestra and electronics, between 16 mn and 20 mn, BabelScores
elec Duo, between 11 mn and 15 mn, BabelScores
Fernando Garnero (1976) Biography Documentary resources
Allain Gaussin (1943) Biography Documentary resources
elec Désert Metaphysical musical tale on texts by Lao Tseu, Farid Uddin Attar, Blaise Pascal, Edmond Jabès, for six musicians, magnetic tape, actors and dancers, 1 h 30 mn, Inédit
Sébastien Gaxie (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Zeynep Gedizlioğlu (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Marta Gentilucci (1973) Biography Documentary resources