Works / By title
3198 works beginning with d
John Cage (1912-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Cristóbal Halffter (1930-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
stage Danza de Don Carnal, el Caballero y la Muerte ballet-pantomime
De verborum et speculorum ludis for choir and five performers, between 23 mn and 25 mn, Universal Edition
Diálogo for violin and viola, Inédit
elec Dolores y gozos del castillo de Xavier sound installation
stage Don Juan Tenorio stage music
Doppelkonzert for violin, viola and orchestra in two movements, 24 mn, Universal Edition
stage Dorotea Fénix stage music
Dortmunder Variationen I for large orchestra, 19 mn, Universal Edition
Dortmunder Variationen II for orchestra, 19 mn, Universal Edition
Dos canciones for mixed choir, 4 mn, Union Musical Española
Dos canciones for voice and piano, 3 mn, Union Musical Española
Dos canciones for vocals and guitar, 4 mn, Inédit
Dos canciones para Navidad for soprano and piano, 6 mn, Inédit
Dos canciones tristes de primavera for voice and piano, 4 mn, Union Musical Española
Dos corales litúrgicos for mixed choir and instrumental ensemble, between 17 mn and 20 mn, Universal Edition
Dos motetes for three mixed choirs, between 17 mn and 20 mn, Universal Edition
Dos movimientos for string orchestra, 14 mn, Inédit
Dos movimientos for timpani and string orchestra, 19 mn, Union Musical Española
Lou Harrison (1917-2003) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Detail of Adoration of the Lamb for fiddle, harmonium and harp, Inédit
Devotions (Gending in Honor of James and Joel) for Javanese gamelan, variable, Hermes Beard Press
Discovering the Art of Korea film music for East Asian instruments and ensemble
Double Canon for Carl Ruggles for piano, 2 mn, Inédit
Double Concerto pour violon, violoncelle et gamelan, 23 mn, Hermes Beard Press
Double Fanfare for twelve percussionists, 13 mn, Hermes Beard Press
Hanna Hartman (1961) Biography Documentary resources
Karl Amadeus Hartmann (1905-1963) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
stage Der Mann, der vom Tode auferstand opera, 12 mn, Schott
stage Des Simplicius Simplicissimus Jugend Bilder einer Entwicklung aus dem deutschen Schicksal, opera for dancer, reciter, soloists, male choir, five wind instruments, five percussionists and five strings, 1 h 25 mn, Schott
Deux suites for violin, 26 mn, Schott
stage Die Witwe von Ephesus opera, 11 mn, Schott
Jonathan Harvey (1939-2012) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Fredrik Hedelin (1965) Biography
Bernard Heidsieck (1928-2014) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Paavo Heininen (1938)
Dicta, 17 mn, pas d'éditeur
Robert Henke (1969) Biography Documentary resources
Pierre Henry (1927-2017) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Dans la rue long version of the 'Sonate d'ondes courtes', 1 h 3 mn, pas d'éditeur
elec Deuxième symphonie for sixteen loudspeaker groups, 1 h 17 mn, pas d'éditeur
elec stage Dieu action of voices, sounds and gestures after Dieu by Victor Hugo, 2 h 25 mn, pas d'éditeur
elec Dimanche noir 1, 3 mn, pas d'éditeur
elec Dimanche noir 2, 3 mn, pas d'éditeur
elec Dracula ou la musique troue le ciel, 52 mn, pas d'éditeur