Works / By title
2113 works beginning with f
Arturo Fuentes (1975) Biography Documentary resources
Fango for orchestra, LondonHall Editions
Festina Lente for bass clarinet, violin, viola, cello and piano, LondonHall Editions
Formantes new version for flute, bass clarinet and accordion, LondonHall Editions
Fosil Calatrava for percussion quartet, LondonHall Editions
Dai Fujikura (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Fifth Station for ensemble, 15 mn, Ricordi
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Flare string quartet n° 2, 15 mn, Ricordi
Flicker for cello and piano
Fluid Calligraphy for violin and video ad libitum, Ricordi
Flux for viola, 4 mn, Ricordi
Frozen Heat for thirteen musicians, 6 mn, Ricordi
Frozen Heat piano study n°1, 6 mn, Ricordi
Ash Fure (1982) Biography Documentary resources
Feed Forward for ensemble, 20 mn, BabelScores
Filament for trio, orchestra and moving voices, 14 mn about
Beat Furrer (1954) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
FAMA Hörtheater in 8 scenes for large ensemble, 8 voices and actress, 50 mn, Bärenreiter
[program note]
FAMA VI for voice and contrabass flute, Bärenreiter
Face de la chaleur for flute, clarinet, piano and orchestra divided into 4 groups distributed in the room, 18 mn, Universal Edition
Fragmentos de un libro futuro for soprano and guitar quartet
Frau Nachtigall for cello, 15 mn, Universal Edition
Für Alfred Schlee for string quartet, 60 s, Universal Edition
Clemens Gadenstätter (1966) Biography Documentary resources
Bernhard Gander (1969) Biography Documentary resources
Pedro García-Velásquez (1984) Biography Documentary resources
Evan Gardner (1978) Biography Documentary resources
Fat Cats for saxophone and orchestra, Inédit
Fernando Garnero (1976) Biography Documentary resources
elec Fabula I for amplified bass clarinet, amplified double bass and electronics, BabelScores
elec Fabulae scenes from Grimm's tales, for amplified ensemble, electronics and video, BabelScores
Sébastien Gaxie (1977) Biography Documentary resources
elec ircam Ircam cursus Fil Rouge for solo cello and electronic device, 5 mn 48 s, Inédit
Futurisme Zen for orchestra of 35 musicians, 22 mn 19 s, Inédit
Zeynep Gedizlioğlu (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Marta Gentilucci (1973) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage ferro d’istinto for two composer-performers, two metal sculptures, a dancer and electronics, 40 mn
flurry for saxophone, electric guitar, percussion and piano, 10 mn
Stefano Gervasoni (1962) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Fado errático for female voice, ensemble and electronics, 1 h 5 mn about , Suvini Zerboni
Fantasia Invenzione a una voce, for piano and orchestra, 10 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Far Niente for double bass and seventeen instruments, 19 mn, Ricordi
Felsen, der Widerhall for solo recorder and violin, strings, theorbo and harpsichord, 10 mn, Ricordi
Felsen, der Widerhall - Ade for solo recorder and violin, strings and theorbo, 11 mn, Ricordi
Folia for violin, 5 mn about , Suvini Zerboni
Four songs for baritone, bass clarinet, trumpet and trombone, 14 mn, Ricordi
Froward for string trio, brass trio and percussion, 15 mn, Suvini Zerboni
elec Fu verso o forse fu inverno for mezzo-soprano, piano and live electronics, 17 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Daniele Ghisi (1984) Biography Documentary resources
elec Fathers for two trumpets, piano, ensemble and electronics, 18 mn, Ricordi
Malte Giesen (1988) Biography Documentary resources