Works / By title
2113 works beginning with f
Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjaerg (1963) Biography Documentary resources
stage Faust for mezzo-soprano and 3 actors/singers, 1 h 15 mn, Inédit
elec Fluid Rocks for tape, 12 mn, Inédit
Morton Subotnick (1933) Biography Documentary resources
Chiyoko Szlavnics (1967) Biography Documentary resources
Tōru Takemitsu (1930-1996) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Fantasma/Cantos for clarinet and orchestra, 18 mn, Schott
Fantasma/Cantos II for trombone and chamber orchestra, 11 mn, Schott
Folios for guitar, 12 mn, Salabert
For away for piano, 7 mn, Salabert
For the Whales music for the film by Larry Weinstein
From me flows what you call Time for five percussionists and orchestra, 31 mn, Schott
Furyo shonen - Bad Boys for three guitars, music originally composed for a film by Minoru Shibuya, 3 mn, Schott
Furyù shùnen - Bad Boy for two guitars, 3 mn
Fuyu - Winter for orchestra, 7 mn, Salabert
Fuyu no niji - Rainbow in Winter music for tv
Dun Tan (1957) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Fuminori Tanada (1961) Biography Documentary resources
F for solo flute, 8 mn, Lemoine
Eric Tanguy (1968) Biography Documentary resources
Sir John Tavener (1944-2013) Biography Documentary resources
Fall and Resurrection for soprano, countertenor, baritone, mixed choir and ensemble, 1 h 5 mn, Chester Music
Fear No More for mixed choir, 2 mn 30 s, Chester Music
Fear and Rejoice, O People for mixed choir, 8 mn, Chester Music
Feast of Feasts for two sopranos, two tenors, bass, mixed choir, percussionist and organ, 30 mn, Chester Music
Five Anthems from The Veil of the Temple for mixed choir and organ, 16 mn, Chester Music
Flood of Beauty for mixed choir and organ, 1 h 30 mn, Chester Music
Fragment for the Virgin for violin and piano, 5 mn, Chester Music
Fragment for the Virgin version for violin and strings, 5 mn, Chester Music
Fragments of a Prayer (Children of Men) for mezzo-soprano, percussion and strings, 12 mn, Chester Music
Funeral Canticle for tenor or baritone, mixed choir (and strings), 23 mn, Chester Music
Funeral Ikos for mixed choir, 12 mn, Chester Music
James Tenney (1934-2006) Biography Documentary resources
elec Fabric for Ché computer music recorded on tape, 9 mn 55 s, Smith Publications
Five Studies for Player Piano orchestral arrangement of studies for mechanical piano by Conlon Nancarrow, 20 mn, Schott
Flocking for two pianos, tuned a quarter of a tone apart, 13 mn 30 s, Frog Peak Music
For 12 strings (rising) for six violins, two violas, two cellos and two double basses, Smith Publications
elec For Ann (rising) computer music recorded on tape, 12 mn, Smith Publications
For Piano and... for piano and fifteen or more other instruments, 13 mn 30 s, Frog Peak Music