Works / By title
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882 works beginning with g
Peter Ablinger (1959) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Gehörgang eine architektonische, schallabsorbierende Intervention, sound installation, pas d'éditeur [program note]
- Grisailles (1-100) for three pianos, 48 mn, Zeitvertrieb [program note]
- Grundierungen 1-6 for 1-foot organ (sampled) and lead weights, 60 mn, pas d'éditeur [program note]
Hans Abrahamsen (1952) Biography Documentary resources
- Glansbilleder - Scraps for cello and piano, 4 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- Gush for alto saxophone, 4 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
- György Ligeti: Arc-en-ciel transcription for ensemble of the Étude 5 du Premier livre d'études for piano, 4 mn, Schott
John Adams (1947) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Gnarly Buttons for clarinet and ensemble or chamber orchestra, 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Grand Pianola Music for two pianos, three female voices, winds, brass and percussion, 30 mn, Associated Music Publishers
- elec Grounding for six voices, three saxophones and live electronics
- Guide to Strange Places for orchestra, 24 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
John Luther Adams (1953) Biography Documentary resources
- stage Giving Birth to Thunder, Sleeping With His Daughter, Coyote Builds North America for ensemble and narrator, 1 h 10 mn, Theodore Front Musical Literature
- Green Corn Dance for percussion ensemble, 7 mn 30 s, Theodore Front Musical Literature
John Adams (1947) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- stage Girls of the Golden West opera, 2 h 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Ondřej Adámek (1979) Biography Documentary resources
- Gouttes, petites Gouttes for eighteen instruments, 12 mn, Inédit
Thomas Adès (1971) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Gefriolsae Me Anthem for male voice and organ, 3 mn, Faber Music
Jean-Louis Agobet (1968) Biography
- Gardiens de phare accompanying music for the silent film by Jean Grémillon (1928), Inédit
Andrea Agostini (1975) Biography Documentary resources
- elec ircam Ircam cursus Gli atomi che s’accendevano e radiavano for baritone saxophone and real-time electronics, 7 mn, Inédit
Patricia Alessandrini (1970) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Grotteschi for tenor saxophone, video and electronics
- elec Gurre-Klänge performance in four scenes for soprano, singing flutist, ensemble of twelve musicians, and resonating objects, with interactive video projection by Ross Karre and live electronics
Javier Alvarez (1956-2023) Biography Documentary resources
- Geometría Foliada for string quartet and orchestra, 19 mn, Inédit
- elec Grain junctions for mixed ensemble, audience participation and live electronics, 13 mn
- Gramática de Dos for orchestra, 14 mn, Inédit
Dieter Ammann (1962) Biography Documentary resources
- GEBORSTENER SATZ for string quartet
- GEHÖRTE FORM – HOMMAGES for violin, viola and cello
- GROOVES - FITTING ONE for chamber orchestra
- glut for orchestra, Bärenreiter
Louis Andriessen (1939-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Garden of Eros for violin and piano, 10 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Garden of Eros for string quartet, 12 mn, Boosey & Hawkes [program note]
George Antheil (1900-1959) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Golden Bird "After Brancusi" for orchestra, 7 mn, Schirmer
- Golden Bird "After Brancusi" for piano, 7 mn, Schirmer
- Golden Bird "After Brancusi" for two pianos, 5 mn, Schirmer
Georges Aperghis (1945) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Graffitis for a percussionist, 20 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
Jon Appleton (1939-2022) Biography Documentary resources
- Georganna's Fancy electroacoustic music
- Georganna's Farewell electroacoustic music
Sofia Avramidou (1988) Biography Documentary resources
- elec ircam Géranomachie for large ensemble and electronics, 10 mn, Editions Lacroch [program note]
Maurizio Azzan (1987) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Geometrie nelle mani three studies for amplified guitar, 12 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Noriko Baba (1972) Biography Documentary resources
- GÔSHU for five voices, 9 mn
Milton Babbitt (1916-2011) Biography Documentary resources
- Generatrix for orchestra, partition retirée du catalogue
- Glosses for boy's choir, Peters
- Groupwise for flutist and four instruments, Peters
Jacopo Baboni Schilingi (1971) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Genus Naturae music for interactive installation
Alain Bancquart (1934-2022) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Grande Mélodie for solo flute, 14 mn, Ricordi
Omer Barash (1995)
- elec ircam Ircam cursus G.N.Z. for voice and electronics, 11 mn [program note]
- Mark Barden (1980) Biography Documentary resources
Gad Barnéa (1968) Biography
- elec ircam Ircam cursus Gris for magnetic tape and video, 8 mn, Editions Musicales Européennes [program note]
Richard Barrett (1959) Biography Documentary resources
- elec go WHERE? electronic music, 35 mn about , Inédit
Natasha Barrett (1972) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Gourmet, 1 h 15 mn
Malin Bång (1974) Biography Documentary resources
- gläntor, grenar for percussion trio, 10 mn