Works / By title
2046 works beginning with i
Hilda Paredes (1957) Biography Documentary resources
Bernard Parmegiani (1927-2013) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Hèctor Parra Esteve (1976) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec ircam I have come like a butterfly into the hall of human life Cinq plans électroniques d'après Khlebvnikov, 17 mn 45 s, Editorial Tritó
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Impromptu for piano, 4 mn, Editorial Tritó
Impromptu pour Equinoxe for solo piano, 2 mn, Editorial Tritó
InFALL for orchestra, 14 mn, Durand
elec ircam Inscape for ensemble of sixteen soloists, orchestra and electronics, 30 mn, Durand
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Frédéric Pattar (1969) Biography Documentary resources
Brice Pauset (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Ofer Pelz (1978) Biography Documentary resources
InsideOut for piano, clarinet, violin and cello, 12 mn
elec Insights music composed for a short film by Diana Keidar, for cello, double bass and tape
Krzysztof Penderecki (1933-2020) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
In Pulverem Mortis from Passio et mors Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Lucam, for three mixed choirs a cappella, 7 mn, Schott
Intermezzo for 24 stringed instruments, 7 mn, Schott
Iz glubiny (psalm 130), from Seven Gates of Jerusalem, for three mixed choirs a cappella, 4 mn, Schott
Ize cheruvimi for mixed choir a cappella, 8 mn, Schott
Gérard Pesson (1958) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Matthias Pintscher (1971) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Robert HP Platz (1951) Biography Documentary resources
ikar for solo violin, 2 mn, Ricordi
Lionel Polard (1965) Biography
elec ircam Ircam cursus Itinéraire formantique recherche pluridimensionnelle sur les univers perceptifs fréquentables, for dramatic soprano, bass tuba, electronics and computer graphics, variable, Inédit
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Enno Poppe (1969) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage IQ Eine Testbatterie in acht Akten, musical theater, Ricordi
Ich kann mich an nichts erinnern for choir, organ and orchestra, 27 mn, Ricordi
elec stage Interzone for 6 voices, ensemble and electronics, 1 h 16 mn, Ricordi
Alberto Posadas (1967) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
stage I. La Baigneuse de Trouville (Carte postale en couleurs) - II. Le Discours du Général extracts from the collective work Les Mariés de la Tour Eiffel by Jean Cocteau, 2 mn 40 s, Salabert
Improvisation n°13 for piano, 2 mn 20 s, Salabert
Improvisation n°14 for piano, 1 mn 25 s, Salabert
Improvisation n°15 homage to Edith Piaf, for piano, 2 mn 35 s, Salabert
stage Intermezzo for a play by Jean Giraudoux, Inédit
Intermezzo en la bémol majeur for piano, 4 mn, Eschig
Intermezzo en ré bémol majeur for piano, 2 mn 10 s, Salabert
Intermezzo en ut majeur for piano, 1 mn 40 s, Salabert
Intermède en ré mineur for piano, excerpt from Bal masqué, 2 mn 30 s, Salabert
Henri Pousseur (1929-2009) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Invitation à l'Utopie for soloist, ensemble, narrator, solo voices and choir, in collaboration with Michel Butor, Suvini Zerboni
Arvo Pärt (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
I Am the True Vine for mixed choir a cappella, between 6 mn and 8 mn, Universal Edition
In principio for mixed choir and orchestra, 20 mn, Universal Edition
In spe for chamber orchestra, between 7 mn and 8 mn, Universal Edition