Works / By title
971 works beginning with k
Claudy Malherbe (1950) Biography
Philippe Manoury (1952) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec ircam stage K... opera in twelve scenes, for solo voices, orchestra and live electronics, 1 h 20 mn, Durand
elec ircam stage Kein Licht opera, 2 h 15 mn, Durand
elec Kein Licht Suite for mezzo-soprano, electronics and ensemble, 42 mn, Durand
Klang for 6 amateur percussionists
Adam Maor (1983) Biography Documentary resources
Kim'at for flute and clarinet, 10 mn
elec Kultur for oboe and live electronics, 9 mn
Alexandros Markeas (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Karaoké Passionnément, for baritone, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, 11 mn
elec Kinisis for wind quintet and electronics
Jug Marković (1987) Biography Documentary resources
Frederick Martin (1958) Biography Documentary resources
elec ircam K.W. Act for bass voice, ensemble and electronics, 20 mn, Billaudot
Benedict Mason (1954) Biography Documentary resources
Martin Matalon (1958) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
K/D/M Concerto for two percussionists, accordion and chamber orchestra, Billaudot
Frédéric Maurin (1976) Biography Documentary resources
KODAMA for 15 instrumentalists, 10 mn, Bauer Verlag
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies (1934-2016) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Kettletoft Inn for bagpipe (Northumbrian pipes), English horn, string quartet and double bass, 20 mn, Chester Music
King Christian Galliard (Dowland) arrangement for amateur orchestra
Kings and Shepherds for choir, 2 mn 50 s, Schott
Kinloche his Fantassie after William Kinloch, for ensemble, 5 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Kirkwall Shopping Songs for children's choir and ensemble, 16 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
stage Kommilitonen! (Young Blood!) opera in two acts, 1 h 30 mn, Chester Music
Kontaktion arrangement after Tylman Susato, for ensemble
Timothy McCormack (1984) Biography Documentary resources
KARST for chamber orchestra (22 instruments, no conductor), 36 mn
KILN I for contrabass clarinet, euphonium and percussion, 36 mn
KILN II for bass clarinet, contrabass and percussion, 36 mn
elec karst survey for seven instruments and fixed media, 19 mn
François Meïmoun (1979) Biography Documentary resources
Kaddish for mezzo-soprano and string quartet
Kirsten Milenko (1993) Biography Documentary resources
Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Wolfgang Mitterer (1958) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage Ka und der Pavian for three solo voices, choir, ensemble and sixteen-track tape, 1 h 15 mn, édition du compositeur
elec Kadout for ten-channel live electronics, 11 mn
stage Kirschgarten music for the St. Pölten theater
elec Kleines Requiem for soprano, organ and electronics, édition du compositeur
stage Koltes music for Contraction Vienna
Kon i net for tape, 1 mn 14 s
elec Konzert für Klavier, Orchester und Electronics for piano, orchestra and electronics, 21 mn 54 s, édition du compositeur
elec Krok radio play
Krummhorn for organ, 4 mn 20 s, Inédit
elec Kugel for tape, 1 mn 37 s
Marco Momi (1978) Biography Documentary resources
elec Kinderszenen concerto for piano, orchestra and electronics
Nicolas Mondon (1980) Biography Documentary resources
Meredith Monk (1942) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Zad Moultaka (1967) Biography Documentary resources
Kahraba for electric guitar, 7 mn, Onoma éditions musicales
Khat for eighteen voices, 9 mn 40 s, Onoma éditions musicales
elec Khenkhenou for amateur choirs and vocal ensemble or vocal ensemble and fixed sounds, 60 mn, Onoma éditions musicales
Kornobo Syriac-inspired song for two-part equal choir or children's choir, 5 mn, Onoma éditions musicales
stage König Hamed und seine Erste Frau children's opera for three singers and small instrumental ensemble, 50 mn