Works / By title
3809 works beginning with l
Horacio Vaggione (1943) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Edgard Varèse (1883-1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Nadir Vassena (1970) Biography Documentary resources
stage Leib.wache photogrammes sous forme de chants, music for the theater, for four voices and ensemble, 40 mn, Inédit
Luoghi d'infinito andare for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion and piano, 15 mn, Inédit
Luoghi sottratti for solo guitar, 3 mn, Inédit
Bernard de Vienne (1957) Biography
Fernando Villanueva Carretero (1976) Biography
elec ircam Ircam cursus La disparition for violin and electronic device, 6 mn, Inédit
Ezequiel Vinao (1960)
Claude Vivier (1948-1983) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Learning for four violins, percussion and tape, 20 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Les communiantes for organ, 17 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Lettura di Dante for soprano and seven instruments, 26 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
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Liebesgedichte for vocal quartet and ensemble, 28 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
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Lonely Child for soprano and orchestra, 19 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
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stage Love Songs ballet, for seven solo voices, 30 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
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Yassen Vodenitcharov (1964) Biography Documentary resources
stage L'arbre qui parle Contes nocturnes, chamber opera in five scenes
elec stage La femme des neiges chamber opera, 45 mn
stage La poule aux œufs d'or chamber opera based on La Fontaine's fable, 55 mn
stage Le brave petit soldat de plomb one-act chamber opera based on Andersen's tale, 45 mn
Le jardin de Saadi for mezzo-soprano and viola d'amore, 9 mn
elec stage Le joueur de flûte de Hamelin mystery opera according to the legend of the Middle Ages, 60 mn
Le manteau d'Arlequin for saxophone, percussion and piano, 10 mn
Le ruban de Möbius for two percussionists and two pianos, 12 mn
Le vent doux dans les pins... à la mémoire de la blouse blanche, for voices and ensemble, 8 mn 30 s
Les 3 Grâces for reed trio, Egge Verlag
Les Songes du papillon for viola, guitar and trombone, 14 mn
Les chants des montres molles de Monsieur D. for flute, two guitars and cello, 9 mn
Les chants du ruisseau for two flutes and two violins, 8 mn
Les oiseaux du lac Stymphale for Ondes Martenot and accordion, 5 mn
Les tambours du Désert for six percussionists, 12 mn
Lucioles for soprano, percussion and Indian flute, 11 mn
Kevin Volans (1949) Biography
Andreï Volkonski (1933-2008)
Rolf Wallin (1957) Biography Documentary resources
Listen for xylophone and marimba, 14 mn, Chester Music
Jennifer Walshe (1974) Biography Documentary resources
Lu Wang (1982) Biography Documentary resources
Ying Wang (1976) Biography Documentary resources
LTD 1 for large symphony orchestra, 11 mn