Works / By composition date
498 works
Sylvano Bussotti (1931-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Giulia round Giulia music for "La Signorina Giulia" by August Strindberg, for bass clarinet, percussion, piano and viola, 2 h, Ricordi
Il catalogo è questo cycle of pieces for solo instrument and orchestra, Ricordi
Le stanze di Azoth written materials for radio, 2 h 19 mn 30 s, Ricordi
John Cage (1912-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Gilberto Cappelli (1952)
Elliott Carter (1908-2012) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Niccolò Castiglioni (1932-1996) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Friedrich Cerha (1926-2023) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
John Chowning (1934) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec ircam Phonē for electronics, 13 mn, Inédit
Aldo Clementi (1925-2011) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Elegia for flute, four bassoons, four horns and four trombones, 15 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Fantasia su roBErto FABriCiAni for flute, 10 mn, Suvini Zerboni
elec Parafrasi Eighteen voice cannon and tape recording, Suvini Zerboni
Pastorale en rondeau for two violins, viola, harpsichord and eight carillons, 7 mn 30 s, Suvini Zerboni
Pascale Criton (1954) Biography Documentary resources
George Crumb (1929-2022) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Alvin Curran (1938) Documentary resources
Marc-André Dalbavie (1961) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Clair-Obscur for flute, piano, viola and harp, 9 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
Edison Denisov (1929-1996) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Colin et Chloé for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, choir and orchestra; continuation of the opera L'Écume des jours, 36 mn, Le Chant du Monde
stage L'Écume des jours lyrical drama in 3 acts and 14 scenes, 2 h 20 mn, Le Chant du Monde
Les Annonces orchestration of the work of Alexander Mossolov for voice and ensemble, 4 mn, Le Chant du Monde
Partita for violin and orchestra; based on Bach's score no.2 in D minor BWV 1004, 29 mn, Le Chant du Monde
Sans soleil orchestration of Moussorgsky's work for bass voice and orchestra, 14 mn, Sikorski
Sonate pour guitare, 14 mn, Sikorski
Sur le bûcher de neige for voice and piano, 56 mn, Le Chant du Monde
Trio pour hautbois, violoncelle et clavecin, 30 mn, Peters
Trois scènes enfantines orchestration of the work of Alexander Mossolov for voice and ensemble, 5 mn, Sikorski
Raymond Depraz (1915)
Jean-Baptiste Devillers (1953) Biography
Ictus for string quartet, 22 mn, pas d'éditeur
Francis Dhomont (1926-2023) Biography Documentary resources
James Dillon (1950) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Franco Donatoni (1927-2000) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Bertrand Dubedout (1958) Biography Documentary resources
Denis Dufour (1953) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Luis de Pablo (1930-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Una cantata perdida for soprano, double bass and percussion, based on Fernando Pessoa, 25 mn, Suvini Zerboni