Works / By composition date
1195 works
Nicolas Frize (1950) Biography Documentary resources
elec Dehors au dedans score for orchestra, voice and projection of images based on interviews with 70 workers from four companies in Ile-de-France
elec 喜鹊 « Shi Tchué » musical creation for five Chinese whistlers and other traditional instruments
Reinhard Fuchs (1974) Biography Documentary resources
blue poles for large ensemble, 22 mn, Edition21
twined traces miniature for two bass clarinets, 1 mn 40 s, Edition21
Arturo Fuentes (1975) Biography Documentary resources
elec Broken Mirrors for string quartet and electronics, LondonHall Editions
Broken Mirrors for string quartet, LondonHall Editions
Dopp for guitar duo, LondonHall Editions
Formantes for flute, bass clarinet and piano, LondonHall Editions
elec Lawine for viola and fixed sounds, LondonHall Editions
elec Picado for flute, bass clarinet, percussion, guitar, piano, violin, cello and fixed sounds, LondonHall Editions
elec Sierra Negra electroacoustic piece, LondonHall Editions
elec Toro Mariposa for sopranino recorder and electronics, LondonHall Editions
Dai Fujikura (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Alone, speak for electric guitar
Ampere concerto for piano and orchestra, 24 mn, Ricordi
Fifth Station for ensemble, 15 mn, Ricordi
[program note]
Lake Side for soprano and mezzo-soprano, 3 mn, Ricordi
Perla for solo bass recorder, 4 mn, Ricordi
Secret Forest for ensemble, 13 mn, Ricordi
Ash Fure (1982) Biography Documentary resources
Névé for oil container and ensemble, partition téléchargeable sur le site du compositeur
Beat Furrer (1954) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec ircam Lotófagos II for two voices, septet and electronics, 15 mn, Bärenreiter
Xenos for ensemble, 13 mn
Pablo Galaz Salamanca (1983) Biography
Bernhard Gander (1969) Biography Documentary resources
Marc Garcia Vitoria (1985) Biography Documentary resources
Pedro García-Velásquez (1984) Biography Documentary resources
Destilación for three flutes, cello and piano, between 6 mn and 10 mn, BabelScores
Elán for symphony orchestra, BabelScores
Juguemos for baritone and ensemble, variable, BabelScores
Evan Gardner (1978) Biography Documentary resources
Fernando Garnero (1976) Biography Documentary resources
Allain Gaussin (1943) Biography Documentary resources
Sébastien Gaxie (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Zeynep Gedizlioğlu (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Marta Gentilucci (1973) Biography Documentary resources
Stefano Gervasoni (1962) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Daniele Ghisi (1984) Biography Documentary resources
Malte Giesen (1988) Biography Documentary resources
Insomnia for saxophone quartet, 8 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
Philip Glass (1937) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Rune Glerup (1981) Biography Documentary resources
Vinko Globokar (1934) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Destinées machinales for percussion, clarinet, cello, trombone/Alphorn and musical machines by Claudine Brahem, 40 mn, Ricordi