Works / By composition date
1205 works
Matteo Franceschini (1979) Biography Documentary resources
Exercices de style for double choir and orchestra, 25 mn, Suvini Zerboni
elec stage Il gridario chamber opera for soprano, actor, male choir, live electronics and video, 35 mn, Suvini Zerboni
elec stage My Way to Hell electropera for voice, ensemble and live electronics, 1 h 15 mn
Luca Francesconi (1956) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Attraverso for soprano and ensemble, 20 mn, Ricordi
Jürg Frey (1953) Biography Documentary resources
A Memory of Perfection for violin, 7 mn, Wandelweiser
Brachland for clarinet and trombone, 25 mn, Wandelweiser
Canones incerti for ensemble, 20 mn, Wandelweiser
Grenzland for clarinet and trombone, 20 mn, Wandelweiser
I'll eat my hat for ensemble, variable, Wandelweiser
Ombre si fragile (version 2010) for violin (or clarinet), cello and piano, 13 mn, Wandelweiser
un champ de tendresse parsemé d'adieux (1) for clarinet, violin and piano, 15 mn, Wandelweiser
un champ de tendresse parsemé d'adieux (2) for a musician, variable, Wandelweiser
Nicolas Frize (1950) Biography Documentary resources
elec Langages d'un jour musical journey in three stages and three spaces for percussion quartet, violin and cello, large choir, with projection of contemporary poems
Reinhard Fuchs (1974) Biography Documentary resources
Invers for accordion, clarinet and string trio, 13 mn, Edition21
Torus for flute, cello and accordion, 11 mn, Edition21
Arturo Fuentes (1975) Biography Documentary resources
elec Hymne 80 for reciting actor, sensors and live electronics, LondonHall Editions
elec Ich hörte sagen for accordion, flute, clarinet, oboe, percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello and fixed sounds, LondonHall Editions
Line of oblivion dance music, LondonHall Editions
Rabbiduck for cello and marimba, LondonHall Editions
Dai Fujikura (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Away we play for three female voices, 4 mn, Ricordi
Breathing Tides for oboe and shô
Double Bass Concerto for double bass and ensemble, 20 mn
Flare string quartet n° 2, 15 mn, Ricordi
Fluid Calligraphy for violin and video ad libitum, Ricordi
Glacier for bass flute, Ricordi
Lake Side version for three female voices
Milliampere for toy piano
Recorder Concerto for recorder and ensemble, 15 mn, Ricordi
Sakana clarinet version, 9 mn
Samarasa for violin, Ricordi
Tocar y Luchar for orchestra, 10 mn, Ricordi
Ash Fure (1982) Biography Documentary resources
Aperture/Iris for ensemble of 9 musicians, BabelScores
Pull for electric guitar and percussion, Inédit
Clemens Gadenstätter (1966) Biography Documentary resources
Pablo Galaz Salamanca (1983) Biography
Bernhard Gander (1969) Biography Documentary resources
Beijing for two bass clarinets, 30 s, Peters
Dirty Angel for bugle, accordion and orchestra, 12 mn, Peters
Khul for string quartet, 11 mn, Peters
Marc Garcia Vitoria (1985) Biography Documentary resources
Pedro García-Velásquez (1984) Biography Documentary resources
elec Cras Lucebit for bassoon and electronics, between 6 mn and 10 mn about , BabelScores
elec Duo, between 11 mn and 15 mn, BabelScores
Plop for fifteen instruments, BabelScores
Fernando Garnero (1976) Biography Documentary resources
Sébastien Gaxie (1977) Biography Documentary resources