Works / By type
2709 works for A cappella vocal music
Per Nørgård (1932) Biography Documentary resources
2 Nocturner for mixed choir, 11 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
3 Thøger Larsen sange for kor for mixed choir, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
4 Latinske Motetter for mixed choir, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
4 sange for mandskor, Wilhelm Hansen
6 Danske korsange for mixed choir, 20 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
A Choral Hymn (On Frostbound Earth) for mixed choir, Wilhelm Hansen
Afbrudt højsang, skrig og drikkevise for mixed choir, 14 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Canon Cantata - Låt mig vila for mixed choir, Wilhelm Hansen
elec D'monstrantz Vöögeli for mixed choir and electronics, 15 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
En stjerne er sat - julenat for mixed choir (including a soprano and a contralto as soloists), 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Fire sange for mandskor, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Flos ut rosa floruit for mixed choir, 5 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Freedom (Kanon) for mixed choir and 2-3 percussions ad libitum, 5 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Frostsalme - Fragmenter for mixed choir, 9 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Grøn sang for mixed choir, 3 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Himmelkim 4 movements for equal voices, 5 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Hvem véd? for mixed choir and 2-3 percussions ad libitum, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Inre och ytre landskab for male choir, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Jeg hører regnen for mixed choir with two percussionists, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Julens glæde - Himmelfalden for mixed choir, Wilhelm Hansen
Korsalme for mixed choir, 8 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Lykkestrejf for mixed choir, 60 s, Wilhelm Hansen
Mens regnen falder for mixed choir, 8 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Mit løv, mit lille træ (Vedis vuggevise) for mixed choir, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Morgenmyte for mixed choir, 12 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Noget om kloge og gale for male choir a cappella, Wilhelm Hansen
Ordet for mixed choir, 5 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Orfeus´ Dansevise for mixed choir and 2-3 percussions ad libitum, 5 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Overstået angst for mixed choir, 3 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Rêves en Pleine Lumiere for mixed choir, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Strandvalmue for mixed choir, 5 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Støv (Kantilene og Kanon) for mixed choir, 2 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Syngende-Gyngende for female choir, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Søvn (Ingen blade røres) for mixed choir, 4 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
To H.C. Andersen-Poesier for mixed choir, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Tre systrar for soprano and mixed choir, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Ubrudt Forår for mixed choir, 7 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Ut Rosa for eight-part mixed choir, 11 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Vintersalme - for kor for mixed choir, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Vänskap for mixed choir, 6 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
stage Wölfli dramatic choral montage for an actor (reciter) and chamber choir, 1 h 25 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
livslang ven for male choir, 4 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Årtusinds Håb (Guds fred går over al forstand), for mixed choir or unison choir and organ, 3 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Samir Odeh-Tamimi (1970) Biography Documentary resources
Drei Lieder für ‚Escalier du Chant‘ von Olaf Nicolai for bass (with percussion), soprano, mezzo-soprano and countertenor, 12 mn, Ricordi Berlin
elec Jarich for three female voices and electronics, 10 mn, Ricordi Berlin
O Leute, rettet mich vor Gott for five vocalists, 12 mn, Ricordi Berlin
Rojagdád for three sopranes, alto and countertenor, 4 mn, Ricordi Berlin
Maurice Ohana (1913-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources