Works / By type
2953 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and solo instrument
Sir John Tavener (1944-2013) Biography Documentary resources
A Little Child Shall Lead Them for mixed choir and organ, 5 mn, Chester Music
A Mini Song Cycle for Gina for soprano and piano, 10 mn, Chester Music
Adoremus for soprano, baritone, mixed choir, male semichorus and organ, 15 mn, Chester Music
Akhmatova Songs for soprano and cello, 20 mn, Chester Music
Angels for mixed choir and organ, 12 mn, Chester Music
Atma Mass for mixed choir and organ, 20 mn, Chester Music
Awake Thou That Sleepest - The Veil of the Temple for baritone, mixed choir and organ, 2 mn, Chester Music
Awed by the Beauty (Anthem from The Veil of the Temple) for upper voices and organ, 2 mn, Chester Music
Bethel for mixed choir and organ, 5 mn, Chester Music
Epistle of Love for soprano and piano, 14 mn, Chester Music
Ex Maria Virgine for mixed choir and organ, 35 mn, Chester Music
Five Anthems from The Veil of the Temple for mixed choir and organ, 16 mn, Chester Music
God Is With Us for organ, tenor and mixed choir, 5 mn, Chester Music
Lament for Phaedra for soprano and cello, 10 mn, Chester Music
Maha Maya for double mixed choir and organ, 12 mn, Chester Music
Mahavakyas for soprano and cello, 7 mn, Chester Music
Many Years for baritone, mixed choir and strings, 5 mn, Chester Music
Meditation on the Light for counter-tenor, guitar and handbells, 20 mn, Chester Music
Missa Brevis for upper voices and organ, 14 mn, Chester Music
Monument for Beethoven for double mixed choir and organ, 14 mn, Chester Music
Mother of God, here I stand (anthem from The Veil of the Temple) for mixed choir and organ, 5 mn, Chester Music
O Mary Theotokos (anthem from The Veil of the Temple) for mixed choir and organ, 3 mn, Chester Music
Prayer (for Szymanowski) for bass and piano, 3 mn, Chester Music
Remember O Thou Man (from Ex Maria Virgine) for mixed choir and organ, 6 mn, Chester Music
Six Schuon Lieder for voice and piano, 17 mn, Chester Music
Song for Athene arranged for upper voices, organ and optional cello, 7 mn, Chester Music
Svyati for mixed choir and cello, 20 mn, Chester Music
The Child Lived for soprano and cello, 7 mn, Chester Music
elec The Last Discourse for soprano, bass, amplified double bass and mixed choir, 22 mn, Chester Music
The Lord's Prayer arranged by Barry Rose, for upper voices and piano or organ, 2 mn, Chester Music
The Lord's Prayer (anthem from The Veil of the Temple) for mixed choir and organ, 14 mn, Chester Music
The Lord's Prayer (upper voices) for women's choir and piano or organ, 2 mn, Chester Music
The Peace that Surpasseth Understanding for mixed choir, mixed semi-choir and organ, 4 mn, Chester Music
The Second Coming for mixed choir and organ, 10 mn, Chester Music
Three Sections from T S Eliot's 'The Four Quartets' for high voice and piano, 8 mn, Chester Music
elec Three Surrealist Songs for mezzo-soprano, piano and tape, 9 mn, Chester Music
Thunder Entered Her for mixed choir, organ and handbells, 20 mn, Chester Music
Two Hadiths of the Prophet Mohammed for women's choir and renaissance bray harp, 6 mn, Chester Music
Unto us is born a son for mixed choir and organ, 7 mn 30 s, Chester Music
Vlepondas for soprano, baritone and cello, 20 mn, Chester Music
What God is, we do not know (anthem from The Veil of the Temple) for mixed choir and organ, 5 mn, Chester Music
You mantle yourself in Light (anthem from The Veil of the Temple) for mixed choir and organ, 6 mn, Chester Music
Richard Teitelbaum (1939-2020) Documentary resources
James Tenney (1934-2006) Biography Documentary resources
Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Iris ter Schiphorst (1956) Biography Documentary resources