Works / By type
- Unspecified instrumentation
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- Solo (excluding voice)
Chamber music
Sextet and larger ensembles
- Other sextets and larger ensembles with diverse instrumentation
- Winds, keyboard, percussion, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds, keyboard, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and keyboard - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and percussion - 6 or more musicians
- Strings, 6 or more musicians, with or without keyboard
- Percussion and/or keyboard, 6 or more musicians
- Winds, 6 or more musicians
- Unspecified instruments, 6 or more musicians
- Quintet
- Quartet
- Trio
- Duo
Sextet and larger ensembles
Instrumental ensemble music
- Orchestral music
Instrumental ensemble, one to a part
- Non-standard mixed instrumental ensemble
- Mixed instrumental ensemble with instruments from all families
- Instrumental ensemble of the same family
- Unspecified or undetermined instrumental ensemble
Concertant music
- 4 or more soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 3 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 2 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- Other solo instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Bowed strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Plucked strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Keyboard and ensemble/orchestra
- Percussion and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo brass instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo woodwind instrument and ensemble/orchestra
Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s), solo instrument(s) and ensemble/orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble
Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and solo instrument
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and plucked strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and keyboard
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and percussion
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and wind instrument
- A cappella vocal music
1682 works for Solo voice and piano
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Abend- und Morgenrot for voice and piano
- Acht Gedichte for voice and piano
- Ballade for voice and piano
- Begegnung for voice and piano
- Blick vom oberen Belvedere for voice and piano
- Das Bächlein for voice and piano
- Das rote Laub for voice and piano
- Der Dorn ist Zeichen der Verneinung for voice and piano
- Der Fischer for voice and piano
- Der Graf von Rom for voice and piano
- Der Morgen for voice and piano
- Der böhmische Musikant for voice and piano
- Der müde Wanderer for voice and piano
- Des Alpenhirten Abschied, for voice and piano
- Die Drossel for voice and piano
- Die drei Lieder for voice and piano
- Drei Gesänge älterer deutscher Dichter for voice and piano
- Drei Lieder for voice and piano
- Drei Lieder, op. 29 for voice and piano
- Ein Röslein zog ich mir im Garten for voice and piano
- Einkehr for voice and piano
- Erschaffen und Beleben for voice and piano
- Frühlingsanfang for voice and piano
- Fünf Lieder, op. 15 for voice and piano
- Fünf Lieder, op. 32 for voice and piano
- Fünf Lieder, op. 39 for voice and piano
- Für Musik, for voice and piano
- Geheiligte Stätte, for voice and piano
- Gesänge des Orients for voice and piano
- Gute Nacht for voice and piano
- Herbstabend (fragment) for voice and piano
- Herz, mein Herz for voice and piano
- Husarenlied for voice and piano
- Im Sonnenschein for voice and piano
- Im Walde for voice and piano
- Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer for voice and piano
- In Vaters Garten heimlich steht ein Blümlein for voice and piano
- John Anderson for voice and piano
- Sechs Lieder, op. 17 for high-pitched voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sechs Lieder, op. 56 for voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sechs Lieder, op. 67 for high-pitched voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sechs Lieder, op. 68 for voice and piano, 24 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sinnspruch for voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sérénade en fa dièse, op. 17 for voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sérénade en fa, op. 17 for high-pitched voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sérénade en mi, op. 17 for medium voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Sérénade en ré, op. 17 for low-pitched voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Wir beide wollen springen for voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Xenion 'Nichts vom Vergänglichen' for voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes
- Zugemessne Rhythmen for voice and piano, Boosey & Hawkes