Works / By type
679 works for Solo voice(s), choir(s) and orchestra
Luis Naón (1961) Biography Documentary resources
Rêve vole lumière for narrator, chorus and orchestra, composed in collaboration with Guy Reibel and Françoise Cornu, Inédit
Sarah Nemtsov (1980) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage OPHELIA opera in 12 tableaux pour 12 solo voices, choir, orchestra and electronics, 1 h 50 mn, Ricordi
Olga Neuwirth (1968) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Sergej Newski (1972) Biography Documentary resources
stage Franziskus chamber opera in four scenes for soloists, mixed choir and large ensemble, 1 h 20 mn, Ricordi Berlin
Serge Nigg (1924-2008) Biography Documentary resources
Marko Nikodijevic (1980) Biography Documentary resources
Ricardo Nillni (1960) Biography Documentary resources
Elogio de la Sombra For 3 female voices, children's choir and instrumental ensemble, 15 mn
elec Le Passager for soprano, children's choir, instrumental ensemble and video
Ichiro Nodaïra (1953) Biography Documentary resources
Luigi Nono (1924-1990) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec stage Al gran sole carico d'amore two-part stage action for soloists, small choir, large choir, orchestra and tape, 1 h 35 mn, Ricordi
elec Al gran sole carico d'amore (frammenti) for soloists, choir, orchestra and tape, 55 mn, Ricordi
stage Der Rote Mantel ballet in three tableaux by Tatiana Gsovski after Don Perlimplin by Federico García Lorca, for soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra, 35 mn, Ars Viva
Ein Gespenst geht um in der Welt for solo soprano, choir and orchestra, 28 mn, Ricordi
España en el corazon three studies for soprano, baritone, spoken choir and instruments, 12 mn, Ars Viva
Il Canto Sospeso for soprano, alto, tenor, mixed choir and orchestra, 28 mn, Ars Viva
elec stage Intolleranza 1960 action in two tableaux based on an idea by Angelo Maria Ripellino, 1 h 20 mn, Ars Viva
Intolleranza 1960 (suite da concerto) for soprano, choir and orchestra, 18 mn, Ars Viva
La Terra e la compagna songs after Cesare Pavese for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and instruments, 8 mn, Ars Viva
Momento. Romance de la guardia civil española for narrator, spoken choir and orchestra, 18 mn, Ars Viva
Voci destroying muros for female voice and orchestra, 17 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
Emmanuel Nunes (1941-2012) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec ircam stage Das Märchen opera in one prologue and two acts, for five actors, eight vocal soloists, mixed choir, large orchestra and live electronics, 3 h 40 mn, Ricordi
elec Machina Mundi for four solo instruments, choir, orchestra and magnetic tape, 1 h 7 mn, Ricordi
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Michael Nyman (1944) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Per Nørgård (1932) Biography Documentary resources
Babel - Musikalsk scenespil for mennesker for voices, choir and orchestra ad libitum, Wilhelm Hansen
Dommen for soli, choir, children's choir and youth orchestra, 50 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
stage Lygtemændene tager til byen The Will-o'-the-wisps go to Town, for voices, choir and orchestra, 45 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Maurice Ohana (1913-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Cantigas six pieces for soloists, mixed choir and instrumental ensemble, 29 mn, Billaudot
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elec stage La Célestine lyrical tragicomedy in 11 tableaux for solo voices, choir, orchestra and electronics, Billaudot
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stage Le Guignol au gourdin for solo voices, choir and orchestra, 1 h 15 mn about , Billaudot
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Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías oratorio for narrator, baritone, female choir and small orchestra, 42 mn, Billaudot
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Récit de l'an zéro oratorio for narrator, soli, mixed choir and small orchestra, 38 mn, Billaudot
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Younghi Pagh-Paan (1945) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage Mondschatten chamber music theatre, 1 h 10 mn, Ricordi
Hilda Paredes (1957) Biography Documentary resources
Brice Pauset (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Krzysztof Penderecki (1933-2020) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Dies Irae Oratorium ob memoriam in perniciei castris in Oswiecim necatorum inexstinguibilem reddendam, for soprano, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra, 22 mn, Schott
Kadisz for soprano, tenor, narrator, male choir and orchestra, 20 mn, Schott
Kosmogonia for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra, 20 mn, Schott
Lacrimosa from the Polnischen Requiem, for solo soprano, mixed choir and orchestra, 6 mn, Schott
Lacrimosa no. 2 for soprano, women's choir and chamber orchestra, 2 mn, Schott
Magnificat for solo bass, vocal ensemble, 2 mixed choirs, children's voices and orchestra, 40 mn, Schott
Passio Et Mors Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Secundum Lucam for soprano, baritone, bass, narrator, children's choir, two mixed choirs and orchestra, 1 h 20 mn, Schott
Sanctus from the Polnischen Requiem, for contralto and tenor, mixed choir and orchestra, 15 mn, Schott
stage Ubu Rex Opera buffa in two acts, 2 h, Schott
Zwei Szenen und Finale from the opera Die schwarze Maske for soprano, mezzo-soprano, mixed choir and orchestra, 30 mn, Schott
Arvo Pärt (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
L'abbé Agathon for soprano, contralto, women's choir and string orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
Laul armastatule for two solo voices, choir and orchestra, partition retirée du catalogue
Litany prière de St Jean Chrysostome pour chaque heure du jour et de la nuit, for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra, between 25 mn and 30 mn, Universal Edition
Thierry Pécou (1965) Biography Documentary resources