Works / By specific formation
Comment faire une recherche par effectif détaillé sur BRAHMS ?3990 works out of 51359
- "Cosmos" music for Adrian Malone's movie (1980) / Tōru Takemitsu
- elec "Eine Stimme ruft elektronische Klänge auf" for live electronics, modulator and laser (1972), 45 mn / Gloria Coates
- elec "Little" Fugue In G Minor electronic music (1975), 3 mn 44 s / Wendy Carlos
- elec "Orfeo" Suite electronic music (1969), 3 mn 15 s / Wendy Carlos
- "Shin yumechiyo nikki" music for the movie by Yukio Fukumachi (1984) / Tōru Takemitsu
- elec #popfem for video (2016), 7 mn, Edition Juliane Klein / Sara Glojnarić
- elec #popfem 2 for video (2018), 5 mn, Edition Juliane Klein / Sara Glojnarić
- 'U ha'amata 'atou 'i te himene electroacoustic music (1996) / Jon Appleton
- elec (Ir)realtà possibili for electronics (2004), 9 mn, Inédit [program note] / Andrea Vigani
- *Quiff electroacoustic music (2001) / Jon Appleton
- elec + installation for DVD player and 6 loudspeakers (2002), 10 mn, Inédit [program note] / Andrea Cera
- elec +/- (1996) / Ryoji Ikeda
- elec . (2001) / Ryoji Ikeda
- elec ... âmes blanches (2002), 6 mn 10 s, Grame / Jean-François Estager
- elec ... mourir un peu acousmatic music (1984), 44 mn 52 s / Francis Dhomont
- elec ircam it stood as night... for tape (1985), 15 mn, Inédit / Denis Lorrain
- ...ich möchte den Himmel mit Händen fassen... radio play (2007) / Olga Neuwirth
- elec ircam ...le temps désenchanté... ou dialogue aux enfers sound and visual installation, outdoor electroacoustic project with screening of extracts from the film Paris qui dort by René Clair (2005), 10 mn, Inédit / Olga Neuwirth
- elec ...sentiers tortueux... electronic music (2007) / Michael Pelzel
- elec ...the fetters of a dream... (fetters) (2001), 14 mn 30 s / Natasha Barrett
- elec .matrix (1999-2000) / Ryoji Ikeda
- elec 0° (1998) / Ryoji Ikeda
- elec ircam 100 Objets pour représenter le monde a Prop-Opera by Peter Greenaway (1997), 1 h 10 mn, Inédit / Jean-Baptiste Barrière
- elec 111 Vögel radio play (2017-2018), 1 h 23 mn 21 s / Peter Ablinger
- elec 1500 circa cinema spot () / Wolfgang Mitterer
- stage 17und4 music for the Serapions Theater in Vienna () / Wolfgang Mitterer
- elec stage 22 for electronics, images and dance (2004-2005), 30 mn / Roger Reynolds
- elec 24 Variations electronic music for multitrack medium (2001), 10 mn 10 s, édition du compositeur [program note] / Horacio Vaggione
- elec 2a Toma for magnetic tape (2004) / Daniel Zea Gómez
- elec 2ème correspondance for eight loudspeakers and a juggler (2014), 60 mn / Henry Fourès
- elec 33 1/3 installation in which the audience is participating, with twelve disks, twelve amplifiers, twelve pairs of loudspeakers and approximately three hundred disks (1969), Peters / John Cage
- elec 3am. out of tune. zither composition for lo-fi electronics (2013), 19 mn / Sarah Nemtsov
- elec 3ème jour electroacoustic piece (2009), 10 mn / Samuel Sighicelli
- elec 4 études acousmatiques pour un palais social acousmatic work in situ, 16 tracks fixed sounds (2021), 27 mn / Yan Maresz
- elec 4 Pepsi Pieces for live electronics (1970) / David Tudor
- elec 4°C electroacoustic music (2008), 13 mn 40 s / Mathieu Bonilla
- elec 5 zones (1994-1995) / Ryoji Ikeda
- elec 50-50 1 Heads for 2-track tape (1967-1970), 19 mn / Pauline Oliveros
- elec 50-50 2 Tails for 2-track tape (1967-1970), 19 mn / Pauline Oliveros
- elec 5000 Miles for 2-track tape (1966), 32 mn / Pauline Oliveros
- elec 59 birds & 1 passenger for electroacoustic sounds (2020), 60 s / Javier Alvarez
- elec 595F44FEC1E92A71D3E electroacoustic composition made from rapid radio bursts (2019) / Olivier Pasquet
- elec 6 pour 4 for electronics (1962) / Luc Ferrari
- elec ircam 73 Oeldorf 75 - III for six-track tape (1973-1975), 30 mn, Inédit [program note] / Emmanuel Nunes
- elec 7e art Bis electronic music for picture (1960), 3 mn 27 s / Bernard Parmegiani
- elec 7th birth music for fixed sounds (ARP 2500 synthesizer on magnetic tape) (1971), 60 mn / Éliane Radigue
- elec 8 Ties Hermès interactive and generative sound installation in virtual reality (2012) / Jacopo Baboni Schilingi
- elec 9 Lines Reflected (1986) / David Tudor
- elec 9dN.13 electroacoustic piece (2002), 8 mn 22 s / José-Miguel Fernández
- elec A installation (2000) / Ryoji Ikeda