Hanns Eisler
German composer born 6 July 1898 in Leipzig; died 6 September 1962 in East Berlin.
Born 6 July 1898 in Leipzig, Germany, Hanns Eisler moved to Vienna in 1901, where he grew up. He liked to describe himself as the product of a marriage between two social classes: his father, a philosopher, came from a bourgeois family, while his mother’s family was working class. His parents were both music lovers and taught him lieder and opera tunes, but could not afford piano lessons for him. When the First World War broke out, Eisler, still in high school, signed a pacifist pact with his brother, but was sent to the front in 1916, where he was wounded and returned to Vienna in December 1918. The Austro-Hungarian Empire had fallen and Vienna was on the verge of famine. A wave of revolutionary activity, though rapidly repressed, fostered the emergence of the Austrian Communist Party, of which Eisler’s brother and sister were founding members. Eisler himself participated occasionally, distributing leaflets, for example, but did not become fully involved with the Party at this point.
During this period in his life, from 1919 to 1923, music was his priority: Arnold Schoenberg himself gave him free composition lessons. To make a living, Eisler proofread scores for Universal Editions, conducted worker choirs, and taught music classes to workers.
The second phase of Eisler’s life began when he moved to Berlin, which, in the 1920s, was the epicenter of Europe’s avant-garde. He accepted a teaching position at the Klindworth-Scharwenka conservatory and discovered the work of theater director Erwin Piscator. The prevailing social unrest in Berlin at the time reinforced Eisler’s Marxist understanding of contemporary world events. In March 1926, his relationship with Schoenberg ended when Shoenberg accused Eisler of disloyalty and Eisler accused Schoenberg of engaging in elitism, distancing himself from society with New Music. For Eisler, a stay in Paris in the summer of 1926 had changed Eisler’s view of the world: in the salon of Marya Freund, the great interpreter of Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire, he met Ravel, Milhaud, Poulenc, Ibert, and Roussel, whose discussions were about surrealism and psychoanalysis, while Eisler wished to see New Music serve social causes. Eisler published articles explaining his vision and by the end of 1927 he began working as a composer, pianist, and orchestral conductor for Das Rote Sprachrohr (literally, “the Red Mouthpiece”), a Berlin agitprop theater group. The stock market crash of 1929 reinforced Eisler’s convictions, and he began a collaboration with Bertolt Brecht that continued until Brecht died in 1956.
The third period of Eisler’s life was one of exile and even homelessness: in 1933 he fled to Czechoslovakia and then Paris. In early 1937, he enlisted in the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil war and composed battle songs for them, before joining up with Brecht in Denmark. That same year, during a stay in Prague, he and Ernst Bloch wrote a set of articles in which they explained why musical and social revolutions went together. In January 1938, Eisler accepted a position at the New School for Social Research in New York. For reasons having to do with his visa, he had to leave the United States from April to September of 1939, and traveled to Mexico, where he taught music theory. Upon his return to the United States, he was entrusted with a research project on film music. In April 1942, he moved to Hollywood, where he renewed his friendship with Schoenberg and worked with Theodor W. Adorno, Thomas Mann, and Bertolt Brecht, as well as composing film scores. At the end of the Second World War, he and his brother were brought before the House Unamerican Activities Commission, both of them denounced by their sister, who believed her brothers were Stalinists. He was deported and traveled to Prague in March 1948. There, he spoke in favor of rethinking musical aesthetics in view of the current context - of ceasing experimentation to restore music’s “joyful and pleasant” side. From there he traveled to Vienna, which at the time was divided into four zones of occupation, and tried in vain to obtain a post at the Conservatory. Ultimately, he settled in East Berlin, the capital of the all-new RDA, in 1949.
Although he became a kind of official composer for the RDA, notably penning its national anthem, he met with difficulties from the cultural establishment. His Austrian passport allowed him to find temporary harbor in Vienna when in tension with the East German authorities. Despite this, he remained celebrated as a national figure in East Germany, and was showcased as one of the cultural gems of the new state. Eisler, hoever, was torn betwen the idea that modern music ought to serve the social revolution that East Germany’s Socialist Unity Party (SED) seemed to be on the cusp of bringing about, and the fact that the SED denounced this same modernity in the arts as having helped to birth fascism. Ideological debates over his work continued long after his sudden death in East Berlin on 6 September 1962.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2020
Copyright photographie :
Archiv Dr. Jürgen Schebera, Berlin
copyright neumgraf.de
By Laetitia Devos
Hanns Eisler, for whom music was inconceivable apart from its political function, made it his ideal to put musical revolution at the service of socialist revolution. His work has been subjected to divergent ideological interpretations.1 He himself was unafraid of conflict, whether in his overall musical evolution or within a single work, especially when it came to the relations between text, music, and performance.
From Vienna to Berlin
Eisler studied composition with Arnold Schoenberg starting in 1919, and sporadically with Anton Webern, from whom he picked up a preference for concise musical ideas. By the time he came back from the front, he had composed music for somber poems by Heinrich Heine, Georg Büchner, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Georg Trakl. These songs reflect a deep despair, offering only one way out: the grotesque. This word is even highlighted in the subtitle of Eisler’s Galgenlieder (Gallows Songs, 1917). In these sounds the musical language is that of the Vienna School. Palmström (1925), op. 5, a dodecaphonic work on satiric poems about the petite bourgeoisie by Christian Morgenstern, dialogues with Pierrot lunaire, from which it takes its performing forces and Sprechgesang technique. In the same year, Eisler’s Piano Sonata No. 1 won a prize from the City of Vienna, and Schoenberg’s admiration.
The second half of the 1920s represents the turning point after which Eisler prioritized the social function of music: he left behind “bourgeois” chamber music and wrote instead symphonic music, including six suites between 1927 and 1933, for the cinema, which reaches a broader public. Eisler thought of this music as not a sonic illustration of the image but a “dramatic counterpoint” to it. It therefore had to have an intrinsic meaning, independent of the film. To achieve this independence, Eisler put his works in dialogue with each other, borrowing from ones already written, rewriting them, or adapting them, as though to give them a life of their own. Thus, the theme of the fourth movement of the Suite No. 3 (1931) would become, one year later, that of the Solidaritätslied (Song of Solidarity). In the Kleine Sinfonie (Little Symphony), op. 29, written in the summer of 1932 and stitched together from borrowings, the third movements (“Invention”) cites the accompaniment from the song Lob der dritten Sache (Praise of the Third [that is, the communist] Cause) from Die Mutter (The Mother, by Berthold Brecht, after Maxim Gorky). A notable change is that the flute that, in the song, gently lulls the reciter is replaced by trumpets with wah-wah mutes, which provokes surprise: whereas the word “invention” in the title points to Johann Sebastian Bach, this timbre borrowed from jazz brings us back to the modern world. Combination of classic forms is indeed the guiding thread in this Kleine Sinfonie, at first in a dodecaphonic language (the work opens with a tone-row), then with jazz idioms and pockets of tonality.
During his Berlin years (1925-1933), Eisler wrote for a proletarian public with the goal of transforming the concert hall into a space of political mobilization. He flaunted his anti-lyricism in Zeitungsausschnitte, lieder for soprano and piano written, as the title says, not on poems but on newspaper clippings. The first of the Vier Stücke für gemischten Chor (Four Pieces for Mixed Chorus, 1928), op. 13, begins with a public service announcement: “Today we will not be singing the usual choruses, meaning […] those with a religious theme, […] songs about nature, [… and] love songs.” Each announcement is punctuated by a musical pastiche sending up the repertoire in question, until at last the Internationale is intoned. The male choruses (Männerchöre), opp. 14 (1928), 17 (1929), 19 (1929), and 35 (1930) are concerned with rising unemployment, strike action, and social strife. The topicality of the texts brings with it a musical evolution, as the choruses return to a more classical shape. For example, the political agitation song for mixed chorus Auf den Strassen zu singen (To Be Sung in the Streets), op. 15, while based on a simple alternation between a couplet and an easily retainable refrain, is nevertheless too complex to be sung while marching: more than a true protest song (though referring to the genre), it unites popular music and art music. Eisler also set up a contradiction between text and music. Thus, in the Bankenlied (Song of the Banks), the refrain “Wir sind entlassen” (We’ve been fired) sounds like a joyous popular song with clownish accents.
To this estrangement between text and music must be added another that Eisler expected of the performer. In 1929 he met Ernst Busch, an actor and cabaret singer who excelled in precisely the aesthetic Eisler was looking for. The two would appear together in theaters and smaller Berlin cafes and scored a big success. One example of what Eisler was looking for in performance can be found in an indication in the score of his opus 14, where the choir intones a melody from the sixteenth-century German Peasants’ War: Eisler asks for it to be “blared out, so that it does not sound pretty.” One cannot help but compare this instruction to the estrangement effect that Brecht wanted from actors in the theater, the two men having worked intensively together.
In 1930, Die Massnahme (The Decision, 1930) presented through the medium of theater within theater a sort of secularized Passion of a young comrade whose excessive zeal puts the revolution in danger. A didactic play, it was meant to resemble collective experimentation: the actors cycle through the parts and thereby distance themselves from their characters, while the “Control Choir” is a choir of workers who educate themselves through play, following a principle dear to Brecht. The music also contributes to the estrangement by inserting oddities into familiar archetypes (such as spoken choruses or popular music), or by combining simultaneously conclusive and suspensive figures at the end of the work, thereby leaving the “decision” to the listener.2 From Die Mutter, another didactic piece written by the same authors in 1931, and a sort of optimistic pendant to Die Massnahme, posterity has retained above all the “Praise of Communism” (Lob des Kommunismus), which takes the form of a lullaby rather than the expected protest song. Eisler obliges the listener to be astonished.
The experience of exile (including two spells in Moscow in 1932) and an attempt at resistance, if only musical, changed the direction of Eisler’s evolution. Moscow having transmitted an order for a song to unify the antifascist front, Eisler and Brecht responded with their Einheitsfrontlied (Song of the United Front, 1934). Performed by Busch, the composer himself, and 3,000 singers at the International Workers’ Music Olympiad in Strasbourg in 1935, it is one of the best-known songs from the workers’ movement, and by Eisler. His other battle hymns from the same period are characterized by extreme melodic and rhythmic simplicity, which hammers out the message of the text. The collection Lieder, Gedichte, Chöre (Songs, Poems, and Choruses), published with Brecht in 1934, contains “utilitarian” songs, easy to remember.
For the twentieth anniversary of the October Revolution, Moscow commissioned the Requiem for Lenin (Lenin-Requiem). Eisler started work on it in 1935. Despite the onset of Stalin’s terror, which led Eisler to suspect that this work dedicated to Lenin would not be performed (indeed, it never was in the USSR and had to wait until 1958 in the GDR, after the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party), Eisler continued to work on it in 1937 during his stay on the Danish island of Funen with Brecht, the author of the text. This composition stands out for its pathos and grandiloquence, though for a requiem its dimensions are miniature (15 minutes). It opens with a “dissonant” introduction. As usual, Eisler borrows from his own works: the seventh number is a reprise of the “Lob des Revolutionärs” (“Praise of the Revolutionary”) from The Mother; however, the orchestration and choir give it new density and drama. The combination of imitative entries — clichés of polyphonic writing — and battle hymns in, for example, the fourth number is also typical of Eisler. The intelligibility of the text, especially in the recitatives, highlights the main message: Lenin’s injunction to fight against the exploitation of man by man. Eisler seems to embrace the idea that communism is a new religion, but the work’s long, bombastic conclusion is atypical for him. In light of the context in which the Requiem was composed, one could hear the martial apotheosis in the last number as a pastiche intended to keep the cult of personality at a distance.
As though running with the metaphor of communism as religion, during his Danish stay Eisler also wrote nine chamber cantatas, in a stripped-down style opposite to that of the Requiem. The texts have sometimes been attributed to Brecht, but most of them came from the Italian communist writer Ignazio Silone, ostracized by the Party. Silone describes the misery of the peasants in the Abruzzo region, then their revolt. The economical instrumentation (two clarinets, viola, cello) of these cantatas, and their brevity, facilitated their premieres in December 1937 in Prague and then in 1938 in New York. Though the language is tonal, it is not overtly so and even repeatedly uses twelve-tone rows without being strictly dodecaphonic — almost as though Eisler were refusing to be confined to one system. He shows that the same notes need not produce the same effects: in the first number of the Weissbrotkantate (White Bread Cantata), the cell from the first measure (G – B-flat – A – A-flat) returns as the head of a tone-row. This same motif sounds quite different a little further along (measure 58) due to a tonal harmonic support in G minor.3 So Eisler does not separate tonal writing from twelve-tone writing; hence his flat rejection, years later, of the ideological reading imposed by GDR culture officials who accused Expressionism and dodecaphony of paving the way for fascism. What could be called the “simultaneity of the non-simultaneous” (to borrow a term from Ernst Bloch, with whom Eisler wrote two articles in 1937-1938 in the context of the so-called “expressionism debate” with Georg Lukács) is a characteristic of Eisler’s compositions: in the cantatas, for example, melodies in a popular vein are presented in imitative entries, referencing liturgical music. In the second movement of the Weissbrotkantate, the dialogue between God and Saint Berardo has cabaret-like melodic inflexions, the humor resulting from the disconnect between the (liturgical) text and the music. Thus Eisler recovers the ironic, scathing spirit that he seemed to have almost forgotten in the Requiem.
During his exile, the only democratic-popular forces in which Eisler still placed any hope were the International Brigades in Spain, which he encountered in January 1937 and for which he wrote battle songs. He also hoped to reach the bourgeoisie with his music so as to prepare for the era to come after the end of fascism. Such is the message conveyed in Brecht’s famous poems “To Those Born Later” (“An die Nachgeborenen”) and “To the Survivors” (“An die Überlebenden”), initially titled Elegies I and II and written in 1937 in Denmark. The famous lines “We who wanted to prepare the ground for friendship could not be friendly ourselves” are set to a twelve-tone row. Despite the dark lyrics, the music of these “elegies” does not become lament. Eisler and Brecht wrote more of them in 1942, included in the collection of lieder published under the title (given by the publishers) Hollywooder Liederbuch — all written in Hollywood between May 1942 and December 1943. In retrospect, Eisler characterized these numerous lieder as a private diary: they record preoccupations that might seem trivial at first, but using metaphor they denounce the “false” paradise that Hollywood offered to artists who, like him, did not support capitalism but had to “earn their bread” (“Jeden Morgen mein Brot zu verdienen”). It is hardly surprising that Eisler had an affinity for the lied, the meeting ground par excellence of elite and popular modes of expression.
During this same period, Eisler composed lieder on poems from more distant eras, such as verses by the Greek poet Anacreon or the quintessential German Romantic writer Joseph von Eichendorff. Yet even these poems, though more metaphorical than those of Brecht, held a certain relevance for Eisler’s own time, as seen for instance in the song “Schatzgräber” (“The Treasure Hunter”), after Goethe, which urges the putting aside of illusions. But Eisler also set fragments from Friedrich Hölderlin that express a longing for the homeland (“Heimat”), at the very moment the Nazis were scoring military victories. This decision, Eisler would say, reflected the dialectic in which he found himself: even while condemning his country, he continued to compose for it.
The Hölderlin songs return to a classical form and give priority to melody. “An eine Stadt” (“To a City”), for example, is dedicated to Schubert and takes him as model, except for the very last chord, which surprises the listener at the moment the lyrical “I” longs for rest. But unlike in Schubert, in Eisler’s music a succession of triads can have a strange consonance, devoid of a tonal center of gravity. Thus, despite the reference to classicism, these lieder remain unconventional. Their endings, usually open or, more rarely, so consonant as to be antiphrastic (in “Die Heimkehr” [“The Return”], on a poem by Brecht), invite listeners to resolve the contradictions of their time themselves.
The fraught relationship he maintained with his homeland led Eisler to name the symphony he wrote during his exile Deutsche Sinfonie (German Symphony). The subtitle projected in 1935 was “Concentration Camp Symphony.” Written for choir, soloists, and orchestra, it is his largest antifascist work, and its process of composition stretched from 1935 to 1947. Depicting the horrors of war and of the camps, it opens with Brecht’s poem “O Deutschland, bleiche Mutter, wie sitzest du besudelt” (“O Germany, Pale Mother, How You Are Besmirched”). It was only premiered partially, after removal of the openly anti-Nazi passages, in 1937 and 1938 in Paris and London, and later in the GDR. It combines twelve-tone technique and battle hymn idioms and shows a pathos unusual for Eisler.
For his film music of this period, Eisler preferred writing for chamber ensemble, avoiding the expressive emphasis of the full orchestra. The Nonet No. 2(/works/work/49506/) (1941), before becoming an independent score, was written for John Steinbeck’s film The Forgotten Village (1940). The music for Joris Ivens’s film Rain (Regen, 1941) is titled Fourteen Ways of Describing Rain (Vierzehn Arten, den Regen zu beschreiben). This quintet, dedicated to Schoenberg, revisits the instrumentation of Pierrot lunaire and opens with the cell A – E-flat (A – Es in German, corresponding to Schoenberg’s initials). The Chamber Symphony, op. 69 (1940), was intended for the film White Flood by William Osgood Fields. Eisler himself provided an analysis of it in his book Composing for the Films.
After relocating to the GDR, Eisler helped to establish the musical heritage of the new state. He wrote the East German national anthem and composed the Neue deutsche Volkslieder (New German Folk Songs) starting in 1950, which return to a certain musical simplicity, with a verse-refrain format and tonal language.
But with Eisler, simplicity need not exclude surprise, usually to be found in the closing measures. Often the ending gives a fragmentary impression: it may end with an oddity (such as an appoggiatura, as in “Im Frühling” (“In Spring”), or the harmony will be unresolved in the voice part as in “Die Welt verändern wir” (“We Are Changing the World”), or the resolution will not occur on the beat (see the piano version of the same song). These techniques are sometimes combined: the ending of “Wenn Arbeiter und Bauern” (“When Workers and Peasants”) is open, with an unresolved chord and rhythmic displacement that breaks the preceding mechanical character.4 As usual, Eisler avoids conclusive endings and seems to leave the listener with a question at the end of each melody. Without unsettling the listener, certainly, he shows a concern to introduce novelty.
Eisler experienced the first throes of cultural politics between December 1952 and May 1953 during the stormy discussions around his opera libretto Johann Faustus (initially called Doctor Faustus). His opera revisits the Faust legend by giving it a quasi-autobiographical twist: the character goes into exile in Atlanta in the second act, from which he is expelled to return to Germany in the third act — a country he describes as “gray, cold,” “narrow and bleak.” Eisler’s Faust lives during the time of the Peasants’ War, sharing the peasants’ demands but abandoning them at the moment of battle. Eisler seems to suggest that intellectuals who went into exile during National Socialism, starting with himself, should be self-critical, but he also paints a grim picture of Germany at a time when the GDR was expecting its artists to embrace a bright future.
To make matters worse, an article by an Austrian philologist, Ernst Fischer, emphasized the dark sides of the libretto: according to Fischer, the German humanist, embodied by this Faust, is a “turncoat.” In the GDR, the word brought to mind the likes of Rudolf Slánský, whose trial was underway at that very moment. To choose a turncoat as the main character of an opera, when the party had commissioned a “national opera,” and to set this turncoat in one of the rare revolutionary periods of German history (the Peasants’ War), moreover in a rewrite that seemed to desecrate Goethe’s Faust (part of the regime’s canon) — all this was perceived as a triple affront by party functionaries, already suspicious of artists returning from the United States. Johann Faustus was thus branded as the kind of “formalism” denounced by Andrey Zhdanov, and Eisler, sunk in depression after this affair, never wrote the music.
He nevertheless continued to compose in the GDR, notably for Brecht, whose Kriegsfibel (War Primer) would serve as the finale to the German Symphony for its premiere in 1959, warning against the possibility of a new war during this time of German rearmament.
Eisler’s last work, the cycle Ernste Gesänge (Serious Songs), for solo baritone and string orchestra, was written from the spring of 1961 to August of 1962. These songs refer to the revelations of the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, which gives the fifth number of the cycle its title. But the songs are more metaphorical than directly political. For three of the seven movements Eisler reuses fragments by Hölderlin that he had previously set. The title of the pieces suggests an alternation between sadness, despair, and hope. Eisler himself indulges in rather facile metaphors, for example, “autumn” for the end of the Stalin cult.5 Pastiche is audible in “Epilogue” (No. 7) whose melodic and harmonic beauty is so affirmative that it falls into clichés of lyrical expressivity — for example, by highlighting the violins and progressing from minor to major. For those who know Eisler, a harmonic idyll and absence of conflict can only arouse suspicion and give away that we are dealing here with a pastiche. It is not the least of history’s ironies that the last measures set down by Eisler before his death (which came unexpectedly) resort to a pathos contrary to his habits, but also that the piece — though finished — stops abruptly, with a simple pizzicato, totally unexpected yet entirely in Eisler’s spirit, like one last wink from the composer.
Translated from the French by Tadhg Sauvey
1. See for example the debate that followed the posthumous premiere of the Chamber Symphony in 1963, summarized by Tobias Fasshauer in the Breitkopf & Härtel edition of the score (Wiesbaden, 2011) ↩
2. See the analysis by Jean-François Trubert: “Quel Gestus pour quelle révolution? Brecht, Eisler et ‘l’emploi de la musique,’” in Francine Maier-Schaeffer et al. (eds), La révolution mise en scène, Rennes, Presses de l’Université de Rennes, 2012, p. 379-382. ↩
3. My thanks to Dimitri Kerdiles for his invaluable analysis of the score. ↩
4. Thanks again to Dimitri Kerdiles for his analyses. ↩
5. Interview with Hans Bunge, 6 November 1961, in Hans-Joachim Bunge, Fragen Sie mehr über Brecht, Hanns Eisler im Gespräch, Munich, Rogner & Bernhard, 1970. ↩
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2020
- Solo (excluding voice)
- 4 Klavierstücke for piano (1923), 10 mn, Universal Edition
- Sonate for piano (1923), 13 mn 10 s, Universal Edition
- Klavierstücke (1925), 14 mn 15 s, Peters
- Sonate for piano in the form of variations (1924-1925), 8 mn 45 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Klavierstücke für Kinder (1932-1934), 9 mn, Peters
- Sieben Klavierstücke (1932-1934), 9 mn 10 s, Peters
- Sonatine (Gradus ad parnassum) (1934), 6 mn 40 s, Peters
- Variationen for piano (1941), 17 mn 50 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Dritte Sonate for piano (1943), 12 mn 50 s, Peters
- Fugue in B for piano (1946), 1 mn 45 s
- Chamber music
- Scherzo for string trio (1920), 3 mn 45 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Divertimento for wind quintet (1923), 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Duo for violin and cello (1924), 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Präludium und Fuge über B-A-C-H for string trio (1934), 4 mn 40 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Sonatensatz for flute, oboe and harp (1935), 4 mn 5 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Sonate for violin and piano („Reisesonate“) (1937-1938), 11 mn 10 s, Peters
- Streichquartett (1938), 13 mn, Peters
- Nonett Nr. 1 (1939), 5 mn 20 s, Peters
- Nonett Nr. 2 (1941), 22 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Suite für Septett Nr. 1 (Variationen über amerikanische Kinderlieder) (1941), 13 mn 10 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu beschreiben for flute, clarinet, violin or viola, cello and piano (1941), 12 mn 30 s, Peters
- Septett Nr. 2 („Circus“) for flute, clarinet, bassoon, two violins, viola and cello (1947), 18 mn 30 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- Instrumental ensemble music
- Potpourri über russische Volkslieder for orchestra (1930), 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Zwei Etüden for orchestra (1930, 1939), 8 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Suite n°2 "Niemandsland", for orchestra (1931), 9 mn
- Kleine Sinfonie (1931-1932), 11 mn 20 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- Suite n°3 "Kuhle Wampe", for orchestra (1931-1932), 9 mn 25 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Suite n°4 "Die Jugend hat das Wort", for orchestra (1932), 10 mn 30 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Suite n°5 "In the streets", for orchestra (1933), 17 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Invention for orchestra (1934), 5 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Suite n°6 "Le grand jeu", for orchestra (1933-1934), 14 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Suite n°1 for orchestra (1937-1930), 15 mn, Universal Edition
- Drei Stücke for orchestra (1938), 14 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Fünf Orchesterstücke (1938), 14 mn 50 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Thema mit Variationen "Der lange Marsch" (1938), 7 mn 35 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Allegro for orchestra (1939, 1947), 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Kammersymphonie (1940), 17 mn 11 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- Alternative Musik zum Film "The Grapes of Wrath" for orchestra (1941-1942), 14 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Ouvertüre zu einem Lustspiel for flute, oboe, bassoon, harpsichord, two violins, viola, cello and double bass (1948), 3 mn 10 s, Peters
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe ten songs of stage music for voice and piano (), Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Für Österreichs Freiheit for voice and piano (), Universal Edition
- Schweyk im zweiten Weltkrieg twelve songs of stage music for voice and two pianos (), Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 6 Lieder for high voice and piano (1922), 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Palmström for narrator and small ensemble (1924), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Tagebuch des Hanns Eisler for soprano, mezzo-soprano, viola, tenor, violin and piano (1926), 17 mn, Universal Edition
- Zeitungsausschnitte for high voice and piano (1925-1926), 12 mn, Universal Edition
- Auf den Straßen zu singen for mixed choir and snare drum (1928), 5 mn, Universal Edition
- 4 Stücke for mixed choir, narrator, snare drum and cymbals ad libitum (1928-1929), 10 mn, Universal Edition
- Lied der Bergarbeiter for one-part choir, solo voice ad libitum and small orchestra (1929), 2 mn 55 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Stempellied Lied der Arbeitslosen, for solo voice, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and piano (1929), 3 mn 10 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Tempo der Zeit for contralto, bass, narrator, mixed choir, wind instruments and percussion (1929), 20 mn, Universal Edition
- Wohltätigkeit for solo voice, two clarinets, alto saxophone, two trumpets, trombone, percussion, banjo, piano and double bass (1929), 3 mn 10 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Anrede an den Kran "Karl" for voice and ensemble (1930), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Ballade vom Nigger Jim for voice and ensemble (1930), 3 mn, Universal Edition
- Ballade vom Soldaten for solo voice, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and piano (1930), 2 mn 50 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Ballade von den Baumwollpflückern for four-part male choir, baritone, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, banjo, percussion, piano and double bass (1930), 3 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Ballade von den Säckeschmeißern for solo voice, alto and tenor saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion, banjo and piano (1930), 3 mn 20 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Ballade von der Krüppelgarde for voice and ensemble (1930), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Song von Angebot und Nachfrage for voice and ensemble (1930), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Der heimliche Aufmarsch (Arbeiter, Bauern!) for male choir, baritone and orchestra (1931), 4 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- stage Die Maßnahme for mixed choir, male choir, tenor, three reciters, three trumpets, two horns, two trombones, percussion, piano (1930-1931), 58 mn, Universal Edition
- Die Mutter cantata for voices, choir and two pianos (1931), 40 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Lied vom SA-Mann for solo voice, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and piano (1931), 3 mn 25 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die Spaziergänge Das Frühjahr, from the film Kuhle Wampe, for alto voice and ensemble (1932), 2 mn 30 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Lied der Mariken for solo voice and ensemble (1932), 3 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Lied des Kampfbundes Kampflied gegen den Faschismus, for solo voice, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and piano (1932), 2 mn 25 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Solidaritätslied for choir, voice and orchestra (1931-1932), 2 mn 30 s, Peters
- 4 Kantaten for voice and piano (1935), 19 mn, Universal Edition
- Ballade von der ‚Judenhure‘ Marie Sanders for solo voice and ensemble (1935), 2 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die römische Kantate for voice, two clarinets, viola and cello (1935), 7 mn, Universal Edition
- 2 Elegien for medium voice and piano (1937), 5 mn, Universal Edition
- Bettellied for solo voice, violin and cello (1937), 1 mn 30 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die den Mund aufhatten for solo voice, two clarinets, viola and cello (1937), 2 mn 45 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Die Gott-sei-bei-uns-Kantate („Kinderkantate“), for voice, children's choir and string quartet (1937), 4 mn 55 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Die Weißbrot-Kantate for solo voice, two clarinets, viola and cello (1937), 6 mn 40 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Die Zuchthaus-Kantate for solo voice, two clarinets, viola and cello (1937), 4 mn 5 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Kantate auf den Tod eines Genossen for female voice, two clarinets, viola and cello (1937), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Kantate im Exil for female voice, two clarinets, viola and cello (1937), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Kriegskantate for female voice, two clarinets, viola and cello (1937), 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Lenin (Requiem) for mixed choir, baritone, contralto and orchestra (1937), 14 mn 30 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Nein for solo voice and string quartet (1937), 3 mn 10 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Ulm 1592 for solo voice and string quartet (1937), 1 mn 40 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Kantate zu Herrn Meiers erstem Geburtstag for solo voice, viola and piano (1938), Deutscher Verlag für Musik [program note]
- Deutsche Sinfonie for mixed choir, mezzo-soprano, baritone, bass, two reciters and large orchestra (1935-1939, 1947, 1958), 1 h 10 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Lied über den Frieden for mixed choir, mezzo-soprano or baritone and orchestra (1949), 3 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Lied über die Gerechtigkeit for mezzo-soprano or baritone, flute, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, percussion, piano and double bass (1949), Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Nationalhymne der DDR for mixed choir, voice ad libitum and orchestra (1949), 3 mn, Peters
- Rhapsodie for large orchestra and soprano, after Faust II (1949), 11 mn 40 s, Peters
- Lieder nach Texten von Bertolt Brecht for voice and piano (1931-1950), Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Mitte des Jahrhunderts for mixed choir, soprano and large orchestra (1950), 5 mn 10 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Friedenslied for voice, clarinet, banjo or electric guitar, piano and double bass (1951), 3 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Das Lied vom Glück for mixed choir or children's choir, viola and orchestra (1952), 2 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Das Vorbild Triptychon nach Worten von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, for viola voice and orchestra (1951-1952), 8 mn 10 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Winterschlacht-Suite for orchestra (1954, 1959), 17 mn 20 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- Bilder aus der „Kriegsfibel“ for male choir, soprano, tenor, baritone and orchestra (1957), 10 mn 30 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Die Teppichweber von Kujan-Bulak for soprano and orchestra (1957), 7 mn 5 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Ohne Kapitalisten geht es besser / Sputnik for voice, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, percussion, piano and double bass (1957), 3 mn 10 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Sturm-Suite for orchestra (1957), 11 mn 30 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- Ändere die Welt, sie braucht es twenty songs for voice and piano (1930-1958), Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Marsch der Zeit for male choir, solo voice and orchestra (1958), 3 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Der Graben for voice, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, percussion, piano and double bass (1959), 3 mn 50 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Lieder nach Texten von Kurt Tucholsky for voice and piano (1929-1961), Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Ernste Gesänge for baritone and string orchestra (1962), 12 mn 15 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- stage Prélude et chant de la musique de scène de Guillaume Tell (Es lächelt der See), for mezzo-soprano, tenor, bass and orchestra (1962), 4 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- A cappella vocal music
- 3 Männerchöre for male choir (1925), 5 mn, Universal Edition
- Die erfrorenen Soldaten for male choir (1928), 1 mn 40 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Zwei Männerchöre for male choir (1928), 5 mn, Universal Edition
- 2 Stücke for male choir (1929), 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Zwei Männerchöre for male choir (1929), 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Kohlen für Mike for male choir (1930), 2 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Zwei Stücke for mixed choir (1930), 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Gegen den Krieg theme and variation for mixed choir (1936), 11 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Woodbury-Liederbüchlein cycle for women's or children's choir (1941), 20 mn 20 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1962
- Ernste Gesänge for baritone and string orchestra, 12 mn 15 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- stage Prélude et chant de la musique de scène de Guillaume Tell (Es lächelt der See), for mezzo-soprano, tenor, bass and orchestra, 4 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1961
- Lieder nach Texten von Kurt Tucholsky for voice and piano, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1959
- Der Graben for voice, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, percussion, piano and double bass, 3 mn 50 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1958
- Marsch der Zeit for male choir, solo voice and orchestra, 3 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Ändere die Welt, sie braucht es twenty songs for voice and piano, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1957
- Bilder aus der „Kriegsfibel“ for male choir, soprano, tenor, baritone and orchestra, 10 mn 30 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Die Teppichweber von Kujan-Bulak for soprano and orchestra, 7 mn 5 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Ohne Kapitalisten geht es besser / Sputnik for voice, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, percussion, piano and double bass, 3 mn 10 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Sturm-Suite for orchestra, 11 mn 30 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- 1954
- Winterschlacht-Suite for orchestra, 17 mn 20 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- 1952
- Das Lied vom Glück for mixed choir or children's choir, viola and orchestra, 2 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Das Vorbild Triptychon nach Worten von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, for viola voice and orchestra, 8 mn 10 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1951
- Friedenslied for voice, clarinet, banjo or electric guitar, piano and double bass, 3 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1950
- Lieder nach Texten von Bertolt Brecht for voice and piano, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Mitte des Jahrhunderts for mixed choir, soprano and large orchestra, 5 mn 10 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1949
- Lied über den Frieden for mixed choir, mezzo-soprano or baritone and orchestra, 3 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Lied über die Gerechtigkeit for mezzo-soprano or baritone, flute, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, percussion, piano and double bass, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Nationalhymne der DDR for mixed choir, voice ad libitum and orchestra, 3 mn, Peters
- Rhapsodie for large orchestra and soprano, after Faust II, 11 mn 40 s, Peters
- 1948
- Ouvertüre zu einem Lustspiel for flute, oboe, bassoon, harpsichord, two violins, viola, cello and double bass, 3 mn 10 s, Peters
- 1947
- Septett Nr. 2 („Circus“) for flute, clarinet, bassoon, two violins, viola and cello, 18 mn 30 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- 1946
- Fugue in B for piano, 1 mn 45 s
- 1943
- Dritte Sonate for piano, 12 mn 50 s, Peters
- 1942
- Alternative Musik zum Film "The Grapes of Wrath" for orchestra, 14 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1941
- Nonett Nr. 2, 22 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Suite für Septett Nr. 1 (Variationen über amerikanische Kinderlieder), 13 mn 10 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- Variationen for piano, 17 mn 50 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu beschreiben for flute, clarinet, violin or viola, cello and piano, 12 mn 30 s, Peters
- Woodbury-Liederbüchlein cycle for women's or children's choir, 20 mn 20 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1940
- Kammersymphonie, 17 mn 11 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- 1939
- Allegro for orchestra, 15 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Deutsche Sinfonie for mixed choir, mezzo-soprano, baritone, bass, two reciters and large orchestra, 1 h 10 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Nonett Nr. 1, 5 mn 20 s, Peters
- 1938
- Drei Stücke for orchestra, 14 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Fünf Orchesterstücke, 14 mn 50 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Kantate zu Herrn Meiers erstem Geburtstag for solo voice, viola and piano, Deutscher Verlag für Musik [program note]
- Sonate for violin and piano („Reisesonate“), 11 mn 10 s, Peters
- Streichquartett, 13 mn, Peters
- Thema mit Variationen "Der lange Marsch", 7 mn 35 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1937
- 2 Elegien for medium voice and piano, 5 mn, Universal Edition
- Bettellied for solo voice, violin and cello, 1 mn 30 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die Gott-sei-bei-uns-Kantate („Kinderkantate“), for voice, children's choir and string quartet, 4 mn 55 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Die Weißbrot-Kantate for solo voice, two clarinets, viola and cello, 6 mn 40 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Die Zuchthaus-Kantate for solo voice, two clarinets, viola and cello, 4 mn 5 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Die den Mund aufhatten for solo voice, two clarinets, viola and cello, 2 mn 45 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Kantate auf den Tod eines Genossen for female voice, two clarinets, viola and cello, 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Kantate im Exil for female voice, two clarinets, viola and cello, 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Kriegskantate for female voice, two clarinets, viola and cello, 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Lenin (Requiem) for mixed choir, baritone, contralto and orchestra, 14 mn 30 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Nein for solo voice and string quartet, 3 mn 10 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Suite n°1 for orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
- Ulm 1592 for solo voice and string quartet, 1 mn 40 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- 1936
- Gegen den Krieg theme and variation for mixed choir, 11 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1935
- 4 Kantaten for voice and piano, 19 mn, Universal Edition
- Ballade von der ‚Judenhure‘ Marie Sanders for solo voice and ensemble, 2 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Die römische Kantate for voice, two clarinets, viola and cello, 7 mn, Universal Edition
- Sonatensatz for flute, oboe and harp, 4 mn 5 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- 1934
- Invention for orchestra, 5 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Klavierstücke für Kinder, 9 mn, Peters
- Präludium und Fuge über B-A-C-H for string trio, 4 mn 40 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Sieben Klavierstücke, 9 mn 10 s, Peters
- Sonatine (Gradus ad parnassum), 6 mn 40 s, Peters
- Suite n°6 "Le grand jeu", for orchestra, 14 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1933
- Suite n°5 "In the streets", for orchestra, 17 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- 1932
- Die Spaziergänge Das Frühjahr, from the film Kuhle Wampe, for alto voice and ensemble, 2 mn 30 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Kleine Sinfonie, 11 mn 20 s, Verlag Neue Musik
- Lied der Mariken for solo voice and ensemble, 3 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Lied des Kampfbundes Kampflied gegen den Faschismus, for solo voice, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and piano, 2 mn 25 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Solidaritätslied for choir, voice and orchestra, 2 mn 30 s, Peters
- Suite n°3 "Kuhle Wampe", for orchestra, 9 mn 25 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Suite n°4 "Die Jugend hat das Wort", for orchestra, 10 mn 30 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- 1931
- Der heimliche Aufmarsch (Arbeiter, Bauern!) for male choir, baritone and orchestra, 4 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- stage Die Maßnahme for mixed choir, male choir, tenor, three reciters, three trumpets, two horns, two trombones, percussion, piano, 58 mn, Universal Edition
- Die Mutter cantata for voices, choir and two pianos, 40 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Lied vom SA-Mann for solo voice, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and piano, 3 mn 25 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Suite n°2 "Niemandsland", for orchestra, 9 mn
- 1930
- Anrede an den Kran "Karl" for voice and ensemble, 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Ballade vom Nigger Jim for voice and ensemble, 3 mn, Universal Edition
- Ballade vom Soldaten for solo voice, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and piano, 2 mn 50 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Ballade von den Baumwollpflückern for four-part male choir, baritone, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, banjo, percussion, piano and double bass, 3 mn, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Ballade von den Säckeschmeißern for solo voice, alto and tenor saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion, banjo and piano, 3 mn 20 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Ballade von der Krüppelgarde for voice and ensemble, 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Kohlen für Mike for male choir, 2 mn 25 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Potpourri über russische Volkslieder for orchestra, 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Song von Angebot und Nachfrage for voice and ensemble, 4 mn, Universal Edition
- Zwei Etüden for orchestra, 8 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- Zwei Stücke for mixed choir, 8 mn, Universal Edition
- 1929
- 2 Stücke for male choir, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- 4 Stücke for mixed choir, narrator, snare drum and cymbals ad libitum, 10 mn, Universal Edition
- Lied der Bergarbeiter for one-part choir, solo voice ad libitum and small orchestra, 2 mn 55 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Stempellied Lied der Arbeitslosen, for solo voice, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and piano, 3 mn 10 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Tempo der Zeit for contralto, bass, narrator, mixed choir, wind instruments and percussion, 20 mn, Universal Edition
- Wohltätigkeit for solo voice, two clarinets, alto saxophone, two trumpets, trombone, percussion, banjo, piano and double bass, 3 mn 10 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Zwei Männerchöre for male choir, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- 1928
- Auf den Straßen zu singen for mixed choir and snare drum, 5 mn, Universal Edition
- Die erfrorenen Soldaten for male choir, 1 mn 40 s, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Zwei Männerchöre for male choir, 5 mn, Universal Edition
- 1926
- Tagebuch des Hanns Eisler for soprano, mezzo-soprano, viola, tenor, violin and piano, 17 mn, Universal Edition
- Zeitungsausschnitte for high voice and piano, 12 mn, Universal Edition
- 1925
- 3 Männerchöre for male choir, 5 mn, Universal Edition
- Klavierstücke, 14 mn 15 s, Peters
- Sonate for piano in the form of variations, 8 mn 45 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- 1924
- 1923
- 4 Klavierstücke for piano, 10 mn, Universal Edition
- Divertimento for wind quintet, 8 mn, Universal Edition
- Sonate for piano, 13 mn 10 s, Universal Edition
- 1922
- 6 Lieder for high voice and piano, 8 mn, Universal Edition
- 1920
- Scherzo for string trio, 3 mn 45 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Date de composition inconnue
- Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe ten songs of stage music for voice and piano, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
- Für Österreichs Freiheit for voice and piano, Universal Edition
- Schweyk im zweiten Weltkrieg twelve songs of stage music for voice and two pianos, Deutscher Verlag für Musik
Liens Internet
- Liste complète et actualisée des enregistrements d’œuvres de Hanns Eisler : http://www.hanns-eisler.de/index.php/de/cds
- Filmographie, liste complète et actualisée : http://www.hanns-eisler.de/index.php/de/filme/filmografie
- Liste exhaustive et mise à jour des publications sur Eisler sur le site de la Société Hanns Eisler : http://www.hanns-eisler.com/index.php/de/literatur/literaturliste
- Revue Eisler Mitteilungen éditée par la Hanns Eisler Internationale Gesellschaft : http://www.hanns-eisler.com/index.php/de/eislermitteilungen
(liens vérifiés en juin 2020).
Bibliographie sélective
Écrits et entretiens du compositeur
- Gesammelte Werke, éd. de Nathan Notowicz, Stephanie Eisler et Günter Mayer, 9 volumes, Leipzig, Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1968-1988. Série 3 consacrée aux écrits. Vol. 1 :Schriften 1924-1948(édité également séparément par Günter Mayer, Munich, Rogner & Bernhard, 1973). Vol. 2 :Schriften 1948-1962,Vol. 3 :Musik und Politik: Schriften, Addenda. Vol. 4 :Komposition für den Film. Vol. 7 :Gespräche mit Hans Bunge (vol. 5 et 6 non parus).
- Schriften.Serie 9 de laGesamtausgabe(HEGA), Wiesbaden, Breitkopf & Härtel, 2010. Volumes déjà parus : vol. 1,1 :Gesammelte Schriften 1931-1935, éd. Tobias Fasshauer et Günter Mayer. Vol 4,1 :Briefe 1907-1943, éd. Maren Köster. Vol 4,2 :Briefe 1944-1951, éd. Jürgen Schebera et Maren Köster.
- Theodor W. ADORNO, Hanns EISLER, Komposition für den Film. Édition la plus récente par Johannes C. Gall avec DVD « Hanns Eislers Rockefeller-Filmmusik-Projekt 1940–1942 », Francfort-sur-le-Main, Suhrkamp, 2006. Traduction française de Jean-Pierre Hammer : Musique de cinéma, Paris, L’Arche, 1972. Édition allemande : Komposition für den Film, Berlin, Henschelverlag, 1949. Édition originale : Composing for the Films, New York, Oxford University Press, 1947.
- Ernst BLOCH, Hanns EISLER, « Avantgarde-Kunst und Volksfront », Die neue Weltbühne, 50 (1937), p. 1568-1573. Traduction française de Jean-Louis Besson et Jean Jourdheuil : « Art d’avant-garde et front populaire », Travail théâtral, 28-29 (1977), p. 26-30.
- Ernst BLOCH, Hanns EISLER, « Die Kunst zu erben », Die Neue Weltbühne, 1 (1938), p. 13-18.
- Hans Joachim BUNGE, Fragen Sie mehr über Brecht, Hanns Eisler im Gespräch, Munich, Rogner & Bernhard, 1970.
- Hanns EISLER, Johann Faustus, Berlin, Aufbau-Verlag, 1952. Traduction française d’Irène Bonnaud et Jörg Stickan : Johann Faustus, Paris, Éditions théâtrales, 2003.
- Nathan NOTOWICZ (éd.), Wir reden hier nicht über Napoleon. Wir reden von Ihnen! Gespräche mit Hanns Eisler und Gerhart Eisler, Berlin, Verlag Neue Musik, 1971.
Sélection d’ouvrages et d’articles sur Hanns Eisler
- Albrecht BETZ, Musique et politique. Hanns Eisler : la musique d’un monde en gestation, traduit de Hans Hildenbrand, Paris, Le Sycomore, 1982. Édition allemande :Musik und Politik. Hanns Eisler. Musik einer Zeit, die sich eben bildet , Munich, Edition Text + Kritik, 1976.
- Bertolt BRECHT, « Textes sur la musique », traduction de Bernard Banoun, Écrits sur le théâtre, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Bibliothèque de laPléiade », 2000, p. 699-732.
- Hans BUNGE, Die Debatte um Hanns Eislers Johann Faustus : eine Dokumentation, Berlin, BasisDruck, 1991.
- Peter DAVIES, « Hanns Eisler’s “Faustus” Libretto and the Problem of East German National Identity », Music & Letters, LXXXI/4 (2000), p. 585-598.
- Fritz HENNENBERG (éd.), Brecht-Lieder-Buch, Francfort-sur-le-Main, Suhrkamp, 1984.
- Pascal HUYNH, La Musique sous la République de Weimar, Paris, Fayard, 1998.
- Eberhardt KLEMM, Hanns Eisler: für Sie porträtiert von Eberhardt Klemm, Leipzig, Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1973.
- Harmut KRONES (dir.), Hanns Eisler. Ein Komponist ohne Heimat?, Vienne, Böhlau, 2012.
- Francine MAIER-SCHAEFFER, « “La mort est le masque de la révolution, la révolution est le masque de la mort.” La Décision de Bertolt Brecht à la lumière de sa genèse et de ses réécritures », dans La Révolution mise en scène, Rennes, PUR, 2012, p. 255-268.
- Jürgen SCHEBERA, Hanns Eisler. Eine Bildbiographie, Berlin, Henschelverlag, 1981.
- Jürgen SCHEBERA, Hanns Eisler. Eine Biographie in Texten, Bildern und Dokumenten, Mayence, Schott, 1998.
- Jean-François TRUBERT, « Quel Gestus pour quelle révolution ? Brecht, Eisler et l’emploi de la musique », dans Francine MAIER-SCHAEFFER et al. (dir.), La Révolution mise en scène, Rennes, PUR, 2012, p. 269-286.
- Friedericke WISSMANN, Hanns Eisler. Komponist, Weltbürger, Revolutionär, Munich, Verlag Elke Heidenreich, 2012.
- Coffret « Hanns Eisler Edition » en 14 CDs, Berlin Classics, 1996.
Interviews enregistrées
- Dokumente I à IV , 4 CD, Berlin Classics, 1996, 0090582BC.
- Der Brecht und ich – Hanns Eisler in Gesprächen und Liedern, Berlin Classics, 2006, 0017962BC.