Works / By title
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3198 works beginning with d
Isabel Mundry (1963) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- stage Das Mädchen aus der Fremde for actors, dancers, choir and orchestra, performed in collaboration with Reinhild Hoffmann (dance), 25 mn, Lemoine [program note]
Isabel Mundry (1963) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Die Vorüberlaufenden for flute, bass clarinet and cello, 10 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Bernard Parmegiani (1927-2013) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Dedans-Dehors concert music for electronics, 22 mn [program note]
- elec Des Mots et des Sons concert music for electronics, 19 mn [program note]
- elec Des mouches et des hommes stage music
- elec Démons et des Mots concert music for electronics, 25 mn [program note]
Hèctor Parra Esteve (1976) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- stage Das geopferte Leben chamber opera, 1 h 30 mn, Durand
- De lejos for baritone and piano, taken from Arena, 6 mn, Editorial Tritó
- Deux chansons catalanes des Pyrénées educational piece for organ, 2 mn 30 s, Éditions Delatour
Harry Partch (1901-1974) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Daphne of the Dunes for instrumental ensemble, 12 mn
- Dark Brother for voice, chromelodeon, adapted viola and kithara, 8 mn
- Delusion of the Fury - a Ritual of Dream and Delusion « Drame dansé », for three main actors and an ensemble, 1 h 15 mn
Olivier Pasquet (1974) Biography Documentary resources
- elec ircam Damned for saxophone and live electronics, 16 mn
- elec ircam Dessiner sur Papier installation in collaboration with Thorsten Streichardt
- elec Deutschfieber electronic music, 1 h 20 mn
- elec Dual Coronagraphs (mkII) generative sound and light installation for two projectors, smoke, and eight speakers
- elec stage das giftige chamäleon I musical theater, 40 mn
Frédéric Pattar (1969) Biography Documentary resources
- Deflation - Eine Kleine Marxmusike for instrumental ensemble, 17 mn
- Deux chansons enchevêtrées for bass flute and cello, 6 mn
- Duel for two violins, 6 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Délie ! for solo violin, 9 mn, Inédit
- Démocratie outdoor music for a minimum of nine performers, 11 mn
- drink me for cello-singer, 7 mn
Brice Pauset (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- De Aeternitate for solo soprano, 9 mn, Lemoine [program note]
- De Felicitate for solo soprano, 3 mn, Lemoine [program note]
- De prolatione (canon) for solo percussion, 20 mn, partition retirée du catalogue [program note]
- Deux chaconnes for solo viola, 9 mn, Lemoine [program note]
- Dictynna serenade for soprano and three violins, 6 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
Brice Pauset (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Demosthenes on the Seashore for mixed choir, 6 mn, Lemoine [program note]
- Deux corps (Galathée a l'usine) for 8 voices and two ensembles, 20 mn, Lemoine [program note]
Brice Pauset (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Das Dornröschen for choir, string quartet and orchestra, 30 mn, Lemoine
- Die Tänzerin - Symphonie V for large orchestra, 15 mn, Lemoine [program note]
- stage Die alte Frau Prelude to L'Or du Rhin by Richard Wagner, 30 mn, Lemoine
- stage Drei Nornen Prelude to Siegfried by Richard Wagner, 30 mn, Lemoine
Ofer Pelz (1978) Biography Documentary resources
- Do Bats Eat Cats? for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, double bass, piano and percussion, 12 mn, BabelScores
Michael Pelzel (1978) Biography Documentary resources
- Danses oniriques for ensemble, Inédit
- Dreamland for choir and orchestra, Inédit
Arvo Pärt (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Da pacem Domine for choir and orchestra, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Da pacem Domine for choir and solo voices a cappella, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Da pacem Domine for choir and string orchestra, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Da pacem Domine for string quartet, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Da pacem Domine for string orchestra, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Da pacem Domine for eight cellos, 6 mn, Universal Edition
- Darf ich ... for solo violin, bell in C sharp ad lib. and strings, 3 mn, Universal Edition
- De profundis ... for male choir, percussion ad libitum and organ, 7 mn, Universal Edition
- De profundis ... for male choir and chamber orchestra, 7 mn, Universal Edition
- Diagramme op. 11 for piano, 4 mn, Sikorski
- Dopo la vittoria Piccola cantata, for mixed choir a cappella, 11 mn, Universal Edition
- Drei Hirtenkinder aus Fátima for mixed choir, Universal Edition
Thierry Pécou (1965) Biography Documentary resources
- Danzón for flute, 4 mn