Works / By title
3198 works beginning with d
Michael Nyman (1944) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
De Granada A La Luna for large ensemble, 6 mn, Chester Music
Dead Man's Catch (from Drowning by Numbers) for large ensemble, 3 mn, Chester Music
Deep Sleep Playing (from The Piano) for piano, 2 mn, Chester Music
Delft Waltz (from A Zed and Two Noughts) for large ensemble, 3 mn, Chester Music
Digital Tragedy (from Enemy Zero) for piano, 3 mn, Chester Music
Doing the Rounds for voices and orchestra, 25 mn, Chester Music
Dreams of a Journey (The Piano) for large ensemble, Chester Music
Drowning by Number 2 (from Drowning by Numbers) for large group, 6 mn, Chester Music
Drowning by Number 3 (from Drowning by Numbers) for large group, 4 mn, Chester Music
Per Nørgård (1932) Biography Documentary resources
elec D'monstrantz Vöögeli for mixed choir and electronics, 15 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Daggry for soprano, flute and guitar, 5 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Dansere omkring Jupiter for saxophone quartet, 12 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Day and Night for bass, piano and cello ad libitum, 4 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Day's Early Nightmare - Albumblad til Ib 10-11 ways to describe a beginning, for string quartet, 2 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
De 8 søjler (Ophav og afkom) & Helle fra 'Tritoner' for piano, Wilhelm Hansen
De Vilde Svaner for bass, violin and cello, 2 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Delta for saxophone, cello and piano, 20 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
elec Den Foruroligende Aelling for mixed chorus, with electronics and CD, 25 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Den afbrudte sang for choir and instruments, 30 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Den fjerde dag for mixed choir and ensemble, 12 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
elec Den fortryllede skov for tape or two separate tapes, 12 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
stage Den uendelige sang opera for 4 sopranos, 3 contraltos, 2 tenors, 2 baritones, narrator and ensemble, 60 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Der var engang en sommerdag for voice and piano, 2 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
elec stage Det Guddommelige Tivoli opera for voices all also dancing, amplified cello, six percussionists and synthesizer, 2 h, Wilhelm Hansen
Det er bare noget han bilder sig ind (It's All His Fancy That) for trumpet, trombone and piano, 24 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Det er ikke til at bære operetta for ensemble, 60 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Det er så yndigt, Den signede dag, At følges ad for oboe, horn, trumpet and trombone, 3 mn 18 s, Wilhelm Hansen
Det sejler-valsen (1996) for clarinet, piccolo, trumpet and bass drum, 27 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Det skete i de dage for children's choir and instruments, 12 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Diptychon for violin and piano, 9 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Doing for ensemble, 5 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Doing second version, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Dommen for soli, choir, children's choir and youth orchestra, 50 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Dream Play for orchestra, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Dream Songs for mixed choir, 13 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Drømmeduo for contralto, baritone, piano and accordion, 16 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Drømmesange for female choir and percussion ad libitum, 13 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Drømmespil for chamber orchestra, 10 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Du skal plante et træ for mixed choir or female choir, 60 s, Wilhelm Hansen
elec Duo-recitativer til "Ildnatten" for soprano, baritone, percussion and tape, Wilhelm Hansen
Michael Obst (1955) Biography
Samir Odeh-Tamimi (1970) Biography Documentary resources
Helmut Oehring (1961) Biography Documentary resources
Michael Oesterle (1968) Biography
Maurice Ohana (1913-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources