Works / By title
3809 works beginning with l
Yan Maresz (1966) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Alexandros Markeas (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
stage L'harmonie du tout-monde for orchestra, music for a choreography by Marion Ballester
elec stage L'idée du Nord music for the show by Benoît Giros (after Glenn Gould), for piano and electronics
L'ombre du zèbre for two ensembles (quintet and jazz quintet)
stage La Mouette music for the show by Claire Lasne
stage La cavale opera for children's choir
stage La fontaine des malchanceux for narrator, children's choir and orchestra, 10 mn, Billaudot
elec stage La génisse et le pythagoricien music for the show by Jean-François Peyret, for piano, violin, viola, two MIDI pianos and broadcasting device
La leçon de musique ! for mezzo-soprano, counter-tenor, children's choir and six musicians
La nuit cyclique for 6 players, music for the short film by George Walker (1996)
La paix ! for a singer and children's choir a cappella, 15 mn, Billaudot
stage La querelle des muses musical show for children, for six instruments, a singer and children's choir, 60 mn
stage La vallée de l'étonnement opera
La voix et ses avatars Installation - musical performance, for four singers and four instrumentalists
elec stage Le Cas de Sophie K music for the show by Jean-François Peyret, for piano and electronics
stage Le bleu des voix cycle of melodies for choir and ensemble
elec stage Le chant quotidien cycle of melodies after Ghérasim Luca, for baritone, instrumental quartet and video
Le retour du loup educational piece, for orchestra and narrator
elec ircam stage Les Variations Darwin music for the show by Jean-François Peyret, 2 h
stage Les hommes le dimanche music for the silent film by Robert Siodmak, for six musicians
stage Les oiseaux musical show for children, for children's double choirs, percussion and string orchestra, 50 mn, Billaudot
elec Logos et Phonê for four spatialized euphoniums
Loukanikos, (vie et mort d'un chien rebelle) for tuba and percussion
elec Légendes for large ensemble of galoubets-tambourines and electronics
Jug Marković (1987) Biography Documentary resources
Lulluby for soprano, clarinet and piano, 4 mn 30 s
Frederick Martin (1958) Biography Documentary resources
Laurent Martin (1959) Biography Documentary resources
Lento for ehru (Chinese violin), cello and bass clarinet, 6 mn
elec Légendes concerto for violin, eight solo voices, ensemble and electronics, 45 mn
Benedict Mason (1954) Biography Documentary resources
Christian Mason (1984) Biography Documentary resources
Martin Matalon (1958) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec ircam La rosa profunda (Monedas de Hierro) a musical journey on texts by Jorge Luis Borges, for narrator, ensemble and electronics, 45 mn, Inédit
elec La Carta for mezzo-soprano, clarinet, accordion, percussion and electronic device, 16 mn, Billaudot
elec La Makina for two pianos, two percussions and electronics, 25 mn, Billaudot
elec stage La Rosa... for mezzo-soprano, narrator, accordion, instrumental ensemble and electronic device, 1 h 5 mn, Billaudot
La cifra for flute, cello, piano and percussion, 13 mn, Eschig
La légende de M. Chance musical tale, for orchestra, 40 mn, Billaudot
elec Las siete vidas de un gato for eight musicians and electronics, music for Un Chien Andalou by Luis Buñuel, 18 mn, Eschig
stage Le Miracle Secret chamber opera, for five voices and ten instruments, 45 mn, Ricordi
elec ircam Le Tunnel sous l'Atlantique music for a televirtuality event between the Center Pompidou and the Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art, 40 mn, Inédit
elec ircam Le scorpion music for the film L'Age d'or by Luis Buñuel, for six percussions, two pianos and electronics, 1 h 7 mn, Billaudot
Les Caramba for six percussions, 4 mn 30 s, Billaudot
Lignes de fuite for orchestra, 18 mn, Billaudot
Lineas de agua for eight cellos, 12 mn, Billaudot
Loop & épilogue for piano, accordion and cello, 6 mn, Billaudot
stage L’ombre de Venceslao opera in two acts, 1 h 25 mn, Billaudot