Works / By title
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705 works beginning with u
Robin De Raaff (1968) Biography Documentary resources
- Un visage d'emprunt for clarinet, violin, cello and piano, 16 mn
- Unisono for large orchestra, 18 mn
- Untangled Tales for large orchestra, 8 mn
Paul Dessau (1894-1979) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Und was bekam des Soldaten Weib? for voice and piano, Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
- Unternehmen Teutonenschwert music for the film by Annelie and Andrew Thorndike, Inédit
- stage Urfaust stage music, Inédit
- Urlaub auf Sylt music for the film Annelie and Andrew Thorndike (1957), Inédit, manuscrit perdu
- Übt Solidarität! for voice, Internationale Musikleihbibliothek
Francis Dhomont (1926-2023) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Un autre Printemps acousmatic music, 6 mn 8 s
James Dillon (1950) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Überschreiten for ensemble, 24 mn, Peters
Lanqing Ding (1990) Documentary resources
- Un for 12 musicians
Paul-Heinz Dittrich (1930-2020) Biography
- Ursonate concerto for piano and wind and percussion ensemble, 29 mn, Peters
Milica Djordjević (1984) Biography Documentary resources
- u dnu kamena for clarinet / bass clarinet, piano and string quintet
- umeš li ti da laješ? ne-komunikacija za solo kontrabas ver. 2.1.1
Hannes Dufek (1984) Biography Documentary resources
- Unstern I-V for soprano and ensemble, 13 mn, Verlag Neue Musik
- una flor for solo piano, Verlag Neue Musik
Denis Dufour (1953) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Un petit qui t'aime for six percussions and audio support, 15 mn 30 s, Opus 53
- elec Une abeille et une perle concert music for acousmonium, 13 mn 22 s, Opus 53
Hugues Dufourt (1943) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Uneasiness for string quartet, 20 mn, Lemoine
- Ur-Geräusch for large orchestra, 30 mn, Lemoine
François Dufrêne (1930-1982) Biography Documentary resources
- elec U 47 improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 3 mn 57 s
- elec Un certain cimetière marin reading-collage (voice and music from records)
- elec Un retour à mes sources improvisation on tape from recorded vocal poetry, 10 mn 22 s
Aurélien Dumont (1980) Biography Documentary resources
- Un moins un moins un miniature for soprano, piano and guitar
- Une rumeur coule sous tes pas. Il scintille... for organ and wind quartet, 10 mn about [program note]
- elec Un regret de bouillabaisse for cello, conductor (or actor) and electronics, 15 mn, Éditions musicales Artchipel
Joël-François Durand (1954) Biography
- Un Feu distinct for piano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, 15 mn, Durand [program note]
- elec Un chant lointain for electronic chime, 4 mn, pas d'éditeur
Frédéric Durieux (1959) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Übersicht II for tenor saxophone, 16 mn, Rai Trade
- Übersicht Ia for solo baritone saxophone, 6 mn, Rai Trade
- Übersicht Ib for tenor saxophone, 6 mn, Rai Trade
- Laurent Durupt (1978) Biography Documentary resources
Pascal Dusapin (1955) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Umbrae mortis for mixed choir, 5 mn, Salabert
- Uncut solo n° 7 pour orchestre, 11 mn, Salabert
Aurélio Edler-Copes (1976) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Unity for amplified voice, 10 mn
- Untitled for eight musicians, 10 mn
- Untitled-November 2011 for six musicians, 10 mn
Aaron Einbond (1978) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Unspeakable Home performed installation for flute, bass clarinet, violin, viola, percussion, piano, and electronics
Hanns Eisler (1898-1962) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Ulm 1592 for solo voice and string quartet, 1 mn 40 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
Halim El-Dabh (1921-2017) Biography Documentary resources
- elec stage Unnatural Acts for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, marimba and electronics
Sivan Eldar (1985) Biography Documentary resources
- Una Mujer Derramada for voice and orchestra, 10 mn, Durand
Peter Eötvös (1944-2024) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- UNICEF Ein Fünffingerstück, um eine Geschichte zu erfinden, children's piece, for piano, 60 s, Schott
- Un taxi l'attend, mais Tchékhov préfère aller à pied. for solo piano, 2 mn, Schott
Luis de Pablo (1930-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Un diálogo cordial for two clarinets in B flat, 3 mn, Suvini Zerboni
- Un día tan solo for a flautist and a clarinetist, 6 mn, Suvini Zerboni
- stage Un parque one-act chamber opera, 60 mn, Suvini Zerboni
- Una cantata perdida for soprano, double bass and percussion, based on Fernando Pessoa, 25 mn, Suvini Zerboni
- Une couleur... for saxophones and orchestra, 23 mn, Suvini Zerboni
- Une couleur... for clarinet and orchestra, 23 mn, Suvini Zerboni