Works / By type
- Unspecified instrumentation
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- Solo (excluding voice)
Chamber music
Sextet and larger ensembles
- Other sextets and larger ensembles with diverse instrumentation
- Winds, keyboard, percussion, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds, keyboard, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and keyboard - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and percussion - 6 or more musicians
- Strings, 6 or more musicians, with or without keyboard
- Percussion and/or keyboard, 6 or more musicians
- Winds, 6 or more musicians
- Unspecified instruments, 6 or more musicians
- Quintet
- Quartet
- Trio
- Duo
Sextet and larger ensembles
Instrumental ensemble music
- Orchestral music
Instrumental ensemble, one to a part
- Non-standard mixed instrumental ensemble
- Mixed instrumental ensemble with instruments from all families
- Instrumental ensemble of the same family
- Unspecified or undetermined instrumental ensemble
Concertant music
- 4 or more soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 3 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 2 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- Other solo instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Bowed strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Plucked strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Keyboard and ensemble/orchestra
- Percussion and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo brass instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo woodwind instrument and ensemble/orchestra
Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s), solo instrument(s) and ensemble/orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble
Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and solo instrument
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and plucked strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and keyboard
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and percussion
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and wind instrument
- A cappella vocal music
3990 works for Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
Pierre Henry (1927-2017) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Chroniques terriennes, 1 h 2 mn
- elec Continuo ou vision d'un futur, 50 mn about
- elec Crescendo, 1 h 4 mn 47 s
- elec Fanfare et arc-en-ciel for loudspeaker orchestra, 20 mn
- elec Fragments rituels, 1 h 5 mn 44 s
- elec Le fil de la vie
- elec Sahara aujourd'hui music for the film by Pierre Gout and Pierre Schwah
- elec Un monde lacéré for electroacoustic device, 46 mn 5 s, pas d'éditeur [program note]
Arnulf Herrmann (1968) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Orchestrion music for eight speakers, Inédit
Jean-Luc Hervé (1960) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec ircam BIOTOPE fearful acousmatic device
- elec Carré magique fearful acousmatic device
- elec Dedans/dehors radio play, 40 mn
- elec Effet lisière musical installation, for two violins and live electronics, video and lights, 50 mn, Suvini Zerboni [program note]
- Les oiseaux for solo tape, 8 mn, Inédit
Anders Hillborg (1954) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Kama Loka Overture to The Ghost Sonata by August Strindberg, 6 mn, Swedish Music Information Center
- elec Living Room music for electronic media, 25 mn, Swedish Music Information Center
- elec Mentalhygien III electronic music, 5 mn, Swedish Music Information Center
- elec Prologue electronic music, from the film Friends, 3 mn 40 s, édition du compositeur
- elec Rite of Passage music for electronic media, 12 mn, Swedish Music Information Center
- elec stage The Ghost Sonata incidental music for Strindberg's play The Ghost Sonata, 22 mn 32 s, Swedish Music Information Center
- elec The Giveaway tape music, composed for the film Pass by Mikael Södersten, 6 mn, édition du compositeur
Mayu Hirano (1979) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Garden for electronics
Juliana Hodkinson (1971) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Allerleirauh solo live electronics, 8 mn
- elec HAUCH Sonic Footprint multichannel, with the voices of Neue Vocalsolisten, 10 mn
- elec La coquille et le clergyman/ The priest and the shell solo live electronics, 31 mn
- elec Laznia solo live electronics, 4 mn
- elec Mythology installation
- elec Paperweight Arcade solo live electronics, 10 mn
- elec Stoneship interactive installation
- elec Ten Minutes Older solo live electronics, 10 mn
Heinz Holliger (1939) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Introïtus for tape, 8 mn 29 s, Inédit
Toshio Hosokawa (1955) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Nemuru Otoko (Sleeping Man) music for the film by Kohei Sugiura
- Shi no Toge (Sting of Death) music for the film by Kohei Sugiura
Nicolaus A. Huber (1939) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Aion for three-track tape and noise, Inédit
- elec Anerkennung und Aufhebung for four films, four-track tape and various mirrors ad lib., Bärenreiter
David Hudry (1978) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Passeggiata sound installation for eight to fourteen speakers, 35 mn
Chia Hui Chen (1986) Biography Documentary resources
- elec ircam stage Déjà la nuit tombait (fragments de l’Iliade) music for the play by Daniel Jeanneteau, 60 mn [program note]
Maija Hynninen (1977) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Aina on tänään - It is always today radioplay for 2-24 channels, 28 mn
- elec Kide for tape (6 channels), 6 mn 30 s
York Höller (1944) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Horizont for quadraphonic tape, 11 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Clara Iannotta (1983) Biography Documentary resources
- elec skull ark, upturned with no mast installation for 4 performers, lights, movements, objects and electronics, 35 mn
Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022) Biography Documentary resources
- Dimensions for pipe organ, 15 mn
- elec Environmental Music 1, 2 and 3 electronic music, 1 h 30 mn
- elec Life Music electronic music, Peters
- elec Mandalama electronic music, 3 mn
- Music for Electronic Metronome for 3 to 7 players, Peters
- elec Parallel Music electronic music, Peters
- elec The World electronic music, 23 mn
- elec Theater Music electronic music, 6 mn
- elec Tokyo 1969 electronic music, 15 mn