Works / By type
3990 works for Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
Olga Neuwirth (1968) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec ircam ...le temps désenchanté... ou dialogue aux enfers sound and visual installation, outdoor electroacoustic project with screening of extracts from the film Paris qui dort by René Clair, 10 mn, Inédit
Canon of Funny Phases animated short film by Flora and Olga Neuwirth in the shape of a cannon broadcast on 16 screens accompanied by music, 8 mn
Das Vaterspiel music for the film by Michael Glawogger, 15 mn
elec Der Jäger Gracchus theater music for the play by Franz Kafka
Diagonal Symphonie music for the silent film by Viking Eggeling, 9 mn
elec Die Schöpfung film music, with Elfriede Jelinek and Olga Neuwirth
elec ircam Disenchanted Island visual and sound installation (Ambisonics)
ERIK(A) music for the Kurt Mayer film
Fünf Stück Filmmusik for the Quay Brothers short film, 7 mn
Glienicker Brücke music soundtrack by Butch Morris and Olga Neuwirth, based on an Idea of Olga Neuwirth, and directed by Olga Neuwirth
Jogging music by Butch Morris and Olga Neuwirth for the film by Josef Dabernig, 11 mn
No more secrets, no more lies music video by Dominique-Gonsales Foerster for three songs with Georgette Dee, 15 mn
Soundcases of memory sound installation
Talking houses sound installation
The Long Rain music for the film by Michael Kreihsl, based on Ray Bradbury, 47 mn
elec stage Undine geht theatrical music for the play by Ingeborg Bachmann
elec Unsichtbarer Peter radio play
…durch Luft und Meer… movie soundtrack, 32 mn
…le temps désenchanté... ou dialogue aux enfer sound installation
…miramondo multiplo… film and music by Olga Neuwirth, 18 mn
…miramondo multiplo… sound installation and film, 18 mn
Serge Nigg (1924-2008) Biography Documentary resources
Green Cross musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
L'étranger musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
La brune et la blonde musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
La tapisserie de Bayeux musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
Le Combat dans l’Ile music for Alain Cavalier's film, Inédit
Le théâtre du crime musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
Les révoltes de la Marie-longue musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
Peter Ibbetson musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
Pougatcheff musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
Qui êtes-vous, M. Sorge music for the film by Yves Ciampi, Inédit
Sentiments de Paris musical illustration for a radio play, Inédit
Ricardo Nillni (1960) Biography Documentary resources
elec Blossom Electroacoustic music for the film of the same name, 2 mn
elec Contrapunto electroacoustic music for the film of the same name, 3 mn
elec Detras...Detour for magnetic tape, 13 mn
elec Entropogel for magnetic tape, 14 mn
elec Le Mal qui foudroie en plein Bonheur Electroacoustic music for the video film of the same name, 6 mn
elec On Swings and Folds acousmatic piece, 15 mn
elec Papirolas Electroacoustic music for the film of the same name, 5 mn
elec Portées disparues Electroacoustic music for the film of the same name, 6 mn
elec Resonare Fibris Electroacoustic music for the video film of the same name., 7 mn
elec Sistina Electroacoustic music for the film of the same name, 5 mn
elec Sistina acousmatic piece, 18 mn
elec Sonambula for magnetic tape, 18 mn
elec Tranches de Vie fixed sounds for sound installation, 45 mn
elec Transit electroacoustic music for the film of the same name, 5 mn
elec VOX Electroacoustic music for the film of the same name, 5 mn
elec Veladuras for magnetic tape, 10 mn
elec Via Aerea Electroacoustic music for the film of the same name, 5 mn
Via Dolorosa Electroacoustic music for the video of the same name