Works / By type
3990 works for Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec 50-50 1 Heads for 2-track tape, 19 mn
elec 50-50 2 Tails for 2-track tape, 19 mn
A Gathering of Voices for a crowd of voices and two tape recorders
elec A Little Noise in the System for 2-track tape, 30 mn
elec Alien Bog for 2-track tape, 33 mn
elec Beautiful Soop for 2-track tape, 27 mn
elec Big Mother is Watching You for 2-track tape, 33 mn, Smith Publications
elec Big Road With Bird Call Patch for 2-track tape, 33 mn
elec Big Slow Bog for 2-track tape, 32 mn
elec Bog Bog for 2-track tape, 33 mn
elec Boone Bog for 2-track tape, 32 mn
elec Climactic Climate: Environmental Dialogue radio broadcast
elec Contendors for 2-track tape
elec Cyber Talk for electronics
elec Dear John: A Canon on the Name of Cage for electronics
elec stage Engineers Delight for performers and four turntables
elec Events for soundtrack, audience participation
elec In Memoriam Nikola Tesla, Cosmic Engineer for live electronics
elec Lion's Tale for sampler
elec Listen Edgemar sound installation
elec Listening for Life for 2-track tape
elec Live Electronic Piece for Merce Cunningham's Dance for live electronics
elec stage Lysistrata for 2-track tape
elec Mewsack for 2-track tape, 32 mn
elec Mills Bog for 2-track tape
elec Mind Big for 2-track tape, 33 mn
Moving Spaces for 5.1 surround sound system
elec Murphy Mixup for laptop orchestra, Deep Listening Publications.
elec Music for Expo for multitrack tape
elec Once Again / Buchla Piece for 2-track tape, 19 mn
elec Participle Dangling in Honor of Gertrude Stein for mobile, film and 2 tracks tape
elec Please Don't Shoot the Piano Player, He's Doing the Best He Can multimedia room
elec Portraits for interprets with computer generated scores
elec Postcard Theatre multimedia piece for a performer, 12 mn
elec Red Horse Headache for 2-track tape, 21 mn
elec Some Sound Observations for 2-track tape
elec stage The Bath for dancers and echo system
elec The Flaming Indian for tape recorder and microphone
elec The Indefinite Integral of Psi Star Psi d Tau = One multimedia piece
elec What to do multimedia piece for two or more performers, Smith Publications
Daphne Oram (1925-2003) Biography Documentary resources
elec Bird of Parallax electronic music, 12 mn 58 s
elec Contrasts Esconic for piano and Oramics, 8 mn 15 s
elec Episode Metallic for magnetic tape, 5 mn 28 s
elec Four Aspects electronic music, 8 mn 6 s
elec Pompie Ballet electronic music, 3 mn 35 s
elec Pulse Persephone electronic music, 4 mn 2 s
elec Rockets in Ursa Major electronic music for the radio play by Fred and Geoffrey Hoyle, 9 mn 44 s
elec Rockets in Ursa Major (excerpt 1) electronic music for the radio play by Fred Hoyle, 4 mn 54 s
elec Rockets in Ursa Major (excerpt 2) electronic music for the radio play by Fred Hoyle, 1 mn 22 s
elec Rockets in Ursa Major (excerpt 3) electronic music for the radio play by Fred Hoyle, 3 mn 28 s