Works / By specific formation
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16011 works out of 51359
- « Jägargossen » for voice and piano (1891) / Jean Sibelius
- « Je natten » for voice and piano (1903) / Jean Sibelius
- « Kaiutar » for voice and piano (1913), 4 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Kom peche flickan ifran alsklings » for voice and piano (1901), 4 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Kyssen forstaden » for voice and piano (1901), 3 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Kyssen » for voice and piano (1913) / Jean Sibelius
- « Lastu lainehilla » for voice and piano (1902), 2 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Lenzgesang » for voice and piano (1906) / Jean Sibelius
- « Liten Lasse » for voice and piano (1902), Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Men min fågel märks dock icke » for voice and piano (1899) / Jean Sibelius
- « Morgon hjärtats » for voice and piano (1892), Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Nu så kommer julen » (« À présent, Noël vient ») for solo voice and piano (1913) / Jean Sibelius
- « Nu står jul vid snöig port » (« Noël frappe à la porte enneigée ») for solo voice and piano (1913) / Jean Sibelius
- « Och hans harpolekaren » for voice and piano (1904) / Jean Sibelius
- « Orions bälte » for voice and piano (1914) / Jean Sibelius
- « På verandan vid havet » for voice and piano (1903) / Jean Sibelius
- « Rosenlied » for voice and piano (1906) / Jean Sibelius
- « Rosor svarta » for voice and piano (1899), 3 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Sav sav suze » for voice and piano (1900), 3 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Sehnsucht » for voice and piano (1906) / Jean Sibelius
- « Snon mars » for voice and piano (1900), 2 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Sol uppgång » for voice and piano (1902) / Jean Sibelius
- « Sov in ! » for voice and piano (1891) / Jean Sibelius
- « Till Frigga » for voice and piano (1892), Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- « Under strandens granar » for voice and piano (1892) / Jean Sibelius
- « Vilse » for voice and piano (1898, 1902), Breitkopf & Härtel / Jean Sibelius
- ¿ Qué mandais hacer de mì ? for soprano and eight instruments (2004), 13 mn, Suvini Zerboni / Matteo Franceschini
- ¿Recuerda el mar a quien camina sobre él? for orchestra (2011), between 6 mn and 10 mn / Aurélio Edler-Copes
- Œil de fumée for voice and piano (1956), 9 mn, Amphion / Gilbert Amy
- Œuvre sans titre for large orchestra (1965) / Ivan Wyschnegradsky
- Δίκη Wall for percussion and ensemble (2012), 20 mn, édition du compositeur / Pierluigi Billone
- ΣΤΗΛΗ (Stele) for large orchestra (1994), 13 mn, Editio Musica / György Kurtág
- ਚੈਨਲKAANALचैनलRÁÐעָרוּץ in collaboration with Oren Ambarchi et Eric Thielemans (2020) / Charlemagne Palestine
- — caul — for instrumental ensemble (2011-2012), 22 mn / Mark Barden
- “...y entreabro la puerta del jardín de los muertos” for flute, oboe, clarinet, piano, harp and percussion (1998), 16 mn, édition du compositeur / Jorge Torres Sáenz
- “de aquel hondo tumulto” for ensemble (1993), 7 mn / Hilda Paredes
- “I remember…" for pipa, piano and string orchestra (2019) / Ding Lanqing
- “The Blue Room” from FASTER, FASTER, PUSSYCAT - KILL KILL KILL! for piano (2007), 3 mn / Jennifer Walshe
- „Mild und leise...“ for female voice, clarinet or saxophone, violin, cello, piano and percussion (2009-2010), 60 mn, Schott / Dieter Schnebel
- … zig for flute, tenor saxophone and piano (2018), 5 mn / Daniel D'Adamo
- elec stage …22,13… Musiktheater-Passion in three parts, for seven singers, four instrumental groups and electronics (1999-2004), Durand / Mark Andre
- …als… I for bass clarinet, cello and piano (2000-2001), 18 mn, Peters / Mark Andre
- elec …als… II for bass clarinet, cello, piano and live electronics (2000-2001), 21 mn, Ricordi / Mark Andre
- …auf… triptych for large orchestra (2005-2007), 50 mn, Peters / Mark Andre
- …auf… 1 for large orchestra (2005-2006), 12 mn, Peters / Mark Andre
- …auf… 2 for large orchestra (2006-2007), 16 mn, Peters / Mark Andre
- elec …auf… 3 for orchestra and electronics (2007), 22 mn, Peters / Mark Andre
- …beredtes Schweigen for ensemble (2005), 11 mn / Sarah Nemtsov
- …ce qu’ont vu les chevaux d’Alain for piano (2011), 5 mn, Inédit / Alain Louvier
- …es… for ensemble (2008), 21 mn, Peters / Mark Andre