Works / By composition date
193 works
Paul Dessau (1894-1979) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Franco Donatoni (1927-2000) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Halim El-Dabh (1921-2017) Biography Documentary resources
Morton Feldman (1926-1987) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Luc Ferrari (1929-2005) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Serge Garant (1929-1986) Biography
elec Nucléogame for six instruments and tape, 8 mn, Doberman
Cristóbal Halffter (1930-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Lou Harrison (1917-2003) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Karl Amadeus Hartmann (1905-1963) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Pierre Henry (1927-2017) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Hans Werner Henze (1926-2012) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Paul Hindemith (1895-1963) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
2 songs for voice and piano, 3 mn, Schott
Ite, angeli veloces cantata in three parts, for contralto, tenor, mixed choir, orchestra and wind orchestra, 45 mn, Schott
Sonate for bass tuba and piano, 11 mn
Klaus Huber (1924-2017) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Concerto per la camerata for six instruments, 13 mn, Pegasus
Das kleine Lied two times seven duets for contralto and viola, 17 mn, Inédit, manuscrit perdu
Der Abend ist mein Buch for contralto and piano, 2 mn, Inédit
Drei Lieder nach Gedichten aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen for deep voice and piano, 8 mn, Inédit
In memoriam Willy Burkhard for organ, 7 mn, Bärenreiter
Quem terra Hymn to the Virgin Mary, for alto, tenor, small mixed choir and six instruments, 15 mn, Bärenreiter
Sechs kleine Vokalisen for contralto, violin and cello, 7 mn, Pegasus
Betsy Jolas (1926) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
André Jolivet (1905-1974) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
stage Concerto n°2 [Marines] ballet by Georges Skibine for trumpet, 13 mn 30 s, Heugel
La Mort de Pompée music by Lully, M.R. de Lalande, M.A. Charpentier and J.J. Mouret collected by Janine Weill and orchestrated by André Jolivet, for the play by Corneille, 10 mn about , Inédit
Laden music for a commercial, 58 s, Inédit
Le Soleil se lève à l'Est music in 17 sequences for the film by Doctor Pierre Thévenard, Inédit
stage Le Veuf Stage music for the proverb by Carmontelle, 12 mn about , Inédit
Suite transocéane for orchestra, 25 mn, Heugel
Mauricio Kagel (1931-2008) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Leon Kirchner (1919-2009) Biography
Toccata for chamber orchestra, 14 mn, Schirmer
Ernst Krenek (1900-1991) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Sonate for harp, 10 mn, Bärenreiter